Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: June 2011

Thursday, 30 June 2011

L'Olivetti inventò il Personal Computer. Carlo De Benedetti ed i sindacati l'affondarono

Bulletin électronique

Chroniques d’un monde à l’envers

Le 29 juin 2011

Samedi 13 Rabî Ath-Thânî 1432 (date musulmane correspondant à la date grégorienne du 19 mars 2011), des chasseurs bombardiers Ghibli (vent du désert libyen, NdT), ayant décollé du porte-avions libyen al-Mukhtar, attaquent Rome avec des missiles et bombes à guidage laser. Premiers objectifs : le Quirinal et Palazzo Chigi (sièges de la présidence de la république italienne, et du gouvernement, NdT). Deux jours avant, au quartier général de l’ONU à Addis Abeba, le Conseil de sécurité a émis une résolution qui impose l’interdiction de vol dans l’espace aérien de la République italienne, autorisant toutes les mesures nécessaires pour protéger les civils. Les volontaires, qui mènent l’attaque aéronavale, sont guidés par les USA (Etats-Unis d’Afrique), la plus grande puissance mondiale, au commandement de l’OTAS (Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique du Sud, qui unit l’Afrique à l’Amérique du sud et s’étend, à l’est, jusqu’à l’Inde et à la Chine).

A l’origine, il y a le « printemps européen » : il a commencé quand, dans le continent le plus pauvre du monde (avec l’Amérique du Nord), des masses de Parisiens affamés ont occupé la place de l’Étoile et, malgré la sanglante répression de l’Elysée, ont obligé le président à quitter le pays. En Italie, le mécontentement envers le gouvernement de Rome, longtemps accumulé dans le Mezzogiorno (sud de l’Italie, NdT) et dans le Nord, se transforme (à la différence d’autres pays européens) en rébellion armée, sur la base d’un plan préparé depuis longtemps, qui provoque la fracture du gouvernement central. Le drapeau italien ayant été amené et hissé celui du Royaume des Deux Siciles avec les armoiries des Bourbons, les rebelles méridionaux occupent Naples, où se crée un Conseil national transitoire dirigé par des ex-ministres du gouvernement de Rome.

En même temps, au Nord de l’Italie, certaines zones sont occupées par des groupes de rebelles armés, qui déploient le drapeau de la Padanie avec le Soleil des Alpes. L’enjeu est évident. L’Italie est économiquement plus avancée que les autres pays européens, grâce à ses grosses réserves pétrolières, concentrées dans le Mezzogiorno et dans la plaine du Pô. C’est leur contrôle que visent les compagnies pétrolières et les banques d’investissement multinationales des Etats-Unis d’Afrique et des autres puissances de l’OTAS. A travers l’embargo et le gel des fonds italiens à l’étranger, elles essaient de provoquer l’écroulement du gouvernement de Rome, pour ramener l’Italie à un état pré-unitaire ou pour la garder unie sous la direction d’un gouvernement dépendant des puissances étrangères.

La Libye -une fois reconnus le Cnt de Naples et celui de la Padanie comme « seuls représentants légitimes du peuple italien »- arme, entraîne et finance leurs troupes, tandis que les chasseurs-bombardiers et les hélicoptères de l’OTAS leur ouvrent la voie. En trois mois ils effectuent 15 mille incursions aériennes, dont 5 mille d’attaque avec bombes et missiles, en démolissant les bases matérielles de l’Etat italien. Ainsi, déclare le président libyen, notre pays « accomplit sa part pour qu’avance dans le monde la cause de la paix, des droits humains et de la démocratie ». A cause de la guerre, des masses d’immigrés venus en Italie des pays les plus pauvres d’Europe (Suisse, Allemagne, France, Grande-Bretagne, Suède et autres), se trouvant sans travail, traversent la Méditerranée depuis les côtes siciliennes, sur de misérables embarcations qui, souvent, coulent en tentant de rejoindre la riche Afrique. Celle d’où, il y a un siècle, étaient parties les troupes libyennes au chant de « Rome, belle terre d’amour »[1], commençant les trente années d’occupation coloniale de l’Italie.

Edition de mercredi 29 juin 2011 de il manifesto

Traduit de l’italien par Marie-Ange Patrizio

[1] NdT : « Tripoli, bel suol d’amore », voir précédent article (et note sur le chant d’origine) :

D. AdamsKilling the "Bad People"
Our "darker angels," the expression of our "reptile brain" has formed the basis of our civilizations, organizations formed to mitigate personal responsibility, to create mythologies supporting immoral, inhuman, behaviors, not even predatory but those of the scavenger or perhaps parasitic.
williamVeterans Today
Face of Defense: Scientist Serves in Afghanistan
Vietnam Veteran and business owner John CullenVeterans Today
You've Got to Be Tough to Start a Business
Air Force Veteran, Ian James Brown, a paraplegic since 2002, demonstrates the ReWalk deviceVeterans Today
JJP Collaborates to Benefit Spinal Cord Injured Patients
lagardeStephen Lendman
Meaner Tougher IMF with Lagarde
Bob DylanEileen Fleming
Bob Dylan PLAYED Tel Aviv and Sent a Message to Israel
sir-gerald-kaufmanVeterans Today
Vet MP Claims British Jews are "Distancing" Themselves from Israel
LondonUF)Gordon Duff
London UFO Scare: Intelligent Lifeforms Threaten BBC
NostradamusDr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel
Guantanamo North
musicianMichael Farrell
Tone Deaf, Stupid or Both -- Republicans and Rock 'n Roll
military spousesVeterans Today
DOD Launches Military Spouse Employment Partnership
Michael Leon : Righthaven to Fed Judge: My dog ate my court representations
Liz Reed : DOD Launches Military Spouse Employment Partnership
Veterans News Now : Why people become chickenhawks
Veterans News Now : GOP Golden Boy, Paul Ryan: Protects Big Oil Profits, Lines His Own Pockets
Veterans News Now : Koch brothers trashing America with the Tea Party
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Gilad Atzmon
Self Reflection in Mondoweiss
Weiss had the following to say on the matter: "I believe all people act out of self-interest. And Jews who define themselves at some level as Jews -- like myself for instance -- are concerned with a Jewish self-interest. Which in my case is: an end to Zionism. A theory of political life based on altruism or concern for victims purely is doomed to fail." »»
Stephen Lendman
Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda
On June 27, its press release headlined, "GAZA, WE ARE COMING. Despite pressure and threats of violence, flotilla will sail." »»
Sherwood Ross
U.S. Must End Wars To Advance Corporate Interests
Humanism has little place in U.S. global affairs these days when government acts as the enforcement arm of capitalism-run-amok. »»
corporate profits
fallen marine
Veterans Today
Fallen Marine Honored With Intelligence Medal for Valor
The parents of a Marine Corps sergeant killed in Afghanistan accepted a posthumous National Intelligence Medal for Valor on their son's behalf at the National Intelligence Directorate headquarters here today. »»
Veterans Today
Comptroller Explains DOD Budget Challenges
The sluggish growth of the economy will make it difficult to maintain current defense funding, the Defense Department's chief financial officer told attendees at the 2011 Defense Logistics Agency Industry Conference and Exhibition here yesterday. »»
deployed soldiers
Veterans Today
Face of Defense: Sergeant is 'Voice' of Deployed Soldiers
For Army Sgt. 1st Class Nathan Haynes, being the "voice of the soldier" here is one more way of accomplishing his tasks as an equal opportunity advisor with the 1st Infantry Division's 1st Advise and Assist Task Force. »»
Stephen Lendman
The Business of America Is War
Noted trends analyst Gerald Celente said it, and it's true. In fact, America's business is war, more war, multiple wars, permanent wars, pillaging one nation after another for wealth, power, and dominance, while homeland needs go begging. »»
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 29, 2011
The National Training Summit on Women Veterans is July 15-17. The three day summit will focus on the role of women in the military. »»
Sami Jadallah
The hell with Israel; Open Gaza Port
Israel, the angry, unhappy and psychological misfit nation it is, full of hate and contempt for the world and human value, is a country that never gives damn or due considerations to international law and always have contempt for world opinion will most likely send its army of war criminals to assault the freedom flotilla heading out to Gaza this week. »»
David Swanson
Memoirs of Torturers
On September 18, 2009, seven former heads of the CIA publicly told President Barack Obama not to prosecute CIA torturers. »»

Greece is going on stealing EU funds for wasting them for its predatory bureaucracies!



Banken sagen Milliardenhilfe für Griechenland zu

Die deutschen Banken werden sich am Griechenland-Hilfspaket beteiligen. Die Institute haben sich mit Finanzminister Schäuble auf eine Summe von 3,2 Milliarden Euro geeinigt, die sie in neue Staatsanleihen investieren wollen. Allerdings wäre für die Rettung des Krisenlandes weit mehr nötig. mehr...


"Wir brauchen einen Volksaufstand!"

Das Sparpaket ist durch, doch Griechenlands Probleme sind damit nicht gelöst. Tausende Randalierer hassen ihre Regierung abgrundtief, sie rüsten schon zur nächsten Schlacht. Ein konstruktives Konzept für die Sanierung des Landes haben die Demonstranten nicht - auf der Straße entlädt sich blanke Wut. Aus Athen berichtet Jörg Diehl mehr...


Das Renate-Künast-Problem

In Umfragen rutscht ihre Partei ab, ihr Wahlkampfmanager soll betrunken Polizisten angegriffen haben: Drei Monate vor den Berliner Abgeordnetenwahlen steckt Grünen-Spitzenkandidatin Renate Künast in der Krise. Wird das Berlin-Votum das Ende des grünen Höhenflugs? Von Anna Reimann mehr...


Dr. Merkels Kernschmelze

Die nächste Wandlung, bitte! Der Atomausstieg ist der bisherige Höhepunkt einer langen Serie von CDU-Kehrtwenden. Erneut zeigt sich: Bei der Modernisierung ihrer Partei rennt Angela Merkel den Ideen der anderen hinterher. Was kommt als nächstes? Von Sebastian Fischer und Philipp Wittrock mehr...


Vier Wege, um alle Freunde zu verlieren

Die Nutzer hauen ab, der Neustart scheitert, und am Ende steht der Ausverkauf: Dieses Schicksal des einst so erfolgreichen Netzwerks MySpace wird weitere Social Networks treffen. Selbst das mächtige Facebook ist davor nicht sicher - es sei denn, die Betreiber beachten ein paar wichtige Dinge. Von Hannah Pilarczyk mehr...


Scharapowa beendet Lisickis Wimbledon-Traum

Die Sensation ist ausgeblieben: Sabine Lisicki hat ihr Wimbledon-Halbfinale gegen Maria Scharapowa verloren. Die Deutsche startete stark in den ersten Satz, führte 3:0 gegen die Russin - doch dann drehte Scharapowa auf. Lesen Sie die Höhepunkte der Partie im Liveticker nach. mehr...


Wankelmut und ein bisschen Wahnsinn

In Afrika sind Nigerias Fußballerinnen eine Macht, bei der WM scheint das Team chancenlos. Der deutsche Gruppengegner gibt lieber die launische Diva. Jetzt muss das Team gegen die DFB-Elf gewinnen - sonst droht die vorzeitige Heimreise. Von Christian Paul mehr...


Mit Plasmastiefeln in den Peniskampf

Superman kämpft gegen Lex Luthor, Batman gegen den Joker - und der Foreskin Man? Der verprügelt Juden, die Jungs ihre Vorhaut abschneiden wollen. Der abstruse Comic-Strip sorgt jetzt in den USA für eine Debatte, bei der sich alles um die Frage dreht: Ist der neue Superheld antisemitisch?  Von Stefan Pannor mehr...



Katie Price kritisiert Diskriminierung Behinderter

Der Comedian Frankie Boyle machte geschmacklose Witze über den behinderten Sohn von Katie Price - jetzt prangert das Model die Diskriminierung an: In einem Zeitungsartikel schreibt sie erstmals detailliert über den Jungen und kritisiert Boyle scharf. mehr...


Fürstenhaus dementiert Trennungsgerüchte

Gibt Charlene Wittstock ihrem Verlobten das Jawort? Französische Medien berichten, die Ex-Schwimmerin habe die Hochzeit platzen lassen wollen - weil Albert II. sie angeblich betrogen hätte. Das Fürstenhaus dementiert scharf. mehr...


Tod von Georg Sterzinsky löst Bestürzung aus

Alt-Erzbischof Kardinal Georg Sternzinsky ist im Alter von 75 Jahren gestorben. Er stand über 20 Jahre lang dem Berliner Bistum vor. Weggefährten und Politiker würdigen seine Verdienste für die Ökumene, den interreligiösen Dialog und das Zusammenwachsen einer einst geteilten Stadt. mehr...



Handy-Gespräche im Ausland werden billiger

Nach dem Urlaub soll es keine bösen Überraschungen mehr geben: Wer mit seinem deutschen Mobiltelefon im europäischen Ausland unterwegs ist, zahlt auf Druck aus Brüssel nun weniger. Die EU-Kommission plant, auch die Preise für mobiles Internet zu senken. mehr...


Ehec-Seuche vermiest Händlern das Geschäft

Die Ehec-Epidemie ebbt ab, doch die Folgen sind immens: Europas Bauern klagen über Verluste von mehreren 100 Millionen Euro. Auch der deutsche Einzelhandel verzeichnet deutliche Einbußen - seit vier Jahren hat die Branche keinen stärkeren Umsatzeinbruch erlebt. mehr... Video ]


Deutsche meutern gegen hohe Toilettengebühren

Wenn ein Grundbedürfnis zum Ärgernis wird: 70 Cent müssen Reisende auf vielen Autobahnraststätten für die Toilettenbenutzung zahlen - zu viel, sagen vier von fünf Deutschen laut einer neuen Umfrage. Manch einer wird darüber zum Wildpinkler - und muss mit einem saftigen Bußgeld rechnen. mehr...



Griechenland ebnet Weg für neue Finanzhilfen

Jetzt können weitere internationale Finanzhilfen ausgezahlt werden: Das griechische Parlament hat einen Tag nach der Zustimmung zum Sparpaket auch die Ausführungsgesetze gebilligt. Deutsche Banken und Versicherer wollen sich freiwillig an einem zweiten Hilfspaket beteiligen. mehr...


Ein Arzt bricht sein Schweigen

"Fakelaki" heißt das Phänomen, das in Deutschland zum Synonym für den maroden griechischen Staat geworden ist: Polizisten, Lehrer, Ärzte lassen sich schmieren und schweigen darüber. Einer hat den Mut, über das korrupte System zu reden. Aus Palia Fokea berichten Jörg Diehl und Ferry Batzoglou mehr...


Neues Sommermärchen? Alles Quatsch

Der Trubel um die Frauenfußball-WM ist in Wahrheit nur ein künstlicher Hype, schreibt Jakob Augstein. Trotz aller Mühe von Medien und Verbänden - echte Begeisterung kommt beim Publikum nicht auf. Kein Wunder: Um die Gleichberechtigung steht es so schlecht wie eh und je. mehr...



"Ich hätte mehr wissen müssen"

Holperiger Start an der krisengeschüttelten European Business School: Gegen den Ex-Präsidenten ermittelt noch die Staatsanwaltschaft. Jetzt sagt der neue Chef, Rolf Cremer, im Interview, wie er das angeschlagene Image reparieren will - und wie die Eliteschmiede künftig Geld verdienen soll. mehr...


Schwimm, Steinboot, schwimm

Beton taugt nicht nur für Mafia-Morde. Dass Schiffe aus Stein-Zement-Gemisch elegant und sogar schnell schwimmen können, zeigten Ingenieurstudenten auf einem Magdeburger See. Am Ende siegten beim Betonbootrennen die Holländer - und ein schwimmender Fünf-Tonnen-Kolloss. Von Lisa Roderer mehr...


Heute Nerd, morgen dein Boss

Jedes Jahr trifft sich die globale Jungforscher-Elite zu einem Schaulaufen in den USA. Unter 1500 Teilnehmern waren auch die Deutschen Jan und Martin. Sie zeigten eine perfekte Sonnenuhr und einen Roboter, der auf einer Kugel tanzt. Den Siegern winkt die Chance auf eine Forscherkarriere. Von Uli Ries mehr...



Der Brocken entstand, als die Welt zerbrach

Der höchste Berg im Harz ist anders entstanden als bisher angenommen. Der Brocken galt als Relikt der ersten Vereinigung Deutschlands. Doch jetzt zeigen Datierungen seines Gipfelgesteins, dass der Berg in einem Vulkanschlund heranwuchs - als die ganze Welt aus den Nähten platzte. Von Axel Bojanowski mehr...


Blitzschlag am Feuerberg

Der Vulkan Puyehue-Cordón-Caulle hat in Chile für Chaos gesorgt, den Flugverkehr empfindlich gestört - und spektakuläre Fotos ermöglicht.  Außerdem in den Wissenschaftsbildern des Monats Juni: ein Porträt des Eismonds Helene und ein archäologischer Fund, der auf einen Maya-Mythos deutet. Von Nina Weber mehr...


Kernforschungszentrum entgeht den Flammen

Vorsichtige Entwarnung in Los Alamos: Die Feuerwehr des US-Bundesstaats New Mexico ist zuversichtlich, die Flammen vom Atomforschungszentrum fernzuhalten. Bisher wurde offenbar kein radioaktives Material freigesetzt, aber Tausende Experimente mussten wegen des Brands gestoppt werden. mehr... Video ]



100 Länderspiele? Na und!

Sie holt ihre Möbel vom Sperrmüll, pflegt ihr Image als Anti-"Tussi" und Gegenentwurf zu Bajramaj und Co: Sportlich ist die deutsche Torhüterin Nadine Angerer nach bald hundert Einsätzen für den DFB unumstritten - obwohl sie zuletzt sogar über einen Gegentreffer erleichtert war. Von Peter Ahrens, Frankfurt mehr... Video | Forum ]


Scharapowa bringt Lisicki zum Weinen

Maria Scharapowa war einfach zu stark: Die deutsche Hoffnungsträgerin Sabine Lisicki ist im Halbfinale von Wimbledon am russischen Top-Star gescheitert. Nach dem Match konnte Lisicki ihre Tränen nicht unterdrücken. mehr... Forum ]


Generation "Gefällt mir"

Facebook boomt - mittlerweile auch im deutschen Fußball. Neuer, Schweinsteiger und Co. präsentieren sich zunehmend mit eigenen Profilen. Auch die Vereine ziehen mit. Aber längst nicht alle Auftritte der Nationalspieler sind erstklassig. Von Jana Jöckel mehr...



In Deckung! Die Deutschen kommen

Auslandseinsätze, Affären - und dann wird zum 1. Juli auch noch die Wehrpflicht ausgesetzt. Wer mag sich da noch "eine starke Truppe" nennen? Die Bundeswehr hat sich deshalb einen neuen Werbeslogan zugelegt. Der allerdings wirft ganz eigene Fragen auf. mehr...


Feta der Klamotte

Schauspielernde Schafsköpfe treten Quark breit und reden Käse: Herbert Fritsch wurde gerade beim Theatertreffen als Regisseur der Stunde gefeiert. Jetzt hat er zum ersten Mal an der Berliner Volksbühne inszeniert - und präsentiert den hinreißenden Blödelabend "Die spanische Fliege". Von Wolfgang Höbel mehr...


Tiefschläge im Namen des Lebens

Selten wurde bei "Hart aber fair" so hitzig debattiert: Theologe gegen Theologe, Politikerin gegen Mutter, und mittendrin Schlagerbarde Guildo Horn. Es ging um die umstrittene Präimplantationsdiagnostik, um Fehlgeburten und das Recht auf Leben. Talkshow und Moral - passt das überhaupt zusammen? Von Frank Patalong mehr...



Twitter-Gründer fürchtet Propaganda

Twitter-Mitgründer Biz Stone warnt die neue Generation am Firmenruder: Macht euch nicht mit der US-Regierung gemein! Außerdem im Überblick: Mozilla will Rücksicht auf überforderte Firmen nehmen, Social Media schlägt Internetpornografie und immer mehr chinesischer Spam. Von Carolin Neumann mehr...


61,5 Millionen Euro Schaden durch Internet-Kriminalität

Neue Zahlen vom Bundeskriminalamt: Im vergangenen Jahr ist die erfasste Internet-Kriminalität um 19 Prozent angestiegen. Laut Polizei ist dadurch ein Schaden von rund 61,5 Millionen Euro entstanden. mehr...


Eleganter Einzelkämpfer gegen iPad und Co.

Dieses Tablet ist anders - auch wenn man es von außen nicht sieht. Denn im TouchPad setzt Computergigant HP erstmals das ehemalige Palm-Betriebssystem webOS in einer Version für Flachrechner ein. Was kann das Gerät? Wo liegen die Schwächen? Ein Test. Von Matthias Kremp mehr... Video ]



Wolk of Fame

Wenn sie loslegten, starrten Tausende gebannt in die Luft: In den zwanziger Jahren revolutionierten Himmelsschreiber die Reklame. Mit tollkühnen Manövern zeichneten sie riesige Werbebotschaften in den Himmel. Der Erfinder wurde erst belächelt - und dann reich. Von Christoph Gunkel mehr...



China eröffnet längste Meeresbrücke der Welt

450.000 Tonnen Stahl, 2,3 Millionen Kubikmeter Beton und mehr als eine Milliarde Euro Baukosten: 42 Kilometer weit überspannt die Qingdao-Haiwan-Brücke das Gelbe Meer in Chinas Osten. Jetzt ist der Gigant eröffnet worden. mehr...


Meilen lavendelfarbener Einsamkeit

Das Gefühl der Einsamkeit ist immer da. Das schottische Hochland ist dünn besiedelt, voller verlassener Häuserruinen und von einer spröden Schönheit. Gerade richtig für Wildkatzen, Otter, Fischadler - und für Wanderer, die die melancholische Wildnis zu schätzen wissen. mehr...


Das alte Lied vom Schuft

Auf der Welt gibt es Orte, zu denen man allein wegen ihres Namens reisen will. Mandalay zum Beispiel. Oder Surabaya auf Java - bekannt geworden durch die Ballade vom untreuen Johnny, dem die Diseusen seit den Dreißigern hinterherschmachten. Michael Lenz hat sein Sehnsuchtsziel aufgesucht. mehr...



Der langsame Start eines Lebensretters

Für die klassischen Notrufsäulen an deutschen Bundes-, Landes- und Kreisstraßen kommt das Aus. Sie werden bis zum Jahresende fast im gesamten Bundesgebiet abgebaut. Künftig setzen die Retter auf ein intelligentes Auto. Doch das neue System hat noch Schwächen. Von Roman Büttner mehr...


Wachstum von unten

Jaguar startet eine zweite Kulturrevolution im eigenen Hause: Schon die Einführung des Dieselmotors fiel den Briten schwer - jetzt ringen sie sich auch noch zu einem kleinen Vierzylinder im XF durch. Das Ergebnis stellt jedoch auch die Skeptiker zufrieden. mehr...


Germany Approves End to the Nuclear Era
It's official: Germany's "Energy Revolution" has begun. The country's
parliament on Thursday passed a series of laws that will push forward
the phase-out of nuclear plants and promote renewable energies. The
world's fourth-largest industrial nation is scheduled to be nuclear-free
by 2022, but will its reliance on fossil fuels increase?,1518,771646,00.html#ref=nlint


German Banks Agree to Billions in Greek Debt Relief
German banks have reached a voluntary agreement to contribute 3.2
billion euros to the next Greek bailout package through bond roll-overs.
But a far greater sum will still be needed in order to rescue the
country, which is being crushed by 300 billion euros in debt.,1518,771656,00.html#ref=nlint


The Tent-Dwellers of Sana'a
While President Salih licks his wounds abroad, Yemen's protest movement
is establishing its presence in the capital city, hoping to bridge the
country's divide. The revolutionaries -- for now -- live in tents.,1518,771350,00.html#ref=nlint


Greek Reforms 'Like Putting a Band-Aid on a Mortal Wound'
Greece may have averted the worst by passing an austerity package on
Wednesday, but the government of Georgios Papandreou will continue to
face massive public resistance to its course. German commentators warn
that Athens isn't out of the woods yet.,1518,771534,00.html#ref=nlint


World Cup Will Not Help Women's Fight for Equality
The Women's Football World Cup, which is currently being held in
Germany, is massively overhyped. Despite the media's best efforts, there
is no real enthusiasm among the general public. The event shows just how
far women have to go in their fight for equal rights.,1518,771619,00.html#ref=nlint


Soccer World Cup 2011: Live Results,5532,26299,00.html#tab=0&ref=nlint

Special: Soccer World Cup 2011


Energy Shift Deeply Divides German Companies
Chancellor Angela Merkel's nuclear phase-out is causing deep divisions
in the German business community. The only issue where there seems to be
any agreement across industry lines is that more government subsidies
are going to be needed as the price of electricity rises.,1518,771309,00.html#ref=nlint


Spike in Metal Theft Imperils German Railways
As metal prices continue to climb, theft along Germany's railways has
reached record levels. The missing parts are not only dangerous, the
delays and cancellations they cause are damaging Deutsche Bahn's


Police Find Cannabis Plants at Green Party Office
The Green Party is in the weeds when it comes to scandals this week. Not
only have police reportedly found cannabis plants at a regional party
office in Thuringia, but a Greens campaign manager was fired following
his arrest for drunk driving and assaulting a police officer in Berlin.,1518,771568,00.html#ref=nlint


There's Plenty to Sie and Du in Bavarian Village
A tourist office in a Bavarian village plans to offer German-speaking
visitors the choice of being addressed by the formal "Sie" or the
informal "du" form. Tourists can vote with their feet by going to the
right counter. Is this a sign that the language's rigid rules on the
matter are starting to be relaxed?,1518,771609,00.html#ref=nlint


Name Contest Held for Two-Headed Snake 
A python in Germany has slithered its way into the spotlight thanks to a
rare anatomical anomaly: It has two heads. The snake just might be
Germany's next animal superstar, but first it needs a name. The owner is
holding a contest to find the perfect moniker on social networking


Box of Light,1518,771532,00.html#ref=nlint

Today`s Email Stories:
Terrorists Indicted Over Hariri
Barkat's Appointment Criticized
Telshe Y. Rabbi Chaim Stein, 98
Shomron Robbery Near Yitzhar
Bedouin Attack Jews in Samaria
PA Buys Judaica for ISA Heads
2nd Flotilla Ship ‘Sabotaged’
More Website News:
Ne'eman Shouted At in Hevron
Rabbi E. Melamed on Persecution
5 T-Shirt Protesters Pardoned
GE Invests in Israeli Company
Plaque Finds Permanent Home

MP3 Radio Website News Briefs:
Talk: Media Terrorists
Using a Strong Arm
Music: Israeli for Tu Bishvat
Three weeks

1. Hundreds of Students Charge to Defend Rabbi Ya’acov Yosef
by David ben Yacov Hundreds Defend Rabbi Yosef

A border patrol vehicle was stationed this morning (Thursday) under the residence of Rabbi Ya’acov Yosef, in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shmuel HaNavi. The vehicle startled hundreds of local yeshiva students, who rushed to the rabbi’s home, despite his absence at the time.

Sources close to the rabbi were concerned that security forces had arrived to arrest the rabbi for approbating  the Torat Hamelech ["The King's Torah", ed.] halakhic work authored by rabbi Yitzchak Shapira of Yitzhar.

Aides to the rabbi rejected yesterday’s Channel 2 report stating that Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, the leading Sephardic Torah authority, did not approve of ‘The King’s Torah’. “The report is a lie. The rabbi never expressed disapproval of the book.”

This morning, a group of journalists accompanied Rabbi Ya’acov Yosef from his home to the tomb of Shimon HaTzaddik. The rabbi requested that they put on tefillin, and they agreed. The rabbi was delighted when one of them said that it was his first time wearing tefillin.

In a police debriefing, the police reported that Rabbi Yosef was respectfully questioned, and he was not taken into custody.

Last Monday, the police apprehended Rabbi Dov Lior, the rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hebron on his way to Migron by way of Jerusalem. “They could have tapped his phone in order to track and ambush him,” said the rabbi’s wife.

“The King’s Torah”  presents a Torah-law perspective on the question of civilian casualties during wartime. The laws pertaining to kings are the topics under which war is discussed in many halakhic works, including Maimonides, as the king led the army to war in biblical times The book brings the opinion that it is required to protect the lives of Jewish soldiers even at the expense of the lives of enemy civilians. 

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2. 4 Hizbullah Terrorists Indicted for Hariri Murder in Lebanon
by David Lev Terrorists Indicted Over Hariri

Four top Hizbullah terrorists have been indicted by the Hague-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon for the murder of former President Rafik al-Hariri, a Lebanese television station said Thursday. The indictments were issued minutes after the conclusion of a meeting between Lebanese officials and members of the Special Tribunal.

The four were named as Assad Sabra, Hassan Issa, Salim Ayache and Moustaf Badredin, all top terrorists in Hizbullah's Lebanese organization. They are currently in hiding, and security officials are on the lookout for them. Security has also been increased at the offices of Lebanon's Prosecutor General, Sayyed Merza, whose office issued the indictments.

Hizbullah had no official comment, but in the past has threatened heavy violence in the event any of its members were indicted for the February 2005 murder of Hariri, who was killed when a large bomb exploded near the car he was riding in during a motorcade near the city's waterfront.

Rafik Hariri's son, Saad, who is a former Prime Minister of Lebanon, praised the indictments, saying that they “offer a new chapter of truth. After long years of patience, waiting and continued national struggle, the indictment in the assassination crime of Martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and his companions was announced today. Today, we witness together a distinctive historic moment in the political, judicial, security and moral life of Lebanon.” He called for a swift arrest and trial, and urged the government to continue cooperating with the tribunal, “and not to evade pursuing the accused and handing them over to justice, which is a guarantee of democracy and stability.”

Meanwhile, Samir Geagea, who was an ally of Hariri's and represents many of the country's Christians, called for calm. “We need to look at the accused as a person rather than link them with their party, sect, or country that he belongs to. I ask leaders… to act wisely, calmly and quietly away from any tensions and overreactions and merely follow the developments of the tribunal.”

Lebanon's government will issue an official statement on the indictments Friday, a government source said.

Syrian strongman Bashar Assad has warned against blaming Hizbullah for the assassination of Hariri.

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3. Nationalist Critics: Mayor Nir Barkat has Turned to the Left
by David ben Yacov Barkat's Appointment Criticized

The Chairman of the East Jerusalem Public Complaints Bureau, Aryeh King, affiliated with the National Union-National Religious Party, castigated the decision of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to appoint left-wing Meretz party council member Meir Margalit to handle the ultra-sensitive East Jerusalem file in the municipality.

“It has become clear that the Mayor is a dangerous left-wing supporter. This disproves any attempts to 'paint him orange' [the color theme of the secular and religious activity against the Gush Katif expulsion, ed.] or associate him with the right-wing. Anyone who appoints a Meretz representative is not in the right-wing.”

King warns that Barkat may yet endanger the city. “He is of the dangerous type, like Olmert and Sharon, like those who pose as innocent. Barkat has swerved to the left, and has therefore appointed a Meretz rep.”

According to King, Barkat acts on behalf of the Arabs in Jerusalem:

”Barkat will not sign East Jerusalem demolition orders against illegal construction. He refuses to allocate funds to bring tourists to the Mount of Olives. The Mayor cancels construction plans at the North Jerusalem Atarot industrial zone. The system is helmed in by the [now] left activist, Nir Barkat. He belongs to the Peace Now camp, and wants to divide the city with the Palestinians. It’s time we learn from getting constantly slapped in the face, and stop believing leaders who don a skullcap before elections and embrace rabbis.”

Aryeh King has recently opposed the legalizationof 95% of some 200 illegal Arab structures in the East Jerusalem Silwan neighborhood. he has also opposed the construction of a commercial center on the Mount of Olives, in the heart of biblical Jerusalem, and the construction of a large mosque near the gravesite of the late PM Menachem Begin which has been suspended as a result.

Municipal Council member, lawyer Yair Gabbai, and the Jerusalem municipality representative on the Planning and Zoning District Committee, calls upon the city’s religious Zionist voters to boycott Barkat after his decision:

”He has broken all of his pre-election promises. This appointment was to go to right-wing rep Yakir Segev, but Barkat signed a coalition deal with Meretz and intends to appoint Dr. Meir Margalit to the position instead.”

Gabbai claims that Margalit belongs to the extreme left-wing:

“He leads the Committee against the Demolishing of Homes, an organization that supports a boycott of Israel, and rebuilds East Jerusalem court-order demolished homes. He will be in a position to approve or deny demolishing in East Jerusalem, and this is a severe conflict of interests. From now on, the municipality representative on any possible forum will be a Meretz man in favor of the division of the city. He has been defaming the State of Israel for years, and will now decide on East Jerusalem projects. The Mayor has made a ‘left turn’, and the public should relate to him accordingly.”

The Meretz left-wing party that Dr. Meir Margalit belongs to, supports a Palestinian state, the dismantling of most of the Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, and the division of Jerusalem.

The Mayor has defended the unity of Jerusalem in the past, especially with regard to the building freeze insisted upon by US President Obama. The Mayor’s office has not yet issued a response to the council members critique.


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4. Rabbi Chaim Stein of Telshe Yeshiva Passes On
by Hana Levi Julian Telshe Y. Rabbi Chaim Stein, 98

Rabbi Chaim Stein, Rosh Yeshiva of the famed Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland and the oldest director of a rabbinical institution in America, has died after one year of illness.

One of the yeshiva world's strongest remaining links to pre-war Europe, Rabbi Stein was 98 years old. He has been unwell for some time.

In October 1940, Rabbi Stein led a group of students who escaped from war-torn Lithuania just as it was overrun by the Nazis, fleeing the country on the Sabbath. Although travel on the Sabbath is prohibited on Jewish law, it is permitted in times of great peril in order to save one's life.

Rabbi Stein and the students he accompanied headed via the Trans-Siberian Railroad to the Far East, having aquired visas from the famous Chiune Sugihara, who risked his life to save Jews fleeing the Nazis.

Eventually the little group landed in Brisbane, Australia, where the local Jewish community welcomed them warmly.

A few months later, in 1941, Rabbi Stein and most of the other students made their way to the United States and were reunited with their rabbinic mentors. They settled in Cleveland, Ohio.

Telshe Yeshiva, which had been a famous Eastern European institute of rabbinical learning, was founded in Lithuania. After World War II, the school relocated to Ohio and officially became the Rabbinical College of Telshe – Telshe Yeshiva. Today it is one of the most prominent rabbinical institutions in the United States.

Two funerals are to be held for the venerated rabbi in the United States. The first was set to begin today (Thursday June 30) at 9:00 a.m. local time at the Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland.

A few hours later, at 2:00 p.m. EDT, the second funeral is scheduled in Lakewood, another major American geographic center of Torah learning, at BMG.

Rabbi Stein's body will then be flown in the evening to Israel, where burial will take place at Har HaMenuchot. 

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5. Yitzhar resident Robbed in Shomron
by David ben Yacov Shomron Robbery Near Yitzhar

A resident of the Jewish town of Yitzhar was robbed by two Arabs armed with knives after midnight, on her way home from work. Around one a.m. a white van pushed up dangerously against her vehicle and blinded her with its headlights.

After the Tapuach junction, the van passed her vehicle and began zigzagging wildly. The woman tried to evade the van, and even rammed it in an attempt to scare her assailants. Eventually, the Arabs blocked the road and extracted the woman from her car at knifepoint. They drove off with her car and cellphone, along with professional gear with an estimated value of thousands of shekels, but did her no bodily harm.

The woman began walking back to Tapuach junction. A vehicle with a Jewish family stopped for her, at which point she made contact with her husband and with the Yitzhar security officer. Following the event, border patrolmen were stationed at the entrance to Yitzhar to take the ID of any passers-by, to prevent a response of the Yitzhar residents.

The woman was interrogated by the IDF at Tapuach junction. The police arrived an hour later, and took her deposition. This morning, she lodged a complaint with the Shomron police.

The Samaria-Judea police said to Arutz Sheva's Hebrew news site that these robberies are common. “Taxis from central Israel are ordered, and then ambushed and robbed. There have been numerous events like this in the last few months. Fortunately there haven’t been kidnappings or murders.”

Three weeks ago a potential victim fought off assailants with an axe he had is his car, near the town of Eli, in Binyamin. A year-and-a-half ago, another victim was run over and injured resisting Arab muggers at the Eli gas station.

The residents of Eli went out in protest this morning (Thursday) at Hawara junction to castigate the free reign given to Arabs. “It could have ended with a kidnapping,” they said. “Why focus on the possible response of local Jewish residents, instead of on the apprehension of the perpetrators? What about priorities?”

The Samaria-Judea police district spokeswoman verified the event and said that, “The police took the woman’s deposition, and is investigating.” 

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6. Bedouin Attack Jews with Daggers Near Town of Cochav HaShachar
by David ben Yacov Bedouin Attack Jews in Samaria

The ‘Honenu’ organization reports that Bedouins have attacked Jews near the Jewish community of Kochav HaShachar.

Wednesday morning, a group of Bedouin climbed up the Geon HaYarden hill near the town of Kochav HaShachar in eastern Binyamin 

Local residents came down to confront them and prevent their coming closer to the community. During the confrontation, two of the Bedouin produced daggers and attempted to stab the Jewish residents.

One of the Binyamin Regional Council security personnel who arrived on the scene successfully arrested the attackers and handed them over to the police.

One of the residents attempted to file a complaint at the Binyamin Police station, but was arrested for ‘entering a closed military firing zone’. He was released after interrogation.


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7. Beware of PA Leaders Bearing Gifts?
by David ben Yacov PA Buys Judaica for ISA Heads

A member of the Palestinian Authority recently placed a surprising order at a retail outlet of the ‘Hatzorfim’ silver Judaica ornament factory, according to Arutz Sheva Hebrew site..

He requested two prestigious gifts of silver and crystal,  saying that one was chosen as a farewell gift to ex-ISA (Israel Security Agency) head Yuval Diskin, and one as a welcoming gift for the new ISA head Yoram Cohen, courtesy of PA Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas.

The PA purchaser added dedications to the gifts, thanking Diskin for his cooperation, and looking forward to future cooperation with Cohen.

The ISA told Arutz Sheva in response that ”Since the ISA does not divulge details of agency relations with foreign entities, we cannot relate to the issue.”

Relating to the gifts, the ISA said, “The agency is acting in accordance with the Public Service Law on Gifts -1979”

Cohen assumed the position of ISA head six weeks ago. He was assistant ISA head between 2005-2008, and is the first religious head of the ISA. He was born in 1960, and is married with 5 children. He has been a resident of Jerusalem since 1983, and was raised and educated in Tel Aviv. He studied at the ‘Medrashiat Noam’ Yeshiva High school in Pardes Chana, and served in the IDF in the Golani brigade.

Yuval Diskin, born 1956, began his career at the ISA in 1978. He was responsible for security coordination over a number of years, is deeply acquainted with the heads of the Palestinian security services, and has been responsible for an uncompromising war against terror and  terrorist infrastructures throughout Judea and Samaria.

During the worst years of terrorism, he headed the operational region responsible for destroying Hamas military infrastructure throughout Judea and Samaria. He was appointed head of the ISA in February 2005.

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8. Second ‘Sabotaged’ Ship Bows Out of Flotilla
by Gil Ronen 2nd Flotilla Ship ‘Sabotaged’

An Irish ship, the MV Saoirse, will not take part in the planned flotilla in support of the murderous and rapacious Hamas regime in Gaza. The ship has been sabotaged, according to one of its intended passengers.


Speaking with the Irish Times last night from the Turkish port of Göcek, Fintan Lane of Irish Ship to Gaza organization said that the ship could not sail because it had been “dangerously sabotaged.”


He said that the ship’s captain noticed that there was something wrong with it Monday. Divers subsequently found that a piece was missing from one of the propeller shafts.


“This was the type of sabotage that endangered human life,” Lane told the Times. “They put divers under the boat who cut a piece out of the propeller shaft. That means that the damage would have happened gradually and what would have happened eventually is that the propeller would have come up through the bottom of the boat, caused a flood in the engine room and would have caused the boat to sink.”


Six of the 20-plus crew who had been due to set sail on the boat intend to join an Italian-based vessel instead. These include Lane, former Ireland rugby player Trevor Hogan, Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy, Libyan-born Irish citizen Hussein Hamed and Derry-based Sinn Féin councilor Gerry MacLochlainn.


Lane said the damage to the ship was similar to that caused to the Swedish ship the Juliano, which flotilla organizers claim was sabotaged in the Greek port of Piraeus by “hostile divers.”

There are eight other vessels that plan to sail to Gaza in the flotilla, which claims to be humanitarian in its outlook but which, in fact, supports the right of  Hamas child-killers to import arms without Israeli interference.


According to the organizers, the Italian ship Stefano Chiarim will carry the most passengers with 65 people; Canadian ship Tahrir will carry 48 passengers and an American vessel, which is currently detained in Greece, will carry 40 passengers.

An additional five ships are expected to depart from Spain, France, Greece, Sweden and Norway. Organizers expect 292 participants and 36 members of the press.

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In-Depth Issues:

Britain Accuses Iran of Secretly Testing Nuclear-Capable Missiles (VOA News)
    British Foreign Secretary William Hague told Parliament on Wednesday that Iran has conducted secret tests of ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
    Hague said secret Iranian tests of nuclear-capable missiles contravene UN Security Council Resolution 1929.
    He also accused Iran of engaging in covert experiments with rocket launchers.

Saudis Will Build Nuclear Weapons If Iran Gets Them - Jason Burke (Guardian-UK)
    Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, warned senior NATO military officials earlier this month that if Iran comes close to developing a nuclear weapon, the existence of such a device "would compel Saudi pursue policies which could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences."
    A senior official in Riyadh who is close to the prince said on Tuesday, "We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don't....If Iran develops a nuclear weapon, that will be unacceptable to us and we will have to follow suit."
    See also Saudi Forces Withdrawing from Bahrain - Nada Bakri (New York Times)
    Saudi Arabia will withdraw most of its 1,200 troops from neighboring Bahrain by next week after a three-month mission to quell an uprising against the monarchy there, a Saudi official said on Tuesday.

Syria Tank Assault Kills 11 Near Turkish Border - Khaled Yacoub Oweis (Reuters)
    Syrian troops shot dead 11 villagers on Wednesday in Jabal al-Zawya, residents said, as authorities pressed on with a tank-led assault that has driven thousands of refugees across the border with Turkey.

1,000 Injured as Protesters, Police Clash in Cairo - Leila Fadel, Muhammad Mansour and William Branigin (Washington Post)
    Protesters clashed with Egyptian security forces for a second day Wednesday over the pace of police brutality prosecutions and other grievances, after more than 1,000 people were injured in clashes which erupted outside the Interior Ministry on Tuesday.
    Riot police used tear gas, rubber bullets and birdshot to defend the Interior Ministry, which oversees the Egyptian police, from protesters who attacked with rocks and gasoline bombs.

Hardline Arab-Israeli Imam Held in Britain - Joseph Eid (AFP)
    Controversial Arab-Israeli Islamist leader Sheikh Raed Saleh has been arrested in London after entering Britain in defiance of a government ban, Home Secretary Theresa May said Wednesday.
    British authorities have begun arrangements to deport Saleh, who is the head of the radical northern wing of the Islamic Movement, and have launched an investigation into how he managed to enter the country, she said.

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News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
  • U.S. Senate Opposes Unilateral Declaration of Palestinian Statehood
    The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday that threatened to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority if it continues to seek a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood. The resolution also reaffirmed U.S. opposition to any Palestinian government that includes Hamas unless the group renounces terrorism and is willing to make peace with Israel. Led by Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), the resolution had 88 co-sponsors.
        "The Senate has delivered a clear message to the international community that United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state at this time does not further the peace process," Cardin said. "A permanent and peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be achieved through direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations." A similar measure is under consideration in the House of Representatives. (JTA)
        See also below Observations: Resolution Reaffirming the U.S. Commitment to a Negotiated Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (U.S. Senate)
  • U.S. to Resume Formal Muslim Brotherhood Contacts - Arshad Mohammed
    The U.S. has decided to resume formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday. "It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency," said the senior official.
        There is no U.S. legal prohibition against dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is not regarded by Washington as a foreign terrorist organization. But other sympathetic groups, such as Hamas, which identifies the Brotherhood as its spiritual guide, have not disavowed violence against Israel.
        Elliott Abrams, a deputy national security adviser handling Middle East affairs under former President George W. Bush, said he favored dropping the ban on formal contacts - but approaching any actual dealings with great caution. Abrams said positions espoused by some Brotherhood members - such as favoring religious tests for public office, questioning the rights of women and limiting freedom of religion or speech - were "anathema" to the U.S. Noting that there are splits among Brotherhood members, Abrams said, "We have to think about whether we can use meetings to deepen those splits and to help, quietly, those who are trying to moderate the positions of the Brotherhood."  (Reuters)
        See also Egypt's Pro-Democracy Activists Feel Their Grip Slipping - Jeffrey Fleishman
    Sensing the revolution that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak is slipping from their grasp, activists and opposition groups are pressuring the ruling military council to postpone Egypt's elections in September amid fears that Islamists and members of the former regime will gain too much power. This coincides with a renewed push to draft a new constitution before the parliamentary elections so that no political bloc, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, will have unchecked influence to set the laws of the land. (Los Angeles Times)
  • U.S. Lawmakers Say Americans in Gaza Flotilla May Be Prosecuted - Calev Ben-David
    Two members of Congress said U.S. citizens who join a flotilla planning to break Israel's embargo of Gaza should face prosecution. "Israel's blockade of terrorist territory is absolutely legal," Congressman Gary Ackerman said during a visit to Jerusalem Tuesday with a fellow Democratic representative from New York, Nita Lowey. "And the people who would run an international legal blockade are subject to the legal ramifications of all countries, including the United States."
        Americans taking part in the flotilla may "violate U.S. civil and criminal statutes" against "conspiring to deliver material support" to terrorist organizations, the State Department said last week. Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization by Israel, the U.S. and the EU. (Bloomberg)
        See also Texas Governor Urges U.S. Attorney General to Act Against American Pro-Palestinian Flotilla Protesters (AP-Washington Post)
News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
  • Israel Seeks Deal with Europe, U.S. on Palestinian Statehood Bid - Attila Somfalvi
    Government sources on Wednesday confirmed that Israeli and American officials are continuing their efforts to jump-start negotiations with the Palestinians, while Jerusalem is hoping to secure France and Britain's objection at a UN vote on the declaration of a Palestinian state. Germany and Italy have already announced that they will object to a unilateral declaration of statehood. (Ynet News)
  • Report: Jordan to Oppose PA Statehood Bid - Roee Nahmias
    A senior Jordanian official says the Hashemite kingdom will vote against a Palestinian statehood bid scheduled to be put before the UN General Assembly in September. "Jordan's top national interests will be in danger if the Palestinian Authority declares statehood unilaterally - especially in everything related to the issue of refugees, water, Jerusalem, and the borders," the UAE-based al-Bayan quoted a Jordanian state official as saying. The report says Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit publicly expressed this opinion in a speech two months ago. (Ynet News)
  • Israel Hopes Gaza Flotilla Delay Will Reduce Participation - Herb Keinon and Yaakov Katz
    Bureaucratic delays, strikes at Greek ports and damaged ships continue to delay the Gaza-bound flotilla, which was originally scheduled to set sail at mid-week. Huwaida Arraf, one of the heads of the Free Gaza Movement, said Wednesday that the flotilla will likely not set sail for a number of days. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Video: Gaza Receives Thousands of Tons of Goods and Materials Daily
    Despite the naval blockade on Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces ensures the daily transfer of nearly 6,000 tons of goods and roughly 260 truckloads via Kerem Shalom, an Israel-Gaza land crossing. Lawfully enforcing the naval blockade on Gaza allows the Israeli Navy to limit rocket and missile attacks into Israel by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations. (Israel Defense Forces)
Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
  • Who Is Behind the Second Gaza Flotilla? - Ehud Rosen
    The second flotilla is coordinated by Muhammad Sawalha, a senior UK-based Muslim Brotherhood figure connected to Hamas. Many of the participating organizations can be directly linked with the Union of Good (UoG), a coalition of European charities affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which in 2008 was designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. Treasury for transferring funds to Hamas. The UoG was initiated by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood on a global scale, in 2000.
        Other main organizers include the anti-Israel International Solidarity Movement (ISM), as well as far-left socialists from Europe and the U.S. Many of the flotilla's main organizers have stated that its prime aim is to create provocations and harm Israel's image.
        Thus, far from being a peaceful, humanitarian effort to support the Palestinians in Gaza, the flotilla should be seen as a major, pro-Hamas effort to delegitimize Israel by a "red-green alliance" of leftists and Islamists. (Institute for Contemporary Affairs-Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
  • Assad Deserves a Swift Trip to The Hague - Madeleine Albright and Marwan Muasher
    It is time for the international community to take a stand against Syria's use of violence against its citizens. The UN Security Council should direct the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is guilty of crimes against humanity. Initiating an ICC investigation in Syria now would create a powerful incentive for Mr. Assad to choose reform over further repression. Madeleine Albright was U.S. secretary of state from 1997 to 2001. Marwan Muasher was foreign minister of Jordan from 2002 to 2004. (Financial Times-UK)
Observations: Resolution Reaffirming the U.S. Commitment to a Negotiated Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (U.S. Senate)

Excerpts from S. Res. 185, approved by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday:

  • Whereas a true and lasting peace between the people of Israel and the Palestinians can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties;
  • Whereas Hamas, an organization responsible for the death of more than 500 innocent civilians, including two dozen United States citizens, has been designated by the United States Government as a foreign terrorist organization;
  • Whereas, on April 22, 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated, "We will not deal with nor in any way fund a Palestinian government that includes Hamas unless and until Hamas has renounced violence, recognized Israel and agreed to follow the previous obligations of the Palestinian Authority."
  • Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Senate--
    1. Reaffirms its strong support for a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states, a democratic, Jewish state of Israel and a viable, democratic Palestinian state, living side-by-side in peace, security, and mutual recognition;
    2. Reiterates its strong opposition to any attempt to establish or seek recognition of a Palestinian state outside of an agreement negotiated between leaders in Israel and the Palestinians;
    3. Calls upon the President to announce that the United States will veto any resolution on Palestinian statehood that comes before the United Nations Security Council which is not a result of agreements reached between the Government of Israel and the Palestinians;
    4. Will consider restrictions on aid to the Palestinian Authority should it persist in efforts to circumvent direct negotiations by turning to the United Nations or other international bodies.