Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Orlando: America Under Attack By it’s Own Government— Infowars Reveals the Truth Behind it All! (video)

Orlando: America Under Attack By it’s Own Government— Infowars Reveals the Truth Behind it All! CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven On June 12th horrible news spread of a proclaimed ISIS member, Omar Mateen, who opened fire at the Pulse Nightclub, a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people and wounding 53 others. The shooter was a U.S. born citizen and became gradually self radicalized. But the...


Staged One World Government False Flag Attack - Once Again! (9 Videos) (video)

Staged One World Government False Flag Attack - Once Again! (9 Videos)CONTRIBUTOR: CastleJenni. Was the Orlando Nightclub Shooting, actually nothing more than a LIVE drill? A staged event, consisting of nothing more than a bunch of paid ‘crisis actors’? An ‘event’, where no one died, and no one got hurt? The answer to these questions, is an IRREFUTABLE YES! And we are here...


BLM Leader Hacked, Plans Reveal 'Martial Law' by Chaos at Both Conventions - Urgent Alert! (video)

BLM Leader Hacked, Plans Reveal 'Martial Law' by Chaos at Both Conventions - Urgent Alert!CONTRIBUTOR: Weeping Eagle. Apparently many of us were correct in thinking that the illegal Presidency of Barry Soetoro wouldn't end quietly and that Barry wouldn't hesitate to keep power no matter the cost. This report from DAHBOO77 is also making me re-think the Orlando terrorist attack as a false flag event and wonder...


DHS Has Been Infiltrated by ISIS- USA Needs Ban on All Muslim Immigration

DHS Has Been Infiltrated by ISIS- USA Needs Ban on All Muslim ImmigrationCONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Omar Mateen was employed by a private contractor that does extensive and classifed security work for the Department of Homeland Security. Mateen has not been the only terrorist associated with DHS, and he will not be the last. The Department of Homeland Security Do you remember when you heard the...


Witness Says There Was 4 Shooters, Including Snipers at Pulse Night Club (video)

Witness Says There Was 4 Shooters, Including Snipers at Pulse Night ClubCONTRIBUTOR: John Ale. A victim of Sunday’s early morning terror attack at the Pulse nightclub gave a bombshell interview to an ABC reporter after being released from a local hospital. During the interview the eyewitness, who played dead for several hours during the attack as a strategy to stay alive, said that he...


Photos of Orlando nightclub shooting victims (47 PICS)

Photos of Orlando nightclub shooting victims (47 PICS)CONTRIBUTOR: Authorities have now released the names of all 49 victims who were killed when a gunman opened fire in a crowded Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning, just before closing time. Their names, ages, and photos are listed below. Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, 24 Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, 35 Tevin Eugene Crosby,...


Edgar Cayce Talking About the Arcturians (Video) (video)

Edgar Cayce Talking About the Arcturians (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. “Arcturus is the highest civilization in our galaxy,” said Edgar Cayce, a prophet who lived between the years of 1877-1945. Further details of Cayce’s life and work are explored in the classic book, There is a River (1942), by Thomas Sugrue, available in hardback, paperback, or audio book versions. The...


Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: James Rathey. Mike Harris With Benjamin Fulford as the Guest By Mike Harris June 10, 2016


The Orlando Shooting Is Fake – and here's Why…. (video)

The Orlando Shooting Is Fake – and here's Why….CONTRIBUTOR: archaeologyhub. Now, before you aggressively lambast me for ‘standing on the graves of the 50 homosexuals who were gunned down in cold blood by so-called ‘Islamic extremists’ in an Orlando nightclub. I urge you to take a step back from the propaganda being spoon-fed to you and allow me to present...


15 Ways to Prepare for a Rogue Wave of Collapse

15 Ways to Prepare for a Rogue Wave of CollapseCONTRIBUTOR: Backdoor Survival. Spend ten minutes on the web surfing the key words “prepping skills” and you will be presented with site after site preaching the gospel of prepping for the time when the stuff hits the fan, something we commonly call SHTF. The truth is it is a bit bittersweet to see...



CONTRIBUTOR: common sense


CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence



CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew