Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Welcome to this week's Web development newsletter from The Code Project.


We start off this week with news from TUAW that Adobe introduces Edge 1.0, the HTML 5 tool with an eye towards open improvements. Edge lets you build web motion and interaction apps, similar to Flash, but using standard web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It’s ready to download today, so give it a try and let us know what you think.
For those of you still battling with the new features of HTML5 - I should really say “us” as I’m getting up to speed, too - HTML5 Doctor has the prescription for Avoiding common HTML5 mistakes. This and a steady diet of CSS3 should have your site looking better in no time.
Speaking of CSS3, the CSS-Tricks web design community has a similar list of Little CSS Stuff Newcomers Get Confused About. This is a good list of tips for green web coders, and also a great refresher for experienced CSS wranglers.
HTML5 semantic elements and microdata are two sets of somewhat overlapping technologies that are, frankly, a little hard to sort out. Here are two articles that will help. Sitepoint offers an explanation of HTML5’s Microdata, Search, and the Collaboration of the Search Giants with a focus on how page metadata is used by search engines and what you can do about it. TechRepublic has a more generalized discussion of HTML5 Attributes, semantic markup, redefined elements.
When you’re ready to get fancy with site layout, Van SEO Design can help with 6 Methods For Vertical Centering With CSS. You’re sure to find something here that works with the rest of your styling - and suits both your design and coding aesthetics.
It’s not all about pretty pages, though. 1/5 of your potential users has some sort of disability, and if you’re site can’t accommodate them, you’re losing a huge number of potential customers. To get you started, .NET Magazine provides A simple introduction to web accessibility. There’s a lot of great information here.
One really interesting feature of HTML5 is support for offline operation and Web Directions gives you a primer on Taking your web sites and apps offline with the HTML5 appcache. Not all browsers offer offline caching - IE, I’m looking at you - but now is a great time to consider whether it’s a future direction for you web apps.
When it comes to building web apps, Newfangled helpfully reminds us to choose a developer, not a CMS. As always, don’t lock yourself into a technology from the start. Find the right people for your team and project first. Added bonus: the folks at Newfangled detail the pros and cons of open-source, licensed, and proprietary content management systems.
We talk about it a lot, but it’s fair to wonder: why all this fuss about HTML5? NewIsm tackles that question with A Real-World Case Study on HTML5 and the ups and downs of the real-world implementation of HTML 5.
Finally, tired of low-contrast fonts and unreadable texts on web sites? Join the Contrast Rebellion and learn how a little more contrast can be easier to read and good looking.
Until next week, remember to close your tags and test in all the right browsers.

Latest Additions

47 articles overall 35 new, 22 updated, 0 moved. 8 were edited, 39 unedited
Article topics listed: ASP, ASP.NET, Javascript, CSS, HTML, PHP, WebForms, Ajax, Apache, Flash, Silverlight, MVC, jQuery, ISAPI, CSS3, HTML5, Web

New articles added



  • Build truly RESTful API and website using same ASP.NET MVC code - Omar Al Zabir
    Usually we create separate controllers or WCF service layer to deal with API part of the website but I will show you how you can create both RESTful website and API using the same controller code working over the exact same URL that a browser can use to browse through the website and a client applic (Unedited)

ASP.NET Controls


  • Introduction to HTML5 : Part 1 - Samaj Shekhar
    This post Introduces you to the element of HTML5 and discusees various methods and properties provided by it. (Unedited)
    Javascript, HTML, Dev, Design, HTML5


  • Multiple Months View DatePicker Control in Silverlight - Manas_Patnaik
    A DatePicker control in Silverlight with multiple months view.
    C#, .NET, Silverlight, Dev
  • Loading huge data in Silverlight AutoCompleteBox - Renil Joy, Bangalore
    Created a custom AutoCompleteBox which will filter huge data quickly (Unedited)
    WPF, Silverlight
  • Silverlight Menu4U - Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
    A new Silverlight Menu with Styling and Templating (Unedited)
    C# (C#4.0), XAML, Silverlight, Silverlight4
  • How to Communicate between two Local Silverlight Applications? - Kunal_Chowdhury
    Sometime it is require to communicate between two local Silverlight applications. Though this situation is very limited but it may require as per your business deal. In such case, the local messaging mechanism comes into the place. In this post, we will learn about this local messaging system usin (Unedited)
    C#, Silverlight, Dev, Silverlight4, Development, RIA, Silverlight5, Silverlight3


Web Services

Windows Presentation Foundation

  • Tidy Up XAML with the ApexGrid - DaveKerr
    A small and neat addition to the Grid control which can tidy up XAML in WPF, Silverlight and WP7 (Unedited)
    C#, Windows, Mobile (Windows-Phone-7), WPF, Silverlight, Dev

Third Party Products and Tools

Articles updated


ASP.NET Controls

  • Create Custom Controls in MVC3 - Ranjan.D
    This article demonstrates how we can create Custom Controls in MVC3 (Unedited)
    Windows, ASP.NET, Architect, Dev, C#3.5, MVC3

Client side scripting

Custom Controls

  • Databound Schedule Controls - Jos Branders
    These data controls can show scheduled events automatically
    VB, Windows, .NET1.0, .NET1.1, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WinForms, WebForms, VS.NET2003, Dev




  • Signum Framework Principles - Olmo del Corral
    Explains the philosphy behind Signum Framework, an ORM with a full LINQ Provider that encourages an enties-first approach. (Unedited)
    VB9.0, Windows, .NET3.5, ASP.NET, WCF, XAML, WPF, LINQ, VS2008, Architect, Dev, EF

Programming Tips

  • Object Oriented JavaScript Class Library in C#/.NET Style - EJocys
    JavaScript class library which partly replicates Microsoft .NET Framework structure and functionality. (Unedited)
    Javascript, CSS, HTML, .NET (.NET1.0, .NET1.1, .NET2.0, Mono, DotGNU, .NET3.0, .NET3.5), ASP, ASP.NET, Ajax

Tips and Tricks added


ASP.NET Controls

  • Hyperlinked Images in ASP.NET GridView - DrABELL
    3 different techniques of adding hyperlinked image to ASP.NET GridView control in data-centric RIA (Unedited)
    ASP.NET, Gridview, image, DataTable, CSS3, RIA, HTML5, Data-Binding



Site & Server Management

Trace and Logs

  • How to use the event log - Marcio_Coelho
    How to configure your app to send messages to the event log. (Unedited)
    C#, ASP.NET

Office Development

Programming Tips


  • Differences between GET and POST methods - Graeme_Grant
    GET method:Data is appended to the URL. - correctData is publicly available. - correctIt is a single call system. - GET/POST/PUT methods both send and receive response/dataMaximum data that can be sent is 256. - browser dependant up to 4KData transmission is faster. - GET/POST/PUT... (Unedited)

Site & Server Management

Algorithms & Recipes

Programming Tips

  • How to pass serverside variable value in aspx to server side controls - tsdragon
    You could also use the West Wind Web Toolkit by Rick Strahl, which has a REALLY nice component for this purpose.Blog Entry:[^](I have no connection to Rick Strahl or West Wind,... (Unedited)
    C#, ASP.NET
  • Restrict the size of file uploads in ASP.NET - Monjurul Habib
    Specific directories rather than entire application: For individual uploader:int maxSize = 2097151;if (FileUpload1.HasFile &&... (Unedited)

Technical blogs added



  • HTML5: The New Frontier - stephen.vaubell
    The intention of this post is to look at the changes in HTML5. (Unedited)
    C#, Javascript, HTML, Windows, .NET, Dev
  • HTML5 Web Notifications - Gil Fink
    Implement notifications like "Mail message arrived", "Printer out of paper" in web applications using the Web Notifications API (Unedited)
    All-Topics, Web-Development, HTML5


Web Security

Book Chapters

Videos added


  • An Introduction to IIS Express - Steve Smith
    In this video, I provide a high-level overview of Microsoft’s current preferred development web server, IIS Express.
    ASP.NET, IIS, Dev
Menachem Av 2, 5771 · August 2, 2011

By Reuvena Leah Grodnitzky
A proposed ban on circumcision failed a legal test Thursday as a S. Francisco judge struck the item from the upcoming municipal ballot. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
When a concerned mother in Houston, Texas, named Melissa sent her son to a residential treatment center in Provo, Utah, it was not a decision that she ever thought she would confront. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Dozens of Jewish college students completed the second installment of this year's IsraeLinks trip, spending three challenging weeks immersing themselves in Torah study and touring the Holy Land. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Stunned by the murder of an Israeli mystic Friday morning, Jewish communities around the world struggled to comprehend the sheer horror and apparent randomness of the crime. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Five days after disappearing beneath the waves off the coast of western Indonesia, a fisherman found the body of missing American surfer Daniel Bobis. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Talk of the Planet
Birthday Milestone Results in Camp's Third Van Donation
Toronto's Lubavitch Day Camp received its third 15-passenger van in 25 years as part of a grand 70th birthday celebration for local lawyer Martin Teplitsky.
Buryatia Chapel Now Fifth Prison Synagogue to Open in Russia
Officials in Ulan-Ude, capital of the Russian republic of Buryatia near Mongolia, opened a new chapel at Prison No. 8 exclusively for the use of the institution's approximately 20 inmates.
In the Media
Roving Rabbis pay a visit to Kenosha
Kenosha News - WI

Surendettement: les emprunteurs bientôt fichés ?

Le ministère de l'Economie a lancé une consultation publique sur la création en France d'un "fichier positif" des emprunteurs pour lutter contre le surendettement des ménages.

Les investisseurs se ruent sur la dette allemande

La demande est telle que le rendement du Bund est désormais inférieur à l'inflation. Du jamais vu depuis près d'un demi-siècle.

L'Espagne et l'Italie continuent d'inquiéter les marchés

le Premier ministre espagnol Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, le 4 février 2010 à Washington A leurs plus hauts niveaux depuis dix ans, les taux des obligations espagnoles et italiennes cristallisent la crainte des marchés quant à l'avenir de la zone euro. Bruxelles dément préparer un quelconque plan de sauvetage.

Les Norvégiens privés de jeux vidéo violents ?

Un exemplaire du jeu "World of Warcraft" Coop Norge, la principale coopérative du pays, a retiré une cinquantaine de jeux vidéo de la vente jugés violents par respect pour les familles des victimes de la double attaque meurtrière le 22 juillet dernier.

Légaliser le cannabis rapporterait plus d'un milliard d'euros à l'Etat

Manifestation en faveur de la dépénalisation de la consommation de cannabis Dans un entretien au quotidien Le Monde, Pierre Kopp, professeur d'Economie à Paris I s'est livré à une première estimation s'appuyant uniquement sur les recettes fiscales que générerait cette légalisation.

Les Américains ont réduit leurs dépenses en juin

Wal Mart La consommation, des ménages a baissé de 0,2% par rapport à mai 2010, alors que les analystes tablaient sur une hausse.

Guerre des brevets : Apple marque un point contre Samsung

02.08.11 Challenges Samsung Tablette tactile Galaxy Tab 10.1 Engagés depuis plusieurs mois dans un litige portant sur la propriété intellectuelle, les deux géants des télécommunications sont provisoirement parvenus à un accord su la vente de tablettes Galaxy en Australie.

Quand les Asiatiques seront-ils aussi aisés que les Européens ?

Shanghai Subway Selon une étude récente, le PIB de l'ensemble des pays d'Asie devrait être multiplié par dix dans moins de quarante ans.

Barclays coupe à son tour dans ses effectifs

BAISSE DES BÉNÉFICES DE BARCLAYS AU 1ER SEMESTRE La banque britannique prévoit une baisse de ses effectifs globaux de 3.000 personnes en 2011.

BMW va produire des voitures au Brésil

LE BÉNÉFICE TRIMESTRIEL DE BMW SUPÉRIEUR AUX ATTENTES Le constructeur automobile allemand haut de gamme souhaite miser sur la forte croissance du géant sud-américain pour augmenter ses ventes.

HSBC redéploie ses forces sur les marchés émergents

Stuart Gulliver Après avoir annoncé la suppression de 30.000 postes dans le monde, la banque a fait savoir qu'elle allait embaucher 15.000 salariés dans les pays émergents.

La retraite passe à 61,5 ans pour tous les Français nés en 1955

Selon le décret paru ce mardi au Journal officiel, les personnes nées en 1955 devront cotiser 166 trimestres pour bénéficier d'une retraite à taux plein.

Le tramway de Manchester piloté par la RATP

Tramway à Manchester (Royaume-Uni) La société Metrolink qui exploite les quatre lignes desservant la métropole anglaise a été rachetée par la RATP qui conforte ainsi son développement au Royaume-Uni.

Apple plus riche que les Etats-Unis

Steve Jobs, le PDG d'Apple Les réserves financières du créateur de l'Iphone dépassent désormais celle de l'Etat fédéral. Steve Jobs pourrait donc, en théorie, sauver son pays en cas de défaut.

Les députés américains entérinent le plan sur la dette

Le dôme du Capitole le 6 avril 201 à Washington La Chambre des représentants a adopté le plan de relèvement du plafond de la dette, par 269 voix contre 161, avant le vote des Sénateurs.

VIDEO La dette américaine, un héritage des années Bush

Le président Barack Obama, le 29 juillet 2011 à la Maison Blanche, à Washington Président du Parti démocrate américain en France, Joe Smallhoover revient pour sur l'accord intervenu ce week-end au Congrès sur la dette américaine. Le vrai débat, pour lui, n'est pas tant la dette que le budget, et donc le chômage, la fiscalité, la santé...

Comment Yahoo! réinvente la publicité pour doper ses revenus

02.08.11 Challenges Yahoo! La revue de la presse de A la Une des journaux également, les Qataris qui font la révolution dans le football français.

Les voitures électriques de Nissan transformables en groupe électrogène

Nissan Leaf Le constructeur japonais a doté la batterie de la Leaf d'un système permettant de la connecter à l'installation électrique d'une maison et de distribuer du courant pendant deux jours.

BNP Paribas engrange des bénéfices malgré la Grèce

BNP FAIT MOINS BIEN QUE PRÉVU AU 2E TRIMESTRE La banque a provisionné 534 millions d'euros pour compenser l'aide à la Grèce.

Sous-traitant d'Apple, Foxconn remplace ses ouvriers par des robots

01.08.11 Challenges Foxconn usine chinoise Pour éviter une hausse des coûts salariaux, le groupe taïwanais envisage de licencier 500.000 employés du groupe pour les remplacer par des robots d'ici trois ans.

François Hollande reprend la main face à Aubry

François Hollande à l'arrivée de la 14e étape du Tour de France le 16 juillet 2011 Soutenu à 42% par les sympathisants contre 34% pour Martine Aubry, le candidat socialiste repasse devant sa rivale, selon un sondage Ifop.

Les taux des crédits immobiliers grimpent en flèche

Mardi 6 juillet Depuis novembre 2010, les taux d'intérêt des crédits immobiliers ne cessent d'augmenter. En juillet, ils ont atteint 3,90% en moyenne.

Paul Krugman : "L'accord (sur la dette américaine) est un désastre"

01.08.11 Challenges Paul Krugman Avec l'accord sur le relèvement du plafond de la dette américaine survenu dimanche, les Etats-Unis auraient évité la catastrophe. Faux, répond le prix Nobel d'économie 2008.

Ces pays d'Europe qui résistent au chômage

Chômeurs devant une agence de l'Oficina de empleo, l'équivalent espagnol de Pôle emploi. Selon Eurostat, la proportion des demandeurs d’emploi dans la population active n’a pas variée depuis quatre mois. Elle reste inférieure à 10%. Mais cette moyenne cache d’énormes disparités. Tour d’horizon.

Les conseils d'administration des géants du CAC 40 se féminisent

Laurence Parisot, Présidente du Medef Selon une récente étude, la majorité des grandes entreprises françaises a préféré devancer l'échéance de 2014 qui les oblige à respecter un premier quota de 20%.

Le palmarès des grandes fortunes

Palmarès classement Fortunes Pour la quinzième édition de notre classement, nous avons évalué le patrimoine des principaux actionnaires individuels français à partir des comptes de leurs sociétés, au terme d'une procédure contradictoire. Le classement intègre les non-résidents de nationalité française. Sont exclus des évaluations les biens immobiliers détenus à titre personnel, les œuvres d'art et les signes extérieurs de richesse non durables.

Quand Bruxelles s'attaque aux mensonges de l'industrie alimentaire

challenges supermarché rayon L'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments a passé au crible l'ensemble des allégations santé inscrites sur les emballages des produits de grande consommation. Quatre messages sur cinq sont faux.

Les pilotes du vol AF447 sont-ils vraiment responsables du crash ?

AF 447 : une partie du fuselage de l'A330 récupéré dans l'Atlantique en juin 2009 Le rapport du Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pointe du doigt la responsabilité des trois pilotes dans le crash du Rio-Paris. Air France défend son équipage.

"Ils ont eu 40 ou 50 secondes pour sauver l’avion"

Frédéric Béniada pilote et journaliste à France Info Frédéric Béniada est pilote et journaliste à France Info. Avec quelques pilotes qualifiés A330, il a reproduit en simulateur l’accident du Rio-Paris d’Air France. Il revient, pour sur les trois minutes qui se sont achevées par le crash de l’AF447, le 31 mai 2009.
La dette américaine, un héritage des années Bush
La dette américaine, un héritage des années Bush
NokiaE6 : sur les traces de BlackBerry
NokiaE6 : sur les traces de BlackBerry
FIFA 2012 : trailer et interviews
FIFA 2012 : trailer et interviews
Les riches en 2011 sont toujours plus riches
Les riches en 2011 sont toujours plus riches
Le classement des 500 fortunes professionnelles de Challenges
Le classement des 500 fortunes professionnelles de Challenges
Par Henri de Bodinat Association de malfaiteurs
Par Henri de Bodinat
Par Anne-Marie Rocco Moi Tarzan, toi Jane
Par Anne-Marie Rocco
Par Pierre-Henri de Menthon Les indignations d'un ex-directeur du Trésor
Par Pierre-Henri de Menthon
Par Marc Baudriller L'étrange vidéo de Lagardère
Par Marc Baudriller
Voir tous les blogs

This Week's Features Printable Magazine

Nine Days: Remembering and Anticipating
What is the biggest miracle of our generation? The fall of Communism? The peaceful political transition in South Africa? That Fidel Castro still runs Cuba?

By Yossy Goldman
If joy is the revelation and expansion of the soul, then sorrow is a soul’s concealment and contraction . . .

By Yanki Tauber
We Are All Family
I got straight to the point. “Rebbe, I have heard that many miracles come from this room. Please give my daughter a blessing that she should be cured!”

By Yekutiel Farkash
I admit I am intolerant. At times I am bigoted towards others. I judge people by the way they look, the way they walk, the way they talk . . .

By Dovid Zaklikowski
A healthy Jewish people is one big, caring family where each individual loves the other like his or her own self.

What should I do? Should I attend the family celebration? Or could I blow off the celebration and go to the convention I had so been looking forward to?

By Dovid Zaklikowski
As might be expected, Hershel the Hilarious was the most popular guy in Mosayov among the idle, the crude, the silly and the drinkers . . .

By Yerachmiel Tilles
Shabbat of Vision
Isaiah’s prophecy contains a hidden lesson about our power to visualize and manifest our greatest hopes and dreams.

By Mendel Kaplan
Watch Watch (45:00)
I don’t know if the communists or Madison Avenue ever perfected the art of subliminal suggestion, but I am sure that G‑d has the requisite skills to pull it off . . .

By Elisha Greenbaum
The vision which we see on Shabbat Chazon is to inspire a change so fundamental that we will turn that vision of the Third Temple into actual physical reality...

By Chana Kroll
Deuteronomy: When Moses Talks
An introduction to the book of Deuteronomy and its uniqueness among the Five Books of Moses.

By Yehoshua B. Gordon
Watch Watch (3:41)
An intermediary can convey his message verbatim, or he can absorb it and “translate” it into terms more readily understood by the recipients . . .

From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe; adapted by Moshe Yaakov Wisnefsky
Why do we talk so much? Witness the endless self-explaining we engage in, the perpetual conversation we feel obliged to “make” . . .

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
A person can live from day to day, or he or she can have a clear goal in life. For such a person, every major decision is made in terms of that goal.

By Tali Loewenthal
Life is disappointing or frightening, and we immediately point the finger at G‑d: You hate me, even though I have nothing against You!

By Rochel Holzkenner
For thirty-seven days Moses talks: recalling, reminding, rebuking, warning, promising; about the revelation at Sinai, their journeys through the desert . . .

On the Shoulders of Giants
How Miriam as a five-year-old girl already displayed immense bravery by defying the wicked Pharaoh’s order to help kill the newborn Israelite males.

By Chana Weisberg
Watch Watch (21:36)
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria was undisputedly the greatest practitioner and expounder of Kabbalah since Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar.

By Yerachmiel Tilles
From Our Mailbag
Rabbi, I appreciate your invitation to join your classes, but I just don’t have time in my life for spirituality right now . . .

By Aron Moss
Judaism seems to be the ultimate restriction for a free-spirited, independent young person . . .

By Tova Benjamin
Prices on all dishes in the restaurant are in multiples of $1.00 to enable the special teenagers to serve as cashiers without worrying about small change.

By Dani Saul
Our new friend shared historic frayed photos and clear memories of a time gone by. Here we pass on the favor to you.

By Mendy Singer
Women Write
Emotion and life were not part of the gray house on Andrew Avenue. Yes, there were four people living there, ostensibly a family. In reality, just four people sharing two bathrooms . . .

By Anonymous
She has a sign on her wall,
much like The Writing on Wall
saying (as she’s praying):
This too shall pass

By Chana Perman

Secondo l'IPCC, con politiche e investimenti adeguati le fonti verdi potrebbero saziare quasi l'80% del fabbisogno energetico mondiale nel 2050
Continua l'emergenza a Fukushima, secondo le rilevazioni della Tepco si mantengono su livelli record i livelli di radiazione nei pressi dei reattori danneggiati. Evacuati 80.000 residenti
Continua il boom del fotovoltaico in USA. Obiettivo raggiungere i 10 GW entro il 2015. Confortanti i dati del primo trimestre del 2011 

Compiled on Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 06:55 PM CET

This mail includes the latest edition of the SPIEGEL INTERNATIONAL

For daily insights on Europe and the world, visit

If you are unable to click on any of the links below, please copy and
paste the address into your Web browser's address bar.


Elite Police Retrace Steps to Breivik
In an exclusive interview with SPIEGEL, the head of special police unit
that captured Anders Behring Breivik reconstructs the minutes of the
operation, revealing that his officers nearly shot Breivik, fearing he
might be carrying explosives. The suspicious device turned out to be an


'No One Is Born Evil'
In a SPIEGEL interview, bestselling Swedish crime writer Henning Mankell
talks about his reaction to the Utøya massacre, the absurdity of Anders
Breivik's ideas and the need to engage in dialogue with the right wing.,1518,777778,00.html#ref=nlint


Mossad Behind Tehran Assassinations, Says Source
One atomic researcher after the other has died in a series of recent
murders in Iran. Is Israel's Mossad trying to sabotage the construction
of a nuclear bomb with the attacks? Officials in Jerusalem aren't
denying anything. Israeli military generals are even more hawkish, and
their calls for air strikes on Iran are growing louder.,1518,777899,00.html#ref=nlint


Meeting Fate in World's Largest Refugee Camp
Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing into eastern Kenya to escape
hunger, drought and Islamist militias in Somalia. Their new home is the
world's biggest refugee camp in Dadaab, which some of them will never
leave. But the example of one man shows that it can still be a place of


Photo Gallery: Hope and Despair in Dadaab


A 'Civil War Atmosphere' in Washington
After weeks of acrimony, the US Senate votes Tuesday on a compromise
measure to raise the country's debt ceiling. The bill has drawn
criticism from members of both parties, but it will likely pass just in
time to save the US from default. German commentators on Tuesday express
their frustration over the brinksmanship.,1518,777961,00.html#ref=nlint


Leftist Terrorist Turned Neo-Nazi Says Was Stasi Informant Too
Horst Mahler was a leader of the German radical left in the 1960s and
'70s. Now he's a member of the radical right, sitting in jail for
denying the Holocaust. But he's reportedly verified reports that he
informed for Communist spies in the '60s.,1518,777938,00.html#ref=nlint


German Economy Starts to Cool Down
Is the party over for the German economy, which has been enjoying its
strongest boom since reunification? Sentiment indicators and company
forecasts point to a slowdown caused in part by weakening activity in
China. Fears are also growing about the US outlook and the simmering
euro debt crisis.,1518,777930,00.html#ref=nlint


'Kosovo's Territorial Integrity is Inviolable'
In a SPIEGEL interview, Kosovar Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi
discusses the tense situation along the republic's northern border,
which grew deadly last week during clashes with ethnic Serbs. He also
calls on countries that have not yet recognized Kosovo as a state to
reconsider their position.,1518,777676,00.html#ref=nlint


German Justice Slammed in Honor Killing Study
What drives families to commit 'honor killings?' Who are the killers and
where do they come from? A new study commissioned by the German police
has found that the killers are almost always first-generation immigrants
from poor backgrounds, that cases aren't increasing and that courts are
making mistakes in their handling of them.,1518,777997,00.html#ref=nlint


Egyptian Face-Off,1518,778014,00.html#ref=nlint

Today`s Email Stories:
‘Death Sentence’ to Migron
Sharp Response Over Migron
Fischer Don't Repeat 1995
Arab ‘Arson Intifada’
‘Bomb Blast Aimed at Nasrallah’
Restraining Orders in Yitzhar
Sensor Detects Date Rape Drugs
More Website News:
Peres Mourns Slain Rabbi
Assad's Protectors Remain Firm
Netanyahu Defends IDF Budget
Kassam Wounds Bedouin Woman
‘Mossad Admits Hit on Iran’

MP3 Radio Website News Briefs:
Talk: Media Terrorists
Using a Strong Arm
Music: Mixed Selection
Israeli Music for Hanukah

1. Netanyahu Concedes to Obama – if Abbas Drops UN Ploy
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Netanyahu Concedes to Obama

The Netanyahu government has confirmed it will accept renewed talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, based on the 1949-1967 borders, if the PA scraps its initiative to ask the United Nations for recognition.

Renewed talks also are conditioned on Abbas' recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, a statement he has said he never will make.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told President Barack Obama at a White House meeting last May that returning to the temporary 1949 Armistice Lines, which were in effect until the Six-Day War in 1967, would force “indefensible borders” on Israel.

The president has since emphasized that talks “based on 1967 borders” means that there is room for negotiations on what land should be retained under Israeli sovereignty.

In an seeming concession to President Obama, the Prime Minister now is willing to meet with Abbas on condition that the Palestinian Authority withdraw his plan to go the United Nations.

However, in response to the report, the office of the Prime Minister stated, "There has been no change in government policy. The proposal for renewed talks is conditioned on Israel's being defined as a Jewish state."

The Arab League already has submitted a request to the United Nations for recognizing the Palestinian Authority, but there is deep division within the PA over the possibility that the tactic may leave them empty-handed.

The “peace process” has been dead for two years, if not longer, and is buried underground in the view of most analysts. The attempt to dig it up and resurrect it may be at the behest of United States, which has suffered a sharp decrease in its influence in the Arab world since President Obama’s failure to follow up with results on the ground after his “reaching out to Muslims” speech in Cairo two years ago.

An official United Nations discussion on recognizing the Palestinian Authority as an independent country would relegate the ”peace process” to an obituary in history books. It is not clear if Abbas would prefer that.

"Over the last few weeks there has been an ongoing attempt to restart the peace process to allow for the resumption of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians," a government official told the French news agency AFP. "The assumption is that if this process succeeds, the Palestinians will withdraw their proposal for unilateral action at the UN."

He added that President Obama’s statements on the old borders of Israel not being written in stone “is the sort of language that we can live with.”

The United States has indicated, without a total commitment, that it will cast a veto in the United Nations Security Council, whose recommendation for recognizing a new state is needed before the General Assembly can vote on it.

That would leave the PA with having to settle for a non-binding resolution, based on its own political and territorial demands for all of Judea and Samaria as well eastern, northern and southern Jerusalem, commonly referred to East Jerusalem by mainstream media.

The government’s change of attitude towards the expression Obama used, confirmed by an unnamed official in foreign media, effectively forces Abbas to make the move in what has become a long and drawn-out diplomatic chess game.

Abbas has not responded to Netanyahu’s latest proposal to resume talks and formerly has stated that he would be willing to “negotiate” with Israel only after the Jewish state accepts all of its demands, which he said are non-negotiable. The ball is back in his court.

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2. High Court Issues ‘Death Sentence’ to Migron
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ‘Death Sentence’ to Migron

The High Court Tuesday told the government to destroy the Migron community, home to 47 families in northern Samaria, by next March.

The tough-worded ruling, if implemented, would force the expulsion and relocation of the families, some of whom have lived in Migron for more than a decade. Migron has been a constant target for Peace Now, which has claimed that Jewish homes are located on property belonging to PA Arabs.

Migron has explained that Jordan, which occupied Samaria after the Arabs lost the War for Independence of Israel in 1949, arbitrarily divided up areas, including Migron, among Arab families, some of whom never even knew the lands had been given to them, In many cases, it is not known where the supposed owners live.

Although the land never was recorded as being purchased, the courts have ruled in favor of left-wing groups who filed the suit.

Previous negotiations with Defense Minister Ehud Barak have delayed the death sentence as the government and Migron residents tried to work out an agreement.

The three-justice panel, headed by court President Dorit Beinisch, put an end to any compromise, which was supposed to also involve three homes that the court recently ruled be demolished even though Peace Now, which instituted legal proceedings,withdrew its petition after realizing that the case was faultily prepared and it could not prove Arab ownership for these specific homes. It decided to wait for the general ruling on Migron.

The court on Tuesday said said there is “no practical timetable” for carrying out previous decisions by the court that Migron be demolished and its residents expelled and transferred.

Citing what the justices said was almost no chance of any counter proposal for relocation being carried out, the panel ruled, “There is no justification for the continuation of the current illegal situation of the existence of the ‘outpost.”

The court charged that Migron is “one of the most exceptional cases of the establishment of illegal outposts that the court has dealt with.

“We have divided to issue a ruling that obligates the government to ‘evacuate’ Migron, and we have no choice but to tell the residents of Migron that they must agree to relocate or be considers as violators of the law.”

The government had offered the residents a neighborhood of their own attached to an existing community. That would take years to build and the residents did not accept the offer, not wanting to set a precedent of agreeing to abandon existing communities and because they felt the suit was unjust, having settled in Migron with government help.


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3. Sharp Response to Migron Decision
by A7 Staff Sharp Response Over Migron

Migron residents responded to the High Court decision to demolish their community by March 2012 saying the court was setting a hypocritical precedent that encroached on government authority.

"The Supreme Court is dictating to the government how to arrange the settlement enterprise," a community representative said. "It is interesting to consider that the same court allowed an active terrorist last week to claim rights it denies to 300 loyal citizens. This is the first precedent where the High Court has ordered the Israeli government to destroy a settlement it established itself with its own hands."


The Yesha Council said the court had demonstrated bias and denied the residents of Migron due process.


"The High Court headed by President Dorit Beinisch will never miss an opportunity again to rule against the settlements and throw a match into a barrel of powder with no need," the council said.


"Whoever recently permitted the Hizbollah terrorist Mustafa Dirani to sue the State of Israel for millions despite dubious standing, while preventing dozens of Israeli families living in Migron from making their cases to the courts, refusing to examine documents and evidence for ten years, and dismissed out of hand an agreement the community had with the government, has sealed their fate without a trial," it added. 


Our Land of Israel chairman Baruch Marzel accused Benish of fermenting civil conflict in Israel.


"Benisch is pushing for civil war and the consequences of the verdict are on her," Marzel said. "Apparently after her retirement she wants to join the tents of the radical left."

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4. Bank of Israel Governor Makes Media Rounds to Counteract Demos
by Aryeh Ben Hayim Fischer Don't Repeat 1995


Monday was a busy day for Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer who not only held a press conference but made the rounds of various news programs. While outwardly unflappable, Fischer is obviously concerned that the current demonstrations may trigger irresponsible programs of a shoot from the hip style. He was particularly concerned about the timing of such actions since he coupled his statement while expressing his fears that the international monetary situation remains turbulent as the European debt crisis was advancing from the peripheral states to the core states.

He conceded that there were areas for improvements but it was important to preserve the budgetary framework. Instead of launching ill-considered programs the committee set up to examine the tax structure was excellent and perhaps the decline in direct taxation and the increase in indirect taxation was responsible for growing socioeconomic gaps in Israel. Fischer admitted that he was surprised by the demonstrations but then almost everybody else was.

Fischer defended his policy initiated at the start of the global economic crisis of cutting interest rates to the bone --a policy that left investors with few alternative havens for their capital outside the real estate market. Fischer replied "if we hadn't dropped the interest rates and left them at 4.25%, we would not have a problem of housing but instead a problem of high unemployment as in the United States and Europe would've been created where the unemployment level is almost 10%. If the interest was so high, there wouldn't be any work and people couldn't even think of buying a home.

Stanley Fischer believes that the Israeli economy may be over centralized and one should examine price differences between Israel and abroad "we pay too much for automobiles"… My impression is that prices in Israel a very high"

In perhaps a backhanded compliment to the demonstrators the Bank of Israel Governor claimed "some of their demands are political and I won't speak about it. But they are contributing to the quality of politics in the state of Israel but anyone who wants to exert influence in politics can't work exclusively via protest movements."

 Fischer returned to his warning "We are entering a problematic period due to the state of the world economy and therefore it is impermissible for us to rupture the budgetary framework; we will pay a very high price. We did this in 1995 and it cost us a great deal.

The financial correspondents did not pick up on this statement either because they did not understand the allusion or they understood it too well. In 1995 the Prime Minister was Itzhak Rabin and his Minister of Finance was Avraham (Beiga) Shohet. That government lavished huge salary increases on public sector employees and the Arab sector and because of its munificence it was credited with changing the country's order of priorities. This phrase changing the other of priorities has reappeared in the demonstrations and Fischer is issuing a warning against the mistaken policies that could be initiated as a result

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5. Arab ‘Arson Intifada’ Threatens Judea and Samaria
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Arab ‘Arson Intifada’

Palestinian Authority terrorists are reverting to the first Intifada tactic of burning down Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Arabs have set more than 20 fires in Jewish communities, mostly outposts, the past several weeks, which have forced the evacuation of residents.

Police investigations have determined that the blazes were intentional, and tracks have led them Arab villages nearby the Jewish communities. Six Arab suspects have been arrested.

In the first Intifada in the late 1980s, Arabs frequently set fires, often on the Sabbath.

Some Israeli Arabs profited by their being employed by the Jewish National Fund.

One example was a Friday night blaze that burned down several acres of nature reserve near Kibbutz Maaleh Gilboa, situated between Beit She’an in the Jordan Valley and within the 1949 Armistice Lines. The same Arabs workers for the JNF who were paid for planting the trees also were paid for extinguishing the fires.

Relatives or friends of the same Arabs, who lived in an Arab village a few hundred feet from the kibbutz and beyond the 1949 borders, set the reserve on fire, and Arabs from other villages used the same method in dozens of other incidents.

The renewed arson intifada causes more widespread damage than the usual life-endangering rock-throwing, particularly in the summer when forests are dry and afternoon winds quickly whip up a small fire into an inferno. It, too, can put lives in danger.

Mitzpeh Danny, located in Samaria, has suffered seven fires in the past and nearby communities have had to evacuate its residents, including toddlers, because of the threat that purposely set fires would reach their homes,

An IDF Samaria commander termed the arsons as a “new weapon” but it in fact proved to be successful 20 years ago until the 'trend' in Arab violence gave way to suicide bombings. 


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6. Lebanese Bomb Blast Aimed at Nasrallah, Kuwaiti News Reports
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ‘Bomb Blast Aimed at Nasrallah’

Last Friday’s bomb blast in Lebanon was aimed at Hizbullah leader Hassam Nasrallah and/or the son of slain terrorist Imad Mughinyeh, different Arab news outlets report.

The Kuwaiti Al Jarida site reported the bomb in a Hizbullah stronghold in a Beirut suburb was intended to kill Nasrallah, according to information allegedly from Israel that the leader of the terrorist army and party was meeting with aides and Samir Kuntar, the child-killer whom Israel freed more than two years ago. Initial reports stated that Kuntar was the intended target.

The sources were not able to confirm whether or not Nasrallah was wounded and that the bomb instead may have injured terrorist commander Mustafa Mughinyeh, whose father and mastermind terrorist Imad Mughinyeh was assassinated in Syria three years ago by Israel.

An official Hizbullah statement claimed that the blast was caused by a gas cylinder and that no one was hurt. After the blast, Hizbullah security forces surrounded the building, which may have been Mughinyeh’s office.

A report by indicated it was more likely that the target of the bomb was Mughinyeh, and Israel’s Channel 10 said that one of his bodyguards was killed in the explosion.

Lebanon’s official news agency said one person was seriously wounded.

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7. Restraining Orders Issued Against Yitzhar Residents
by Elad Benari Restraining Orders in Yitzhar

Police handed out administrative restraining orders early Tuesday morning against some residents of the Shomron (Samaria) Jewish community of Yitzhar. The orders were signed by Central Command Chief Maj.-Gen. Avi Mizrahi.

Mizrahi has had a long running vendetta against Yitzhar, and several weeks ago called to close its yeshiva.

Mizrahi made the comments in an interview on Channel 2 News, saying that some of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have “centers out of which terrorist elements come,” and adding that “the yeshiva in Yitzhar has several people whose norms are not consistent with democracy and this yeshiva should be closed.”

Shomron Regional Council Head Gershon Mesika responded angrily to the restraining orders, calling the move “an attempt to take the housing protest off the agenda.”

“This attempt will not work,” said Mesika. “Restraining orders are a draconian and anti-democratic step which relies on the rules of the British Mandate. This move is a blatant discrimination against citizens who live in Judea and Samaria.”

Mesika added, “We did not even see restraining orders being given to the heads of the crime families. If any citizen [in Judea and Samaria] is thought to be a criminal, he must be tried as any other citizen would be.”

Several months ago, the community of Yitzhar was raided by dozens of Border Guards and Yassam police special forces. The raid took place in the middle of the night.

Previously, police raided a yeshiva in Yitzhar in the middle of the night, and after they could not find anything illegal, they took to the streets and started handing out traffic violations, a tactic that has been used in the past in several Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria to harass residents.

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8. Made in Israel: Sensor Detects Date Rape Drugs
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Sensor Detects Date Rape Drugs

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a 100-percent accurate personal sensor that detects the presence of the most common date rape drugs in beverages.

The next stage is to miniaturize the system for mass production and to produce a device no larger than the head of a pin, which would make it possible for club-goers to check their drinks without their partners noticing.

Prof. Fernando Patolsky and Dr. Michael Ioffe of the School of Chemistry developed the system that is based on optical signal changes. When a ray of light comes into contact with a beverage spiked with a date rape drug, a signal change occurs and the system alerts the user.

According to its developers, the system identifies with 100 percent accuracy, without any false positives, the presence of harmful quantities of the most commonly used date rape drug, GHB, and of the second-most commonly used drug, ketamine.

Patolsky and Ioffe were aided in their research by bartenders who mixed 15 popular cocktails for them.

Blind testing was then carried out: 50 drinks were randomly spiked with date rape drugs, with the researchers unaware of which glasses contained the drugs. In the experiment, the system detected the drugs with 100 percent accuracy in all of the spiked drinks.

Date rape drugs, also known as club drugs, are psychoactive substances: drugs and medications with sedative and/or amnesiac effects that facilitate sexual exploitation. Most victims are teens and young adults at trance parties, clubs and bars.

Drug-facilitated sexual assault is a growing problem the world over. According to data published by the U.S. Department of Justice, in 2007 some 200,000 women were raped in the United States alone with the aid of date rape drugs. Only 16 percent of the victims reported the incidents to the authorities.

Experts believe that the current prevalence of date rape is up to twice the figure cited above, encompassing half a million women.

In addition to their use in sexual assault, these drugs can be employed to stun and sedate victims in other kinds of criminal acts, such as robbery.

“Currently the system is geared toward detecting GHB and ketamine, and we are hoping to expand the system so that it will detect additional date rape drugs as well,” Dr. Ioffe says.

Up to now the police and the health authorities have had no means of detecting date rape drugs in real time. The researchers note that law enforcement agencies have been unable to contend with the phenomenon because up to now no device has been developed that is sufficiently sensitive, let alone capable of being activated in pubs, in real time. Moreover, these drugs become undetectable by testing after several hours, making their use impossible to verify once victims regain consciousness.  

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Tailands Regierung löst gepfändete Boeing aus
Thailands Kronprinz muss sein in Deutschland gepfändetes Flugzeug doch nicht auf eigene Kosten auslösen. Stattdessen werde die thailändische Regierung die 20 Millionen Euro Sicherheitsleistung übernehmen, sagte Außenminister Kasit Piromya in Bangkok. Die Boeing 737 war bei einem Besuch des Kronprinzen in München Mitte Juli von einem Gerichtsvollzieher versiegelt worden, da sie vom Insolvenzverwalter der Walter Bau AG für thailändisches Staatseigentum gehalten wird. Der Konzern hat eine Millionenforderung gegen den thailändischen Staat. Die Regierung verweigerte zuererst die Zahlung. Mit der Übernahme der Kaution durch die Regierung soll deutlich gemacht werden, sagte Kasit, dass der Kronprinz mit der Sache nichts zu tun habe. Erst am Montag hatte dieser bekanntgegeben, er wolle die Kaution aus eigener Tasche zahlen, um die guten Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Thailand nicht zu belasten.     
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Das Wetter am Mittwoch: Im Osten sonnig, im Westen Gewitter
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Information Clearing House Newsletter
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August 02, 2011

  "The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled." John Kenneth Galbraith


"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the numbers of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government and have gone to war, and millions have been killed because of this obedience ... Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves ... [and] the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem." - Howard Zinn


Take The Pledge

"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning." 


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,617


Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


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How the CIA is Trying to Pave Over Yemen's Revolution
Evicting Yemen's Drone Base

By James Gundun

Most Yemenis and some observers firmly believe that Saleh and Washington are using each other to create chaos, a vain attempt to justify their illegitimate authority. Coolly rational, yet utterly deranged.


NATO too Stupid to Face Reality

By Lisa Karpova

I, for one, do not wish to live in a world controlled by barbaric savagery and the law of the jungle, but that's all there will be unless NATO is dismantled and dragged kicking and screaming before an International Court.


Billion Dollar Bill &NATO's Attack On Libya


It is not conspiracy -- it's structural economic behavior locked into Western Foreign Policy and therefore the global economy.


Islamophobia, Zionism and the Norway massacre

By Ali Abunimah

Anti-Defamation League director Abraham Foxman condemned Breivik's ideology, but he is still an enabler of Islamophobia.


Putin says U.S. is "Parasite" on Global Economy

By Maria Tsvetkova

"They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of their problems to the world economy,"


Gerald Celente: 'Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared'

By Mac Slavo

Should an attack hit one of the major NATO nations, the effects, this time, will go global. Bank holidays will be called, the US and other fragile economies will crumble, gold and silver will soar, and already-troubled currencies will crash.


Welcome to the United States of Austerity

By Andy Kroll

Polluted water, smoggy skies, crumbling bridges, less education funding, more unhealthy Americans: the impact of the debt deal's massive cuts.


Socialism for the Rich
Capitalism for Everyone Else

By Mark Braund

If more people understood the means by which banks create money, the way it swells the coffers of the already wealthy, and the destabilising effect it has on the real economy, then surely there would be a outcry of Murdochian proportions.


Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News

 Video Documentary -  Dispatches Channel 4
 The incredible story of how Rupert Murdoch used celebrity scandal to bankroll his expanding media empire, before scandal ultimately engulfed the News of the World itself.


A New Jury to Put the British Public Interest First

By Compass

Something is unraveling before our eyes. From bankers to media-barons, private interests have bankrupted and corrupted the public realm. Power, for so long hidden in the pockets of a cosy elite, has been exposed.


Show Up Or Shut-up
Stop The Machine!


People's Protest: DC's Freedom Plaza on October 6th


Bank-backed House Lawmakers Try to Kill IRS Plan

By Michael Hudson

Two U.S. House members who collected large campaign donations from the financial industry are pushing legislation to block an Internal Revenue Service plan to discourage foreign tax evaders and money launderers from stashing money in U.S. banks.


College Conspiracy


College education is the largest scam in U.S. history!


Attacks by Yemeni government kill 19: -

Yemeni military airstrikes and bombings throughout the country resulted in the deaths of four civilians and 15 militants, officials said Monday.


US Kills 15 in Yemen's Abyan Province:

Two US drone attacks in Zinjibar, Abyan, killed 15 suspected al-Qaeda fighters on Monday, a senior military official in Abyan confirmed


Afghan governor: NATO airstrike kills 4:

The governor of a province in northeastern Afghanistan said Monday a NATO airstrike killed four police officers at a checkpoint in the remote, mountainous region.


Suicide Bombers Kill 3 in Northern Afghanistan:

Afghan officials say a suicide bomb attack has killed at least three people and wounded 10 others in northern Afghanistan.


BBC fears journalist in Afghanistan may have been killed by Nato:

The BBC has asked Nato to investigate the death of one of its journalists in Afghanistan after reports suggested international forces could have been involved.


NATO occupation force soldier killed in southern Afghanistan:

A coalition service member was killed in southern Afghanistan on Monday as a result of an insurgent attack, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said.


US kills four people in north-west Pakistan:

At least four people were killed Monday and two more injured in a suspected US drone strike in Pakistan's restive north-western area along the Afghan border, intelligence officials said, dpa reported. "The identities of those killed were still unknown."


Soldiers deployed to quell violence in Pakistan's largest city after 34 killed in 2 days:

Police have found bodies scattered across different parts of the city since Monday morning, some riddled with bullets and others that showed signs of torture and were tied up in gunny sacks


Suicide bomber kills soldiers in Somalia as refugee exodus keeps up:

Mogadishu - Two African Union peacekeepers were killed in a suicide attack carried out by Islamists in the Somali capital Mogadishu, a spokesman confirmed Tuesday, as more refugees from the war-torn country are fleeing a devastating drought to neighbouring Kenya.


Aid groups warn famine may engulf southern Somalia:

"The next three to four months are set to worsen in Ethiopia, Kenya and parts of southern Somalia and the situation will remain classified as an 'emergency' until the end of the year," aid agency Oxfam warned Tuesday.


Syrian tanks shell Hama ahead of UN meeting:

The Security Council members gathered for closed consultations on Monday, following demands from European powers to condemn Assad's deadly crackdown on opposition protests.


Imperialists - hands off Syria!:

U.S. and French imperialism have flagrantly intervened in the Syrian crisis and made it obvious that they will act to overthrow and replace President Bashir Assad. This is an open threat to the people of Syria. It is a clear signal that progressive forces in the U.S. must give priority to combating this imperialist intervention no matter how they evaluate the Assad government.


Seven Libyan rebels killed in Gaddafi counter-attack:

Forces loyal to Libya's Muammar Gaddafi killed seven rebels and wounded another 65 in a counter-attack in the town of Zlitan on Tuesday, hospital sources in Misrata said.


NATO's Tripoli TV kills 4 people: :

Authorities in Tripoli say NATO's air raid on transmitters of Libyan state television Saturday left 3 people killed and 15 injured.


Fox in the chicken coop:
$250 million given to Libyan rebels:

France has given the Libyan rebels over $ 250 million from the frozen accounts of Muamar Gaddafi and his entourage, reports Agence France-Press.


End Game for Benghazi Rebels as Libyan Tribes Prepare to Weigh in?:

The force that is rapidly entering into this conflict is the leadership of Libya's more than 2000 tribes. In a series of meetings in Libya, Tunisia and elsewhere, the Tribal Council is speaking out forcefully and forging a political block that is demanding an end to Libyans killing Libyans.


Norway Withdraws Jets from Libya Ops: Military:

Norway on Aug. 1 withdrew as planned its final four F-16 fighter jets that have been taking part in the NATO-led mission over Libya, the Norwegian military said.


Philippines continues to recognize Libyan government: senior official:

Contrary to negative perception on Libya, AbdulHadi Lahweej, Libyan Secretary of Expatriates Immigrants and Refugees Affairs, said the situation in the country is stable except in areas controlled by the rebels.


Chavez: Venezuela firmly backing Gadhafi:

President Hugo Chavez said Monday that Venezuela would not recognize the governing body of Libya's rebels, defending Moammar Gadhafi and urging his ally to stand firm against the armed movement aimed at ousting the Libyan leader.


Letter to the Guardian Regarding its Venezuela Coverage:

We, the undersigned, ask why the Guardian ignored one of Venezuela's most serious human rights problems - the assassination of hundreds of peasant activists since 2001 by gunmen hired by wealthy land owners.


Top U.S. officer pushes for troop decision in Iraq:

Iraq must decide on the future of the US troop presence in the country as soon as possible and include provisions on immunity for American soldiers, the top US military officer said in Baghdad on Tuesday.


Iraqis want US military presence terminated:

Over 2.5 million Iraqis have signed a demand that the US military presence in the country should be terminated.


Robert Fisk: Egypt's Revolutionary Youth Are Being Sidelined:

Revolution betrayed. The Egyptian army now colludes with the hated Muslim Brotherhood to bring you - well, a new Egypt that looks much like the old one.


Rise In Israel's Attacks On Palestinian Children (Video):

Israeli soldiers and settlers have killed nine children so far in 2011, and almost 200 children have been injured by settler violence and the Israeli military, a statement by the Government Media Center said.


Israel: Rogue State Land of Inequality :

Among all developed nations, Israel, America and Britain are the most unequal, a trend getting worse, not better, showing up now on Israeli streets.


Who gains from debt deal? The Pentagon, for one:

The last-minute deal that Congress is considering to raise the federal debt limit probably will mean trillions of dollars in government spending reductions for most agencies. But one department stands to gain: the Pentagon.


Banks spent $17.3 million on lobbying in 2011 first quarter:

JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wells Fargo and other major banks, credit unions and industry groups spent at least $17.3 million on federal lobbying in the first three months of 2011, according to the Center for Responsive Politics


Lansdowne Partners sells entire $850m stake in Goldman Sachs:

Lansdowne Partners, Europe's biggest hedge fund, has sold its entire $850m (£517m) position in Goldman Sachs in a move that underlines growing concerns about the prospects for the global banking sector.


HSBC sheds 30,000 jobs, posts surprise rise in profit of $11.5 billion:

The bank also said it had cut 5,000 jobs following restructuring of operations in Latin America, the United States, Britain, France and the Middle East and that it would cut another 25,000 between now and 2013.


Rhode Island's Central Falls files for bankruptcy:

Central Falls, Rhode Island, one of a handful of U.S. cities and counties facing fiscal collapse in the wake of the economic recession, filed for a rare Chapter 9 bankruptcy on Monday.


"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley

RFE/RL Russia Report
8/2/2011 7:06:01 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about domestic and foreign-policy developments in Russia.

For more stories on Russia, please visit and bookmark our Russia page .

Analyst: New Karabakh War Possible Analyst: New Karabakh War Possible
Moscow-based military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says he believes the parties involved in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh are readying for war. More
Russian Arms Workers Strike Over Back Wages Russian Arms Workers Strike Over Back Wages
Workers at a weapons plant in western Russia have walked off the job to demand payment of several months' back wages. More
Russian PM Attacks U.S. Over National Debt Russian PM Attacks U.S. Over National Debt
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has ratcheted up the anti-American rhetoric in a meeting with pro-Kremlin youth groups, slamming Washington over its national debt, which he says threatens the world economy. More
Ingushetia Head Tries To Annul Election Of Local Council Chairman Ingushetia Head Tries To Annul Election Of Local Council Chairman
A standoff is looming in Ingushetia between republic head Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and the municipal council of the village of Pliyevo, northeast of Nazran. More
New Russian Law Signals Tougher Anti-Abortion Stance, Could Spark Social Divide New Russian Law Signals Tougher Anti-Abortion Stance, Could Spark Social Divide
Amid ongoing demographic worries and church lobbying, Russia alarms its fledgling women's rights community by placing restrictions on ads for abortion services that are expected to be followed by much tougher checks in the fall. More
U.S.-Russia 'Reset' Faces Biggest Challenge U.S.-Russia 'Reset' Faces Biggest Challenge
The White House touts its "reset" policy toward Russia as one of its key diplomatic successes. But a new U.S. blacklist of Russian officials is threatening to undo some of the gains Washington has made boosting ties with Moscow. More
Podcast: Discussing Sergei Magnitsky With Bill Browder, Plus LulzSec And 'Ethical Hacking' Podcast: Discussing Sergei Magnitsky With Bill Browder, Plus LulzSec And 'Ethical Hacking'
In Episode 29 of "The Blender," Russian Service correspondent Irina Lagunina speaks with Bill Browder, once the largest U.S. investor in Russia. Browder has been campaigning around the world to hold Russian officials accountable for the death of his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky. More
The 2012 Shadowboxing Intensifies The 2012 Shadowboxing Intensifies
Two media reports this week have set off another round of the-tandem-is-feuding-oh-my-oh-my! hand wringing. More
Senior Russian Archeologist Pelted With Eggs Senior Russian Archeologist Pelted With Eggs
Moscow's top archaeologist was pelted with eggs today by activists promoting freedom of assembly. More
As Moscow Renovates Sidewalks, Corruption Suspicions Abound As Moscow Renovates Sidewalks, Corruption Suspicions Abound
Moscow City Hall is repaving large parts of Moscow in a move being scrutinized due to the mayor's wife's supposed ties with the paving business. There is no proof of graft, but the existence of these suspicions underscores deep mistrust in government officials. More
Can The 'Medvedev Moment' Be Saved For Karabakh? Can The 'Medvedev Moment' Be Saved For Karabakh?
The three co-chair countries could say that they will continue to monitor the cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh and are ready to guarantee a peace settlement if one is reached but declare that for now their mediation capacity has been exhausted. More
Russian Activists 'Beaten' Trying To Stop Historic Building's Demolition Russian Activists 'Beaten' Trying To Stop Historic Building's Demolition
Five activists attempting to stop the demolition of an old mansion in Moscow say they were severely beaten by private security guards. More
Caspian Sea States On Course For Naval Arms Race Caspian Sea States On Course For Naval Arms Race
For 20 years the five countries that border the Caspian Sea have been trying to agree on the sea's legal status in order to exploit its huge natural resources, but have so far come up short. Though there are some signs of progress, the build-up of naval forces does not bode well. More
Heat And Fire Return To Russia As Questions Linger Over Deaths In 2010 Heat And Fire Return To Russia As Questions Linger Over Deaths In 2010
With much of Russia sweltering under a heat wave and forest fires ravaging the Far East, concern is mounting over a possible repeat of a health disaster that engulfed the country last summer. More

RFE/RL Headlines
8/2/2011 7:07:27 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

RFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at


Turkey Says Farewell To The Generals Turkey Says Farewell To The Generals
The resignations of the four top commanders of Turkey's once-mighty armed forces has prompted many to ask whether it spells the end of the military's traditional role in Turkish politics. More
Russian PM Attacks U.S. Over National Debt Russian PM Attacks U.S. Over National Debt
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has ratcheted up the anti-American rhetoric in a meeting with pro-Kremlin youth groups, slamming Washington over its national debt, which he says threatens the world economy. More
Central Asia's 10 Most Influential (And Connected) Women Central Asia's 10 Most Influential (And Connected) Women
While some of our correspondent's 10 picks for most influential women in Central Asia have risen to the top solely on their merits, there are more than a few whose family ties have paved the way to success. More
From Our Bureaus

Ukrainian Journalist's Apartment Set On Fire Ukrainian Journalist's Apartment Set On Fire
Ukrainian and international NGOs are calling on officials to accelerate an investigation into an arson attack on the apartment of an investigative journalist. More
Kyrgyzstan Prolongs Detention Of Man Wanted By Turkey For Terror Links
Ali Osman Zor, 43, is a Turkish journalist detained by Kyrgyz police on May 2. Turkish officials suspect him of involvement in a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda that wants to create an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East. More
Analyst: New Karabakh War Possible Analyst: New Karabakh War Possible
Moscow-based military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer says he believes the parties involved in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh are readying for war. More
Death Toll Rises In 2010 Kyrgyz Uprising Death Toll Rises In 2010 Kyrgyz Uprising
The number of people killed in violent clashes between antigovernment demonstrators and security forces in Kyrgyzstan in April 2010 has been officially raised to 99. More
Russian Arms Workers Strike Over Back Wages Russian Arms Workers Strike Over Back Wages
Workers at a weapons plant in western Russia have walked off the job to demand payment of several months' back wages. More
Kyrgyz Trial Adjourned After Victim's Relatives Attack Defendants Kyrgyz Trial Adjourned After Victim's Relatives Attack Defendants
The trial of two men charged with killing a Kyrgyz parliament deputy two years ago was adjourned after the victim's relatives and friends attacked the defendants in the courtroom. More
Kazakhstan Slams MEP's Oil-Strike Talks Kazakhstan Slams MEP's Oil-Strike Talks
The Kazakh Foreign Ministry has officially criticized a recent meeting by a member of the European Parliament (MEP) with striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan. More
Baha'is Arrested In Several Iranian Cities Baha'is Arrested In Several Iranian Cities
Abdolkarim Lahiji, vice president of the Paris-based International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, told RFE/RL that when the head of Iran's High Council for Human Rights openly and officially calls Baha'ism a "cult" and expresses the establishment's hostility toward cults, state persecution of Baha'is increases. More
Armenia PM Talks Up Karabakh's Future Armenia PM Talks Up Karabakh's Future
Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian sounded optimistic about the breakaway Azerbaijani region of Nagorno-Karabakh's economic prospects at the start of a two-day visit to the disputed territory. More
Caucasus Report

Ingushetia Head Tries To Annul Election Of Local Council Chairman Ingushetia Head Tries To Annul Election Of Local Council Chairman
A standoff is looming in Ingushetia between republic head Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and the municipal council of the village of Pliyevo, northeast of Nazran. More

The Curious Case Of The Mullah Omar Meetings The Curious Case Of The Mullah Omar Meetings
Afghan lawmaker Homa Sultani has repeated the claim that she has met with Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. She claimed that she knows his current whereabouts, has access to him, and that he has signed on to her peace plan. More

Taking Action Against Inaction In Belarus Taking Action Against Inaction In Belarus
Opposition protesters in Belarus have impressed the world for weeks now as they come up with one imaginative way after another to demonstrate against the regime of President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Now it is the turn of the government to impress with its creativity, producing draft legislation that would make it illegal for people to gather "for a previously planned action or inaction." More
Photo Gallery Archive

The Spray Can Is Mightier Than The Sword The Spray Can Is Mightier Than The Sword
Alexis Zimberg and Nicholas van Beek are traveling the former Soviet Union to document how graffiti is used as a form of protest when other outlets of expression are limited. They explain the dissenting opinions they saw on the walls of the Belarusian capital, where the government has been battling opposition protests. More

Neues Deutschland
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin

+++ Werbung in eigener Sache:



Der 13. August 1961 gilt als Chiffre für die Errichtung der
Berliner Mauer. In diesem Jahr liegt das Ereignis 50 Jahre
zurück. Viele werden sich mit unterschiedlichen Motiven daran
erinnern. Die beiden Autoren Heinz Keßler und Fritz Streletz tun
es ebenfalls. In ihrem Buch analysieren die beiden Zeitzeugen
und ranghohen Militärs der DDR die militärstrategische und
politische Lage jener Zeit, die zum Weltereignis führte.
Moderation: Olaf Koppe, ND-Geschäftsführer



Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 03.08.2011 behandelt werden.

+++ Titel:

Bundeswehr bei Hilfe ertappt
Regierung unterstützt Jemen trotz Menschenrechtsverletzungen / Parlament übergangen
Von Uwe Kalbe

+++ Inland:

Ein Dorf wird verladen
Diepensee musste dem neuen Airport Berlin weichen. Nun sehen sich die Umsiedler betrogen
Von Roland Heine

»Den Geist des Grundgesetzes offensichtlich missachtet«
Offener Brief von Bundestagsvize Wolfgang Thierse (SPD) sorgt in Sachsen für Kontroversen / FDP: Selbsterklärter Märtyrer
Von Hendrik Lasch, Dresden
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Schwarze Not, grüner Retter
Teilen sich CDU und Grüne in Nordrhein-Westfalen demnächst eine Parteizentrale?
Von Marcus Meier

Wirbel um Teufels Kritik an Unions-Profil

Bewegung in neunter Runde
Tarifverhandlungen für Zeitungsredakteure fortgesetzt / Viele Warnstreiks
Von Jörg Meyer

BGH erhöht Arbeitsdruck auf Alleinerziehende
Richter schränken Unterhaltsanspruch ein
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Stalinismus mit ohne System
Wie zwei Worte aus Michael Schumanns Rede doch noch Eingang in den Leitantrag zum Programm der LINKEN fanden
Von Tom Strohschneider

Warum campen gegen Kohle?
Stefanie Groll über Proteste der Klimabewegung in der Lausitz

Buttersäureanschlag auf Montagsdemo
Im thüringischen Gera griffen Neonazis friedliche Kundgebungsteilnehmer an
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Notfalls wird gelost
Am 4. September wird in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern nicht nur über den Landtag abgestimmt
Von Velten Schäfer

Vergessene Urahnen
Spurensuche beim Weimarer »Yiddish Summer«
Von Antje Lauschner, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Flucht in die Provinz
Von idyllischen Uckermark-Landschaften und menschlichen Tragödien fern der Hauptstadt
Von Andreas Fritsche
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Geschichten aus der Flasche
Der Kölner Künstler Joachim Römer hat ein aufregendes Hobby: Er fischt seit etlichen Jahren Post aus dem Rhein
Von Christoph Driessen, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Künstliche Inseln auf Fränkischen Seen
Umweltprojekte sollen Region im Norden Bayerns vor allem für Naturliebhaber attraktiver machen
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Babyklappen und ihre Alternativen
Rheinland-Pfalz meldet 21 Fälle in zehn Jahren
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Es ist blanker Sexismus, guten Whisky zur reinen Männerdomäne zu verklären
Von Reiner Oschmann, Glasgow

Boulisten in Travemünde
Bundesweit größtes Turnier findet am Wochenende statt

+++ Ausland:

Syrien bleibt im internationalen Fokus
Vorerst keine Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates gegen das nahöstliche Land
Von Roland Etzel

Israel deutet Einlenken bei Grenzen an
Palästinenser nennen Aussagen bedeutungslos

Armee räumt Tahrir-Platz
Die Bewegung steht unter Schock und plant die nächsten Proteste
Von Juliane Schumacher, Kairo

Viele Ägypter verspüren Genugtuung
Husni Mubarak und seine Söhne sitzen ab heute in Kairo auf der Anklagebank
Von Juliane Schumacher, Kairo


Die Pinguine sind zurück auf Chiles Straßen
Schüler, Studierende und Lehrkräfte fordern eine Reform des Bildungssystems
Von Nils Brock, Santiago de Chile

Selbstmordanschlag in Kundus
Drei Angestellte von Sicherheitsfirma starben

Minsk: Keine Fusion Belarus-Russland
Äußerungen Putins zurückgewiesen

Putin im Urlaub und im Wahlkampf

Bundeswehr verstärkt Truppen in Kosovo
Deutsch-österreichische Einheit aktiviert

UNO warnt vor Ausweitung der Hungersnot
Weitere Gelder nötig, um Menschenleben am Horn von Afrika zu retten / Hilfsappell auch an Fluggesellschaften

Taxifahrerstreik in ganz Griechenland
Chauffeure wehren sich mit ihrem Ausstand gegen die Aufhebung der Lizenzpflicht
Von Anke Stefan, Athen
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Kuba will Gleichheit statt Gleichmacherei
Raúl Castro beklagt »bürokratische Widerstände« und »Dummheiten«
Von Harald Neuber

J. May-Bowles wurde wegen  eines Angriffs auf Rupert Murdoch verurteilt

Es wird kritisch in Wnukowo ...
Spaß-Generation blendet Piloten mit Lasern und setzt das Leben Hunderter aufs Spiel
Von Irina Wolkowa, Moskau

+++ Wirtschaft/Soziales:

EU-Rettungsschirm für Spanien?
Weiterer Zinsanstieg für Staatsanleihen macht Finanzlage untragbar

Reallöhne in Deutschland gesunken
Auch Arbeitszufriedenheit hat abgenommen
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Gewinnsprung bei der gelben Post
Vor allem der Paketversand boomt derzeit
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Washington auf der Bremse
Angekündigte Sparmaßnahmen werden die Konjunktur schwächen
Von John Dyer, Boston

Schulden-Deal nahm erste Hürde
Mehrheit im US-Abgeordnetenhaus

Mindestlohn für Fußballer
Spielergewerkschaft will Tarifvertrag abschließen
Von Manfred Wieczorek

Löcher in der Personaldecke wachsen
Private Anbieter sozialer Dienste suchen dringend Pflegefachkräfte
Von Ulrike Henning

Molkerei klagte erfolgreich

Gemeinsam gegen die »Großen«
Kleinfischer kämpfen weltweit mit den gleichen Strukturproblemen als Folge der EU-Politik
Von Dieter Sell, epd

+++ Feuilleton:

Ein Hauch nachdenklicher Stille
Leipzig: Das Lebenswerk der Ursula Mattheuer-Neustädt
Von Harald Kretzschmar
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Getrieben, besessen
Georg Kaiser
Von Klaus Bellin
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Handel, Wandel
Buchumsatz steigt
Von Alexander U. Martens
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Preise der Freiheit
50 Jahre Mauerbau. Eine Ausstellung und ein TV-Tipp
Von Karlen Vesper

Mozart am Ball
Dokumentarfilm »Tom Meets Zizou«
Von Caroline M. Buck
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Nicht mehr nur parteichinesisch

+++ Berlin/Brandenburg:

Mehr Geld für Frauenförderung

Schäden nach Unwetter
Feuerwehr nach Starkregen im Süden Berlins im Einsatz
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Wieder Überfall in U-Bahn
53-Jähriger wird von Jugendlichen malträtiert
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Stelen erinnern an Grenzopfer
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Feuer zerstört Wohnhaus
  --> [für Abonnenten]

NPD provoziert mit Gedenken an Mauertote

Pro Deutschland wirbt mit Sarrazin
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Auf Augenhöhe mit Stanford
Die Ansiedlung von Wissenschafts- und Forschungseinrichtungen in Berlin-Buch zahlt sich aus
Von Martin Kröger

Andreas Fritsche will die Adelshochzeit nicht sehen

Hochzeit live im Fernsehen

»Zauberflöte« darf stattfinden

Blaue und Rote »Mauritius« kommen nach Berlin
Von Elke Vogel, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Gewirke im Gewächshaus
Israelische Künstlerinnen stellen in der Ateliergemeinschaft Milchhof aus
Von Tom Mustroph

100 neue Stolpersteine
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Galerie Thumm
Von Anouk Meyer

Sommerzeit: Tierheim ist überfüllt
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Mit falscher Hautfarbe am falschen Ort
Zwei Zivilpolizisten wegen wegen Körperverletzung im Amt angeklagt

Nichts anderes als Rassismus
Bündnis ruft heute zum Gedenken an die Opfer in Norwegen auf und warnt vor Rechtspopulismus
Von Nissrine Messaoudi

Nah am Wasser gebaut
Infrastrukturminister rügt geplante Einsparungen bei den Schifffahrtswegen
Von Wilfried Neiße
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Mit der Landkarte zum Bier
In einem Faltplan sind 39 Brauereien in Berlin und Brandenburg verzeichnet
Von Andreas Fritsche
  --> [für Abonnenten]

LINKE fordert agrarpolitisches Leitbild
Von Wilfried Neiße
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Polizei kündigt Verträge der Dolmetscher
Von Gudrun Janicke, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Gut ausgebildet, aber schlecht bezahlt
Nur 55 Prozent der Beschäftigten in der Wirtschaft erhalten Tariflöhne
Von Wilfried Neiße

+++ Sport:

Taktikschule, Zeitreise und Arbeiterkicker
Neue interessante Sportbücher für das Reisegepäck in der Sommerpause
Von Volker Stahl

»Es tut vielen weh«
ND im Club: Täve Schur stellt morgen Buch vor

Silberner Abschluss
EM: Deutsche Fünfkämpferinnen Staffelzweite
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Pragmatisch, praktisch, gut
Trainer Jupp Heynckes trimmt den FC Bayern auf Effektivfußball, das hat das 3:0 im Pokal gegen Braunschweig gezeigt
Von Christian Heinig, Braunschweig

Hambüchen turnt wieder
Ex-Weltmeister gibt Comeback am Samstag
  --> [für Abonnenten]

+++ Meinung/Kolumne:

Unten links

Standpunkt von Uwe Kalbe

C wie Kaiser Wilhelm
Kommentar von Thomas Bluhm
Von Thomas Blum

Keine Zeit
Kommentar von Haidy Damm
Von Haidy Damm

Ein Signal aus Israel
Kommentar von Roland Etzel
Von Roland Etzel

+++ Außer Parlamentarisches:

Vom Online-Aktivismus zum Hacktivismus
Das Konzept »Online-Demonstration« umfasste mehr als der Anonymous-Ansatz, heute ist es vergessen
Von Ralf Hutter

Rechnet mit uns!
Was aus Spaß begann, ist ernst geworden – Anonymous-Aktivisten legen sich mit mächtigen Institutionen an
Von Uwe Sievers


+++ Ratgeber:

Gefährliches Kinderspielzeug
Neue EU-Vorschriften in Kraft getreten
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Falsche Behandlung?
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Gleichgestellt bedeutet nicht nicht immer gleich
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Sozialgeld für die Kinder
Hartz IV
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Versicherungs- und arbeitsrechtlichen Hintergrund beachten

»Wer die Hölle fürchtet, kennt das Büro nicht«
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Vollzeitjob wegen unklarer Teilzeitregelung
Urteile in Kürze
  --> [für Abonnenten]

NPD-Praktikum anerkennen?

Anspruch auf Urlaubsabgeltung und auf Arbeitslosengeld
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Probleme zu Kündigung und Mieterschutz ausführlich und verständlich erläutert
  --> [für Abonnenten]

In Wohnung mit Ofen eine Etagenheizung eingebaut
Leserfrage: Modernisierung durch Mieter
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Mieter ist Sportschütze
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Zinsen sind zu zahlen
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Unerlaubte Ausgaben in der Abrechnung
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Wohin mit dem »guten Stück auf Rädern«?
Grundstück und Auto
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Erhalt und Förderung von Kleingartenanlagen – gut für eine grüne und erholsame Stadt

Steuerrechtlicher Streit zur nebenberuflichen Übungsleitertätigkeit

Kein Geld ohne Arbeitserlaubnis

Wenn die Eltern über den Schulwechsel der Tochter streiten
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Großeltern betreuen nach Tod der Mutter den Enkel
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Kostenloses Auskunftsrecht nutzen
Umfrage der Verbraucherzentralen zu SCHUFA & Co.
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung ein absolutes Muss
ND-Serie: Welche Versicherungen Sie wirklich brauchen (Teil 15)
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Halben Monat Fahrverbot?
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Entgangene Urlaubsfreude
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Inkassoforderungen sollen nicht ungeprüft bezahlt werden
Verbraucherzentralen raten


Dov Charney’s Latest Role: Restaurant Investor

Would-be waitresses, watch out.

Report: Star Wine Director Belinda Chang In at Monkey Bar

She'll also be serving as the celeb-studded restaurant's new GM.

Recent Robberies Could Force Bed-Stuy’s Ms. Dahlia’s Cafe to Close

Recent robberies and boozy brunches next door are pricing the tiny and popular café out of the neighborhood.
User's Guide

Big-City Barbecue: 101 Places to Satisfy Your Urban ’Cue Craving

For everyone who can't take a barbecue road trip through the South this year, we scoured the country looking for the best big-city 'cue.

Classic Bayside Diner Reopens As ... a Classic Diner

An old diner reopens, but not in a trendy way.
The Great Outdoors

Three-Hundred Ostriches Seeking Home

Along with 100 Berkshire pigs and some emus. Must feature level ground, laid-back neighbors.

M. Wells Will Say Au Revoir at the End of August [Updated]

The megapopular Queens restaurant will shutter this month.

Chocoholic Fish Discovered; Bloomberg Talks Letter Grades for Food Carts

Plus: scandals for Dunkin' Donuts, Five Guys is hot, and more, in our morning news roundup.
Neighborhood Watch

Roberta’s Sneaks Into Manhattan; Euphoria Loves Rawvolution Loves East Village

Plus: Eataly plans its first-birthday feast, Gilt City's chef-studded Hamptons House, and more, in our daily roundup of neighborhood news.
Happy Hours

What to Eat and Drink at the New Happy Hours From Ssäm Bar and No. 7

New happy-hour deals at Momofuku Ssäm and No. 7.

*** Japan Times E-mail News Service ***
__________ Wednesday, August 3, 2011 ________________


NISA linked to other faked support for nuclear power
A former senior official of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency acknowledges that NISA asked Shikoku Electric Power to have its employees attend a government-sponsored symposium on atomic energy in 2006.
[MORE] ->


Yen overvalued by the markets, Noda warns
Currency markets have overvalued the yen, Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda warns, while declining comment on possible intervention to weaken the currency and protect domestic industries.
[MORE] ->


Toyota's spring profit dives 99%
Toyota says its group net profit for the April-June period dropped 99.4 percent from a year earlier to \1.16 billion due chiefly to the production fall caused by the March quake and tsunami.
[MORE] ->

[More news]


China 'overbearing' in maritime rows: white paper

APEC workshop focuses on disaster preparedness

Home survivability threshold: 4-meter tsunami

U.S. to send Zumwalt to Hiroshima ceremony

Women's soccer team to receive People's Honor Award, Edano confirms

Tokyo looks to build natural gas power plant

NISA raps Tepco for lax ID checks of employees at Fukushima No. 1

Bid OK'd to register Mount Fuji as World Heritage site

Rips found in new SDF patrol jet

Ichihashi appeals life sentence

Ozawa, Hatoyama vie to be kingmaker in Kan's wake

Reactor age now in question amid METI restart push

High price of watermelons may put favorite fruit beyond reach


Nissan EVs will soon be able to redirect power to homes

Average wages dropped in June, pushed down by sluggish bonuses

Monetary base up 15% via BOJ spigot

NTT Data reports 39% net profit fall

Yen surge threatens to erase quake rebound

Civic falls from Consumer Reports' 'recommended' list

$2.5 billion buys Kirin bigger presence in Brazil

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Compensation law is flawed

Economic white paper

Merely round one in ongoing fiscal struggles

U.S. reputation suffers in Asia

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Top game designers going social

[For features]

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【 The Japan Times 通訳・翻訳キャリアガイド 2012】
向井 理さん(俳優)と超新星 ユナクさん(ダンスヴォーカルグループ)への


Sabathia notches 16th victory

Tigers edge Giants in road trip opener

Nomura out as Iwakuma's agent

Matsuda collapses

Agent claims Moss
retiring from NFL

Voters reject referendum for Islanders

Stern pessimistic about NBA talks

Abdul-Rauf becomes free agent

Kameda to face Mexican challenger on Aug. 31

Kitajima has work to do in bid for triple Olympic glory

Klinsmann maps out course for U.S. national team

[More Sports Stories]

Center for American Progress

A Conversation You're Not Likely to Hear Anymore

Today, Jessica Arons, Director of the Women's Health and Rights Program at the Center for American Progress, applauds the Department of Health and Human Services  for recognizing that contraception is preventive, basic health care for women. HHS’s historic decision will require full coverage of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods with no cost sharing, such as co-pays or deductibles, by new group health insurance plans beginning on August 1, 2012.
More: CAP's Arons Applauds Historic HHS Contraception Decision
today's cartoon From the Cartoonist Group.

9119/11: Inside Story on the Missing Tapes
Late on the night of August 23, 2001, at about 3 a.m. security cameras in the parking garage of the World Trade Center captured the arrival of two or three truck vans.
vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - August 02, 2011
IsraelGordon Duff
Israel: July 14th Movement, Arab Spring in Tel Aviv
Iran-AmericaKourosh Ziabari
The allegation that Iran is developing nuclear weapons is a mirage
Nuclear detonation Nuclear Defense AgencyBob Nichols
Fukushima Radiation 1,000 Times H-Bomb Peak
Great Seal of U.S. ImageTerry Richards
Congress' Genocide of America's Veterans, Seniors, Disabled
Photo credit : Jon Rawlinson (CC-BY)Veterans Today
God Bless Cantankerous Old Men
disabled vetsVeterans Today
Programs Helps Disabled Vets Become Entrepreneurs
jsfGordon Duff
Marine Corp's F 35 JSF Test Video
iraq-war-lifeMichael Chester
War, From the Outside Looking In
Sons of Confederate VeteransJim W. Dean
Censoring History - From Robert E. Lee to LBJ and MLK
Veterans News Now : Wounded Warrior Internship Program primed for growth in Seattle
Veterans News Now : Top 10 News For Veterans- August 2, 2011
Denise Nichols : FAA Extension Bill and Why it Matters to Veterans!
Veterans News Now : 22nd-Century Torture and people control exported by Pentagon
Denise Nichols : Remember August 1990 Invasion of Kuwait Do Something To Remember Desert Storm Veterans
Tom Dillman : Federal Debts and Vets
Denise Nichols : Representatives Reminded FAA Employees Need Attention Before Senate Leaves
Denise Nichols : Veterans Safe For NOW -Debt Details from DC
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Veterans Today
U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Aug 01, 2011
Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., was awarded a $904,184,088 firm-fixed-price contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to procure 6,963 Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wis. »»
Ed Mattson
Oxymoron...Congress can solve the financial crisis they created
Special column on the budget compromise »»
Gordon Duff
Time to Say a Resounding "No" to Government
Bring the Army home and close the friggin' borders totally, "shoot to kill" totally. Freeze all assets held by Federal Reserve banks. If any (almost all) those banks are found to be foreign owned, declare all relationships with them to be inconsistent with our constitution. America will no longer pay banks, particularly foreign owned, to profit on our debt, sell us our own money and do so in direct violation of our laws. »»
dick camp
Karen St. John
Battle in Najaf's Holy Cemetery
Dick Camp's Battle for the City of the Dead, in the Shadow of the Golden Dome, Najaf, August 2004, is highly detailed and documented. It is a moving testimony to the 1st Battalion, 4th Marines who were after Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army and fell into battle in one of the most complicated areas: the 12 square mile cemetery that is said to be burials grounds for an estimated 5 million Shiites. Read this remarkable and historic account of the August 2004 battle. »»
Stephen Lendman
America's Media: Dancing Around the Debt Debate Charade
Previous articles explained an Obama-led bipartisan conspiracy to destroy America's social contract, returning the nation to 19th harshness harshness. »»
social security
Stephen Lendman
Abdul Fatah Younis Killing: War Death or Assassination?
On July 28, New York Times writer David Kirkpatrick headlined, "Death of Rebel Leader Stirs Fears of Tribal Conflict," saying: »»
Randy Miller
Heartland Payment Systems Teams with to Attract America's Finest
Heartland Payment Systems offers you tremendous growth opportunity and the benefits of long-term stability. They are a healthy company with a proven history of financial success and caring for their employees. »»
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - August 01, 2011
To promote innovation and create jobs, VA has awarded $56.7 million in contracts to build solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in support of ongoing energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. »»
Randy Miller
Idaho National Laboratory is Hiring US Military Veterans
Idaho National Laboratory is a science and engineering national laboratory dedicated to meeting the nation's environmental, energy, nuclear technology, and national security needs. »»
Randy Miller
Skylla Engineering Renews Commitment to US Military Veterans
Since 2004, Skylla Engineering Ltd. has earned the reputation of an elite group of professionals providing evolutionary engineering solutions, using emergent technologies, within compressed timelines to uncompromising customers. »»