May 2013

May 2013
...tyranny of the one per cent; North
Korea, scary and scared; China's space war;
UK, in or out? France and
Nato, Védrine to Debray; those problem EU
borders; the Kurds' changing reality; special report:
do we need a basic minimum income? energy for
people or profit? Gordon Ramsey's tv coaching... supplement:
the question of international solidarity... and more...
Sovereignty, democracy, inequality
Tyranny of the one per cent - Serge Halimi
Some revelations come as little surprise. It's not really news that some politicians love money and like to spend time with those who have lots of it. Or that they sometimes behave like a caste that is above the law. Or that the tax system favours the affluent, and that the free circulation of capital enables them to stash their cash in tax havens.
The disclosure of individual transgressions should lead to scrutiny of the system that created them. But in recent decades, the world has been (...)Translated by George Miller -
Special report : a basic minimum income
Money to live* - Mona Chollet
The proponents of a basic minimum income - rather than a wage - think that its time may have come, now that technological progress means paid work is available to fewer people. Get over the initial absurdity of the idea, and it makes a novel senseTranslated by George Miller -
Deserving and undeserving poor* - Pierre Rimbert
Translated by Charles Goulden -
Rupees in your pocket - Benjamin Fernandez
An experiment in paying villagers in one of India's poorest states an unconditional basic income has been successful enough to change the government's thinking.Translated by Charles Goulden -
Pyongyang raises the bar for future talks
North Korea, scary and scared - Philippe Pons
The latest threats by North Korea have unnerved the world. History suggests the country is trying to calm its own fears by frightening others.Translated by Charles Goulden -
A second cold war, this time in space
China goes ballistic* - Olivier Zajec
US complacency about China's nuclear and space capabilities and intentions has been severely challenged. China has more and better missiles than thought, and plans well under way for a strong presence in space.Translated by George Miller -
Counting the warheads* - Olivier Zajec
Translated by George Miller -
UK might hold referendum on EU membership
In or out, yet again - Jean-Claude Sergeant
Britain's prime minister David Cameron suggested earlier this year that the UK might vote on whether to remain in the EU. It's a powerful deterrent at home and in the EU - unless, that is, he actually uses it.Translated by Charles Goulden -
Seat of influence for France
The case for Nato* - Hubert Védrine
In our April issue, Régis Debray reproached former foreign minister Hubert Védrine for recommending to President François Hollande that France remain in Nato's integrated command. This is Védrine's reply.Translated by George Miller -
Kurds move on as regional alliances change
Poised to profit - Vicken Cheterian
The Kurdish region of northern Iraq is a boom zone with considerable economic and military clout; this has changed the alliances and expectations of Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iran. How far can this go?Original text in English -
Along the EU's problem borders
The kingdom of Greater Hungary - again?* - Laurent Geslin and Sébastien Gobert
The end of internal border controls after the EU enlargement of 2004 was meant to check a surge in nationalism. But in Hungary and Slovakia, as in Ukraine on the other side of the EU border, people still claim national identities.Translated by Charles Goulden -
Who are the Ruthenians?* - Laurent Geslin and Sébastien Gobert
Translated by Charles Goulden -
Renewables for profit or public service ?
Electricity goes local* - Aurélien Bernier
Renewables are supplying power in Europe but not always where and when it is most needed: there is a mistaken strategy of privatisation and cross-border generation and distribution.Translated by Krystyna Horko -
Supplement : Secours populaire français
Sweet sound of global philanthropy - Bernard Hours
Translated by Krystyna Horko -
Mali's mobilised populations - Simon Maro
Secours Populaire Français is working on several projects in the Kayes region with its local partner, the Association Malienne de Solidarité et de Coopération Internationale pour le Développement. Food and water self-sufficiency and women's literacy are among these projects.Translated by Charles Goulden -
Dewesternising aid - Léon Koungou
In Africa, where its role is emblematic, international solidarity is sometimes viewed with ambivalence: is it valuable support or cultural domination?Translated by Charles Goulden -
Networks where everyone counts - Julien Lauprêtre
Translated by Charles Goulden -
Charity work vs unpaid volunteering - Stéphanie Rizet
Thousands of people, especially the young, go abroad each year on solidarity initiatives. Their motivation, roles and status vary.Translated by Charles Goulden -
'Yes chef' as an employment mantra
Dirty secrets in the kitchen* - Marc Perrenoud
The Gordon Ramsay coaching format for reality television shows about restaurants and their kitchens has become a model for the way we think employment should work.Translated by Stephanie Irvine
Diplomatic channels
Articles & blog
- Shouldn't Pitcairn really be French? (2013/04)
- PW Botha was defeated, Thatcher lives on (2013/04)
- The fast-food feminism of the topless Femen (2013/04)
- Kurdistan borders (2013/05)
- National borders in 20th century Europe (2013/05)
- Growing demand for meat (2013/03)
- Chase Madar on America's ever-growing state security apparatus (2012/10)
- Michael Klare on China's resource hunger (2012/09)
- The dismantling of Greece (2011/12)
- Profession, maid: a photographic film (2012/12)
- The day Burma began to change (2012/06)
- 'Ganbaro', keep fighting on (2011/09)
Open page
- The life and death of words, people, and even nature (2013/05)
- You are a guinea pig (2013/04)
- Field of nightmares (2013/04)
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