Myanmar: 4 beginners' guides to free expression launched
Each guide addresses a different aspect of freedom of expression as part of our work on reform in Myanmar. The guides are being used across the country to train civil society on the right to freedom of expression.
- Background paper on freedom of expression in Myanmar - English | Myanma
- Beginners' guide to freedom of expression laws - English | Myanma
- Beginners' guide to content restriction - English |Myanma
- Beginners' guide to advocacy on freedom of expression in Myanmar - English | Myanma
ARTICLE 19 highlights challenges and opportunities for civil society engagement in international fora
Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association, Maina Kiai, has asked civil society to respond to a consultation on how engagement with multi-lateral institutions can be strengthened. ARTICLE 19’s response draws together our experiences of working with civil society across diverse political, social and economic contexts and the challenges many organisations and individuals face when trying to participate in international and multi-lateral mechanisms for the promotion of human rights.
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Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Human rights NGO's under increasing pressure from the authorities
Members of the NGO coalitions against torture and other human rights groups in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan operate in an increasingly insecure environment. Existing NGO legislation in all three countries does not provide sufficient safeguards to activists and groups to freely exercise their human right to freedom of association and the organizations issuing this statement are concerned that new legislation is being prepared to further limit the space in which groups and activists can operate.
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Gambia: President Jammeh must put an end to 20 years of repression
On 22 July 1994, a group of military officers led by Lieutenant Yahya Jammeh overthrew President Dawda Jawara, who had been in power in Gambia since 1970. Yahya Jammeh, supported by the army, proclaimed himself President of the Republic and, over time, took direct control of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior.
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Tajikistan: All charges against Alexander Sodiqov must be dropped
ARTICLE 19 welcomes the release of academic researcher Alexander Sodiqov on 22 July, however the criminal investigation brought against him for allegations of espionage/treason is still on-going and ARTICLE 19 calls for all charges to be dropped immediately.
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Iran's War Against Its citizens
The disaster in Gaza has dominated the news and has given the Iranian government the opportunity to point fingers at Israel over its human rights abuses. The mounting death tolls and carnage has allowed the Iranian government to move the attention away from the killing it undertakes itself.
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How the propaganda war is returning Central Asia to the Soviet-era mind-set
Using the on-going civil war in Ukraine as its backdrop, another war is being fought in Central Asia: a propaganda war, waged through TV and social media, this propaganda war aims to ensure that the old Soviet mantra, whereby the 'West' is the villain and enemy and as such is responsible for any strife, is brought back to life.
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