Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: World terrorism is under British SIS-Crown creation and management...

Monday, 3 August 2015

World terrorism is under British SIS-Crown creation and management...


'The ISIS Gun Is a Penis Extension'
'This is the new rock and roll; jihad is sexy. The kid who was not very good-looking now looks good holding a gun. He can get a bride now, he’s powerful.' More 
Jihadists in the U.S. and UK have sent personal death threats to the family of a UK soldier and to a National Guardsman in Tennessee.
Islamists Sending Personal Threats to Servicemen & Families

We've been dealing with the consequences of an Iranian regime that was poor. Get ready for an Iranian regime armed with an economic boom.
Iran on Steroids: What Happens When the Dollars Start Rolling In

Nothing can be more dehumanizing than reducing the totality of a human being to their availability to be used by another.
Life Under ISIS: Where Sexuality Marks a Women' s Total Value

The intelligence community's assessment is optimistic. In reality, the current trends are in the Islamic State's favor.
Fight with Islamic State at 'Stalemate': US Intel

Family members said that members of the Islamic Forum of Europe told a UK schoolgril that if she died a martyrs death she'd be reunited with her mother.
Islamists Told Teen She Could See Her Dead Mother Again
The Caliphate Will Fight the US and Bring It Down: Temple Mount Mosque Sermon
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Dweik in an address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem says that the West will be eliminated entirely.
For 15 years now the question, “How to combat Islamism” has been avoided in the West so as not to offend the powerful urban Islamist lobbyists and vote banks. 
After Chattanooga: Refusing to See the Writing on the Wall

[Re:'How to Scam ISIS':] I'm mad that they got arrested. The Gov't should have hired them, started a team to help leach off of ISIS.
[Re: 'CNN Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Nuclear Deal':] So what??? Who cares??? Certainly not O or congress or anyone elected to REPRESENT us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!