Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 7 May 2016

The European Union Times

Posted: 07 May 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Sadiq Khan has been officially declared the winner of London’s mayoral elections. The Labor MP of British-Pakistani origin gained 57 percent of the vote, beating his Conservative Party opponent, Zac Goldsmith, who received 43 percent.
“I promise to always be a mayor for all Londoners, for every Londoner, regardless of your background,” said the newly-elected mayor in a victory speech.
He also referred to his immigrant roots, mentioning his father Amanullah Khan, who came to Britain from Pakistan.
“He would have been so proud that the city he chose to call his home has now chosen one of his children to be the Mayor,” Khan said as quoted by ITV.
Since the total vote count did not determine the winner, as neither of the candidates secured more than 50 percent of the vote (gaining 44.2% and 35% respectively), the second preference vote was enacted. Londoners were able to choose two candidates at the ballot box, selecting a preferred candidate in the paper’s column A and their second preference in column B.
The practice is known as the Supplementary Vote system and used to elect mayors in England and Wales. If no candidate receives more than fifty percent of the vote, the second choice is counted, thus eliminating the need for a run-off election.
Khan took 1,310,143 votes, as opposed to Goldsmith’s 994,614.
Nine out of the 14 constituencies in London went to Labour, with the Conservatives trailing behind with five.
Labour communist leader Jeremy Corbyn congratulated his colleague in a message on Twitter, alongside the trending hashtag #YesWeKhan.
Former Labour chief Ed Miliband has predicted Khan will prove to be an “outstanding” mayor, having overcome a Tory “campaign of fear and division.”
Conservative rival Zac Goldsmith had been accused by the communists of conducting a “dirty” campaign in which he tried to associate Khan with Muslim extremists.
Former Conservative Party chairperson Sayeeda Warsi described the Tory’s bid to hold on to London’s City Hall as an “appalling dog whistle campaign” that appeared to center on race and religion.
Goldsmith’s sister, journalist Jemima Goldsmith, appeared to criticize her brother’s patriotic tactics. After all the hell with London, and the UK! Let it transform into Londonistan!
An official announcement at City Hall confirming the full details of Kahn’s win is imminent.
Khan is now widely seen as the most powerful Muslim in Britain, with a budget of £17 billion to spend on the capital for policing, transport, planning and the environment.
The son of a bus driver has pledged to support businesses in London and change planning rules to help increase the number of affordable homes.
Tory MP Mark Field criticized the Goldsmith campaign in an interview with the BBC, stating: “In many ways with Zac, it felt slightly ill at ease to be putting the boot in.”
Supporters of Khan have already begun tweeting congratulations to the new mayor.
Meanwhile traitors to the country formerly known as Great Britain are now calling for Zac Goldsmith to resign as MP for Richmond Park and North Kingston to leave room for more Muslim invaders to take over.
England and the entire European continent actually is being destroyed at such a super fast speed with millions of Muslim refugees, that it is estimated by every single demographic statistics that native white European people will be fully genocided and exterminated out of existence by 2100. The date of total annihilation was initially set to 2200 just a few years ago with Finland supposedly being the country where the last white person with blonde hair in the entire world dies somewhere in 2202.
Things are so out of control that now Germany has started giving “How to flirt and have sex with German women” courses to Muslim migrants. They are giving these free classes out of the taxpayer’s money to teach them how to flirt with German women and even how to have sex with German women!
Activists care about the extinction of whales, eagles and other crap yet they are so mentally ill and blind, they don’t care about the extinction of a complete group of humans.
Posted: 07 May 2016 05:15 AM PDT

A mob of young Muslim men sexually assaulted and harassed hundreds of German women outside of Cologne’s busy main train station during celebrations and rioting on New Year’s Eve.
Video captured Muslim men shooting off fireworks at the cathedral and police station in the area.
Two ‘immigrant’ suspects were arrested following the attacks. The migrants were carrying a note in German and Arabic saying ‘I want to have sex with you’.

(Left), Police arrest men around the main train station in Cologne. (Right), A note found by police on two suspects. Photo: Warren Allott/The Telegraph
The mayor of Cologne blamed the female victims for the rapes and sexual abuse and told local women to keep an arm’s length from the migrant males in the future.
Germany is expecting another million this year.
Rather than closing their borders to the Muslim horde, Germany is now using taxpayer money to teach the third world migrants how to flirt.
Via Vlad Tepes:

Posted: 07 May 2016 04:55 AM PDT

Over 1,500 documents related to the secretive Yale fraternity Skull and Bones are set to be made public within the next few months under a Freedom of Information Act request.
The trove of “letters, memos, a draft speech and other materials… are set for release in July” by the National Archives and Records Administration unless President Obama or former President George W. Bush object, reports Politico.
“Additional records include vetting materials, emails related to scheduled events, a phone message, a press briefing on Turkey, a register of Frederick Law Olmsted’s papers at the Library of Congress, requests for comments from the press, and a request for Vice President Richard B. Cheney to attend William F. Buckley’s memorial service,” the FOIA states.
Founded in 1832, the secret society has been a gateway for the elite and boasts three US presidents, with other members taking up prominent roles in state and federal governments, the intelligence community, academia, industry and finance.
In 2004, for instance, both Democrat and Republican presidential candidates, John F. Kerry and George W. Bush, were members of the Yale fraternity. George W’s father, George H.W. Bush, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush, were also members.

The group’s “Tomb,” a windowless building located at the southwest end of the campus, is reportedly decorated with skulls and filled with rooms where members are rumored to conduct macabre rituals and initiation ceremonies, one of which may include the reciting of past sexual experiences, according to journalist Ron Rosenbaum.
“You could ask Averell Harriman whether there’s really a sarcophagus in the basement and whether he and young Henry Stimson and young Henry Luce (Time magazine) lay down naked in the coffin and spilled the secrets of their adolescent sex life to 14 fellow Bonesmen,” Rosenbaum wrote for Esquire in 1977.
The club was also sued in February 2009 by descendants of the Apache hero Geronimo, whom alleged in a federal lawsuit that the group was in possession of their ancestor’s skull – which members have posed with in group photos for decades.

The skull was reportedly stolen from the warrior’s grave at Fort Sill by members of Skull and Bones who were stationed at the base, with some accounts alleging Prescott Bush played a role in the theft. The lawsuit was dismissed the following year.
Rosenbaum and a team in 2001 were able to film rituals being conducted in the inner courtyard of the “Tomb,” where members “acted out the tableau of a throat-cutting ritual murder,” according to the journalist.

“Of course, there is more to Skull and Bones than the mystical mumbo-jumbo of its rituals,” Rosenbaum wrote for the New York Observer at the time. “The rituals are less important than the relationships–the bonds of power and influence that develop between Skull and Bones initiates after they graduate.”
Politico reports the latest FOIA request was put forth by author and researcher Robert Gaylon Ross Sr., who has in the past published an exposé on the “Who’s Who of the Elite,” and written books regarding the elites’ role in the JFK and MLK assassinations.
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Posted: 07 May 2016 03:56 AM PDT
Pakistani policemen escort Tariq Mehmood (2nd right), his younger brother Khalid Mehmood (2nd left) and an employee (centre) at a court in Pakistan’s Punjab province.
A Pakistani sweetshop owner has confessed to fatally poisoning at least 30 people by lacing his goods with pesticide in an attempt to take revenge on his older brother, police told AFP Friday.
Khalid Mehmood confessed in a court in central Punjab province that he had poisoned the sweets after his elder brother Tariq, who owned the sweetshop with him, “insulted and abused” him in a business dispute.
“I wanted to teach him a lesson,” police investigator Mohammad Afzal quoted him as saying, with the statement confirmed by another senior police official.
“I was so angry that I mixed the pesticides bottle in the sweets being baked at that time.”
The poisoned batch of sweets were bought by a local man who gave them to family and friends celebrating the birth of his grandson.
The baby’s father, six of his uncles and one aunt were among the 30 killed. The dead also included five children. Four victims are still in hospital.
Officials had earlier put the toll at 33, but police confirmed Friday it stood at 30.
Police have told local reporters that 52 people consumed the sweets in total.
Both the Mehmood brothers were arrested along with one of their employees.
Investigators initially suspected the poisoning was an accident as a pesticide shop nearby was being renovated and the owner had left his products at the bakery for safe-keeping.
Pakistan has poor food safety standards and hygiene laws are rarely implemented.
The brothers are due to appear in court again on Saturday, Afzal said.
Posted: 07 May 2016 03:31 AM PDT

The Never Trumpers suffered severe losses today when Senator Rand Paul and former Governor Rick Perry endorsed Donald Trump for president. Both Republicans were considered possible candidates for the mythical third party run to take on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
Rand Paul endorsed Trump on Thursday.
ETF News reported:
Rand Paul brushed off rumors and urges from the #neverTrump to run as a third party candidate, reiterating his stance on the GOP nominee and the pledge that he signed.
Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, asked on Thursday if he would endorse Donald Trump now that he’s the party’s presumptive nominee, answered that he has always said he would back the winner of the Republican primary.
“You know, I’ve always said I’ll endorse the nominee,” Paul said in an interview with interviewed by radio host Leland Conway. “I said that even when I ran [for Senate] in 2010.”
Former Governor Rick Perry also endorsed Trump on Thursday.
CNN reported:
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry told CNN Thursday he will support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee and will do everything he can do to help him get elected.
Perry, speaking by phone from his hometown of Roundtop, Texas, acknowledged Trump is not his ideal choice. When Perry was a candidate for president earlier in the 2016 cycle, he was the first to come out and criticize Trump and question his conservative credentials, calling his candidacy a “cancer on conservatism.”
“He is not a perfect man. But what I do believe is that he loves this country and he will surround himself with capable, experienced people and he will listen to them,” Perry said Thursday.
Posted: 06 May 2016 03:51 PM PDT

Earlier this week China urged objectivity of Trump as a GOP nominee.
Former Mexican president Vicente Fox apologized to Donald Trump for saying he wouldn’t pay for his “F*cking Wall.”
On Thursday Trump-basher Prime Minister David Cameron from Great Britain said Donald Trump deserves respect.
David Cameron has said he “respects” the controversial presidential candidate Donald Trump for making it through the gruelling Republican primary process.
The Guardian reported:
The prime minister refused to retract his claim, made when a Trump candidacy still seemed an unlikely prospect, that the billionaire’s proposal for banning Muslims from the US was “stupid, divisive and wrong”.
Speaking at a joint press conference at 10 Downing Street alongside his Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe, Cameron said, having come through the tough primary process, Trump “deserves our respect”.
“Knowing the gruelling nature of the primaries, what you have to go through to go on and represent your party in a general election – anyone who makes it through that deserves our respect,” he said.
However, he added: “What I said about Muslims, I wouldn’t change that view. I’m very clear that the policy idea that was put forward was wrong, it is wrong, and it will remain wrong.”
Back in December Cameron attacked Donald Trump for his “stupid” comments on refusing Muslims into America for a period of time after the San Bernardino massacre.

Posted: 06 May 2016 03:37 PM PDT

On Wednesday, the neocon journalist Jennifer Rubin tweeted under the hashtag #thingstoworryabout. She is afraid Ron Paul will be selected as Secretary of State in a Trump administration.
Rubin, described as a “conservative” journalist, works for The Washington Post where she espouses the neocon line on foreign policy. As an advocate for “American exceptionalism,” she supports military intervention and the never-ending war on terror.
So far, Donald Trump has not said he will appoint Ron Paul as Secretary of State.
It’s a great idea, though.
As Secretary of State, Paul would rollback Pax Americana and pursue a policy of noninterventionism. He would follow George Washington’s advice and oppose entangling alliances with other nations and wars of aggression. Paul would bring the troops home from hundreds of US bases in Korea, Japan, Europe and elsewhere around the world. He would shut down foreign aid. He rejects the dangerous confrontation with Iran, the embargo against Cuba, and military actions elsewhere. He advocates ending US participation in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“Free trade with all and entangling alliances with none has always been the best policy in dealing with other countries on the world stage,” he writes. “This is the policy of friendship, freedom and non-interventionism and yet people wrongly attack this philosophy as isolationist. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
“Truly conservative in the sense of the words ‘to conserve our true values’ means being serious about taking our oath of office to the Constitution,” Paul writes. “Limit the government’s size, the spending, the deficits, and the exposure around the world. If the US is as great as I believe it should be and can be and has been, we will have influence around the world. We cannot spread our greatness and our goodness through the barrel of a gun. It fails because it destroys our goodness by doing it that way.”
Ron Paul opposes globalist trade treaties and organizations that diminish US sovereignty. He stands against the United Nations, NATO, the International Criminal Court, the Law of the Sea Treaty, the World Trade Organization, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. He opposes the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
“There’s nobody in this world that could possibly attack us today… we could defend this country with a few good submarines. If anybody dared touch us we could wipe any country off of the face of the earth within hours. And here we are, so intimidated and so insecure and we’re acting like such bullies that we have to attack third-world nations that have no military and have no weapons,” he told The Washington Post in 2007.
“Look, we are bankrupt as a nation,” Paul explained during his bid for the presidency. “Our army marches in Chinese boots, while our air force flies on Saudi oil. We cannot continue to enforce a Pax Americana while our southern border allows illegals and terrorists to pour into our country. And we certainly shouldn’t be footing the defense bill for countries with whom our industries compete in the global marketplace. Bring our soldiers home. Secure America first.”
Neocons are in dire fear Trump will institute Paul’s libertarian values on foreign policy and shut down the neocon war machine. That’s why they are scrambling to undermine his presidential bid. That’s why they proposed a third party running Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio.
Posted: 06 May 2016 03:24 PM PDT

Katrina Pierson, the National Spokesperson for the Trump Campaign, joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV Wednesday to discuss Donald Trump’s landslide victory in Indiana.
Katrina told Steve that as far as the search for a vice president goes, every candidate who ran would be considered – Except for Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham.
Jeb is low energy.
So everybody should line up ASAP and endorse Donald Trump now while they still have time because Trump might chose the Vice President anytime now. Besides there’s plenty of other jobs they could be appointed to such as Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, Defense, advisors, etc.