Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 8 May 2016

The 05/08/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Prince Turki: Saudis will get nukes if Iranians do
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 06:21 pm

Prince Turki: Saudis will get nukes if Iranians do
What could possibly go wrong? Obama assures us his nuke deal with Iran will bring peace in our time, and he couldn’t possibly be misleading us, could he? “Former Israeli, Saudi Arabian officials talk Iran nuclear threat at DC event,” Jerusalem Post, May 7, 2016 (thanks to Lookmann): The old adage proclaiming that the “enemy […]

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Muslim cleric urges female genital mutilation
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 06:02 pm

Muslim cleric urges female genital mutilation
FGM is sanctioned by Islamic law: “Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — ‘Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark […]

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UK allows Muslim cleric who inspired jihad murderer to enter country
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 05:38 pm

UK allows Muslim cleric who inspired jihad murderer to enter country
Leftists and Islamic supremacists occasionally invoke the fact that I am banned from entering the UK as if it were some sort of blot on my record. Here is why it isn’t: the UK Home Office letter to me said that I was banned for saying this: “[Islam] is a religion and is a belief […]

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London’s new Muslim mayor calls moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms”
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 01:58 pm

London’s new Muslim mayor calls moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms”
He apologizes now. Before too long, however, all major politicians in the UK will repudiate “Uncle Tom” Muslim groups, and demand that the majority be given what it wants: Sharia. “Sadiq Khan issues grovelling apology after video shows him using ‘Uncle Toms’ slur against moderate Muslims,” by James Tapsfield, Mailonline, May 4, 2016: Labour’s candidate […]

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Iraq: Muslims smash priest’s nose and teeth with hammer
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 01:36 pm

Iraq: Muslims smash priest’s nose and teeth with hammer
Fr. Douglas Bazi better be careful. He may be in line for a stern rebuke from the Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham, who recently said: “No one defends Islam like Arab Christians.” It is to defend Islam that Western clerics do not raise their voice against such acts of brutality as were perpetrated […]

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Journalist who infiltrated ISIS cell says he “never saw any Islam,” as they spoke of virgins of Paradise
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 01:01 pm

Journalist who infiltrated ISIS cell says he “never saw any Islam,” as they spoke of virgins of Paradise
“One of the main lessons was that I never saw any Islam. No will to improve the world. Only lost, frustrated, suicidal, easily manipulated youths.” Ramai thus assumes that Islam involves a will to improve the world, when in fact the Islam that he claims he never saw any evidence of was staring him in […]

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London’s new Muslim mayor defended al-Qaeda member
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 11:17 am

London’s new Muslim mayor defended al-Qaeda member
The revelations about Khan’s ties to jihadis and Islamic supremacists did not stop him from being elected. This is the New Britain, and much, much more is to come as it continues on its merry journey of appeasement of Islamic supremacists, on it way to becoming a Sharia state. “London Is About To Elect A […]

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Sanders: I’ll do all I can to stop Trump’s ‘absurd, hateful’ Muslim ban
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 10:55 am

Sanders: I’ll do all I can to stop Trump’s ‘absurd, hateful’ Muslim ban
Hitler stopped emigration of Jews and kept them in Germany so he could kill them. Trump proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration so that jihadis won’t kill us. Clearly they’re the same thing. And those who vilify Trump for proposing this have never actually come up with any viable alternative proposal for keeping jihadis […]

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Cologne police cover for Muslim migrants: Finger penetration “not rape”
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 10:39 am

Cologne police cover for Muslim migrants: Finger penetration “not rape”
The narrative that the Muslim migrants in Europe are completely benign and must be welcomed, on pain of charges of “racism” and “Islamophobia,” must be preserved at all costs, no matter how much the truth must be outraged to do so. “Officials ‘tried to erase rape’ from Cologne NYE report,” The Local, May 2, 2016 […]

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Austria: Police tell blonde victim of Muslim migrant assault to dye her hair
By Robert Spencer on May 07, 2016 08:05 am

Austria: Police tell blonde victim of Muslim migrant assault to dye her hair
“The police told me that attacks are now a daily routine. And it’s going to get worse.” And so instead of confronting the Muslim migrants, or reviewing the policy of bringing them in to the country, Austrian police are telling women to change their behavior. European society appears to be in a state of full […]

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