Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        July 29, 2014
1176105_807695415907167_7491504378791163609_nNATO invades Ukraine, not Russia: US columnist
- "If anybody wants to find out who is invading and doing military action on a sovereign nation [Ukraine], it's been done by NATO right now."
veteran newsVeterans Today
The VA Needs Leadership, Accountability and Enforcement, Not More Money
extra-newsVeterans Today
Veterans' Affairs Conference Committee Reaches Agreement on VA Bill
isis_016Gordon Duff
VT Has "Pricked an Open Wound"
WORLD NEWS.shfWorld News Tommorrow
ECIPS Warns of The International Risk In Provocative Political Speeches
talmud1Jonas E. Alexis
"Sex Jihad"--Or Talmudic Sexual Perversion?
The Author, Vietnam 1969Gordon Duff
Vietnam War, Mother of "Blowhards"
gazaKevin Barrett
Zionist censors enable war crimes
Crop_featureJim W. Dean
International reply to Ukraine total failure
ISIS.1Michael Farrell
Looking at the Elephant from all angles
goldberggazaGilad Atzmon
Jeffrey Goldberg and the Israeli Defeat
NYTIMES disinformation
Blaming Russia as 'Flat Fact' 
The idea of doing an investigation first and drawing conclusions second is a concept that, apparently, neither the U.S. government nor the New York Times accepts. They would prefer to start with the conclusion and then make a serious investigation irrelevant, one more casualty of information warfare.»»
US evidence. Trust us !
Finian Cunningham
Washington's Second Front in Information War against Russia
Having lost the propaganda battle over the doomed airliner, Washington seems intent on opening up a second front in the information war, alleging cross-border shelling by Russian forces. »»
Kerry Obama Peace Process
Alan Hart
"Why do you continue to kill people?"
In my opinion there is one thing Kerry could do to shake up and possibly change the dynamics of what is happening. He could resign... »»
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Plunketts Pest Control Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
GWP Joins
Military Veteran Job News    Charles G. Fawkes
Westinghouse Joins
Ed Mattson
Is American Exceptionalism dead?..
Is American Exceptionalism an overused, unsubstantiated metaphor, or is it a fact? What other country in the world can lay claim to as many "firsts" as this great country and who leads the world in solving mankind's many problems. »»
American exceptionalism 1
Ian Greenhalgh
Taking America off the Grid
- "There are 30 substations in the U.S. where if any nine were destroyed, the U.S. power grid could suffer coast-to-coast blackouts lasting 18 months." »»
Jim Fetzer
Sandy Hook, Stephen Sedensky, William Shanley and the Elaborate Hoax..
Our recent articles, "The Sandy Hook 'Smoking Gun': Game, Set, Match!" and "Shannon Hicks denied staging her fake 'iconic' photograph" have precipitated a slew of comments and emails, which further substantiate that this was an elaborate hoax. »»
William B. Shanley
Stew Webb
Veterans Today Radio News Reports with Stew Webb July 21-23 2014 
Stew Webb has two Radio-TV programs per week Monday 6-8 pm est and Wednesday 1-3 pm est....»»
Jim W. Dean
NEO - Cozying Up to the BRIC Wall..
- "If Europe and NATO want to foment a conflict with Russia, which we see all of the signs of that happening, no Silk Road is going to be built to Europe." »»
Will the US back off its currency war Jiahd, or follow it through to its final conclusion?
Rianne Hunter
Are You in Trouble? Six Signs it's Time to Talk to a Debt Counselor
By all accounts, debt is up ... and not just in government. Household debt is climbing exponentially, and credit cards are a major culprit. »»
Sunil Pandey
Putting your Money to Work While You Sleep
Many people think that a 9-5 job is the only legitimate way to make money, and because of this thinking, they miss out on many profitable opportunities. »»
Olivia Grey
How Effective is Retail Lending For Your Business?
To define in simple terms, retail lending is the process of giving loan to people as opposed to say an institution. »»