Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 21 February 2016

The 02/21/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology: “Un-Islamic” for women to seek divorce without husband’s permission
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 09:21 pm

Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology: “Un-Islamic” for women to seek divorce without husband’s permission
Remember this one the next time you hear an Islamic apologist droning on about how Islam respects and protects women’s rights. “‘Khula’ without husband’s consent is un-Islamic: CII,” by Qaiser Butt, Express Tribune, February 18, 2016: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) has declared it un-Islamic for courts to use ‘Khula’ (right of a woman […]

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Muslim migrants will cost Sweden fourteen times more than the country’s defense budget
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 09:04 pm

Muslim migrants will cost Sweden fourteen times more than the country’s defense budget
But what wonderful benefits they will bring to Sweden! Such as…uh… “REPORT: 2015 Migrant Crisis Will Cost Sweden KR583,000,000,000 – 14x The Country’s Defence Budget,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, February 19, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): A Swedish economist, researcher, and business professor has calculated the total cost of the migrant crisis […]

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5,000 active Islamic State jihadists at large in EU, Europol top dog says no evidence jihadis using refugee crisis to enter Europe
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 08:53 pm

5,000 active Islamic State jihadists at large in EU, Europol top dog says no evidence jihadis using refugee crisis to enter Europe
“There is no concrete evidence terrorists are systematically using the flow of refugees to infiltrate Europe.” Then where did these 5,000 come from? Were they all born and raised in Europe? If so, you’ve got a much bigger problem on your hands than you think, Wainwright. “5,000 ISIS jihadists at large in the EU: Europol […]

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Muslima who is Cornell doctoral student claims she stopped wearing hijab “out of concern for my safety”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 08:37 pm

Muslima who is Cornell doctoral student claims she stopped wearing hijab “out of concern for my safety”
If Hajer Al-Faham was really harassed for wearing the hijab, that is a shame. There is no excuse for that kind of behavior. But women wearing hijabs are a quite common sight in American cities now. As I travel and when I am at home, I see women wearing hijabs pretty much every day, in […]

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Belgium: Muslim teen rapes woman two weeks after attending course on how to treat Western women
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 06:16 pm

Belgium: Muslim teen rapes woman two weeks after attending course on how to treat Western women
What? The course on how to treat Western women didn’t convince him that he should discard his Islamic beliefs about Infidel women and uncovered women — beliefs that he believes derive from commands of the creator of the universe? It’s utterly unexpected! “Teenage Afghan migrant, 16, ‘rapes worker at Belgian asylum centre two weeks after […]

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Hillary reaches out to front group for the Islamic Republic of Iran for donations
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 06:02 pm

Hillary reaches out to front group for the Islamic Republic of Iran for donations
Why not? Obama was so useful to the Islamic Republic, and Clinton promises just more of the same. NIAC has been established in court as a lobbying group for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Said Michael Rubin: “Jamal Abdi, NIAC’s policy director, now appears to push aside any pretense that NIAC is something other than […]

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Belgian government to fund imams and Muslim consultants to “stimulate a moderate European form of Islam”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 03:32 pm

Belgian government to fund imams and Muslim consultants to “stimulate a moderate European form of Islam”
This effort is foredoomed; how much of Belgium will be left before the Belgian government figures that out? “Last year it was revealed that a young Moroccan imam who had preached in the officially recognised ‘moderate’ mosque, the Dome in Borgerhout, had gone to Syria with two other men to join the jihadists. Youssef El […]

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Missouri Muslim woman promoted the Islamic State, quoting Qur’an: “Slay them wherever you come upon them”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 12:44 pm

Missouri Muslim woman promoted the Islamic State, quoting Qur’an: “Slay them wherever you come upon them”
“On the accounts, that have now been closed by Twitter, documents show Yassin shared a link with photos, addresses, contact info, or even credit card information of more than 150 people in the military and state department.” How many more like her are out there? How many more like her will we welcome to our […]

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Hugh Fitzgerald: What’s the Matter With Merkel?
By Hugh Fitzgerald on Feb 20, 2016 12:07 pm

Hugh Fitzgerald: What’s the Matter With Merkel?
“In October 2010, Merkel told a meeting of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party at Potsdam that attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany had ‘utterly failed,’ stating that: ‘The concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it’ does not work and ‘we feel […]

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Russian police smash Islamic State gang forging passports for jihadis
By Robert Spencer on Feb 20, 2016 06:18 am

Russian police smash Islamic State gang forging passports for jihadis
“Officials said some of the fake documents were being also being used by migrants to travel by land to Europe.” How many jihadis have succeeded in getting into Europe by means of one of these passports? “Gang printing fake passports for ISIS jihadis smashed in huge police raid,” by Tom Batchelor, Express, February 18, 2016: […]

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