By Sara Esther Crispe
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I thought I was special, your "favorite," until I met and heard
at the funeral about all your other favorites. I felt a tad
disappointed, until I realized that feeling like the "favorite" amongst
so many others was an indication of the enormousness of your love...
by Chava'le Mishulovin
Why not keep our ring on our first finger? Our pointer may be
our strongest and most passionate. But, our fourth finger, our ring
finger, is our gentlest...
By Robyn Cohen
On the Significance of the Isha Sotah: Parshat Naso
You are married, or intensely committed, to a vision, a goal, a dream. Then along comes life...
By Chana Weisberg
Parshat Naso
Jews have distinct rituals: a way of dress, interesting
holidays, and a unique diet. When G-d gave us these instructions He told
us that He was choosing us as His special nation. But beneath those
rituals, are we truly distinct? As Jews, do we think differently?
By Rochel Holzkenner
I have already noticed advertisements for anti-boredom seminars
designed to pump parents full of ideas to keep their kids busy during
the summer. Now, one thing I know about my parents is that they would
have considered the whole idea ludicrous...
By Jill Pincus
Here is a top-10 pre-summer checklist to help families get ready for vacationing...