Remove virus (Solution for this virus)

We start by downloading AdwCleaner. AdwCleaner is a great freeware removal tool for adware, redirects in browsers and toolbars. It is very easy to use and contains only a standalone executable.There is no need to install AdwCleaner. If you need to uninstall AdwCleaner after cleaning your browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, you only need to delete the adwcleaner.exe file.

- Save adwcleaner.exe to your Windows Desktop
- click on the ‘Delete’ button (see screenshot above)
- Now AdwCleaner starts searching for all kinds of adware, if found it will delete it! Thats it..
Remove infected files with HitmanPro
What is HitmanPRO and what does it do to remove ?If your child is not feeling well and you suspect he or she has a virus infection you’re going to visit your doctor. But what do you do when the doctor tells you that he cannot find anything but your child still does not feel very well? Of course, you go to visit another doctor for a second opinion.
This is the same what HitmanPro does for your computer.
HitmanPro is a second opinion scanner, designed to rescue your computer from malware (viruses, trojans, rootkits, etc.) that have infected your computer despite all the security measures you have taken (such as anti virus software, firewalls, etc.).
Installation HitmanPRO
- Download HitmanPRO Anti-Malware scanner (Free)
Choose the 32-bit or 64-bit version.If you don’t know wich one to take, download the 32-bit version.
Save the HitmanPro.exe or HitmanPro_x64.exe to your Windows Desktop. - Hold the left CTRL button pressed then click with the mousebutton on HitmanPro.exe of HitmanPro_x64.exe. If UAC (User Account Control) asks you to change system settings, choose yes (Still holding the left CTRL button on your keyboard!)
HitmanPRO is now started in ‘Forced Breach-mode’ and has closed active malware-processes. This allowes us to keep using HitmanPRO while scanning for malware, so it cant be closed by malware-processes.

Click Next button to continue

Click ‘I accept the terms of the license agreement’ then choose Next button

Choose Next button to continue

HitmanPRO start now by scanning your computer for malware traces, please wait..

If found they will be listed under each other and automaticly removed or ignored (if not malware).
If you want the results to be removed use the arrow next to ‘Ignore‘ and choose ‘Remove‘

Summary of found malware, choose Close to exit.
HitmanPRO is the best anti-malware scanner to be found on the internet, it uses Cloud scanning and has the best detection ratio of malware ever seen, it is worth trying and to buy! (for 30 days it’s 100% FREE!! no restrictions.
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