Humans Are Free-Blog |
- Orlando ISIS Shooter Closely Connected to US Government: Ex-CIA Contractor
- 8 Clues Indicating Orlando Mass Shooting Is A False Flag Operation
- Akon Has Done More for Africans in ONE Year Than Most Charities Have Done in DECADES
- Ex-NASA Employee Spills Secret about UFO and Alien Conspiracy Theories
- Former Government Scientist Claims to Have Worked on Alien Ships at Area 51
Posted: 14 Jun 2016 02:20 PM PDT
Omar Mateen, the suspect in the Orlando nightclub shooting, was very closely connected to the US government, which is committing crimes on American soil using their own operatives, according to Steven D Kelley, a former NSA/CIA contractor.
by Al Alam Mateen, armed with assault weapons, stormed the Pulse Club on Sunday, killing 49 people and injured 53 others at the gay club, marking the worst ever mass shooting in US history. The suspect, identified by US media as an alleged Daesh (ISIS / ISIL) sympathizer, is a US citizen of Afghan descent from Port St. Lucie, Florida. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 14 Jun 2016 08:23 AM PDT
Are we looking at an Orlando false flag with the recent mass shooting at Pulse (a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida) where over 50 people were reportedly killed?
by Makia Freeman | bonus by Alexander Light False flag attacks happen in the US with a certain and predictable regularity. It has been awhile since the last major false flag attack on US soil (San Bernardino), interspersed with one in Europe (Brussels). In recent years, the NWO manipulators throw a false flag operation into the mix every so often for numerous reasons. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 10:00 PM PDT
Across the African continent, more than 600 million African people still live without access to electricity, and 3.5 million people die each year from inhaling toxic fuels or house fires caused while trying to light their homes.
by Matt Agorist Realizing that access to electricity is one of the key components to increasing the quality of life, rap superstar, and Senegal transplant, Akon decided to take action last year. As the Guardian reported at the launch of their project last year, Akon and his two co-founders — Thione Niang, a Senegalese political activist, and Samba Bathily, a Malian entrepreneur and CEO of the solar energy companySolektra International — believe that what rural African communities need is not overseas charity but affordable renewable energy delivered by fully trained African professionals, managing for-profit projects that bring longevity, generate jobs and build new self-sustaining economies. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:00 PM PDT
Former NASA employee, James Oberg, who later turned into a space journalist and historian, is interested why a lot of people believe in UFOs.
by Jessica F He was particularly interested in videos of abnormal lights flooding the internet, claiming the lights were fromextra-terrestrial origins. He spent decades studying them. Being an employee of the top space agency of the United States has its perks and sometimes, it can give a person access to the world's most controversial secret. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 07:00 PM PDT
Emmy-winner George Knapp is seen as the first journalist who wrote about the use of alien technology at a secret base which is now known as Area 51.
by Lionsground During this lecture he delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Area 51, 25 years after its original publication. He also brings new information out about Bob Lazar, a former government scientist who claims to have worked with alien spacecraft at Area 51. George Knapp works for CBS News in Las Vegas, where he gets great respect. Read Entire Article » |