Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 6 August 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 05 Aug 2015 03:50 PM PDT

Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, is abusing his position in the United Nations to label anyone who disagrees with him as “xenophobic“.
He said that trying to stop illegal immigrants from entering Britain was “a xenophobic response to the issue of free movement…”
“In my opinion, the debate in the UK is grossly excessive in terms of Calais. We are talking here about a number of people – a relatively small number in the context of what other countries are having to do – who are in terrible conditions and have to be dealt with by France and/or Britain.”
“The first thing we have to do collectively is to deal with their conditions. Instead of talking about sending Gurkhas or building fences, we should be thinking of the humanitarian crisis.”
Sutherland talks about helping the illegal immigrants, but this is just crude propaganda meant to tug at people’s heart-strings.
Earlier this year, he wrote an article explaining his position:
“The countries of the EU have two options: They can either make a vain attempt to revert to outdated, mono-ethnic models of statehood, or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.”
And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the European Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.”
The only reason why Europe is having this “diversity” agenda forced on it, is because it’s full of White people. The same thing happened to America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for exactly the same reasons.
Posted: 05 Aug 2015 03:17 PM PDT

While the Planned Parenthood harvesting scandal rumbles on, fewer news items have actually focused on what those who procure aborted fetal tissue and organs are actually doing with it.
Pro life website sheds some light on this today with a piece that reveals the brains of aborted babies are being transplanted into mice.
The article notes that a recent commentary piece in The Scientist, entitled “When Does a Smart Mouse Become Human?” highlights how researchers at the University of Rochester injected lab mice with glial cells from human fetuses, and discusses the ethical issue of transplanting human cells into animals.
The article states:
Glial cells are cells that support neurons in the nervous systems. The mice incorporated these glial cells into their brain and “outperformed normal mice almost fourfold in a variety of cognition tests.”
The researchers stressed that the mice still had mouse brains, saying “This does not provide the animals with additional capabilities that could in any way be ascribed or perceived as specifically human. Rather, the human cells are simply improving the efficiency of the mouse’s own neural networks. It’s still a mouse.”
The article then goes on to reveal that the Glial cells were obtained from second trimester abortions (18–22 weeks), citing a paper in the Journal of Neuroscience.
The paper states:
The forebrain ventricular/subventricular zones were dissected from the brain, the samples chilled on ice, minced and dissociated using papain/DNase, as described previously (Roy et al., 1999, 2000), always within 3 h of extraction. The dissociates were maintained overnight in minimal media of DMEM/F12/N1 with 10 ng/ml bFGF. Samples were deidentified and obtained with the approval of the University of Rochester Research Subjects Review Board.
While attempting to create super mice in a lab might be appealing to some, and could definitely have merit in that it may shed further light on human neurological disorders, Life News’ Rebecca Taylor makes a good point, noting that “I can confidently say that the mice did not need the human brain tissue as much as the baby did.”
Taylor notes that glial cells for the research could have been sourced ethically from natural miscarriages.
In the latest Planned Parenthood exposé video, Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discusses selling INTACT specimens – that is whole bodies of babies, and refers to them as “line items.”
Farrell also admits that she and her co-workers find it “fun” to dissect dead fetuses for parts.
“It would be exciting too if you needed it dissected, because LaShonda and I are the most Curious George of the group,” Farrell says. “I know it’s sickening on some level, but it’s fun.”
“It’s just that those of us who are into medicine and nursing, things that other people find gross, we enjoy. Obviously.” Farrell adds in the stomach churning footage.
While she is happy to pick apart the brains of dead babies, Farrell says she draws the line at handling other people’s boogers, however.
“That’s my- I can’t do it, I could never be a respiratory therapist, I could never, that’s why I have one child. I can’t do it, anything that comes out of the body from here down, I’m fine. I can hold the bucket if you’re throwing up but please don’t sneeze on me.” she tells the undercover investigator from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
The leader of the CMP told CNN “New Day” last week that biomedical companies and abortion unions are trying to silence CMP because they are “very scared” of footage coming out that will prove intact fetuses were provided to them by Planned Parenthood. David Daleiden explained that this could mean babies were born alive before being “aborted” and having tissue and organs harvested.
CMP is being legally represented by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which is attempting to have restraining orders by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and biomedical company StemExpress overturned in federal court.
“This lawsuit by the NAF is an unwarranted attack on the First Amendment and must not be permitted to stand.” a statement by ACLJ notes.
“We are confident that this lawsuit by NAF will not succeed and our clients ultimately will be able to release the complete findings of their investigative report.” the statement continues.
“We’ll be back in federal court in the days and weeks ahead to defend CMP as it exposes Planned Parenthood and the abortion industries deception and destruction of life.” it concludes.
Posted: 05 Aug 2015 02:52 PM PDT

There is still a lot of controversy about Alaska’s cession to the United States by Russian Emperor Alexander II; some experts call the treaty in question, suggesting that Alaska may hypothetically be returned to Russia.
The real story of the cession of the Russian Possessions in North America — Alaska — by “his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russians” Alexander II to the United States of America is still shrouded in mystery.
The Treaty of Cession of Alaska was inked 148 years ago, on March 30, by Russian and American plenipotentiaries: the Privy Councillor Edward de Stoeckl and US Secretary of State William H. Seward, respectively.
The Russian Possessions in North America — almost 586,412 square miles of land — were sold for just $7.2 million in gold (or about $114 million in today’s money), or, in other words, at approximately two cents per acre.
At first glance, the deal seems ordinary: sixty years earlier the United States acquired the Louisiana territory (828,000 square miles) for a total of sixty-eight million francs or less than three cents per acre.
However, the Alaska Cession Treaty still prompts a lively debate among Western and Russian experts. Some Russian researchers even go so far as to claim that Alaska was not sold, but leased for 99 years; others point to the fact that the sum of the deal was very small.
The circumstances of the purchase were also surrounded in controversy. Some researchers point out that the Russian Treasury had not received the money for Alaska, narrating that Orkney, the vessel that transported the American gold to Russia, sank in the Baltic Sea.
Still, the question remains open why the Russian Emperor decided to sell territories which Russians had been developing for 126 years.
How the Russian Fleet Saved the Union in American Civil War
One of the versions states that the deal was fake: the cession of Alaska was a way to officially recompense Russia for its aid to the United States during the American Civil War (1861 — 1865).
Remarkably, the story of Russian military assistance to the Union and Abraham Lincoln still remains largely untold. However, it was the alliance between President Lincoln and Russian Emperor Alexander II that dealt a lethal blow to the British strategic plans and contributed substantially to the victory of the North.
“The two great interlocutors of Union foreign policy were Great Britain and Russia, and the geopolitical vicissitudes of the twentieth century tended to distort perceptions of both, minimizing the importance of both British threat and Russian friendship,” American historian and author Webster Griffin Tarpley emphasized.
Tarpley narrated that Great Britain plotted the invasion of the United States, considering bombarding and burning both Boston and New York. Predictably, Great Britain (joined then by France) wanted to take advantage of the American internal turmoil to regain control over its former colony.
In order to ruin Franco-British plans, Russia sent its Navy to protect the Union from the foreign intervention.
“The most dramatic gestures of cooperation between the Russian Empire and the United States came in the autumn of 1863… On September 24, the Russian Baltic fleet began to arrive in New York harbor. On October 12, the Russian Far East fleet began to arrive in San Francisco,” Tarpley emphasized.
The historian underscored that these warships were also “the tokens of the vast Russian land armies” which could have been thrown to a number of fronts including the northwest border of British Indian colonies. The British quickly realized that they would pay a huge price if they were to attack the Union.
The North was grateful to Russia for its military aid and political support. “God bless the Empire that loves the Great Union Strength to her people!” wrote famous American writer Oliver Wendell Holmes praising Russians.
So, what about Alaska? Since the concept that the cession of Alaska to the United States was fake has no documentary evidence, there should be other explanations for such a strange move.
Russian American Company and Exploration of Alaska
According to an official version, Russia decided to sell its North American territory because: a) the Empire was exhausted by the Crimean War of 1853-56 and could not support its American colonies; b) the Emperor feared that the British may seize Alaska in some future conflict; c) Russians feared that Americans could penetrate into Alaska and the Empire would lose its territories without compensation.
However, Russian historian and publicist Ivan Mironov claims that the official version bears no relation to reality.
Indeed, the events of the American Civil War had clearly indicated that Russia was able to effectively counterbalance the British threat by using Central Asian footholds to deter British Indian colonies and at the same time blocking the British fleet in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
The argument that Russia feared the American penetration into Alaska does not look convincing either: the Russian Empire and the United States enjoyed a “special relationship” and had lots of shared political and economic interests.
The assumption that Russia decided to cede its American territories because it was in a difficult financial position after the Crimean War and could not support it is also falling apart at the seams.
In his book “Alaska Betrayed and Sold: The History of a Palace Conspiracy” Ivan Mironov provided a careful analysis of Russian archival documents and revealed that the Russian government did not spend one “kopeyka” from the state budget on its North American territories. All the burden of financial spending had been carried by the Russian American Company, the country’s first joint-stock entity founded in 1799.
The Ukaz (Order) of 1799 granted the company a monopoly over trade in Russian America. In more than half a century “under the Supreme Patronage” of Russian Emperors the company explored the territory, carried out trade, conducted scientific research, established close ties with the Alaskan native population, built schools and Christian Orthodox Churches.
Remarkably, the company was not only recouping its costs but also bringing substantial profits to the Empire, Mironov underscored, adding that the company’s cumulative income amounted to about one million rubles. Moreover, it funded Russian round-the-world expeditions and provided Alaska with effective military protection.
The Russian American Company and its Alaskan stronghold played a significant role during the Crimean War. When the French Navy forces imposed a blockade of Russia’s Far East bases, particularly Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the company supplied the Russian Far East from Alaska.
It is worth mentioning, that Russian top officials, thought leaders and military strategists had repeatedly highlighted the geopolitical importance of Alaska: the foothold in North America allowed Russia to maintain control over the northwest Pacific and facilitated Russia’s political and economic development for decades to come.
Alaska’s Cession: History of Betrayal and Palace Conspiracy
So, what was the root cause of the inexplicable decision to sell Alaska? The historian deems that it was greed and corruption.
In 1857 Grand Duke Konstantin, a younger brother of Emperor Alexander II, kicked off a plan aimed at the cession of Alaska to the United States. Since the Russian American Company was considered the main obstacle to the plan, Grand Duke Konstantin had made every effort to ruin the company, using various measures including what we now call an “information war.” After years of pressure the company saw substantial financial losses and its holders were deprived from the right to rule it.
Only six people in the Russian government were aware of Konstantin’s plan, the historian underscored. This narrow circle urged the Emperor to sell Alaska, referring to the bankruptcy of the Russian American company and a “heavy burden” of spending the Empire had to bear to support its North American possessions.
The cession was shrouded in secrecy and the text of the Treaty had long not been published. Mironov dismissed the myth that the American gold sank somewhere in the Baltic Sea. Citing archival documents, the historian claimed that in accordance with the deal the money had been transferred to European banks, and then went to companies affiliated with Grand Duke Konstantin. Eventually, Russia’s Treasury got almost nothing for Alaska, Mironov emphasized.
The historian stressed that private holders of the Russian American Company, who invested in Alaska over more than half a century were left out in the cold. Their assets were handed to the United States, while the company received no compensation.
The Treaty was illegitimate, since it seriously violated the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, Mironov believes. According to the historian, descendants of the Russian American Company holders could potentially upset the deal and restore justice.
Mironov remarked that there is one peculiar flaw in the Treaty: the cession agreement does not contain the Russian traditional formulation “from here to eternity” that would refer to the fact that Alaska was ceded “forever” to the United States. That means that one day Alaska may be returned to Russia, the historian hinted.
Posted: 05 Aug 2015 02:36 PM PDT

A research team from the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra (UC) in Portugal has discovered how melatonin may fight cancer cells, responsible for the development of cancer. Melatonin is a hormone whose characteristics allow it to reach any cell, adjust the sleep-wake cycle, maintain a healthy aging process and regulate the immune system.
The results, as published in “Oncotarget” magazine, suggest that successful treatment based on melatonin depends on the activity of the cancer cells’ mitochondria, which is responsible for producing their cellular energy. The energetic activity of the cell depends on its state of development, which means that melatonin is effective only in a certain state of evolution of the cancer cell.
Ignacio Vega-Naredo, CNC researcher, explains that “we found that melatonin killed cancer cells through a mitochondrial pathway. When the mitochondria of cancer cells were active, melatonin decreased the proliferation of these cells and prevented the production of the energy they needed. Our study shows treatment with melatonin as a promising strategy in the treatment of tumors, attacking cancer stem cells responsible for recurrence.”
This research opens up opportunities in cancer research as it indicates the need for treatment appropriate to the evolutionary state and energy of the cancer cell, avoiding the application of non-specific therapies that can damage important cells, or have no therapeutic effect.
The cancer stem cells used in this study were “carcinogenic embryonic stem cells” in which we sought to understand the mechanism which makes cancer cells vulnerable to melatonin.
Despite the uncertainty about the actual mechanism which is at the origin of the tumors, it is known that cancer stem cells are responsible for the development of cancer. These cells “are a good point to undertake research on possible treatments because of their ability to escape the therapies, which is something that may explain the reappearance of tumors,” stresses Ignacio Vega-Naredo. In other words, “if it is possible to combat these cells which are so resistant, it will be possible to intervene in any type of malignant cell,” he concludes.
Posted: 05 Aug 2015 02:28 PM PDT

America is not a great nation, and it hasn’t been for a very long time.
Any government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars each year to an organization that systematically murders babies, harvests their internal organs and ships them off to laboratories where they are used in experiments can hardly be called “great”. Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as “the evil empire”, but today it is the Russians that are calling us “evil” and “godless”. And you know what? When Vladimir Putin called us “godless” he was 100 percent correct. Someday when history judges us, we will fully deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China and Hitler’s Germany. Our consciences have been so seared that we have absolutely no sense of perspective anymore. We get all bent out of shape over the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe, but the trafficking of the body parts and internal organs of millions of our own babies hardly elicits any reaction at all.
Yes, the killing of that lion in Zimbabwe was a horrible crime, and I hope that dentist is held accountable for it.
But how can that possibly compare to the absolutely sickening crimes against humanity that are being committed by Planned Parenthood every single day?
The death of Cecil the Lion has provoked a huge reaction from the American people. The following examples come from Townhall…
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has called for the hunter involved, Dr. Walter Palmer, to be hanged. The puppy-killing, celebrity-studded, publicity-stunt-centered organization epitomizes the insanely hypocritical, progressive approach. The death threats through Yelp and Twitter are repugnant, but unsurprising given their disdain for human life.
Celebrities have tweeted their utter disgust for the wealthy dentist. Debra Messing (Will & Grace, Mysteries of Laura) says: “I want them to take his citizenship away.” Sharon Osbourne hopes that “#WalterPalmer loses his home, his practice & his money. He has already lost his soul…#WalterPalmer is Satan.” Piers Morgan, proving that being a news journalist was never his forte, tweets: “I’d love to go hunting for killer dentist Dr. Walter Palmer, so I can stuff and mount him for MY office wall.”
And there is nothing wrong with being upset about the death of Cecil the Lion. It upset me as well.
But what about the Communist-like atrocities that are being carried out day after day with the full endorsement of the Obama administration?
In case you have been living under a rock, you can read about all the grisly details right here and right here.
I don’t know how anyone can read those articles without being absolutely sickened and horrified.
So how is the White House responding to all of this?
The Obama administration is staunchly defending Planned Parenthood and has chosen to attack those that made the undercover videos instead…
The White House expressed its firm belief Thursday that recently-released videos attacking Planned Parenthood are “fraudulent.” Their source: Planned Parenthood.
Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, was speaking with reporters when they raised the matter of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress which appear to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal organs for profit, a violation of federal law. He claimed the videos were released in a “fraudulent way” with “not a lot of evidence” behind them.
“There is ample reason to think that this is merely the tried and true tactic that we’ve seen from extremists on the right to edit this video and selectively release this edited version of the video that grossly distorts the position of the person that’s actually speaking,” Earnest said.
This is a level of evil that is almost unspeakable.
The Obama administration has stated that it will veto any bill passed by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood, and the Justice Department has already announced that it is going to conduct a formal investigation of the Center for Medical Progress.
Of course the Obama administration and Congress have already known for years that Planned Parenthood was selling the body parts of dead babies. So this is nothing new. It is just that these new undercover videos have brought the issue into the spotlight.
And the Republicans are far from innocent in this matter. When George W. Bush was in the White House and when the Republicans had control of Congress there was no effort to try to defund Planned Parenthood even though they knew that this was going on.
But Obama has taken things to a whole new level. He seems to revel in all of this evil. According to CNS News, the president of Planned Parenthood has actually made 39 visits to the White House since Barack Obama took power…
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, head of the taxpayer-subsidized abortion giant currently facing a firestorm for allegedly selling body parts harvested from aborted babies, has made personal visits to the White House 39 times since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, White House records show.
According to online records on the White House website, Richards first visited the White House on Jan. 20, 2009 — the same day Obama first took office. Since then, Richards has met with Obama alone at least three times and First Lady Michelle Obama at least twice. She also met with president and his wife together another four times.
And of course the woman that many believe is most likely to be our next president is standing up for Planned Parenthood as well. Just check out what Hillary Clinton told reporters just the other day…
“It is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years,” she said, “and it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to choose, to make the most personal difficult decisions that any woman would face.”
It is hard to imagine anyone being a worse president than Barack Obama, but Hillary Clinton would certainly give him a run for his money.
While the mainstream media in the United States endlessly attacks other candidates, they pretty much give Hillary Clinton a free pass even though she has far more scandals in her past than anyone.
The arrogance of the Clintons is absolutely astounding. Even though they knew that Hillary was going to run for president, Bill has still been running around sleeping with other women. The following comes from an article that was published by the Daily Mail just this week…
Just last year Ronald Kessler’s book, ‘The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,’ which detailed Hillary’s derisive treatment of her Secret Service team, claimed that Clinton had a busty mistress nicknamed ‘the Energizer’ by his security staff.
Now Kessler, whose book is currently out in paperback, is in no doubt that more revelations will emerge as the presidential campaign heats up.
Speaking to Daily Mail Online Kessler said: ‘There’s no question that more will be coming out about Bill Clinton’s sexual antics as the campaign heats up – more details that will surely embarrass Hillary and maybe even end up defeating her.’
Among the revelations in his book are explosive claims that Clinton has a ‘blonde, busty mistress, and she’s been code named Energizer by agents.’
He reveals, ‘This is unofficially, but it’s what they call her…She comes in to the Chappaqua home whenever Hillary leaves. The details coordinate to make sure they don’t cross paths. She, unlike Hillary, is very nice to the [security] agents. She’ll bring cookies.’
Sadly, the truth is that our politicians are a reflection of who we have become as a nation.
The reason why we have evil leaders is because we have become evil.
Back in World War II, we fought to rid the world of the Nazis, but now we arebecoming the Nazis or better said Communists which are even worse considering that communists such as Stalin and Mao alone killed over 10 times more people than Hitler.
Very shortly, we are going to be moving into a time when lots of really bad things are going to start happening to this nation.
And you know what?
We are going to deserve all of it.
I believe that right now we are being given an opportunity to see just how wicked we have become.
But there is no sign that we are turning away from that evil. Instead, we just keep racing into even more depravity.
Killing babies and selling their body parts is wicked.
There is no middle ground.
And since this is the path that our nation has willingly chosen, we will receive the appropriate judgment for this great evil from the God who created all things.