Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Usual agit-prop confusion among "capitalism", "communism" and the never changing Chinese and Chinesoid despotic States and Empires. Anyway, [nazi-]"communism" was imposed to China from the UK-USA [idem to Taiwan, nazi-communism release]. "Capitalism" has been a PRC choice. "Let the detested foreigners exploit you if they make you stronger and stronger."

Monday 27 June 2011

Usual agit-prop confusion among "capitalism", "communism" and the never changing Chinese and Chinesoid despotic States and Empires.
Anyway, [nazi-]"communism" was imposed to China from the UK-USA [idem to Taiwan, nazi-communism release]. "Capitalism" has been a PRC choice. "Let the detested foreigners exploit you if they make you stronger and stronger."


China's Terribly Successful Communist Party Turns 90
Beijing's communists are among the world's most successful capitalists,
but their economic ascent is often overshadowed by its human rights
violations. The Communist Party now faces a crucial test: Can it become
more democratic without jeopardizing its hold on power?,1518,770696,00.html#ref=nlint


World Export Leader to Meet with Runner-Up
This Monday, Chinese Premiere Wen Jiabao travels to Germany for what
both countries are billing as a visit of great importance. While a
Chinese government document has praised the partnership with Germany as
its best in Europe, Berlin is debating how to approach concerns over
human rights.,1518,770875,00.html#ref=nlint


Egypt's Struggle to Reinvent Itself
A new state is being born in Egypt in the wake of the revolution. While
the old guard is battling to preserve its influence, scores of new
parties are jockeying for power, including the Muslim Brotherhood, which
is resorting to shrewd tactics in a bid to cement its political clout.,1518,770813,00.html#ref=nlint


Servant Abuse Case Could Challenge Diplomatic Immunity
Diplomatic immunity was originally meant to protect embassy personnel
from arbitrary harrassment. But a new case in Berlin, involving the
alleged abuse of a Indonesian servant, makes it clear that human rights
sometimes get lost in the shuffle. The case could go to Germany's
highest court.,1518,770685,00.html#ref=nlint


'The German Government Will Pay Up'
In a SPIEGEL interview, leading German economist Stefan Homburg argues
that euro-zone members should not bail out Greece, discusses who is
making a profit from the crisis and explains why he himself is buying
Greek bonds. "I believe in the boundless stupidity of the German
government," he says.,1518,770673,00.html#ref=nlint


Worries Grow in Berlin about US Afghanistan Pull-Out
The German government is concerned about the US plan, announced by
President Obama last week, to reduce its presence in Afghanistan. The
German military relies heavily on US helicopters in the northern part of
the country. Leaders in Berlin fear a reduction in their number could
put German soldiers at greater risk.,1518,770742,00.html#ref=nlint


The Simple Lines of Bauhaus Legend Wagenfeld on Display
Bauhaus designer Wilhelm Wagenfeld left an indelible mark on
international product design. The clean lines of his cups, plates and
salt and pepper shakers have adorned tables across Germany and
beyond. Now, a new exhibition charts his legacy -- which includes one of
the most famous Bauhaus icons.,1518,770785,00.html#ref=nlint


German Island Votes Against Expansion
Residents of Germany's Helgoland have voted against a project that some
warned threatened to turn the island into a "Dubai of the North Sea." On
Sunday they rejected plans to build a massive land bridge between their
two islands.,1518,770741,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Helgoland Votes No on Land Bridge


'Greens Vote Shows Stronger, More Mature Party'
Germany's Green party dropped their demand for a nuclear phaseout by
2017 and voted on Saturday to back Chancellor Angela's Merkel's
timetable to shut all reactors by 2022. The vote shows pragmatism and is
a sign that the Greens are getting ready to return to power,
commentators say. But, they add, it also helps Merkel.,1518,770754,00.html#ref=nlint


Modernist Icon Joins UNESCO Heritage List
Walter Gropius' Fagus Factory has long been considered a frontrunner of
modernist architecture. Now, a century after it was designed, the
building in the German state of Lower Saxony has been added to the
prestigious list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.,1518,770747,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: German Factory Joins UNESCO List


New Book Reveals Secret Meaning of Neo-Nazi Codes
Openly Nazi symbols such as the swastika are banned in Germany,
so neo-Nazis get around the law by using coded combinations of letter
and numbers such as 14 and 88. A new book explains the meaning of such
codes, and reveals that far-right style is becoming increasingly diverse
and hard to spot.,1518,770820,00.html#ref=nlint


Pressure for World Cup Win in North Korea
After the poor showing by the North Korean men's team in the 2010 World
Cup, pressure on the women's team in the women's tournament in Germany
this summer is high. Team trainer Kim Kwang Min says reports that the
men's team trainer was punished are nothing but "evil propaganda.",1518,770777,00.html#ref=nlint


Safe Swimming,1518,770888,00.html#ref=nlint

DW-WORLD.DE   Weiterempfehlen
Newsletter | 27.06.2011, 17:15 UTC
Wirtschaft heute
Der Blick hinter die Kulissen der Weltwirtschaft
Für die GLS Bank ist Profit nur Nebensache
Deutschland einig Euroskeptikerland
Griechenland lastet auf dem DAX
Ein Patent für ganz Europa
Letzte Chance für Griechenland
Das Wirtschaftsmagazin von DW-TV
Global Media Forum 2011
Für die GLS Bank ist Profit nur Nebensache
Ein gutes Gewissen ist wichtiger als satte Gewinne: Die Gemeinschaftsbank GLS setzt seit 50 Jahren auf ethisch-ökologische Werte. Nach der Finanzkrise entscheiden sich immer mehr Deutsche für eine nachhaltige Geldanlage.
Deutschland einig Euroskeptikerland
Die Stimmung ist endgültig gekippt: Die Deutschen sorgen sich um den Euro und wollen den Griechen kein Geld mehr leihen. Die Politik der letzten Tage ist da nicht ohne Schuld.
Video Griechenland: Chronik des Scheiterns
Griechenland lastet auf dem DAX
Das Griechenland-Gewitter grummelt im Hintergrund und könnte sich diese Woche richtig entladen. Was droht den Märkten? Die Börse schwankt orientierungslos hin und her. Mehr bei unserem Partner
Ein Patent für ganz Europa
Ein Patent anzumelden, das für die ganze Europäische Union gilt, ist teuer. Ein neues europäisches Patentrecht soll das ändern. Doch zwei Staaten ziehen nicht mit.
Letzte Chance für Griechenland
Griechenland vor der Zahlungsunfähigkeit +++ Die USA stehen auch nicht viel besser da +++ Die GLS: Eine Bank, bei der Profit nur Nebensache zu sein scheint.
Audio Wirtschaft (27.06.2011 / mp3)
Das Wirtschaftsmagazin von DW-TV
MADE IN GERMANY lässt Wirtschaft hautnah erleben. Packende Wirtschaftsreportagen aus der Mitte Europas. Wir begleiten die Manager und Macher, sind auf den Märkten der Welt unterwegs und immer nah dran an den Trends.
Global Media Forum 2011
"Menschenrechte und Globalisierung - Herausforderungen für die Medien" ist das Thema des diesjährigen Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. Vom 20. bis zum 22. Juni werden in Bonn erneut mehr als 1300 Teilnehmer erwartet.

In un'intervista il ministro dell'Ambiente ribadisce l'intenzione del governo di non abbandonare la ricerca sul nucleare
Dopo un'accesa discussione interna, il partito ecologista tedesco ha scelto di approvare il piano Merkel che prevede la chiusura delle centrali entro il 2022
Il fotovoltaico supererà sia in potenza installata sia in energia prodotta l'eolico. Si tratta del risultato del Quarto Conto Energia e dei tagli ai finanziamenti sull'eolico
A causa dei roghi tossici di rifiuti risultano molto più diffuse tosse, asma e faringiti tra i più piccoli. I medici consigliano: portate i bimbi al mare e mangiate cibi ben cotti
L'asteroide Asteroid 2011 MD sfiorerà la terra alle 19 ora italiana, nessun pericolo per il nostro Pianeta rassicurano dalla NASA
Le proposte di finanziamento per il fotovoltaico e altre forme di Green Energy da parte di Banca Etica
L'ipotesi di costruzione di un impianto eolico off-shore in Sardegna è stato criticato dalle associazioni ambientaliste e dal governatore Cappellacci
Come previsto, al via stamani lo sgombero del presidio No TAV a Chiomonte, in Val di Susa. I manifestanti resistono, ma la polizia avanza
Maxi concerto il 30 giugno per dire no alle trivellazioni nei fondali delle Isole Tremiti. Tra i big Lucio Dalla, Renato Zero e Gigi D'Alessio 

In un'intervista il ministro dell'Ambiente ribadisce l'intenzione del governo di non abbandonare la ricerca sul nucleare
Dopo un'accesa discussione interna, il partito ecologista tedesco ha scelto di approvare il piano Merkel che prevede la chiusura delle centrali entro il 2022
Il fotovoltaico supererà sia in potenza installata sia in energia prodotta l'eolico. Si tratta del risultato del Quarto Conto Energia e dei tagli ai finanziamenti sull'eolico
A causa dei roghi tossici di rifiuti risultano molto più diffuse tosse, asma e faringiti tra i più piccoli. I medici consigliano: portate i bimbi al mare e mangiate cibi ben cotti
L'asteroide Asteroid 2011 MD sfiorerà la terra alle 19 ora italiana, nessun pericolo per il nostro Pianeta rassicurano dalla NASA
Le proposte di finanziamento per il fotovoltaico e altre forme di Green Energy da parte di Banca Etica
L'ipotesi di costruzione di un impianto eolico off-shore in Sardegna è stato criticato dalle associazioni ambientaliste e dal governatore Cappellacci
Come previsto, al via stamani lo sgombero del presidio No TAV a Chiomonte, in Val di Susa. I manifestanti resistono, ma la polizia avanza
Maxi concerto il 30 giugno per dire no alle trivellazioni nei fondali delle Isole Tremiti. Tra i big Lucio Dalla, Renato Zero e Gigi D'Alessio 
The New Republic: Politics

What Canada Can Learn From Brazil About Its Obligation to Protect the Planet Bill McKibben

In 1986, the then-editor of The New Republic, Michael Kinsley, famously asked whether anyone could find a headline more boring than “Worthwhile Canadian Initiative,” which had recently appeared on the Times op-ed page. The jibe was really a backhanded compliment, of course—Canada’s virtue was so automatic it could just be assumed. It was big news in Canada when, in 2008, the country slipped from the top-ten list of the world’s most peaceful countries (all the way to eleventh). By this year, it was back in eighth, 74 places above the U.S. and, when liberals in the U.S. feel despairing, what dominates their fantasy life but “moving to Canada”?

And yet, today, you could make an argument that Canada has actually become one of the earth’s more irresponsible nations—namely, when it comes to the environment. Indeed, you could argue that the world would be better off if the government in Ottawa was replaced by, say, the one in Brasilia, which has made a far better show of attending to the planet’s welfare. It’s a tale of physics, chemistry, and most of all economics, and it all starts in the western province of Alberta.

Continue reading "What Canada Can Learn From Brazil About Its Obligation to Protect the Planet" | Like on Facebook

The New York Review of Books

The Busts Keep Getting Bigger: Why?

Paul Krugman and Robin Wells

The great financial crisis of 2008–2009, whose consequences still blight our economy, is sometimes portrayed as a “black swan” or a “100-year flood”—that is, as an extraordinary event that nobody could have predicted. But it was, in fact, just the most recent installment in a recurrent pattern of financial overreach, taxpayer bailout, and subsequent Wall Street ingratitude. And all indications are that the pattern is set to continue.

The Illusions of Psychiatry

Marcia Angell

The pharmaceutical industry influences psychiatrists to prescribe psychoactive drugs even for categories of patients in whom the drugs have not been found safe and effective. What should be of greatest concern for Americans is the astonishing rise in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness in children. Ten percent of ten-year-old boys now take daily stimulants for ADHD, and 500,000 children take antipsychotic drugs.

The Variety of Movie Experience

Geoffrey O’Brien

Terrence Malick has never shied from grandiosity, and in The Tree of Life more than ever before he risks the humorless and overblown. But he has made an audacious and magnificent film.

Obama: His Words and His Deeds

David Bromwich

Being president of the world has sometimes seemed a job more agreeable to Barack Obama than being president of the United States. Obama has always preferred the symbolic authority of the grand utterance to the actual authority of a directed policy.

Egypt: The Victorious Islamists

Yasmine El Rashidi

Widespread and escalating crime has gripped Egypt. But the campaign against the Coptic Christian community has stood out as by far the most egregious violence in the months since President Hosni Mubarak stepped down.

What Drove the Terrible War?

James M. McPherson

Five new books on the American Civil War.

Recalculating: A Story

Deborah Eisenberg

Plus: Adam Thirlwell on Milan Kundera, Meghan O’Rourke on Ann Beattie, Freeman Dyson on Richard Feynman, Edmund White on Paul Bowles, Francine Prose on David Bezmozgis, Cathleen Schine on Sigrid Nunez’s memoir of Susan Sontag, an exchange on Goldstone and Gaza, and more.

Your English Is Showing

Tim Parks

My Disillusionment: China, 1973

Perry Link

Trouble in the Turkish Borderlands

Hugh Eakin
Sivan 25, 5771 · June 27, 2011

By Karen Schwartz,
A group of 100 New Jersey children with special needs sent off a trio of amateur cyclists Sunday by riding alongside for a very short portion of their visitors' cross-country trek. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Toronto-area teenagers and their families gathered for an evening of recognition and award ceremony for members of the Chabad Youth Network of Ontario.
The new Jewish kindergarten in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, is nearing completion, with construction crews putting the final touches on exterior walls and interior fixtures in preparation for the installation of the facility's massive roof.
Talk of the Planet
Kosher Tennis Fans Don't Have to Brown Bag It at Wimbledon
Chabad-Lubavitch of South London Campuses' kosher barbeque is back again, offering hamburgers, hot dogs, strawberries and non-dairy ice cream to hungry tennis fans at Wimbledon.
Hundreds Celebrate New Southern California Jewish Center
The Center for Jewish Life will serve as the central headquarters for Chabad of the Conejo, a network of nine Chabad Houses in the Conejo Valley.
Ukraine Summer Camp Expands Children's Linguistic Horizons
Classes are underway at the Levi Yitzchak Schneerson-Ohr Avner School's summer language camp in Dnepropetrovsk, with eight counselors arriving with a language expert from Boston to help children in the Ukraine city learn English as a second language.

neoconservatism0The Sanitized Version of Neoconservatism
What these books still conceal, however, is the fact that the neocons are motivated by their Jewish ethnicity and the interests of the state of Israel.
us risesDavid Swanson
When the Public Rises, We'll Want an Ally in Congress
PTSD1Veterans Today
AFGE Calls for Increased Mental Health Services and Staffing to Treat Vets with PTSD
Sarah Eccles, an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilotVeterans Today
Face of Defense: Pilot Supports Ground Fighters
palestinian detaineesStephen Lendman
Israel Toughening Conditions for Palestinian Detainees
HIVVeterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 27, 2011
Caption Brigadier Ali Khan: Pakistan's dissenting army officer, BBC June 23, 2011Veterans Today
Pakistan's Army Dissent
It's a real battle for benefits for the brown and blue water navy over exposure to agent orangeEd Mattson
Agent Orange: New Navy Victims Considered for Help
netanyahuVeterans Today
Netanyahu Owns the US Congress
ScreenHunter_09 Jun. 27 09.36SARTRE
Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money
Featured ImageSteve Crandall
So You Don't Believe in War but . .
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Stephen Lendman
Banker Occupation of Greece
Economist Michael Hudson calls it "Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy" in a June 5 article by that title, saying: »»
euro money
hoisting flag
Brig Asif Haroon Raja
America is The Biggest Terrorist State of The World
America's past and present testifies the fact that there is no country in the world matching its destructive oriented policies. »»
Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel
Japan in WWII: A Casualty of Usury?
Thanks to best-selling author, David Irving, the establishment view that the United States of America became embroiled in World War II as a result of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941 is no longer accepted by major historians. »»
pearl harbor
Annointing Congress
Gordon Duff
Netanyahu: "Piddling" on Congress
What Netanyahu actually did was drag it out of his pants and hose them down. Why did he do it? The answer is simple, because he could? Was it wrong? Caligula put his horse in the Roman senate. American's never get the whole horse, just the horse's ass »»
Veterans Today
McKinney, Farrakhan Said to be on Gaddafi's "Pad"
What exactly is your motive? A charitable explanation is that you are just completely naïve to Gaddafi's atrocities. Another reason is that you might support Gaddafi for ideological reasons, like Chavez or Castro. Or, worst case scenario, you could just be another tool on Gaddafi's payroll. Whatever the case may be, we are extremely disheartened. »»
Veterans Today
Israel's Dirty Tricks Against Campus Palestine Activists
The David Project's dirty tricks -- While name-and-shame tactics can be put to positive effect, they can also easily backfire and do more harm than good. We need to learn the art of being disagreeable in the most agreeable possible fashion. Ali Abunimah »»
Denise Nichols
Gulf War Vets: Continuing the Battle in DC & "Taps" (90-91)
The Representatives in DC offices need to be told to give priority to Gulf War Illnesses Research on the DOD Appropriations Bill now before them on the floor of the House for Congressional Direct Medical Research for Gulf War Illness Research Program and find these veterans help in the form of true diagnostic work and treatment. »»
gulfwar vets
Bob Johnson
The Kosher Scam
There are billions of people on planet Earth who do not believe in the Torah/Old Testament superstition known as "kosher." »»
Veterans Today
'U.S. Troops Taking More Medication Than Ever'
"Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society." - Ralph Waldo Emerson »»
James Petras
The "Solidarity Crisis" in America
In this essay, I will pursue an alternative line of analysis which will argue that the "external enemies" blocking working and middle class resistance are aided and abetted by the behavior and perceived interest within the classes. »»