Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: USTICA? State Terrorism. As Bologna, Cossiga ordered it

Monday 27 June 2011

USTICA? State Terrorism.
As Bologna, Cossiga ordered it

ore 10:50

Trentunesimo anniversario del disastro di Ustica. Il capo dello Stato scrive ai parenti delle vittime della strage: "Ogni sforzo deve essere compiuto, anche sul piano internazionale, per giungere finalmente a conclusioni che rimuovano le ambiguità che ancora oggi circondano quel tragico fatto"

lundi 27 juin 2011
08:03 T.U.
barre de separation                 

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Vol. 11, No. 5     27 June 2011 

How Arab Media View a Declaration of Palestinian Statehood 

Linda Menuhin Abdul Aziz 

  • The momentum for the emergence of Palestinian statehood began two years ago with a serious plan set forth by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam  Fayyad. In addition, President Barack Obama in his speech to the UN General Assembly in 2010 stated that Palestine should become a full member of the United Nations by the fall of 2011.
  • Unlike the vibrant debate in Israel over the Palestinian plan to seek support for statehood in September in the UN General Assembly, the Arab media is occupied with the wave of changes sweeping Arab countries, leaving little room for discussion of the projected Palestinian plan.
  • Some commentators believe Abbas' plan is a dream and that, in order to save face, it is better not to push the plan all the way to the end since this step will not create a Palestinian state on the ground, due to the opposition of Israel and the U.S. Others believe that Mahmoud Abbas is seeking to use the declaration as a tactic to reshuffle the cards and achieve better terms.
  • The Arab media predicts that a declaration of statehood by the Palestinians would not result in any immediate changes on the ground. Any Palestinian state would lack sovereignty and authority, with borders dictated by certain facts on the ground - the security fence, the settlements, and Israeli control of Jerusalem, as well as continued economic dependence on Israel.
  • The Oslo II Agreement of 1995 established that neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and Gaza. In order to avoid Israel's accusation of breaching the Oslo agreements, Palestinians are advised to shake off their commitment to the Oslo agreements, under the pretext that Israel did not live up to all its commitments. 

lundi 27 juin 2011
09:56 T.U.
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