The 05/06/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest: |
Video: IDF discovers CAIR-linked Hamas terror tunnel inside Israel By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 01:50 pm
The second tunnel discovered in the last three weeks. Clearly Hamas is preparing for yet another round of their genocidal jihad against Israel, and no negotiated concessions from Israel will change that. “WATCH: IDF Discovers Another Hamas Terror Tunnel Inside Israel,”, May 5, 2016: The Israeli Defense Forces has found a Hamas terror tunnel […] Read in browser »
SC cops “shocked” Islamic State-inspired Muslim teen gets parole By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 01:32 pm
“Apparently someone in Washington decided this wasn’t worth pursuing or it wasn’t in their parameters.” “This is a person who has threatened law enforcement, threatened military personnel.” “The teen was ‘wholeheartedly sincere in his beliefs, and we are very concerned for the safety of the community and the country,’ Solicitor Kevin Brackett said at sentencing. […] Read in browser »
“You have no respect of our religion, and we have come for your life today” By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 01:25 pm
Respect our religion, or we will beat you, rape you, and attempt to strangle you to death. This is the same kind of “respect” that the Western media accords to Islam and Muslims when it refuses to republish Muhammad cartoons: the respect won at the point of a gun. “Christian woman raped and beaten after […] Read in browser »
Germany: “Sharia police” to face trial By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 01:18 pm
This is odd. Why are they going to try these men? If someone in Germany were to, say, draw Muhammad, the German state authorities would act as Sharia police — so why trouble these men? They should be giving the regular police training for how to enforce Sharia in the Germany of the future. “‘Sharia […] Read in browser »
London’s new Muslim mayor has shared platform with Jew-haters By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 01:05 pm
“Cameron accused Khan of sharing ‘a platform with an extremist who called for Jews to drown in the ocean.'” This apparently wasn’t enough to keep Khan from being elected. Soon in Britain it will not be a drawback for candidates at all, but a selling point. Remember also: those who charge that this is base […] Read in browser »
Islamic State in France: “The French must die by the thousands” By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 12:50 pm
“With a little rocket-launcher, you can easily get one of them… you do something like that in the name of Dawla (Islamic State), and France will be traumatised for a century.” But remember: to confront and challenge the ideology that gives rise to this bloodlust would be “Islamophobic.” “‘The French must die by the thousands’: […] Read in browser »
Washington Post: ‘It could get a lot worse for Muslims in America’ By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 12:33 pm
It could indeed. They could get mass-murdered at a party in San Bernardino. Or killed gratuitously on a military base in Chattanooga or Killeen, Texas. Or fired upon at an art exhibit in Garland, Texas. Or stabbed on a California college campus. Or blown up at the Boston Marathon. Or murdered by the thousands in […] Read in browser »
Egypt’s Information Service chief blames rise of Islamic State on Tom and Jerry By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 12:12 pm
Yes, the rise of the Islamic State must have come about because Muslim children are watching cartoons that millions of non-Muslim children have watched without becoming murderous death-loving psychopaths. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with their reading a book that they think comes from the supreme being, and that exhorts them to “kill […] Read in browser »
UK Muslim group: women shouldn’t travel over 48 miles without male escort By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 12:01 pm
“This practice was a very old tradition which had been followed by some when there was no security for women and when women were at risk of being abducted when travelling alone. – this was a tradition at the very beginning of Islam.” The problem is that this is part of Islamic law. And this […] Read in browser »
UK to take in Muslim refugees rejected by other European countries By Robert Spencer on May 05, 2016 07:08 am
Why are they resettling Syrian children from Europe? The Syrian children must be unwelcome in the countries they are in. Why is that? We have seen “children” who are far older than they are officially commit sex assaults and other crimes in Sweden, Germany and elsewhere. Surely the British authorities will vet these children and […] Read in browser »