Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 20 June 2011
Sivan 18, 5771 · June 20, 2011
This Week's Features
By Batya Jacobs
They continued their walk along the water, passing fishing boats, ferry docks and cruise ship ports along the way...

By Linda Tucker
Dealing with Challenge
My Brother Josh
I spent twenty years of my life wishing he were "normal." Imagining. Yearning. Wondering about ordinary things like-what would he be like? What would he look like? Would we get along, and what would we have in common?

By Ariella Sunny Levi
When you accuse me of a crime of which I was indeed once guilty, I feel bad. Accuse me of something I haven't done, however, and I'll probably just laugh and stroll away, unbothered by your obvious misidentification...

By Elisha Greenbaum
Relationships & Marriage
All that matters is that for two whole hours, it's just the two of you. Alone. Together.

By Chana (Jenny) Weisberg
Pictures with a Purpose
Brooklyn, NY
Imagine: How would the world look if we could see the Divine sparks that animate every physical creation?

By Michoel Ogince