Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: The dictatorship of the Presidency of the Republic is the Cupola of oligarchic and military-bureaucratic predation is sinking Italy Formal government and Parliament are paralyzed and cannot decide anything Cut 75% of current expenditure!Fire 75% of public employees!Dissolve the Defense Ministry whose corps (Carabinieri etc) only tutor the Predatory State!

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The dictatorship of the Presidency of the Republic is the Cupola of oligarchic and military-bureaucratic predation is sinking Italy
Formal government and Parliament are paralyzed and cannot decide anything
Cut 75% of current expenditure!
Fire 75% of public employees!
Dissolve the Defense Ministry whose corps (Carabinieri etc) only tutor the Predatory State!

Wall Street e le Borse europee in picchiata e i mercati asiatici aprono i perdita

  Wall Street  e le Borse europee in picchiata   e i mercati asiatici  aprono i perdita
DIRETTA. Perdite pesanti su tutti i mercati, Piazza Affari crolla con i titoli finanziari. La Consob: "Vendite allo scoperto nei limiti". I rumours sul possibile downgrade della Francia scatenano il panico, malgrado le smentite. In rialzo lo spread Btp-Bund. Bene l'asta dei Bot di ANDREA GRECO