Rating Lowered From AAA for First Time in History
WASHINGTON — Standard & Poor’s removed the United States government from its list of risk-free borrowers on Friday night, dropping the rating to AA+ on concerns about rising federal debt.
Group of 7 Will Meet Soon to Address Europe Debt Crisis
PARIS — As European leaders on Friday tried to calm debt fears, Italy’s prime minister said finance ministers from the Group of 7 industrial nations would meet “within days.”
MoviSol -
Internazionale per i Diritti Civili - Solidarietà
Newsletter n. 31/2011
Newsletter n. 31/2011
L'attacco all'Italia può far saltare il fondo salva-Euro
La scorsa settimana abbiamo scritto che il "Big Bang" deciso a
Bruxelles con la nascita del meccanismo permanente di salvataggio dell'Euro era
destinato a fallire. La grossa marachella di Deutsche Bank ha palesato
l'assurdità del nuovo meccanismo e messo a repentaglio la sua stessa
Deutsche Bank ha pubblicato i dati semestrali da cui risulta
che mentre il suo CEO Josef Ackermann dettava i contenuti del nuovo piano
salva-Euro, la banca si liberava di quasi il 90% dei titoli del debito italiano.
L'opinione pubblica italiana, giustamente indignata, ha sollevato pesanti
interrogativi sul come mai una grande banca "sistemica" come DB scommetta contro
il debito italiano mentre contemporaneamente giura di voler contribuire al
rifinanziamento del debito di paesi dell'Eurozona rinunciando ad una parte degli
attivi. Inoltre, DB non è una semplice banca sistemica, ma è uno dei "primary
dealers" del Tesoro, e cioè uno specialista di valori abilitato a trattare
direttamente con il governo italiano. Non solo, ma DB è uno dei cinque
"superdealer" a livello mondiale, istituti che godono della massima fiducia da
parte dei governi clienti.
Gli italiani ora sospettano a ragione che la Deutsche Bank
agisca con la copertura del governo tedesco, la cui intenzione sarebbe quella di
ripulire il sistema bancario nazionale da titoli considerati a rischio, in
preparazione di una possibile fuoriuscita dei membri periferici
dell'Eurosistema. Che questa sia la politica resta da vedere; fatto sta che
mentre l'attacco ai titoli di stato italiani è stato lanciato dagli hedge funds,
alle vendite allo scoperto di questi hanno presto fatto seguito vendite vere da
parte di possessori di titoli, come Deutsche Bank.
Nessuno però ha notato che il "senior advisor" di DB per
l'Italia è nientemeno che Giuliano Amato, l'ex affossatore della lira che si
atteggia a patriota in qualità di presidente del comitato per i festeggiamenti
del cento cinquantenario dell'Unità d'Italia. Quanto sia beffarda questo ruolo
lo sa bene chi conosce il ruolo di Amato nella stesura del Trattato di Lisbona e
quindi nella disfatta dello stato nazionale. Aspettiamo che Amato, che ha
dimostrato di non essere un patriota, dimostri almeno di avere un minimo di
dignità personale e si dimetta dal ben pagato incarico di consigliere della
banca che distrugge il credito dell'Italia.
Come conseguenza dell'attacco, per rifinanziare il debito
l'Italia paga oggi quanto pagava la Grecia un anno fa. È logico che a queste
condizioni, la nostra partecipazione al fondo salva-Euro è una completa
assurdità. L'Italia partecipa con 14,7 miliardi al primo pacchetto di
salvataggio della Grecia, di 110 miliardi, e con 13 miliardi al secondo
pacchetto di 109 miliardi, varato appunto al "Big Bang" di Bruxelles. La quota
del secondo pacchetto dovrebbe essere raccolta sui mercati a tasso corrente, che
ha superato il 5%, e prestata alla Grecia al 3,5%; oltre ad essere una perdita
netta, è forse anche proibito dalla legge. Per questi l'Italia, alla
teleconferenza dei funzionari del Tesoro dell'Eurozona il 28 luglio, ha fatto
presente che se le condizioni persistono, il nostro paese potrebbe "opt out",
cioè uscire come da statuto, dal secondo pacchetto di salvataggio della Grecia.
Se i tassi sui titoli italiani continueranno a salire, l'Italia dovrà
riconsiderare anche se uscire dal primo pacchetto.
La Commissione Finanze della Camera ha giustamente messo sotto
accusa le agenzie di rating, e in particolare Standard&Poor's, per il loro
ruolo nell'attacco speculativo. Nella Risoluzione 00640, approvata
all'unanimità, si impegna il governo ad adottare tutte le necessarie iniziative
per contrastare "comportamenti sostanzialmente riconducibili ad ipotesi di
aggiotaggio o simili". Si cita tra l'altro la "diffusione, effettuata a mercati
aperti, di un comunicato sulla manovra correttiva adottata dal Governo italiano.
prima ancora della pubblicazione del testo definitivo della manovra stessa".
Raggiunto dall'EIR, il vicepresidente della Commissione
Sergio D'Antoni ha concordato sulla necessità di riorganizzare il sistema
secondo i criteri Glass-Steagall, per bloccare la speculazione e gli attacchi
che distruggono intere nazioni. "La situazione attuale è assurda", ha detto
D'Antoni. "Deve essere cambiato il ruolo delle agenzie di rating; non possono
esserci agenzie di rating pagate da coloro che devono valutare, e che rispondono
comunque solo ai mercati. C'è bisogno di qualcosa indipendente o controllato
dagli stati. Sono d'accordo che dobbiamo fermare la speculazione sui titoli di
stato e separare le attività bancarie ordinarie dal casinò speculativo. La
situazione richiede un cambiamento di sistema".
LaRouche sull'appello di Kucinich a "bocciare" Standard
& Poor's
Il 30 luglio LaRouche ha risposto ai commenti del congressista
democratico Dennis Kucinich secondo cui bisognerebbe ridurre il rating di
Standard & Poor's, concordando di cuore e commentando: "È un'ottima idea".
S&P, Moody's, Fitch, tutte le agenzie di rating andrebbero bocciate perché
non valgono niente. "Se il governo americano avesse un minimo di fegato,
dovrebbe ridurre ufficialmente il rating di questa gente. Vediamo quanto sono
'duri' i repubblicani al Congresso. Bocceranno le agenzie di rating, che stanno
attaccando il governo americano senza fornire alcuna prova del voto che gli
danno, in modo totalmente arbitrario?" Chiunque non sia disposto a farlo, ha
aggiunto LaRouche, non dovrà poi lamentarsi se gli Stati Uniti cesseranno di
esistere per colpa delle agenzie di rating dell'impero britannico e della loro
politica contro gli Stati Uniti.
LaRouche ha aggiunto che sono gli interessi finanziari
britannici ad orchestrare la crisi del debito americano per imporre la loro
politica iperinflazionistica di salvataggi bancari (QE3) e che quindi anche loro
vanno bocciati. Sono in bancarotta, ha detto LaRouche, dobbiamo dirlo
Cooperazione sul nucleare tra India e Sud Corea con un
occhio per il torio
Un accordo storico sulla cooperazione civile per il nucleare è
stato siglato tra Nuova Delhi e Seoul il 25 luglio, alla presenza del Presidente
indiano Pratibha Patil in visita in Corea e della sua controparte coreana Lee
Myung-Bak. L'accordo, in preparazione da oltre un anno, farà della Repubblica di
Corea il primo partner dell'India nella produzione di energia nucleare per uso
civile, e le società coreane lavoreranno con la Indian Nuclear Power Corporation
per costruire i reattori. Inoltre consentirà all'India, che ha abbondanti
risorse di torio, ed alla Corea di sviluppare e sfruttare le tecnologie per i
reattori al torio per uso reciproco.
Per gli indiani lo sviluppo massiccio dell'energia nucleare è
essenziale per garantire il fabbisogno energetico, mentre per la Corea l'accesso
al mercato indiano è di grande attrattiva in quanto la Corea del Sud intende
diventare uno dei principali esportatori di tecnologia nucleare, oltre ad
espandere il proprio settore nucleare nei prossimi anni. Il programma nucleare
indiano punta ad avere una capacità di 20.000 MW entro il 2020 e 63.000 MW entro
il 2032. Entro il 2050 è in programma che il 25% del fabbisogno di elettricità
dell'India venga coperto dal nucleare.
Non è escluso che il Canada non si unisca alla cooperazione in
alcuni aspetti dello sviluppo previsto dell'energia nucleare. Entrambi i paesi
hanno reattori CANDU ad acqua pesante demineralizzata come moderatore: i
reattori RAP I e II a Rajasthan, in India, e i reattori Wolsong I-IV a Wolsung,
Sud Corea. I due presidenti hanno discusso anche opportunità di cooperazione
nell'uso pacifico dello spazio, incluso il lancio di satelliti coreani su razzi
indiani. Gli impianti indiani in questo campo sono di alta qualità e disponibili
a prezzi competitivi. Questo è il messaggio lanciato dal Presidente indiano e
quello coreano. All'ordine del giorno era anche l'espansione della cooperazione
indo-coreana nel settore della difesa. Tutto questo nell'ambito del
miglioramento dell'"accordo di partnership economica" tra i due paesi.
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Risposta ad un lettore sul debito pubblico americano
Teleconferenza di Lyndon LaRouche
Video della Conferenza di Rüsselsheim
Risposta ad un lettore sulle minacciate liberalizzazioni
nel settore farmaceutico
Robert Reich a Prato: Glass-Steagall e investimenti
pubblici per una svolta all'economia italiana
Astrofisica e previsione dei terremoti
Infrastrutture per impedire l'"esodo biblico" dal
LaRouche: Creativity, Passion & Strategy
If You Plan on Surviving, Then Plan on Fighting
Medicaid Children Denied Treatment -- The First Question
Is Money
NASA Satellite Destroys Assumptions Underlying UN Global
Warming Computer Model
France : la faillite des collectivités locales pourrait
déclencher un « krach » intérieur
Poussées pétainistes : Guéant promeut la délation dans
les quartiers
Révolte contre Angela Merkel dans ses propres rangs
Le plan Roudaire-Paumier pour le Maghreb, enfin
disponible en arabe !
Cheminade 2012 - Le site officiel de la campagne
Summary of DEBKA Exclusives in the Week Ending August 5, 2011
July 29, 2011 Briefs
- Turkey's chief of staff and entire military command including air force and navy chiefs quit in a body. This brings tensions between army and Erdogan government to a new high.
- US PFc. Naser Jason Abdo admits he planned to attack Fort Hood base in Texas. He was arrested AWOL after he said his Muslim faith prevented him from deploying in Afghanistan.
- Second Syrian oil pipeline blast in a month hits western town of Talkalakh.
- Unconfirmed reports say 5,000 troops defected Friday from Syrian 7th Armored Regiment in Deir al-Zour, clashed with security officers and took control of military airport.
- Renowned Kabbalist Rabbi Elazar Abu-Hatzeira was stabbed to death while receiving followers in Beersheba Thursday night. The murderer was apprehended.
Libyan rebel commander killed by his own side
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
29 July. Gen. Abdel Fatah Younis, commander of the Libyan rebel forces fighting Muammar Qaddafi, was put to death on the orders of Mustapha Abdul Jalil, head of the rebel TNC, DEBKAfile's sources report. TNC officers abducted him and two aides and shot them in the head 20 kilometers outside Benghazi.
Jalil wanted the powerful Younis out of the way before the start of peace negotiations, for fear he would beat his own path to Qaddafi and head the future government alongside Saif al-Islam.
This plan is revealed here for the first time was already taking shape at the highest levels in Washington, Paris, Moscow and Berlin when it was derailed by the death of Younis
A former interior minister, the general defected to the rebel side in February after working with Qaddafi for 40 years.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
29 July. Gen. Abdel Fatah Younis, commander of the Libyan rebel forces fighting Muammar Qaddafi, was put to death on the orders of Mustapha Abdul Jalil, head of the rebel TNC, DEBKAfile's sources report. TNC officers abducted him and two aides and shot them in the head 20 kilometers outside Benghazi.
Jalil wanted the powerful Younis out of the way before the start of peace negotiations, for fear he would beat his own path to Qaddafi and head the future government alongside Saif al-Islam.
This plan is revealed here for the first time was already taking shape at the highest levels in Washington, Paris, Moscow and Berlin when it was derailed by the death of Younis
A former interior minister, the general defected to the rebel side in February after working with Qaddafi for 40 years.
US: Iran secretly abets al Qaeda. IRGC brigades invade N. Iraq
DEBKAfile Special Report
29 July. After turning a blind eye for 11 years, Washington Thursday night, July 28, sharply attacked Iran's secret aid to al Qaeda and permission to funnel funds and terrorists through its territory to war zones in the Middle East and Pakistan.
According to the documentary evidence, a Syrian al Qaeda operative Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil played a key role in the connection, as the director of the flow of cash and recruits from Persian Gulf states to Pakistan through Iran.
DEBKAfile Special Report
29 July. After turning a blind eye for 11 years, Washington Thursday night, July 28, sharply attacked Iran's secret aid to al Qaeda and permission to funnel funds and terrorists through its territory to war zones in the Middle East and Pakistan.
According to the documentary evidence, a Syrian al Qaeda operative Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil played a key role in the connection, as the director of the flow of cash and recruits from Persian Gulf states to Pakistan through Iran.
July 30, 2011 Briefs
- British Chelsea soccer
club accepts Malaysian Football Association's apology for crowd abuse
of its Israeli midfielder Yossi Benayoun in last week's friendly in
Kuala Lumpur.
Anti-Semitic insults were shouted whenever he kicked the ball.
Al Qaeda blows up Egypt-Israel pipeline after killing 7 in Sinai town
DEBKAfile Special Report
30 July. The day after their El Arish rampage, Al Qaeda gunmen Saturday, July 30, blasted the al Shulaq terminal of the Egyptian-Israeli gas pipeline north of El Arish, halting supply for the fifth time since February. The saboteurs fired rockets at the terminal until it caught fire. Egyptian forces confronted the assailants but could not save the terminal. This was al Qaeda's first attack on a strategic Israeli installation.
Friday, at least 150 masked, uniformed al gunmen rode into the Sinai capital of El Arish on pickups and motorcycles, shooting up the desert town with heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and automatic rifles. Before they rode out six hours later, at least seven people were killed, and upward of 30 injured. But first they attacked the fortified police station in which officers and soldiers were barricaded. An Egyptian lieutenant colonel and captain were among the dead.
El Gorah, 20 kilometers to the west, houses the international MFO established there nearly three decades ago to monitor the Sinai demilitarization clauses of the Israel-Egyptian peace treaty. Attached to the force are 1,000 troops, most of them American and Canadian marines. This command center has been on supreme alert for an al Qaeda threat for seven months.
DEBKAfile Special Report
30 July. The day after their El Arish rampage, Al Qaeda gunmen Saturday, July 30, blasted the al Shulaq terminal of the Egyptian-Israeli gas pipeline north of El Arish, halting supply for the fifth time since February. The saboteurs fired rockets at the terminal until it caught fire. Egyptian forces confronted the assailants but could not save the terminal. This was al Qaeda's first attack on a strategic Israeli installation.
Friday, at least 150 masked, uniformed al gunmen rode into the Sinai capital of El Arish on pickups and motorcycles, shooting up the desert town with heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and automatic rifles. Before they rode out six hours later, at least seven people were killed, and upward of 30 injured. But first they attacked the fortified police station in which officers and soldiers were barricaded. An Egyptian lieutenant colonel and captain were among the dead.
El Gorah, 20 kilometers to the west, houses the international MFO established there nearly three decades ago to monitor the Sinai demilitarization clauses of the Israel-Egyptian peace treaty. Attached to the force are 1,000 troops, most of them American and Canadian marines. This command center has been on supreme alert for an al Qaeda threat for seven months.
July 31, 2011 Briefs:
- Sabotaged terminal in Sinai Saturday halts Egyptian gas flow to Israel for the fifth time since February. The installation attacked with rockets by al Qaeda gang which Friday raided El Arish.
- Tens of thousands rallied in ten Israeli towns Saturday night to demand better middle class living standards. Anti-government slogans were interspersed in Tel Aviv with red flags.
- PM Netanyahu cancels price rise for gasoline, sets up teams to negotiate with demonstrators, cut prices, break up conglomerates' control.
Assad's pre-Ramadan massacre in two Syrian cities
DEBKAfile Special report
31 July. No Arab ruler before him has gone to the bloody lengths Syrian President Bashar Assad went to Sunday, July 31, on the eve of Ramadan on Aug. 1 to snuff out the four-month protest against his regime. Before dawn, troops and tanks, indiscriminately blasting city streets with cannon, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, stormed the two most active centers of resistance, Hama in the north and Deir al-Zour in the east. By evening, at least 140 protesters were dead and more than a thousand injured.
In Damascus, 42 were injured from nail bombs thrown by security forces at demonstrators.
US President Barack Obama said he is appalled by the Syrian government's use of violence and brutality against its own people. While Obama still avoided calling on Assad to step down, an official at the US embassy in Damascus said the Syrian military's deadly attack on the flashpoint protest city of Hama on Sunday amounted to "full-on warfare" and was a "last act of utter desperation."
DEBKAfile Special report
31 July. No Arab ruler before him has gone to the bloody lengths Syrian President Bashar Assad went to Sunday, July 31, on the eve of Ramadan on Aug. 1 to snuff out the four-month protest against his regime. Before dawn, troops and tanks, indiscriminately blasting city streets with cannon, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, stormed the two most active centers of resistance, Hama in the north and Deir al-Zour in the east. By evening, at least 140 protesters were dead and more than a thousand injured.
In Damascus, 42 were injured from nail bombs thrown by security forces at demonstrators.
US President Barack Obama said he is appalled by the Syrian government's use of violence and brutality against its own people. While Obama still avoided calling on Assad to step down, an official at the US embassy in Damascus said the Syrian military's deadly attack on the flashpoint protest city of Hama on Sunday amounted to "full-on warfare" and was a "last act of utter desperation."
Iran trains new Hamas commando brigade in Gaza
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
31 July. A team of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) officers has just finished setting up Hamas' first commando unit especially trained to combat any Israel military force entering the Gaza Strip. The new "Al Qods Brigades" unit of 400 men is to be the first of three. The urban guerrilla tactics which imparted to Hamas drew heavily on the experience Al Qods is gaining in Syria, where its experts help President Bashar Assad crack down on protest.
Many of the weapons handed out to trainees came from Libyan rebels who received them from British and French intelligence for their war on Muammar Qaddafi. The rebels sold the arms to the purchasing agencies Iran, Hizballah and Hamas maintain secretly in Benghazi.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
31 July. A team of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) officers has just finished setting up Hamas' first commando unit especially trained to combat any Israel military force entering the Gaza Strip. The new "Al Qods Brigades" unit of 400 men is to be the first of three. The urban guerrilla tactics which imparted to Hamas drew heavily on the experience Al Qods is gaining in Syria, where its experts help President Bashar Assad crack down on protest.
Many of the weapons handed out to trainees came from Libyan rebels who received them from British and French intelligence for their war on Muammar Qaddafi. The rebels sold the arms to the purchasing agencies Iran, Hizballah and Hamas maintain secretly in Benghazi.
August 1, 2001 Briefs:
- Israeli and Lebanese forces exchange fire early Monday after an Israeli patrol was attacked on Mt. Dov (Shaba Farms).
- Lebanese accused IDF of shooting at their military camp in the Wazani district and they returned fire.
- Two Palestinians killed, 5 Israeli soldiers injured in Kalandia, north of Jerusalem in riot against detentions of suspected terrorists.
- Israeli High Court Justice Yoram Danziger quizzed under caution on past suspected criminal ties with Bat-Yam mayor Shlomo Lahiyani whom he represented as a lawyer before his appointment to the bench.
- Danziger, the first Israeli high court justice ever questioned for suspected wrongdoing, suspended himself until end of inquiry.
- Central Bank Governor Stanley Fischer praises Netanyahu government's economic policy as saving Israel from the international recession.
Assad broadens tank assault to all of northern Syria
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
01 Aug. Early Monday Aug. 1, undeterred by international condemnation, President Bashar Assad broadened his bloody tank assault to all of northern Syria – a 20,000 square kilometer area almost the size of Israel. He is now waging war on the 3.5 million inhabitants of Hama, Deir al-Zour, Homs, Idlib, Ar-Raqqah and Abu Kemal, after inflicting a one-day death toll Sunday of 150: 120 in Hama, 30 in Deir el-Zour and more than 1,000 injured.
Syrian armored forces are running into heavy resistance from anti-tank traps and fortified barriers manned by protesters armed with heavy machine guns. A Syrian armored division dispatched to Damascus disintegrated when officers and men went AWOL taking their armored vehicles and weapons with them.
An urgent request from the White House in Washington to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to send into northern Syria the Turkish units held ready on the border for two months went unanswered. Erdogan has his hands full with a military crisis since the arm's top command resigned in a body. Assad is taking full advantage of this respite.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
01 Aug. Early Monday Aug. 1, undeterred by international condemnation, President Bashar Assad broadened his bloody tank assault to all of northern Syria – a 20,000 square kilometer area almost the size of Israel. He is now waging war on the 3.5 million inhabitants of Hama, Deir al-Zour, Homs, Idlib, Ar-Raqqah and Abu Kemal, after inflicting a one-day death toll Sunday of 150: 120 in Hama, 30 in Deir el-Zour and more than 1,000 injured.
Syrian armored forces are running into heavy resistance from anti-tank traps and fortified barriers manned by protesters armed with heavy machine guns. A Syrian armored division dispatched to Damascus disintegrated when officers and men went AWOL taking their armored vehicles and weapons with them.
An urgent request from the White House in Washington to Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan to send into northern Syria the Turkish units held ready on the border for two months went unanswered. Erdogan has his hands full with a military crisis since the arm's top command resigned in a body. Assad is taking full advantage of this respite.
August 2, 2011 Briefs:
- Italy recalls ambassador from Syria Tuesday to protest "horrible repression of population".
- EU adds five more Syrians to 29 headed by Assad already listed for sanctions. They include defense minister Ali Habib, head of internal security and intel chief in Hama.
- Top US soldier Adm. Mullen called for swift end to Syrian violence but said direct US involvement unlikely beyond diplomatic pressure.
- Another 24 killed in Syrian tank assault on protesting cities Monday, on top of 150 in Hama and Deir el-Zour Sunday.
- Israeli air force in action over Gaza after Palestinian missile injures Israeli woman in Ashkelon coastal district Monday night.
- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to Congress for first time since she was shot in the head.
- Netanyahu sets up ministerial panel to meet social protesters demonstrating for two weeks in tents.
- Protest leaders fall out when they meet Tuesday to draft demands for reducing cost of living and housing.
Mubarak trial opening Wednesday will feature corruption charges involving Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report
02 Aug. The 83-year old ailing former Egyptian president, accompanied by a full team of doctors and paramedics equipped with life support gear, is to be flown around dawn Wednesday from the Red Sea resort to the Police Academy in New Cairo for his trial. Despite his failing health, the military rulers of Egypt are determined to stage the trial in order to appease the al-Tahrir Square protesters.
One of the three main charges against Mubarak, his sons Gemal and Alla, and prominent businessman Hussein Salem, who will be tried in absentia, is that they exported gas to Israel for prices below the market rate and corruptly shared out the difference between them. Former Interior Minister Habib al-Adli, one of Egypt's most hated figures and six police officers will stand trial together with the former president and his sons.
Anti-Israel outbursts may be expected as the trial goes on that will further sour relations between Jerusalem and Cairo. It is not by chance that the Sinai pipeline carrying Egyptian gas to Israel was sabotaged five times since the revolution, the last time just before the Mubarak trial.
The military junta does not intend to have Mubarak present at all the court sessions, but will put him there whenever it suits them. The generals hope the trial will distract popular attention from the breakdown of law and order and an economy going to wrack and ruin and the new constitution they are drafting that will keep them in power.
DEBKAfile Special Report
02 Aug. The 83-year old ailing former Egyptian president, accompanied by a full team of doctors and paramedics equipped with life support gear, is to be flown around dawn Wednesday from the Red Sea resort to the Police Academy in New Cairo for his trial. Despite his failing health, the military rulers of Egypt are determined to stage the trial in order to appease the al-Tahrir Square protesters.
One of the three main charges against Mubarak, his sons Gemal and Alla, and prominent businessman Hussein Salem, who will be tried in absentia, is that they exported gas to Israel for prices below the market rate and corruptly shared out the difference between them. Former Interior Minister Habib al-Adli, one of Egypt's most hated figures and six police officers will stand trial together with the former president and his sons.
Anti-Israel outbursts may be expected as the trial goes on that will further sour relations between Jerusalem and Cairo. It is not by chance that the Sinai pipeline carrying Egyptian gas to Israel was sabotaged five times since the revolution, the last time just before the Mubarak trial.
The military junta does not intend to have Mubarak present at all the court sessions, but will put him there whenever it suits them. The generals hope the trial will distract popular attention from the breakdown of law and order and an economy going to wrack and ruin and the new constitution they are drafting that will keep them in power.
Mubarak pleads not guilty from a stretcher
DEBKAfile Special Report
03 Aug. The Egyptian people had their first sight of former president Hosni Mubarak, 83, since his overthrow lying on a stretcher in an iron cage in the Cairo Police Academy courtroom with his sons and six officials, including former interior minister Habib al-Adli. The ex-president pleaded not guilty to the charges against him of killing protesters and corruption, some of which carry the death penalty. Judge Ahmed Rifaat opened the televised session Wednesday Aug. 3 and adjourned it till Aug. 15.
Although ailing, the 83 year old former president was seen on TV screens around the world to be fully conscious and taking a lively interest in the proceedings, now and again exchanging comments with his sons. His wife Susan was absent.
Police earlier broke up violent clashes outside the courtroom between pro- and anti-Mubarak demonstrators.
August 4, 2011 Briefs:
- Damage to Ashkelon buildings and cars
from one of four Palestinian Grad missiles fired from the Gaza Strip
Wednesday night and early Thursday.
Air Force struck back at Hamas training centers evacuated before the missile attack. - Three more missiles exploded outside Kiryat Gat
Orontes River runs red as Syrian anti-aircraft guns pound Hama
DEBKAfile Special Report
04 Aug. Horrifying images of bodies and limbs floating in the Orontes River in Hama were aired by Syrian state TV early Thursday, Aug. 4. Contrary to official claims that they belonged to Syrian soldiers torn to pieces by protesters, DEBKAfile reports they are the victims of Syrian tank fire and ZU-23 automatic artillery trained on residential buildings and streets in the last 48 hours. Citizens confined indoors are throwing the dead out of windows and off roofs into the river.
The Syrian ruler took advantage of three events for unleashing an all-out assault against rebellious Hama:
1. World attention riveted on the deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's trial which opened in Cairo Wednesday.
2. The crisis between the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and the army after the entire top command resigned in a body, which Assad expected would preoccupy all the decision-making levels in Ankara to the exclusion of Syria.
3. The tepid UN Security Council condemnation of the killing of civilians in Syria without concrete penalties.
DEBKAfile Special Report
04 Aug. Horrifying images of bodies and limbs floating in the Orontes River in Hama were aired by Syrian state TV early Thursday, Aug. 4. Contrary to official claims that they belonged to Syrian soldiers torn to pieces by protesters, DEBKAfile reports they are the victims of Syrian tank fire and ZU-23 automatic artillery trained on residential buildings and streets in the last 48 hours. Citizens confined indoors are throwing the dead out of windows and off roofs into the river.
The Syrian ruler took advantage of three events for unleashing an all-out assault against rebellious Hama:
1. World attention riveted on the deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's trial which opened in Cairo Wednesday.
2. The crisis between the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and the army after the entire top command resigned in a body, which Assad expected would preoccupy all the decision-making levels in Ankara to the exclusion of Syria.
3. The tepid UN Security Council condemnation of the killing of civilians in Syria without concrete penalties.
August 5, 2011 Briefs:
- IDF positions Iron Dome rocket interceptor in Ashkelon.
- Israeli air force attacks five targets in Gaza Strip early Friday to stem the escalating Palestinian missile offensive against Israeli locations.
- Libyan rebels claim another Qaddafi son, Khamis, was killed in a bombing attack. The claim is unconfirmed.
Mass executions in Hama's main square as Syrian resistance mounts
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
05 Aug. Thursday night, Aug. 4, the commanders of Syria's military crackdown on the city of Hama ordered suspected protesters to be picked up off the streets for summary execution. Within hours, hundreds of victims were "executed" by firing squad in Nasser Square. The order was issued when the military failed to overcome mounting resistance.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Syrian President Bashar Assad: "We are watching how the situation is developing. It's changing and our approach is changing as well."
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
05 Aug. Thursday night, Aug. 4, the commanders of Syria's military crackdown on the city of Hama ordered suspected protesters to be picked up off the streets for summary execution. Within hours, hundreds of victims were "executed" by firing squad in Nasser Square. The order was issued when the military failed to overcome mounting resistance.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Syrian President Bashar Assad: "We are watching how the situation is developing. It's changing and our approach is changing as well."
Russia: NATO close to military intervention in Syria ahead of Iran attack
DEBKAfile Special Report
05 Aug. Twelve hours after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Assad he faced a "sad fate" if he failed to introduce reforms, Moscow's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin accused the Western alliance of planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the Assad regime "with the long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran."
In an Izvestia interview Friday, Aug. 5, Rogozin added: "This statement means that the planning [of the military campaign] is well underway."
DEBKAfile Special Report
05 Aug. Twelve hours after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned Assad he faced a "sad fate" if he failed to introduce reforms, Moscow's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin accused the Western alliance of planning a military campaign against Syria to help overthrow the Assad regime "with the long-reaching goal of preparing a beachhead for an attack on Iran."
In an Izvestia interview Friday, Aug. 5, Rogozin added: "This statement means that the planning [of the military campaign] is well underway."
A Response To The Transparent Assault Against Ken O'Keefe The more effective an organization or individual is, the greater the need these detractors have for infiltrating and destroying them. Read More »» |
Neues Deutschland Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 10243 Berlin +++ Werbung in eigener Sache: Veranstaltungstipp Buchvorstellung: "OHNE DIE MAUER HÄTTE ES KRIEG GEGEBEN" Der 13. August 1961 gilt als Chiffre für die Errichtung der Berliner Mauer. In diesem Jahr liegt das Ereignis 50 Jahre zurück. Viele werden sich mit unterschiedlichen Motiven daran erinnern. Die beiden Autoren Heinz Keßler und Fritz Streletz tun es ebenfalls. In ihrem Buch analysieren die beiden Zeitzeugen und ranghohen Militärs der DDR die militärstrategische und politische Lage jener Zeit, die zum Weltereignis führte. Moderation: Olaf Koppe, ND-Geschäftsführer 10. August 2011, Beginn: 18.30 Uhr IN KOOPERATION MIT DER EULENSPIEGEL VERLAGSGRUPPE 10243 BERLIN, FRANZ-MEHRING-PLATZ 1 MÜNZENBERGSAAL, EINTRITT 2 Euro Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 06.08.2011 behandelt werden. +++ Inland: Ein Zitat auf der Anklagebank Verfahren wegen »Billigung einer Straftat« gegen Inge Viett geplatzt Von Peter Kirschey --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203825.ein-zitat-auf-der-anklagebank.html Was ich mir vom Leben wünsche Mancher Steppke erhält den ersten Ranzen vom Kinderhilfswerk Staatliches Starterpaket stillt nicht realen Bedarf zum Schulbeginn Von Burga Kalinowski --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203829.was-ich-mir-vom-leben-wuensche.html Ran an die Kohletagebaue Umweltaktivisten verbringen ihren Sommer in Klimacamps in der Lausitz und im Ruhrgebiet Von Katja Herzberg --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203830.ran-an-die-kohletagebaue.html Proteste gegen Naziaufmarsch in Bad Nenndorf Von Reimar Paul --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203831.proteste-gegen-naziaufmarsch-in-bad-nenndorf.html Neue Initiative für NPD-Verbot Bundesinnenminister sieht Abschaltung von V-Leuten jedoch als Sicherheitsrisiko Von Jörg Meyer --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203832.neue-initiative-fuer-npd-verbot.html Plagiate-Jäger weist Vorwürfe zurück --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203833.plagiate-jaeger-weist-vorwuerfe-zurueck.html Wüste Drohungen der Berliner Jobcenter Falsch verwendete Textbausteine in Anschreiben verwirren Leistungsempfänger --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203834.wueste-drohungen-der-berliner-jobcenter.html Stromengpässe befürchtet Netzagentur drängt auf längere Laufzeiten für Kohlekraftwerke in NRW --> [für Abonnenten] http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203835.stromengpaesse-befuerchtet.html Aus Kostengründen eine Zahnlücke Thüringen: Flüchtlinge werden kaum mit Prothesen versorgt - ihnen werden gleich die Zähne gezogen Von Christian Klemm --> http://www.neues-deutschland.de/artikel/203836.aus-kostengruenden-eine-zahnluecke.html Dient Gärtnerarbeit dem Frieden? 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*** Japan Times E-mail News Service *** __________ Saturday, August 6, 2011 ________________ TODAY'S TOP STORIES ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] Tepco redress: from tourism to tea Tokyo Electric Power Co. must compensate travel agencies, inns and hotels nationwide for cancellations made by foreign travelers fearing radiation from Tepco's stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, a government panel says. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110806a1.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] U.S. base has nuke disaster waste The municipal government of Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, will ask the central government to promptly dispose of radioactive waste from the Fukushima crisis being stored by the U.S. Navy at the Sasebo Naval Base. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110806a2.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] Public hoarding old rice over fallout fears Consumers are starting to hoard last year's rice over concerns the next crops may be contaminated with radioactive materials released from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, retailers say. 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The Mysterious Death of Osama bin Laden: Creating Evidence Where There Is None
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
URL of this article: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25898
Global Research, August 4, 2011
The New Yorker has
published a story planted on Nicholas Schmidle by unidentified sources
who claim to be familiar with the alleged operation that murdered Osama
bin Laden.
There is no useful information in the story. Its purpose seems simply to explain away or cover up holes in the original story, principally why did the Seals murder an unarmed, unresisting Osama bin Laden whose capture would have resulted in a goldmine of terrorist information and whose show trial would have rescued the government’s crumbling 9/11 story?
There is no useful information in the story. Its purpose seems simply to explain away or cover up holes in the original story, principally why did the Seals murder an unarmed, unresisting Osama bin Laden whose capture would have resulted in a goldmine of terrorist information and whose show trial would have rescued the government’s crumbling 9/11 story?
The gullible Schmidle tells us: “‘There was never any
question of detaining or capturing him--it wasn’t a split-second
decision. No one wanted detainees,’ the special-operations officer told
me.” In other words, the SEALs murdered bin Laden, because the US
government did not want detainees, not because trigger-happy stupid
SEALs destroyed a font of terrorist information.
Why did the SEALS dump bin Laden’s body in the ocean instead of producing the evidence to a skeptical world?
No real explanation, just that SEALS had done the same thing to other victims. Schmidle writes: “All along, the SEALs had planned to dump bin Laden’s corpse into the sea--a blunt way of ending the bin Laden myth.” But before they did so, the US checked with an unidentified Saudi intelligence operative, who allegedly replied, “Your plan sounds like a good one.”
No real explanation, just that SEALS had done the same thing to other victims. Schmidle writes: “All along, the SEALs had planned to dump bin Laden’s corpse into the sea--a blunt way of ending the bin Laden myth.” But before they did so, the US checked with an unidentified Saudi intelligence operative, who allegedly replied, “Your plan sounds like a good one.”
I mean, really.
After all of Sy Hersh’s New Yorker revelations of US
government lies and plots, one can understand the pressure that might
have been applied to the New Yorker to publish this fairy tale. But what
is extraordinary is that there was a real story that Schmidle and the
New Yorker could have investigated.
In the immediate aftermath of bin Laden’s alleged
murder by the SEALs, Pakistani TV interviewed the next door neighbor to
bin Laden’s alleged compound. Someone supplied the video with an English
translation running at the bottom of the video. According to the
translation, the next door neighbor, Mr. Bashir, said that he watched
the entire operation from the roof of his house. There were 3
helicopters. Only 1 landed. About a dozen men got out and entered the
house. They shortly returned and boarded the helicopter. When the
helicopter lifted off it exploded, killing all aboard. Mr. Bashir
reports seeing bodies and pieces of bodies all over.
The US government acknowledges that it lost a
helicopter, but claims no one was hurt. Obviously, as there were no
further landings, if everyone was killed as Mr. Bashir reports, there
was no body to be dumped into the ocean.
A real investigation would begin with Mr. Bashir’s
interview. Was he actually saying what the English translation reported?
I have not been able to find the interview with the English
translation, but I believe this is the interview that I saw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0vo-L3VACs
Surely there is a qualified interpreter who can tell
us what Mr. Bashir is saying. If the English translation that I saw is
not a hoax, then we are presented with a story totally different from
the one the government told us and repeated again through Mr. Schmidle.
If the English translation of Mr. Bashir’s interview
is correct, one would think that there would be some interest on the
part of US news organizations and on the part of the intelligence
committees in Congress to question Mr. Bashir and his neighbors, many of
whom are also interviewed on Pakistani TV saying that they have lived in Abbottabad all their lives and are absolutely certain that Osama bin Laden was not among them.
Mr. Schmidle goes to lengths to describe the SEALs’
weapons, although his story makes it clear that no weapons were needed
as bin Laden is described as “unarmed” and undefended. The “startled”
bin Laden didn’t even hear the helicopters or all the SEALs coming up
the stairs. In addition to all his fatal illnesses which most experts
believe killed him a decade ago, bin Laden must have been deaf as
neighbors report that the sound of the helicopters was “intense.”
When Pakistanis on the scene in Abbottabad report a
totally different story from the one that reaches us second and third
hand from unidentified operatives speaking to reporters in the US who
have never been to Abbottabad, shouldn’t someone qualified look into the