The European Union Times |
Posted: 06 May 2016 05:52 AM PDT
An intriguing Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today suggests that a “war of words” has broken out between the Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko over the issue of releasing to the Western media tens-of-thousands of top secret and classified emails obtained by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) from the private, but unsecured, computer (email server) belonging to former US Secretary of State, and present American presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. [Note: Words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] According to this report, beginning in 2011, SVR intelligence analysts began “serious/concerning” monitoring of a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) after he attempted, unsuccessfully, to break into the computer system of the Federation funded RT television network. Following SVR procedures for the monitoring of international computer hackers, this report continues, Guccifer’s activities were followed and recorded (both physically and electronically) allowing these intelligence analysts, in 2013, to not only detect his breaking into the private computer of Secretary Clinton, but allowing the SVR to copy all of its contents too. Shortly after the SVR obtained these tens-of-thousands of top secret and classified emails from Secretary Clinton’s private computer, this report notes, Chairwoman Matviyenko personally authorized a “partial/limited” release of them to RT—who then, on 20 March 2013, published an article about them titled Hillary Clinton’s ‘hacked’ Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE—but which barely no Western mainstream media sources reported on at the time. It wasn’t until this past January (2016), this report further notes, that any American news media reported about the loss of Secretary Clinton’s emails when Vice News published their article titled Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011—and that confirmed our 1 August 2014 report about what really caused Secretary Clinton to order the destruction of Libya. FSB director Bortnikov was “highly furious” by Chairwoman Matviyenko’s authorizing the release of Secretary Clinton’s emails, this report continues, due to his fears that the American’s would soon discover the original source of the hacking—which the US exactly did by aiding the Romanian government in their investigation of him causing the arrest of Guccifer, in Romania, on 22 January 2014, that was followed by the US indicting him too in June of that same year. After Guccifer’s arrest, this report says, he was convicted of his computer hacking crimes in Romania and sentenced to 7 years in prison. In March (2016), this report continues, Chairwoman Matviyenko “hinted/suggested” to her “peers/comrades” that due to President Putin’s favorable “opinion/thoughts” about American presidential candidate Donald Trump, as it relates to the Federation, the Security Council should considering releasing all of Secretary Clinton’s top secret and classified emails in a bid to assist him against a person (Hillary Clinton) whose global catastrophes are well documented and who is, also, “hated/repugnant” by the Russian people. Within days of Chairwoman Matviyenko making her thoughts known to the Security Council regarding Secretary Clinton’s emails, this report notes, the Obama regime, on 31 March, rushed Guccifer from his Romanian prison cell to the United States where he remains imprisoned, awaiting either a trial or deal to tell what he knows—the facts of which were concealed from the American people by NBC News. Following the Obama regime’s taking Guccifer from Romania, this report says, the US then launched a disinformation counterattack against the Federation by their releasing, on 15 April, of CIA intelligence doctored documents, referred to as the Panama Papers, casting unfounded, and undocumented, allegations against many Federation business people and politicians that the FSB describes as an “overt/notice now” warning to the Kremlin that should Secretary Clinton’s top secret and classified emails be released more damage to Russian peoples could be done. Though this Security Council report doesn’t conclusively show which side will win in this tug-of-war about releasing Secretary Clinton’s top secret and classified emails, it does bear our wondering about the affect they could have (if released) not only on the American presidential race, but US-Russian relations too. Source |
Posted: 06 May 2016 05:51 AM PDT
The disgusting Bush scumbags will not be endorsing Republican Nominee Donald Trump, thereby effectively throwing their support behind Hillary Clinton. Paul Ryan joined the Bushes in refusing to endorse the Republican Nominee, Donald Trump. Many in the GOP are showing their true colors in the wake of the Trump revolution, with several rats openly saying they will vote for Hillary. And that is the end result of #NeverTrump an endorsement of Hillary Clinton. The father-son duo have endorsed every GOP nominee since each of them left the White House, but it seems they’ll draw the line with Trump and his anti-globalist campaign. Dubya is also likely sore with Trump for winning South Carolina after he pointed out the former president not only failed to prevent 9/11, but also accused the Bush administration of duping the public into supporting the 2003 invasion of Iraq. And Trump also called for the release of the missing 28 pages from 9/11 report, which were classified to protect the Bush family’s connections with Saudi Arabia, according to those who have read the pages. “That’s very serious stuff,” Trump told Fox in April. “It’s sort of nice to know who your friends are and perhaps who your enemies are.” “You’re going to see some very revealing things released in those papers.” It isn’t surprising then that the Bushes won’t endorse Trump, but that actually benefits the mogul who sealed the GOP nomination by tapping into the vast, anti-establishment sentiment shared by millions of U.S. voters both inside and outside the Republican Party. “…People in Washington need to recognize the reason that Trump is winning is because they (his supporters) feel like people in Washington have helped them lose and they’re sick of it,” Mike Huckabee pointed out. “That’s what this election is largely about, it’s an overthrow of the government… we ought to be glad that it is a peaceful revolution with ballots rather than one with bullets.” “The donor class runs the political environment in this country and people are waking up to that and they are tired of it.” The populist movement was already there before Trump announced his candidacy last June; he simply grew into a wildfire powered by the vast winds of dissatisfied, everyday people. And Trump’s crossover support which transcends traditional party lines reveals he has completely transformed U.S. politics forever. “…When a politician does not want money from the rich, he’s freer than the others to really do good for the masses of the people, and I think that today we’re in the midst of the darkest hour in American history and so if we don’t make the right move with the right people at the right time, the America that we know we’re not going to see it become great again,” Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told Infowars. Paul Ryan another filthy Democrat scumbag infiltrator posing as “Republican” refuses to Endorse the Republican Nominee Donald Trump The goofy-looking bag of scum Paul Ryan has called for “an ISIS march on Washington,” and yet feels he has moral authority to condemn The Donald for allegedly hurting people’s feelings. The filthy scumbag Paul Ryan helped push through a bill which allowed Obama to import tens of thousands of ISIS terrorists from Syria to kill us on the streets, and condemned Trump for calling for a ban on Muslims, has once again asserted himself as a moral compass and attacked the new Leader of the Republican party. House Speaker Paul Ryan is refusing to support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president, insisting Thursday that the businessman must do more to unify the GOP, in other words, in Paul Ryan’s rotten brain it should be Trump seeking Paul Ryno’s endorsement and not the other way around. Well newsflash scumbag, you are disposable, you will be kicked out of the party! Go join the Democrats! We already have a new better speaker, Newt Gingrich who has been on our side right from the start! In a statement, Trump responded with an Epic Statement: “I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan’s agenda. Perhaps in the future we can work together and come to an agreement about what is best for the American people. They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first!” Or as Conservative Treehouse puts it: Trump is not yet ready to endorse the Ryan Agenda of TPP, Omnibus Spending, Common Core, Amnesty and Retention of ObamaCare (Wall St Legislative Priorities), thus concluding that Paul Ryan will be pushed out of the way at some point because of being completely useless to the Republican party if he can’t even endorse the Nominee! This Paul Ryan scumbag, like the scumbag George Bushes, is effectively endorsing Hillary Clinton, who will totally abolish all freedom in America. To make things better both FOX News’s Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich lashed out at Paul Ryan and totally ripped him apart for his betrayal, suggesting that it was a “big mistake” and that Trump should look for a new Speaker of the House. Other Democrat scumbags who have infiltrated the Republican party are taking this a step further, planning to bring a 3rd party candidate to run against Trump, one of these scumbags being Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse. What these morons don’t understand is that THE PEOPLE are extremely pissed off and they will riot against the traitors if such a thing would happen. John F. Kennedy said it best: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” The game is over Democrat infiltrators! Allow the Trump revolution to take place peacefully! |