Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 21 September 2015

Don't worry, scientists say microwaved food can be just as nutritious as conventionally cooked food.
What Exactly Is The Microwave Doing To Your Food? Here's The Science

And the cycle continues.
Apple Broke A New Record With iOS 9
And that's what the researchers call a "conservative estimate."
Microbeads Entering Our Water Daily Could Cover 300 Tennis Courts
The number of companies putting a price on their own carbon emissions has tripled since last year, according to a report by the environmental data nonprofit CDP. Many hope to establish a financial incentive to wean themselves off fossil fuels.
The Number Of Companies Weaning Off Carbon Is Surging
Never have so many malicious software programs made their way past Apple's stringent app review process.
 Apple's iOS App Store Suffers First Major Malware Attack
Headspace, which closed a $30 million funding deal last week, plans to release an enterprise product next year for companies that want to provide mindfulness training to their employees.
One Of The Most Popular Meditation Apps Is Coming To An Office Near You
"We are farther down the path to sending humans to Mars than at any point in NASA's history."
 Man On Mars? NASA Says It's Happening -- And Soon
Governments should be obligated to disclose how behavioral science and technology are used in public policy.
 The Government Is Learning How To Change Your Behavior -- Supposedly For Your Own Good
Some say gene editing shouldn't be performed on human embryos until its effects are better understood.
UK Researchers Ask For Permission To Edit Human Embryo DNA

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