Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: MALEDICTIONS Let the Evil Empires sink!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Let the Evil Empires sink!


La Bce compra titoli di Stato. L'Ue: bene Italia-Spagna
Piazza Affari chiude a -2,35%. Il Dow Jones a -5,49%.
Telefonata tra Berlusconi e il presidente Usa sulla crisi

La Lega: il governo non è commissariato, no ad elezioni anticipate.
In settimana il Consiglio dei ministri approverà le misure annunciate.
Si è conclusa l'inchiesta della procura di Roma. Gli indagati sono in tutto venti. L'accusa: «Associazione segreta volta a condizionare il funzionamento degli organi costituzionali».
Dopo Tottenham saccheggi e attacchi nei quartieri più a Sud della città.
In azione giovani incappucciati: 215 arresti. E Cameron torna dalle ferie.

dago business

Chinook_SPECSEAL Team Six Story Unfolding
I have been told that a MINIMUM of three helos would normally be used for a group of that size.
vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - August 08, 2011
syria-embassy-protestStephen Lendman
Escalating Street Protests in Syria
kings-counselVeterans Today
It Is Time to Listen To King Hussein
american-role-in-PakistanBrig Asif Haroon Raja
The US Objectives Set For Pakistan
jail_barsStephen Lendman
Filling Prison Beds for Profit
israel-firstVeterans Today
81 Congressmen To Visit Israel in Coming Weeks
From left: U.S. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Debbie Wasserman SchultzVeterans Today
Congresswomen Urge Federal Funding for Homecare of Shoah Survivors in US
In the tapes, Jackie allegedly blames Lyndon Johnson for the death of JFK, who took over the post from her husband after his assassinationVeterans Today
Explosive Jackie O Tapes 'Reveal How She Believed Johnson Killed JFK & Had Affair With Movie Star'
Agentorange2Robert O'Dowd
Agent Orange: U.S. Veterans Asked To Help Korean Government Investigation
uss debt sinkingAllen L Roland
The Sinking Of America
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Stephen Lendman
America's Cratering Economy
Slow-motion fiscal collapse perhaps explains its current state after decades of mismanagement, accelerated under Bush and Obama. The chickens are now coming home to roost big time, hitting ordinary people hardest, suffering under a protracted Main Street Depression. More on that below. »»
A Reminder of Our Past 1975
Veterans Today
Assassinations By Induced Heart Attack And Cancer
The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures. »»
Michael Farrell
Comfort To Me In My Time Of Tribulations...
We are led at the moment by a lousy negotiator who fails to get Lord Raglan confusing the Russians in the Crimean War with the old enemy, the French who were now his allies, Obama is acting like he's dealing with Howard Baker and Everett Dirksen and Dwight Eisenhower. Problem is, he's dealing with totally insane, unaware, crazy people. He's not talking to Neville Chamberlain, he dealing with Pol Pot and Attila the Hun. »»
Jim W. Dean
Uri Avnery on the Israeli Tent Revolt
Eighty-seven percent said they (Israelis) supported the housing demonstrations »»
James Petras
Colombia: Pillage, Promise and Peace
it can follow in the footsteps of its predecessor, narco-President Alvaro Uribe and remain a military dependency, a lone outpost of the US Empire in South America. Colombia can remain at the margin of the most dynamic world markets and at war with its people or via a new socio-political leadership it can effect a profound reorientation of policy and consummate a transition toward greater integration with the dynamic markets of the world. »»
Gilad Atzmon
Israel: The Landlord Wannabe Protest
It seems the Israelis cannot rescue themselves from their own doomed fate, because they are blindly hijacked by their own destructive culture. As myself and a few others have been predicting for a decade or more, Israeli society is about to implode. It is really just a question of time. »»
Veterans Today
Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden's Death
OBL's death will remain one of those many "truths" that rest on nothing but the government's word. »»
Part of a damaged helicopter is seen lying near Osama bin Laden's alleged  "compound" on Monday, a day after U.S. Navy SEAL commandos killed the al-Qaida leader. Bin Laden was allegedly killed in the U.S. special forces assault in the Abbottabad, Pakistan, then quickly buried at sea, in a dramatic end to the long manhunt for the man who had been the guiding star of global terrorism.
Sibel Edmonds
Exactly How Big Is This So-Called Al Qaeda?
The supposed Al Qaeda's top leadership was declared by our government to be Osama Bin Laden, aka Al Qaeda Commander in Chief; a sickly old man who was hooked to a dialysis machine; who supposedly lived and hid in caves, and later, in a mud house located in a remote third world village with chickens and goats. A man who sustained himself and his family by periodically selling his wives jewelry or bartering milk from his goats for occasional lamb chops. All this according to our own government; coming out in bits and pieces, and of course, sometimes in a totally contradictory fashion. »»
Jim Fetzer
The Debate over 9/11 Truth: Kevin Ryan vs. Jim Fetzer
The publication of "Is '9/11 Truth' based upon a false theory?" has led to many attacks upon me by Kevin Ryan, Niels Harrit, and others, as anyone who reviews the comments on that article can ascertain for themselves. »»
james fetzer book
Robert O'Dowd
Veterans Exposed To Enviromental Hazards
Former Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California, is a safer environment today than prior to its closure in July 1999. Since the 1980s, the Navy spent hundreds of millions on remediation work at the base. »»



Europa brucia 197 mld, Obama, siamo da tripla A

Ma la Borsa di New York va giu' e chiude a -5,5%, Francoforte -5%, Parigi -4,7%, Londra -3,4%

Barack ObamaBarack Obama
Lunedi' nero, Europa a picco con gli UsaMessaggio di Obama,'i nostri problemi sono risolvibili' ma la Borsa reagisce negativamente. Moody's conferma rating 'AAA' agli Stati Uniti, possibile taglio nel 2013
La notte i disordini, dopo Tottenham si sono spostati piu' a nord nel rione residenziale di Enfield

Guerriglia a Londra, edifici in fiamme

-- MONDO --
Protesta contagia Birmingham. Cameron rientra in patria.Disordini iniziati sabato dopo una protesta per la morte di Mark Duggan, giovane nero ucciso dalla polizia
Menachem Av 8, 5771 · August 8, 2011
This Week's Features
By Yaakov Paley
Inge's Daffodils
The daffodils that were planted in the hard-packed dirt at the base of the palm tree, those that are trampled on year after year, continue to break through the hard soil and proudly sprout their yellow blooms . . .

By Rhona Lewis
Time in Thought
Our Visit to Normandie
I didn't realize the number of soldiers who died here, nor did I comprehend how young they were. I found myself having trouble breathing a lot of the time...

By Tova Siegel
The Three Weeks
The kabbalah of the Three Weeks: a buried seed of goodness, a 21-day almond-wood, walls that protect and walls that imprison, the pregnant Tet, and a cosmic birth that puts history to rights

By Sara Esther Crispe
Why the obsession over an ancient Jerusalemite structure? Does the lack of a Holy Temple leave any of us feeling a gaping hole in our lives?

By Naftali Silberberg
Pictures with a Purpose
Atlanta, GA
The smaller you think you are the greater you become.

By Michoel Ogince

Neues Deutschland
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin

+++ Werbung in eigener Sache:



Der 13. August 1961 gilt als Chiffre für die Errichtung der
Berliner Mauer. In diesem Jahr liegt das Ereignis 50 Jahre
zurück. Viele werden sich mit unterschiedlichen Motiven daran
erinnern. Die beiden Autoren Heinz Keßler und Fritz Streletz tun
es ebenfalls. In ihrem Buch analysieren die beiden Zeitzeugen
und ranghohen Militärs der DDR die militärstrategische und
politische Lage jener Zeit, die zum Weltereignis führte.
Moderation: Olaf Koppe, ND-Geschäftsführer

10. August 2011, Beginn: 18.30 Uhr


Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

hier erfahren Sie, welche Themen im ND vom 09.08.2011 behandelt werden.

+++ Inland:

Mit einer Kamera allein gelassen
»Persönliche« Anhörungen von Flüchtlingen ohne persönliche Gegenüber
Von Uwe Kalbe

36 Jahre tiefes C
Eine John-Cage-Aufführung in Halberstadt hat einen sehr langen Atem, aber wenig Geld
Von Hendrik Lasch, Halberstadt

Der Schlaf der Chefs
Von Brigitte Zimmermann

Der letzte Arbeitstag von Peter Müller
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer übernimmt morgen das Steuer der Jamaika-Koalition Saar
Von Jörg Fischer, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

CSU bangt um Hegemonie
Generalsekretär versucht rechten Rand bei der Stange zu halten
Von Rudolf Stumberger, München

Stille im Luftraum
Arbeitsgericht entscheidet gegen Arbeitgeber – die Gewerkschaft der Flugsicherung ruft zum Streik auf
Von Jörg Meyer

Politiker erhalten Post vom Plagiatsjäger
Münsteraner Professor will Dissertationen überprüfen / Interesse in Sachsen sehr verhalten
Von Hendrik Lasch, Dresden
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Letzte Rufe aus der Telefonzelle
Bayerns Grünen-Fraktionschef Martin Runge hat kein Handy. Politik geht auch ohne, sagt er
Von Arne Meyer, dpa

40 000 Unterschriften
Mainzer Kabinett befasst sich mit Justizreform

Ein Moscheebrand in Bergkamen
NPD geht auf Distanz, ein SPD-Politiker laviert
Von Marcus Meier
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Die Beimers haben kein eigenes Bad
Auf dem WDR-Gelände in Köln-Bocklemünd steht die »Lindenstraße« - direkt neben der GEZ
Von Petra Albers, dpa
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München wird unbezahlbar
Mietdurchschnitt zwölf Euro pro Quadratmeter
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Thüringens LINKE auf Tour
Landtagsfraktion sammelt Ideen für Energiewende

+++ Ausland:

Saudi-Arabien organisiert Druck auf Syrien
Mehrere Länder ziehen Botschafter aus Damaskus ab / Deutschland verstärkt Kritik an Assad

Lobsang Sangay ist der neue Ministerpräsident der tibetischen Exilregierung
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Ban Ki Moon besuchte Fukushima

Keine Versöhnung Russland-Georgien
Dritter Jahrestag des Krieges begangen

Afghanistan: Wieder Helikopterunglück
Zweiter Vorfall innerhalb weniger Tage

Milizen räumten Mogadischu
Regierungstruppen ziehen in somalische Hauptstadt ein / Verzweifelte Lage in Hungergebieten

Neue Nacht der Krawalle in London
Ausschreitungen in mehreren Stadtteilen

»Empörter« Empfang für den Papst
Spaniens »Indignados« bereiten Proteste vor
Von Ralf Streck
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Hungerstreik gegen Korruption in Indien
Bürgerrechtler Anna Hazare streitet mit Gandhis Mitteln für ein wirksames Gesetz
Von Henri Rudolph, Delhi
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Kosovo zwischen Nationalismus und Großmachtinteressen
Vorläufiger Kompromiss bedeutet kein Ende der Konflikte zwischen Serben und Albanern
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Antimuslimische Agitatoren zündeln in Europa
Der norwegische Attentäter Breivik mordete mit einer zunehmend verbreiteten Ideologie im Kopf
Von Knut Mellenthin

Gestrandetes Buckelwalbaby zurück im Meer
Für das Überleben des Kleinen wird nun nach dem Muttertier gesucht
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Kein Papier gegen die Mafia
Der Justiz in Kalabrien fehlen elementare Arbeitsmittel
Von Anna Maldini, Rom

Familienstreit endet mit Amoklauf
Acht Todesopfer im USA-Bundesstaat Ohio
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Stränden von Mumbai droht Ölpest
Handelsschiff sank 40 Kilometer vor der indischen Stadt bei stürmischer See
  --> [für Abonnenten]

+++ Wirtschaft/Soziales:

Dickes Minus an den Börsen
DAX fällt um fünf Prozent / Europäische Zentralbank kündigt Kauf von Staatsanleihen an
Von Kurt Stenger

Brasilien wehrt sich im »Währungskrieg«
Importboom wegen Real-Aufwertung lässt Industrieproduktion sinken
Von Gerhard Dilger, Porto Alegre

Spekulation mit Staatsschulden
Wie aus langweiligen Zinspapieren echte Zockertitel geworden sind
Von Kurt Stenger

Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat am Montag mit Käufen von Staatsanleihen in die Märkte eingegriffen.

Machtkampf um RWE-Chefposten schnell beendet
Der Niederländer Peter Terium soll Nachfolger von Jürgen Großmann werden / Gewinnwarnung ausgegeben

E.on-Aufsichtsrat in Klausur
Debatte über Folgen des Atomausstiegs / Keine Äußerungen zu Stellenabbau
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Vorstand der Bahn wird nicht belangt
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Flüsse laut BUND schwer geschädigt
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Effizienzprobleme bei der Politik
Naturschutzbund fordert ein Konzept für die Energiewende, das die Artenvielfalt erhält
Von Steffen Schmidt

+++ Feuilleton:

Delikt ohne Leidenschaft
Young Euro Classic in Berlin
Von Antje Rößler
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Kultur? Das Wort ist anzuzweifeln
»Politisierte Orchester« – Philharmoniker während der Nazizeit
Von Stefan Amzoll
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Francesco Quinn tot
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Auszeichnung für Iris Berben
Courage-Preis 2011

Zuviel antike Schätze
Türkische Museen
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Wettervorhersage als Schicksalsakt
Uraufführung bei den Salzburger Festspielen: »Die vier Himmelsrichtungen« von Roland Schimmelpfennig
Von Roberto Becker
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Auf VEB Zement ist Verlass
Einar Schleef: »Ich habe kein Deutschland gefunden« – Erzählungen und Fotografien
Von Hans-Dieter Schütt

Was alle müssen
Von Alexander U. Martens
  --> [für Abonnenten]

+++ Berlin/Brandenburg:

Invalidenrenten werden nicht mehr abgezogen
Senat korrigiert Praxis für Kontingentflüchtlinge
Von Martin Kröger

Stelen zur Erinnerung an Mauer-Todesopfer
Platzeck und Wowereit gemeinsam bei Einweihung

Prozess gegen Schleuserbande

Tag des offenen Denkmals

Mutmaßlicher Doppelmörder gefasst
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Unerwünschte Beteiligung
Hausbesitzer zahlen für den Straßenausbau – die LINKE macht daraus ein Wahlkampfthema
Von Jenny Becker

Wieder Überfälle auf U-Bahnhöfen

Schuldenkrise drückt Gewinn der Landesbank
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Zweifel mit Lichtblick
Jenny Becker über das Versprechen der LINKEN

Fastnacht für Muslime
»Nächte des Ramadan« bieten breites Programm aus Musik, Film, Diskussion und Theater
Von Hansdieter Grünfeld

Musikpreis Echo bleibt in Berlin
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Gemalte Worte
Hirschs Bilder in der FU
Von Andreas Heinz
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Luft und Liebe

Bar Jeder Vernunft
Von Antje Rößler

Aus für Wetterstation auf dem Alexanderplatz
Nach 42 Jahren musste die einzigartige Anlage abgebaut werden - ein neuer Standort fehlt
Von Anja Sokolow, dpa

Ausgezeichnete Leselust
Anton-Saefkow-Bibliothek in Lichtenberg ist »Bibliothek des Jahres« 2011
Von Ariane Mann

Universität prüft Stasi-Kontakte von Sprecherin
Birgit Mangelsdorf und MOZ-Chefredakteur Frank Mangelsdorf lebten in einer konspirativen Wohnung
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Darlehen für Filmproduktionen
Land will sich am finanziellen Risiko beteiligen, würde jedoch auch Gewinne einstreichen
Von Wilfried Neiße
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Umfrage unter Verbrauchern
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Rathaus durchsucht
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Straße soll an Neonazi-Opfer erinnern
  --> [für Abonnenten]

+++ Sport:

Familienfest der Rochers in Travemünde
Boule: Favorisierte Mehrfachweltmeister aus Frankreich haben beim Holstentorturnier das Nachsehen
Von Jürgen Reents, Travemünde

Mit Menezes zum »jogo bonito«
Brasiliens Trainer soll die Nationalfußballer zurück zu alten Erfolgen führen - am besten schon morgen beim Test gegen das deutsche Team
Von Andreas Knobloch

Die Bayern stolpern wieder hinterher
Münchner wollen nach Auftaktpleite gegen Mönchengladbach noch keine Parallelen zur schwachen Vorsaison ziehen
Von Christian Kunz und Klaus Bergmann, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Neuer Anlauf auf Medaille
Brink/Reckermann bei Beach-EM noch titellos
Von Michael Fox, dpa
  --> [für Abonnenten]

+++ Meinung/Kolumne:

Unten links

Getriebene der Finanzmärkte
Standpunkt von Kurt Stenger
Von Kurt Stenger

Sensationelle Lektüre
Kommentar von Markus Drescher
Von Markus Drescher

Fliegende Fakten
Kommentar von Jörg Meyer
Von Jörg Meyer

Saudischer Tadel
Kommentar von Roland Etzel
Von Roland Etzel

+++ Gesund leben:

Trotz Schaden nicht klug
Nach dem Herzinfarkt ändert nur die Hälfte der Betroffenen ihr Leben
Von Walter Schmidt

Der Herzinfarkt

Die Rezension
Indisch ohne Curry
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Keine Antibabyspritze für den Mann

+++ Nord-Süd:

Empanadas auf dem Kunstmarkt
Über 30 Jahre aktiv - das Göttinger Mittelamerika Komitee
Von Kai Böhne
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Das Recht aufs Anderssein
Der 9. August gilt als der Internationale Tag der indigenen Völker
Von Hannelore Gilsenbach

Ökologischer Wiederaufbau
Pakistan baut nach der Flut mit Bambus
  --> [für Abonnenten]

Niebels neue Leitlinien für eine alte Politik
Von Martin Ling


RFE/RL Central Asia Report
8/8/2011 7:57:23 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the five countries of Central Asia.

For more stories on Central Asia, please visit and bookmark our Central Asia page .

Madrasahs Closed In Northern Tajikistan Madrasahs Closed In Northern Tajikistan
Tajik authorities have suspended teaching at four higher education Islamic schools in the northern part of the country. More
Kyrgyz Protesters Block Highway Kyrgyz Protesters Block Highway
Some 200 people blocked a highway today in a northern part of the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek, to demand infrastructure and their registration as residents. More
Kazakh Lawyer Gets 6-Year Jail Term Kazakh Lawyer Gets 6-Year Jail Term
A lawyer for striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan has been sentenced to six years in jail for "igniting social unrest. More
Kazakh Journalist 'Ignited Ethnic Hatred' Kazakh Journalist 'Ignited Ethnic Hatred'
The chief editor of a weekly newspaper in northern Kazakhstan has been found guilty of "igniting ethnic hatred" over a crossword clue deemed insulting to the Kazakh nation. More
Tajik National Finds Himself Stranded In South Ossetia Tajik National Finds Himself Stranded In South Ossetia
When a Tajik migrant laborer finds himself stranded in the disputed territory of South Ossetia, authorities from his home country try to help. But with no diplomatic representative in South Ossetia, whose claim to statehood is not recognized by Tajikistan or by the United Nations, their hands are tied. More
Kyrgyz Law Forces Registration Of Religious Weddings Kyrgyz Law Forces Registration Of Religious Weddings
Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbaeva has signed legislation that requires all marriages conducted in Islamic, Christian, and other religious traditions to be officially registered in order to be valid. More
Kazakh Ex-Minister Imprisoned Kazakh Ex-Minister Imprisoned
Former Kazakh Health Minister Zhaqsylyq Dosqaliev has been sentenced to seven years in jail for corruption, relating to his acquisition of nine apartments as a bribe from a construction company while he was the rector of the Astana Medical Institute from 2004-08. More
Killing Sparks Debate On Home Violence Killing Sparks Debate On Home Violence
The mother of a woman who was stabbed to death by her husband said it was very difficult to ensure justice prevailed in the trial because local authorities and the court tried to drag out and delay the proceedings. More
Jail Term For Kyrgyz Ex-Prez's Brother Jail Term For Kyrgyz Ex-Prez's Brother
Akmat Bakiev, a brother of former Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev, has been ordered jailed for seven years for crimes committed following his brother's overthrow last year. More
Kyrgyzstan Allocates Land For Kyrgyz From Exclave In Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan Allocates Land For Kyrgyz From Exclave In Uzbekistan
The authorities in southern Kyrgyzstan have allocated up to 18 hectares of land to build homes for Kyrgyz citizens who want to leave an exclave in neighboring Uzbekistan. More
Kazakh Bid For More Kyrgyz Water Comes Up Dry Kazakh Bid For More Kyrgyz Water Comes Up Dry
Kazakh and Kyrgyz officials have failed to reach agreement on a Kazakh request for additional water supplies from upstream Kyrgyzstan. More
Fireworks Blast In Kyrgyz Capital Fireworks Blast In Kyrgyz Capital
An explosion at a fireworks store at the Dordoi market in Bishkek has caused a large-scale fire. More
Sons' Drug Ties Make Family Outcasts Sons' Drug Ties Make Family Outcasts
Ghoib Qurbonov, 72, from the village of Qavoq in the Shuroobod district, said he and his family have been wandering for several days in Danghara and Kulob because of the warning. He admitted that his four sons had been engaged in illegal drug deals with Afghan smugglers, but he said all were eventually arrested and one has died in prison. More
Tajik Mosque Ban For Kids Takes Effect Tajik Mosque Ban For Kids Takes Effect
The controversial law, which was proposed by President Emomali Rahmon in December and adopted recently by parliament, holds the parents of underage children attending Friday Prayers legally responsible for allowing them to do so. More
Private Tajik Dental Clinics Closed Following Hepatitis Scare Private Tajik Dental Clinics Closed Following Hepatitis Scare
Dushanbe city council has closed down 12 private dental clinics after residents claimed they had contracted hepatitis while undergoing treatment there. More
Family Questions Kyrgyz Soldier 'Suicide' Family Questions Kyrgyz Soldier 'Suicide'
The family has hired a lawyer and asked the NGO Soldiers' Mothers to investigate the circumstances of the death of Erlan Mamytov, who died while serving in a border-guard unit. More
Tajik First Deputy Prime Minister Dies Tajik First Deputy Prime Minister Dies
Tajikistan's first deputy prime minister, Asadullo Ghulomov, has died suddenly at the age of 57, reportedly of a stroke. More
Ignorance Seen Fueling Rapid Spread Of AIDS In Kyrgyzstan Ignorance Seen Fueling Rapid Spread Of AIDS In Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan is among the 25 countries worldwide where HIV/AIDS is spreading most rapidly. More
Kyrgyzstan Prolongs Detention Of Man Wanted By Turkey For Terror Links
Ali Osman Zor, 43, is a Turkish journalist detained by Kyrgyz police on May 2. Turkish officials suspect him of involvement in a terrorist group linked to Al-Qaeda that wants to create an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East. More
Death Toll Rises In 2010 Kyrgyz Uprising Death Toll Rises In 2010 Kyrgyz Uprising
The number of people killed in violent clashes between antigovernment demonstrators and security forces in Kyrgyzstan in April 2010 has been officially raised to 99. More
Central Asia's 10 Most Influential (And Connected) Women Central Asia's 10 Most Influential (And Connected) Women
While some of RFE/RL correspondent Farangis Najibullah's 10 picks for most influential women in Central Asia have risen to the top solely on their merits, there are more than a few whose family ties have paved the way to success. More
Kyrgyz Trial Adjourned After Victim's Relatives Attack Defendants Kyrgyz Trial Adjourned After Victim's Relatives Attack Defendants
The trial of two men charged with killing a Kyrgyz parliament deputy two years ago was adjourned after the victim's relatives and friends attacked the defendants in the courtroom. More
Kazakhstan Slams MEP For Meeting With Striking Oil Workers Kazakhstan Slams MEP For Meeting With Striking Oil Workers
The Kazakh Foreign Ministry has officially criticized a recent meeting by a member of the European Parliament (MEP) with striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan. More
Senior Tajik Military, Security Personnel Promoted Senior Tajik Military, Security Personnel Promoted
Tajik President Emomali Rahmon has promoted or awarded medals to 280 army and security services commanders and officers. More
Released Kazakh Climbers To Sue Uzbek Officials Released Kazakh Climbers To Sue Uzbek Officials
A group of Kazakh climbers released from Uzbek custody over the weekend say they will sue the Uzbek authorities for violating their rights in detaining them. More
Striking Kazakh Oil Workers: Company Responsible For Deadly Incident Striking Kazakh Oil Workers: Company Responsible For Deadly Incident
Striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan say their company is ultimately responsible for a fire on July 30 that killed one worker and injured two others. More
Kyrgyzstan Counts The Costs Of Malnutrition Kyrgyzstan Counts The Costs Of Malnutrition
Malnutrition is taking its toll in Kyrgyzstan, where it is responsible for one-quarter of the deaths of children under the age of 5. Poverty, lack of education and health care, and the fallout from food and financial crises all contribute to the problem. More
Washington's Silk Road Dream Washington's Silk Road Dream
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's vision of trade caravans moving from the Bosporus to China, from New Delhi to Almaty, is seductive. But so far, Muhammad Tahir argues, there's little evidence that any of the countries involved really understands the benefits that permeable borders and smoothly flowing trade could bring them. More
Menachem Av 8, 5771 · August 8, 2011
A Metaphor for Exile and Redemption
Before the siege of Jerusalem, G-d commanded the prophet Ezekiel to place an iron pot around a brick symbolizing the city's siege. (Ezekiel 4:3) Iron can be a metaphor for the grave character defect of rigidity or for the deep inner strength of the Jewish people that leads to Redemption.

Aaron L. Raskin
Watch Watch (37:48)
A Tisha B'Av Study
Why building a Temple on the Temple Mount is by necessity the first stage in making the world a G-dly place. (Based on the Rebbe's discourse Gadol Yihyeh K'vod Habayis Hazeh, 5722.)

By Tzvi Freeman
Practical Parshah - Va'etchanan
The prohibition against intermarriage appears in this week's portion. How does Torah guide Jews in finding Jewish spouses?

By Mendel Kaplan
Talking to Children About Personal Safety
Expert educator, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, addresses parents' concerns about how to best protect their children. Moderated and hosted by Rabbi Mordechai Shain, executive director of Lubavitch on The Palisades.

By Yakov Horowitz
Lesson 5: Miriam’s Eternal Legacy
In this final class of the series, we learn about the powerful symbolism of "The Well of Miriam"—a life-giving spring of water that followed the Jewish people in the wilderness in the merit of Miriam.

By Chana Weisberg
Daily Parshah and Tanya Class
This daily class, streamed live from Encino, California, studies the day’s section of the weekly Torah portion. The class is followed by the study of a brief section of Tanya, the foundational text of Chassidic philosophy.


Is The World Going Bankrupt?
Europe and the US are hopelessly over-indebted. The crisis that started
in the US real estate sector in 2007 has devastated state finances on
both sides of the Atlantic and is threatening to wreck the euro and
trigger a second global downturn. The world lacks the political
leadership needed to end the turmoil.,1518,779008,00.html#ref=nlint


German DAX Slides as Debt Fears Rock Markets
The German DAX share index tumbled more than 5 percent on Monday,
falling below 6,000 points for the first time in a year as global
stockmarkets slid in response to Friday's US credit rating downgrade.
Bond-buying by the ECB shored up Italian and Spanish debt but has failed
to reassure nervous markets.,1518,779059,00.html#ref=nlint


'Some European Countries Are Fundamentally Bankrupt'
Fears of a double-dip recession are growing following turmoil on the
stock markets and Standard & Poor's downgrade of the US. In a
SPIEGEL interview, Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff criticizes President
Obama for giving in to the Tea Party in the debt-ceiling negotiations
and argues that the euro zone has to become a transfer union.,1518,778875,00.html#ref=nlint


'The Biggest Pressure to Act Falls on the Europeans'
Europe had feared a "Black Monday" on the stock markets following
Standard & Poor's decision to downgrade the US's credit rating. But
the markets defied doomsday predictions following statements by the ECB,
the G-7 and German and French leaders Merkel and Sarkozy. On the
editorial pages, German papers dissect an emerging trans-Atlantic


Stuxnet Virus Opens New Era of Cyber War
The Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence agency, attacked the Iranian
nuclear program with a highly sophisticated computer virus called
Stuxnet. The first digital weapon of geopolitical importance, it could
change the way wars are fought -- and it will not be the last attack of
its kind.,1518,778912,00.html#ref=nlint


'Some Layer of the Excitement is Gone'
In an interview with SPIEGEL, civil rights activist and Baptist minister
Jesse Jackson discusses Black America's frustration with Barack Obama
and the president's failure to anticipate the Republicans' tenacious
will to 'destroy' him.,1518,778990,00.html#ref=nlint


Berlin Wall Sinks into Cold War Disneyland
Politicians in Berlin are searching for a suitable way to commemorate
the construction of the Berlin Wall. But the most prominent scenes
around the former partition are increasingly being exploited by creative


Saving Germany's Whales from Wind Farm Noise
As Germany forges ahead with its energy revolution, offshore wind parks
are becoming increasingly important. But construction clatter can
threaten sea life, in particular whales and porpoises that rely on
echolocation. Noise-mitigating "bubble curtains" may offer a solution, a
new report says.,1518,778617,00.html#ref=nlint


Photo Gallery: Saving Whales from Wind Farm Noise


Submerged Snapshots,1518,779000,00.html#ref=nlint

Admirable Optimism

Christian E. Weller catalogues the reasons why too many middle-class Americans will enter retirement with nowhere near enough savings to avoid income insecurity.
More: Top 10 Reasons Middle-Class Retirement Is at Risk
today's cartoon From the Cartoonist Group.
Menachem Av 8, 5771 · August 8, 2011
By Ronelle Grier
Israelis visiting and living in the fastest growing section of Berlin now have a synagogue to call their own. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Campers at Camp Gan Israel of South Padre Island have been enjoying the wealth of outdoor activities offered by their resort location.
Rabbinical students Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schmuckler and Meir Shemtov spent their summer crisscrossing rural portions of Uruguay on a mission of strengthening Judaism in far-off places.
Talk of the Planet
Minnesota Jewish Center Moving to Prime University Location
Dominated by fraternity housing, university buildings and student services, University of Minnesota's "fraternity row" hasn't seen a building change hands in more than 17 years. But this fall, the frat houses in the aptly-named "Dinkytown, USA," will make way for a new type of home: a Chabad House.
Ukraine Scribe Lauded for Torah Restorations
The United Jewish Community of Ukraine bestowed its "International Award" on Rabbi Reuven Margolin of the National Scribal Center in Dnepropetrovsk in recognition for his work on restoring two centuries-old Torah scrolls and saving them from an almost certain burial.
Mothers and Children Attend Ukraine Family Camp
In an interesting twist on the Jewish camp experience, mothers joined their children last month at a Ukraine summer camp, learning about Judaism and Jewish traditions while the kids played games and had lessons of their own.
In the Media
Chabad rabbinical students plan week of visits to central Missouri communities
St. Louis Jewish Light

Today`s Email Stories:
Menorah 'Sketch' Found
Stock Market: Fire Sale or Fool’s Gold?
Chief Rabbis: This is a Time for Self-Examina
‘Don’t Throw Stones from Glass Tents’
Turkey's Apology Demand 'Chutzpah'
MDA: How to Fast Safely
Hamas Official: Shalit ‘In Good Condition'
  More Website News:
Arab League is 'Concerned' Over Syria
CD Brings 80 Lamentations from North Africa
NY Times Wants ‘Obama PA Map’
Katif Yeshiva to Get New Home
Marzel: Quite a Few Rightists in Tel Aviv
  MP3 Radio Website News Briefs:
Talk: Media Terrorists
Using a Strong Arm
Music: Original Music
Eretz Yisrael

1. Tisha B'Av: Mourning Destruction but Hoping for Redemption
by Arutz Sheva Staff 9 Av Mourns Destruction, Awaits Redemption

The fast of Tisha B'Av, the "saddest" day in the Jewish calendar, begins Monday evening at sundown and ends Tuesday night.

In Jerusalem, the fast begins Monday at 7:35 pm, ending the following night at 8:01 pm.

Its name literally means "the ninth day of [the Jewish month of] Av," the date of some of the gravest tragedies to have befallen the Jewish People. Tisha B'Av is a day of lamentations that first and foremost marks the anniversaries of the destruction of the First and Second Temples by the armies of Babylon and Rome, respectively.

Tisha B'Av Laws

The Sages enacted Yom Kippur-like restrictions on Tisha B'Av, including no eating (minimal wetting of hands and eyes is allowed), drinking, washing, use of cosmetic oils, or marital relations. Leather shoes are not worn, and even Torah study -- a major source of Jewish joy -- is restricted to topics connected with the Destruction of the Temples, prophecies of rebuke, Tisha B’Av, and the like. Sitting on chairs is not permitted until the afternoon, Tefillin and Tallit are donned only at the mincha (afternoon) service.  

The hour before the onset of Tisha B'Av is marked by a “mourning meal,” consisting only of a hard-boiled egg dipped in ashes, bread, and water. It should be eaten while sitting on low stools or on the floor, with each person sitting alone in a different corner of the room.

The regular evening prayer service is followed by the reading aloud, in a traditional mournful melody, of Eichah, Lamentations.

Beside the destruction of the Temples, Jewish history is replete with a list of calamities that tok place on this date, including the following:

•G-d decreed, following the Sin of the Spies as recounted in Numbers 13-14, that the Children of Israel would not be allowed to enter the Land of Israel until the entire generation had died out.

•The fall of Beitar, the last fortress to hold out during the Bar Kochba revolt in the year 135 C.E., to the Romans.

•A year later, the Temple area was plowed over, marking the last milestone of national Jewish presence in our homeland until the modern era.

•The Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492.

•World War I erupted in 1914, setting the stage for World War II and the Holocaust.

•Mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka death camp began on Tisha B'Av eve of 1942.

•The Jews of Gush Katif spent their last legal day in their homes in Tisha B'Av of 2005, and were expelled three days later.

Despite the sadness of the day, the saddest part of the regular daily prayers - tachanun - is not recited, in the anticipation of the final joyous Redemption that will render Tisha B'Av a day of joy.

In fact, among the Yishuv Hayashan -- the residents of Jerusalem before the influx of Zionists -- there were those who whitewashed their houses on the afternoon of the fast, so that it would be freshly cleaned and ready to welcom the Messiah.

Many tens of thousands of people spend Tisha B’Av, or parts of it, at the Western Wall – which, together with the Temple Mount, is the sole remnant of the Second Temple. Visitors spend hours mourning the destruction, the Exile of the Divine Presence and the unredeemed state of the Nation of Israel by reciting and studying the traditional Tisha B’Av lamentations and the Scroll of Eichah (Lamentations).

Arutz Sheva brought several of the Tisha B'Av programs in Israel and the USA  in articles on Sunday and Monday morning, including one that is taking place in 16 countries, so that readers might finalize plans.

Here are some new ones and a review of others in Israel:

Mount Scopus "Eicha" Reading

The Ramot synagogues conduct a yearly reading of Megillat Eicha, Jeremiah's Lamentations as he witnessed the destruction of the First Temple, at the ampitheatre on Mount Scopus, overlooking the Temple Mount. The program will start at 8:15 P.M. Monday night. The organizers bring with them wine and kiddush cups to greet the Messiah. In past years, those present continued to stay at the site, singing slow songs of Redemption long after the reading was over.

March around the Old City (make sure time change is noted)

The traditional Women in Green Tisha B'Av March around the Old City will begin at 11 P.M. due to Ramadan (Muslim month of fasting till dark, with nightly festivities as food is served in the area) with evening prayers and the reading of Eicha starting at 9:45 P.M. on Agron Street opposite the US Consulate, followed  by the march towards the New Gate, Damascus Gate, Lions' Gate, and culminating at Dung Gate near the Western Wall (Kotel). Thousands of people generally participate in the march. Transportation back to the city is guaranteed.

Transportation to the Kotel, Rachel's Tomb, Machpelah Cave

The Egged bus cooperative will be adding bus lines on Monday and Tuesday to the Kotel. Buses will leave the Wall as late as 2 A.M. Tuesday morning, and resume again four hours later. In addition, an Egged shuttle service will take passengers every ten minutes from the Carta parking lot outside Jaffa Gate to the Wall.

Bus service to Rachel’s Tomb, south of Jerusalem, and to the Machpelah Cave in Hevron, will also be reinforced.

What Else to Do:

Israeli law forbids the opening of restaurants, clubs and theaters on Tisha B’Av. However, various events, organized for both religious and secular, will be held. They include 25 centers of discussion on Monday night around the country, films in the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem until 2 A.M., and lecture programs on Tuesday morning at various study centers all over the country. Jerusalem offers English lectures, most starting at 10 A.M. at Matan, 30 Rashbag Street, at Darche Noam (Shapell College), 5 Beit Hakerem St., Beit Knesset Dati Leumi on Chai Taib Street  in Har Nof, Pardes Institute at 29 Pierre Koenig Street, to name a few.

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2. 2,000 Year Old Sword, Menorah 'Sketch' Found
by Gil Ronen Menorah 'Sketch' Found

Exciting finds, including an intact Roman era sword and a stone "sketch" engraving of the Menorah, have been discovered in archeological digs near the Temple Mount recently, and the Antiquities Authority is making them known for Tisha B'Av – the anniversary of the Temple's destruction.

The Authority has been digging – with assistance from the Parks and Gardens Authority and the sponsorship of the NGO Elad – in the ancient drainage canal that served Jerusalem. This ditch runs from the Shiloach (Siloam) Pool to the archeological garden near the Kotel.


Inside the canal, where Jerusalemites hid from the Romans during the siege of the Second Temple, a 2,000-year-old iron sword was found. The sword was inside a leather scabbard. Parts of the belt that carried the scabbard were also found.


Eli Shukrun and Ronny Reich, who are in charge of the digs, said that the sword "may have belonged to a Roman infantryman who was stationed in Jerusalem when the Great Rebellion broke out in 66 CE."


"The sword is surprisingly well-preserved: not just in terms of length – about 60 cm. – but also in the preservation of the leather scabbard… and some of its decorations."


At the side of the canal, a stone tablet was found with a rare etching of the golden Menorah that was a central item in the Jewish Temple. The archeologists note that the fact that it was found very close to the Mount is very important, and they surmise that "a person who had seen the real Menorah and was impressed by its beauty engraved its image on a slab of stone and then threw it to the side of the road, not imagining that his creation would be found 2,000 years later."


The sketch describes a five-branched menorah, while the Temple Menorah had seven branches.

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3. Stock Market: Fire Sale or Fool’s Gold?
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Stock Market: Fire Sale or Fool’s Gold?

Panic selling abated Monday morning in Israel and Europe as buyers snapped up unwanted stocks. Fool’s gold or not, real gold soared to $1,700 an ounce.

Asian stocks were down from 2-4 percent when their markets closed Monday morning Israeli time. The drop was an expected reaction to the reduction in credit rating of the United States from AAA to AA.

But the ”panic selling” was more in the headlines than in the markets. The declines were far less than the 7 percent drop in Tel Aviv Sunday and reflected, in part, domestic economies.

In contrast, European markets were up sharply Monday morning after an opening decline. The London “FTSE” index was up 0.66 percent mid-morning Monday, and Tel Aviv indices were up well over 2 percent, but the indices turned back into negative territory by early afternoon.

New York pre-opening indicators show a 1-2 percent decline is in store Monday, but the indicator often changes 180 degrees by the time of the opening bell in New York, which is seven hours behind Israel. The indicator was down by almost 3 percent earlier in the morning.

Gold soared by 3 percent to $1,705 an ounce while crude oil prices were down another 2 percent as panic sellers flee stocks and commodities.

When emotions dominate the market anything is possible. "Doom and gloomers" insist the sharp drop last week, on the heels of fears of a new worldwide recession, is only a harbinger of things to come.

Others think that while growth in the United States is slowing and the reduction in the credit rating is a black mark for the government, growth will continue at a slow rate and the change in credit ranking has no real significance beyond an embarrassment for the United States.

Regardless of what may be tomorrow, Monday’s trading indicates that the panic is over, at least for the time being, and that last week’s prices may have been a market bottom... maybe.

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4. Chief Rabbis: This is a Time for Self-Examination
by Elad Benari Chief Rabbis: This is a Time for Self-Examina

Israel’s chief rabbis, Rabbi Yona Metzger and Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar, issued on Sunday what they termed “A Call for Self-Examination and Awakening.”

The special call is in preparation for the solemn fast day of Tisha B’Av, which Jews worldwide will mark starting on Monday evening, and also following the recent murder of Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira, the Baba Elazar.

“The Three Weeks [between the Tammuz 17 and Av 9 -- Ed.] are days of mourning for the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, but it is not only over this destruction that we mourn,” the rabbis wrote.

“We are also crying over what is going on now,” they continued. “In the past year we have experienced many disasters, all of which were doubled in the horrible disaster of the death of Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira. Not since the killing of the prophet Zechariah has such horror fallen on the people of Israel.”

Quoting Isaiah 57:1 which says, “The righteous is taken away from the evil to come,” the rabbis added, “It is known that in order to cancel a difficult decree from a generation, a righteous man is taken. Who knows how difficult this decree [over which Rabbi Elazar was taken] was?”

Finally, say the rabbis, “There is a greater obligation imposed on every man and woman to rummage through our actions... and remove all the jealousy and hatred, and increase love along with leniency.”

Rabbis Metzger and Amar included a special lamentation for Tisha B'Av which specifically deals with the murder of Rabbi Elazar Abuhatzeira.

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5. Actress on Protests: Don’t Throw Stones from Glass Tents
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu ‘Don’t Throw Stones from Glass Tents’

“Social justice" protesters should examine their own lives before throwing verbal stones at others, says Israeli actress Anat Waxman.

“Ask yourselves how you live well enough to travel outside Israel and sit in coffee houses and buy quality brands,” she said in an interview with an Israel’s Entertainment News.

“Take down your tents and your festival ‘happening’ and start doing your homework about how you live,” she commented.

Waxman pointed out in another interview that she supports the objectives of the protests but that each demonstrator should first check his or her own personal life.

“We have to look at ourselves as a society and not as consumers who like to sit in coffee houses,” she said. “It is not enough simply to accuse others, everyone must ask, ‘How did we get into this situation’?"

“Rothschild [Avenue] is full of coffee houses where people sit and watch, and this tells me they have to do some housecleaning.”

Rothschild Avenue has been at the center of the Tel Aviv protests, which have grown in numbers but also have taken on a “Woodstock” atmosphere, offering a cheap vacation in the middle of the summer.

The Student Union of Tel Aviv University erected a mobile home without wheels (“caravan” in Hebrew) on Rothschild Sunday night at the intersection with Sheinkin Street, Israel’s most popular image of a colony of left-wing artists and coffee houses.

The city of Tel Aviv was not happy with the new structure, which gives the tent protest a flavor of an ”outpost” in Judea and Samaria. Officials immediately gave notice that the students had 48 hours to remove it or face demolition, similar to the fate of many structures in Judea and Samaria. It was towed away in the morning hours.

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6. Minister: Turkey's Demand for Apology – Chutzpah
by Gil Ronen Turkey's Apology Demand 'Chutzpah'

Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said Monday that Turkey's demand for an Israeli apology for deaths aboard the Gaza flotilla last year constitutes "chutzpah."


Speaking on Voice of Israel government-run radio, Yaalon noted that the flotilla – which pitted armed thugs against IDF soldiers, while posing as a humanitarian mission – was a provocation, and that Ankara bears some of the responsibility for this. Turkey wants to "stand Israel in the corner" and raise its own prestige in the eyes of the Arabs, Hizbullah and Hamas at Israel's expense, he added.


"The Turkish policy will not change if we apologize," he explained.   


Besides Yaalon, ministers Avigdor Lieberman, Benny Begin and Eli Yishai oppose any form of apology to Turkey. Voice of Israel said that ministers Ehud Barak, Dan Meridor and Yuval Steinitz would favor a blandly worded apology.


Minister Uzi Landau told Arutz Sheva's Hebrew language broadcasts that "Turkey is the one that needs to apologize for the provocation in the Marmara flotilla that it was behind. Turkey is the one that needs to explain its tightening connections with Hamas and radical Muslim elements."


Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon did not rule out an apology but said that "Israel is willing to accept a reasonable and logical compromise" with Turkey. 

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7. MDA: How to Fast Safely
by Maayana Miskin MDA: How to Fast Safely

On Monday evening, Jews worldwide will observe Tisha B'Av, a day of mourning marked by an all-day fast. In Israel, the fast will begin at 7:32 p.m. Monday and conclude at 7:59 p.m. Tuesday.

Tisha B'Av is the anniversary of the destruction of both the First and Second Temple, and is the date of many other tragedies that took place over the course of Jewish history as well.

Magen David Adom has released recommendations for fasting, in order to help the public get through the day safely. MDA paramedics often treat dozens of people for dehydration on major fast days; they will be present this year at the Western Wall (Kotel) to assist the many worshipers there in case of need.

The recommendations are as follows:

Before the fast: Drink large quantities of liquid before the fast, preferably at least one and a half liters in the hours beforehand. Reduce consumption of caffeinated beverages, and of sweet or salty foods that can increase the feeling of thirst.

The last meal before the fast should include a mix of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables.

The elderly or ill: Those who are elderly or ill should discuss fasting with a doctor. Those suffering from a variety of illnesses, including but not limited to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer, must take their medicine as usual during the fast.

During the fast: Those fasting are advised to remain in cool, shaded areas. They should be on alert for signs of dehydration, and should dial 101 for emergency help if they experience signs of dehydration such as extreme weakness, chest pain, sudden heavy sweating, or difficulty breathing.

Ending the fast: Breaking the fast is best done by drinking liquids accompanied by a small snack, such as a piece of cake or a slice of bread with cheese. After one hour, a light meal can be eaten.

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8. Hamas Official Claims Shalit Held ‘Under Good Conditions’
by Elad Benari Hamas Official: Shalit ‘In Good Condition'

A senior member of Hamas said Sunday that kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is being held by Hamas terrorists under good conditions.

Sheik Hassan Yousef, a Hamas founder and one of its top operatives in Judea and Samaria who helped plan many of the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and who was released from an Israeli prison last Thursday due to crowdedness, made the comments in an interview he gave to Israel’s Channel 2 News.

“Shalit is in good condition,” he said. “He is being held under good conditions and if he is released soon, if a prisoner swap is made, Shalit would tell you about the human side, about the personal treatment, and about the good living conditions he received.”

Yousef also revealed that Hamas prisoners had met with senior Israeli officials in prison to discuss the possibility of reaching a prisoner swap deal to free Shalit.

“There was more than one meeting between us and the relevant Israeli officials on the Shalit issue,” he said.

Yousef, whose son Mosab was revealed last year to be a former spy for the Mossad, added that he believes that ultimately, Hamas and Israel will have no choice but to talk with one another.

“If Hamas wins the support of the Palestinian people there may be dialogue [with Israel],” he said. “The most difficult of dialogues take place between enemies. There’s no choice other than to ultimately hold dialogue between us.”

He added, however, that “Hamas today is not a replacement for the Palestinian Authority and is not responsible for negotiations.”

Last week, Hamas claimed on one of its websites that Shalit, held captive by terrorists for more than five years, is receiving good treatment from his captors but is fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

The group claimed that Shalit is “embarrassed to ask for food during Ramadan despite the fact that his captors do not deny him that right.”

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August 8, 2011

In-Depth Issues:

Families of Suicide Bombers Given £5M in British Aid Cash - Matthew Kalman (Daily Mail-UK)
    The Palestinian Authority, which gets £86 million of British aid a year, has authorized payments of almost £5 million to the families of "martyrs."
    Another £3 million has been given to 5,500 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.
    According to the official Palestinian daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, payments to the families of "martyrs" - those killed fighting Israel, including suicide bombers - totaled 3.5% of the PA budget.
    Tory MP Philip Davies called the payments "ludicrous." He added: "People think overseas aid is to try to alleviate terrible poverty in places where they can't afford to look after themselves. But it's being put to these kind of purposes."

Aleppo Seems in Own World Amid Revolt Elsewhere in Syria - Raja Abdulrahim (Los Angeles Times)
    Syria's second-largest city, Aleppo, just held a cultural festival featuring a 3,600-foot-long Syrian flag wrapped around its ancient citadel.
    Families still gather every night on the sidewalks for nighttime picnics. Vendors crowd around selling hookahs, popcorn, sandwiches and coffee.
    The people of Aleppo appear to be going about their lives as if the revolt were in another country.
    Many religious leaders in the city are followers of the country's Sunni Muslim grand mufti, Ahmed Hassoun, who has toed the government line on the uprising, calling protests "mischief."

Gaza Smugglers Thriving after Mubarak (AFP-Asharq-Al-Awsat-UK)
    The swarm of tunnel activity on the Gaza border raises clouds of fine dust, a sure sign of the boom in underground trafficking since the fall of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak.
    Trade in cement has risen five-fold since the political shift in Egypt. "Now, 150 tons per day pass through; before it was 20 to 30," said Mohammed, 27, who runs a smuggling tunnel.
    The sudden influx has dramatically slashed prices. "A bag of cement is now worth 25 shekels ($7, five euros)," he said. "Before, the price had risen to 200 shekels."
    "Hamas comes to inspect every week and takes about 20 shekels" per ton of cement, said a man at another tunnel.

New 5-Star Hotel Opens in Gaza - Diaa Hadid (AP)
    The Gaza Strip's first five-star hotel, the $47 million Al-Mashtal, gleams with marble floors, five luxury restaurants and a breezy cafe overlooking the territory's white sandy beaches and sparkling blue Mediterranean Sea.
    Nearly all of the hotel's 222 rooms are decked out with ornate metal-worked lamps, flat screen televisions, oversized beds and sea views.
    The hotel was opened earlier this month by Padico, a company controlled by Palestinian billionaire Munib al-Masri.

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News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:
  • Syrian Army Resumes Shelling Deir al-Zour
    The Syrian army shelled the eastern city of Deir al-Zour for a second day on Monday. At least 50 people died on Sunday after the army launched a pre-dawn assault on Deir al-Zour that began with scores of tanks and armored personnel carriers moving into several parts of the city, while snipers had taken up positions on the rooftops of several buildings. "Private hospitals are closed and people are afraid to send the wounded to state facilities because they are infested with secret police," said a local resident.
        The Arab League issued a statement on Syria for the first time on Sunday. It said it was "alarmed" and called for an end to the violence. Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, is due in Damascus on Tuesday with a "tough" message for Syrian President Assad. Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah announced that his country had recalled its ambassador to Damascus for consultations. (BBC News)
  • Iran's Rich Eat Ice Cream Flecked with Gold as Poor Struggle to Survive - Thomas Erdbrink
    Although record oil profits have brought in billions of dollars to the Iranian Revolution, many say the gap in Iran between rich and poor has never seemed wider. Iran's new wealthy class includes children of people with close connections to some of Iran's rulers, as well as families of factory owners and those who managed to get huge loans from state banks at low interest rates. The oil windfall - nearly $500 billion over the past five years - has played a central role in establishing this small group that is visibly enjoying its profits.
        The new wealthy are buying Porsches, getting caviar delivered to late-night parties, and eating $250 ice cream covered in edible gold at what's billed as the highest rotating restaurant in the world, atop Tehran's 1,427-foot-high Milad Tower.
        "Anger over inequality had been the main motivation for people to join the 1979 revolution," said Hossein Raghfar, an economist who recently quit as an adviser to Ahmadinejad's government. Raghfar noted that 2.5 million children are working rather than attending school, and that there has been an increase in legal kidney sales - along with a recent price drop, from $10,000 to $2,000, because so many people are selling their organs for cash.
        In December, Ahmadinejad implemented a radical overhaul of the way state subsidies are handed out. At the same time, prices of food and utilities have been allowed to rise to market levels, at times tripling or more. Now, more than 60 million of Iran's 70 million citizens receive monthly handouts of $40, while inflation has risen 26% in the past year. (Washington Post)
        See also Iran Makes Itself More Vulnerable to Outside Pressure - Patrick Clawson
    On August 2, Tehran distributed a sixth installment of cash payments to 73 million Iranians in lieu of subsidies on fuel, natural gas, electricity, and essential items such as bread. Virginia Tech economist Djavad Salehi-Isfahani has estimated that poor Iranians with incomes in the bottom 10% are receiving seven times more than the extra costs they pay due to the removal of subsidies. Not surprisingly, the poor have not objected to this reform.
        As long as its oil income remains high, Tehran should be able to pay for those checks, but if oil prices drop or sanctions impede financial flows, Tehran will have great difficulty paying its promised $45 billion per year, making the regime more susceptible to foreign pressure. The writer is director of research and head of the Iran Security Initiative at The Washington Institute. (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:
  • Defense Minister: Israel Views Increase in Gaza Rocket Fire Seriously
    "The recent rocket fire against Israel has been carried out by rogue terrorist organizations and Islamic Jihad," Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Sunday. He noted that in the past week there were six or seven incidents of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. Barak noted that Israel "views this rocket fire seriously and we responded with airstrikes on a number of targets, including tunnels, positions, facilities and weapons manufacturing sites - the infrastructure of terrorist organizations."  (Israel Defense Forces)
        See also Palestinian Rocket and Mortar Attacks on Israel Since the 2009 Gaza War
    Since the end of the 2009 Gaza War, 393 rockets and 337 mortar shells have been fired by Palestinians in Gaza into Israel. (Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
        See also Defense Minister: Gaza Militants May Resume Terror Attacks Against Israel - Barak Ravid
    Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in a cabinet meeting Sunday that Israel has been keeping track of "additional attempts beneath the surface [by Palestinians in Gaza] to carry out terror activities, not only via rocket fire, but also by other means."  (Ha'aretz)
  • Israel Sends Condolences over Deaths of 30 U.S. Servicemen in Afghanistan
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday sent his condolences to President Barack Obama and the American people over the deaths of the 30 U.S. Armed Forces personnel who were killed in Afghanistan. "The Israeli people bow their heads in memory of those who fought for freedom and against global terrorism."  (Prime Minister's Office)
Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis (Best of U.S., UK, and Israel):
  • Former Israeli UN Diplomat: The Palestinians' UN Bid Could Backfire - Edmund Sanders
    Israel's former ambassador to the UN, Gabriela Shalev, who stepped down in October, spoke with the Los Angeles Times about why the Palestinians' UN bid could backfire. "President Obama said they would oppose any anti-Israel resolution [in the UN Security Council]. Though they haven't used the word 'veto' in public, we heard from Palestinian leaders that the Americans are going to use it. So I think the Palestinians instead will go to the General Assembly [where they are expected to upgrade their status from observer to nonmember state]."
        The Palestinians "will not gain anything new except for a little public diplomacy. They already have legitimacy all over the world. They are already recognized by many countries in South America and other places. So they don't really need this kind of declaration. But by doing so, they are risking antagonizing the U.S. and maybe others. I'm not sure that nowadays they want to embarrass the United States, because now it is also a matter of money."  (Los Angeles Times)
  • Mubarak's Trial Is About the Future of Egypt - Zvi Mazel
    Why is the Arab region one of the poorest of the world? Egyptians say there are two main factors that prevent progress: Islam and the feudal/tribal makeup of Arab societies. These two factors froze a medieval way of life and set up a screen between the Arab region and Europe where progress was taking place at a rapid pace. The Arab world was left behind while Europe moved ahead.
        Will Egypt emerge from the January 25 Revolution as a country willing to tackle the main obstacles to progress? If, on the other hand, the trial of Hosni Mubarak - with the image of an old and ailing leader on a stretcher in a cage - becomes the defining event setting Egypt on a new path, then there is nothing to hope for. The writer, a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, was ambassador to Egypt from 1996 to 2001. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Cairo Hosts Conference Supporting Terrorism
    The "Founding Conference of the Arab-Islamic Gathering to Support the Option of Resistance" was held in Cairo on July 24-25, attended by representatives from 14 Arab-Muslim countries as well as representatives from Hizbullah, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations, and a representative from the anti-American "resistance" in Iraq. Speeches were given stressing that the "resistance" (i.e., terrorism) was the only option for "liberating Palestine," and material was distributed glorifying terrorist activities against Israel. (Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center)
Observations: The Bizarre Alliance Against Israel - Michael Curtis (American Thinker)
  • The 21 countries of the Arab League are divided by civil wars and religious tensions, as daily displayed in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and Lebanon. They are beset with Islamist insurgencies, enmity between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, and even discord between mainstream and extremist Sunnis.
  • All their governments are non-democratic in character, often corrupt, and are still based on systems that are autocracies, military dictatorships, hereditary family rule, presidencies for life, tribal elders, or edicts of Islamic dignitaries in a theocratic regime.
  • Yet much of the focus of European and American commentators on the Middle East remains concentrated not on the glaring problems of the Arab societies but with Israel.
  • Western radicals have shown more compassion for Arab dictators, especially in Libya, than for democratic Israel. Western feminists and gay and lesbian groups have been silent about the place and treatment of women and homosexuals in Muslim Arab countries.
  • No woman in an Arab country has yet been elected to a prominent position as was Golda Meir in Israel, the first female prime minister elected anywhere who was not the wife or daughter of a previous head of government.

    The writer is a distinguished professor emeritus of political science at Rutgers University.

        See also Is a Palestinian State Viable Today? - Michael Curtis (American Thinker

Turkish Military Likely to Brought Under Civilian Control
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Booz Allen to Support US Army TSC
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SAF Halts Outfield Field Training in Army Units
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Ricardo Gama

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:40 PM PDT

INACREDITÁVEL, a farsa da pacificação, traficantes malditos pagam R$ 200 reais para aprendiz de vagabundo jogar granadas em PM's.

E aí ?
Veja o o vídeo da TV Record

Após um ataque a um policial militar que fazia ronda no morro da Coroa, as autoridades encontraram uma granada com um jovem de 16 anos. Ele revelou que recebia R$ 200 por semana para atacar policiais.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:32 PM PDT
Reprodução do jornal O Globo, coluna Panorama Político

Festão no Palácio da Guanabara bancada com o dinheiro do povo, motivo, nada que interesse ao povo do Rio de Janeiro.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:27 PM PDT

Problemas a vista, segurança pública é competência do Governo Estadual e não do Município, e aí ?

Em tempo, se o Prefeito Eduardo Paes disse que liberou a grana da gratificação dos PM's das UPP's, para onde ela foi

Para os bolsos dos PM's das UPP's é que não foram.

Reprodução do jornal Extra, coluna Berenice Seara

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:14 PM PDT
Reprodução do jornal O Dia, coluna Informe do dia, Fernando Molica

Tudo papo furado !!!

O PT vai romper com Sérgio Cabral, e o Jorge Pìcciani está fazendo de tudo para ser o candidato a vice do Eduardo Paes em 2012.

A conferir.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:09 PM PDT
Reprodução do jornal O Globo, coluna Ancelmo Gois

Quem diria ???

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:03 PM PDT

O prefeito Eduardo Paes está se gabando por ter inaugurado o Parque dos Atletas, primeira obra para as Olimpíadas de 2016, foram gastos 44 milhões de reais do povo, e tudo feito em apenas 8 meses.

Mas o engraçado, é que o tal "Parque dos Atletas" será usado antes para o grande evento particular, o Rock in Rio, conforme informado pela matéria da Folha de São Paulo abaixo.

Pergunta, será que existe alguma relação com a inauguração do Parque dos Atletas e o Rock in Rio ?

Obviamente que sim, na verdade, o Parque dos Atletas somente foi feito e inaugurado "agora" por causa do Rock in Rio, em outras palavras, é o Prefeito Eduardo Paes usando o dinheiro do povo para dar uma força para empresários poderosos.

Bem que o Ministério Público poderia dar uma olhadinha com mais atenção na relação Parque dos Atleas e Rock in Rio !
Reprodução da Folha de São Paulo

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 08:55 AM PDT

Bom dia a todos, que tenhamos um ótimo domingo, aproveitei para registrar em vídeos dois ABSURDOS:

Sérgio Cabral mais uma vez xingou os professores de vagabundos, em Nilópolis, durante a inauguração de mais uma UPA superfatrada.

Link do vídeo direto no youtube.

E o pedido INACEITÁVEL de Dilma Roussseff para que o projeto da PEC 300 não seja posto em votação.

Link do vídeo no youtube.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:32 AM PDT
Isso é sério, Marcelo Crivella vai apoiar Prefeito Eduardo Paes em 2012 ?

Isso significa: Crivella = Eduardo Paes = Sérgio Cabral

Alô Crivella, isso é verdade ????

Sem comentários, cada dia a política fica mais suja.Reprodução do jornal O Dia, coluna Informe do dia

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:25 AM PDT

Stephan Nercessian candidato a prefeito do Rio ?

E aí, deixa um comentário, o que você acha ?

Reprodução do jornal O Globbo, cluna Panorama Político.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:18 AM PDT
Benedita Silva ainda insiste com esse negócio de ser prefeita de São Gonçalo.

Em falar em Benedita da Silva, o que ela anda fazendo pelo Rio de Janeiro sem ser "confusão", alguém sabe dizer ?

Reprodução do jornal O Globo, coluna Panorama Político

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 07:10 AM PDT
Caramba, que estranho !!!

Meus sentimentos a família do prefeito.

Reprodução do jornal O Globo on line

RIO - O médico ortopedista Roberto Pinto, que assumiu a prefeitura de Teresópolis nesta sexta-feira, morreu na manhã deste domingo após sofrer um infarto. Ele estava internado na Casa de Saúde São José, para onde foi levado após passar mal, em casa, durante a madrugada. Robertão, como era conhecido, assumiu o cargo depois que a Câmara de Vereadores votou pelo afastamento do prefeito Jorge Mário Sedlacek, por 90 dias, após denúncias de corrupção. O corpo dele será velado na sede da prefeitura. O presidente da câmara, vereador Arlei (PMDB), deverá assumir interinamente.
Roberto Pinto ficou pouco mais de 24 horas no poder. Apesar de os vereadores terem votado pelo afastamento de Jorge Mario na terça-feira, o prefeito teve que recorrer à Justiça para conseguir ocupar o cargo. Ele tomou posse na câmara na sexta-feira pela manhã, mas só conseguiu entrar em seu gabinete por volta das 17h, depois que o juiz da 3ª Vara Cível Márcio Olmo confirmou a decisão do legislativo da cidade. Robertão não pôde entrar na sala durante o dia, pois o ex-secretário de governo Rogério Lippe ficou trancado no gabinete durante todo o dia. Ele se recusava a sair de lá sem uma ordem judicial.
Jorge Mario foi afastado pela Câmara, acusado de envolvimento em irregularidades na aplicação de R$7 milhões destinados pelo Ministério da Integração Nacional às vítimas da tragédia de janeiro, que deixou um rastro de destruição na cidade. Ele chegou a entrar com um mandado de segurança na 3ª Vara Cível do município para tentar anular a decisão do Legislativo, mas o pedido foi negado e ele agora recorre ao Tribunal de Justiça. A expectativa dos aliados do novo prefeito é que o caso só seja apreciado na terça-feira pela desembargadora Norma Suely, que teria recebido o processo.
Na sexta-feira, Robertão chegou à prefeitura numa cadeira de rodas, pois sofreu uma lesão no joelho e teria que ser submetido a cirurgia. Em seu primeiro pronunciamento, ele disse que faria um governo técnico, mas baseado no respeito à sociedade. Ele acrescentou que na sua gestão não haveria fraudes:
- Não poderá ser desviado nem um café. Temos que ter respeito com a sociedade, que desde janeiro está sofrida, sem proteção - disse Robertão.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 06:41 AM PDT

Um mistério, onde foram gastos os R$ 30 milhões de reais do povo do Rio de Janeiro em "festinha" da Fifa feita pelas Organizações Globo ?

Todos os envolvidos negam prestar informações.

E aí ?

Reprodução do site R7

Os R$ 30 milhões gastos pela prefeitura e governo do Rio de Janeiro no sorteio das Eliminatórias da Copa do Mundo de 2014, no último dia 30 de julho, na Marina da Glória, não impressionam apenas pelo valor, mas pela falta de transparência quanto aos serviços prestados pela Geo Eventos, empresa ligada à Rede Globo indicada pela Fifa e COL (Comitê Organizador Local) para realizar o evento.
A reportagem do R7 pediu a relação das atividades realizadas para o sorteio à Geo Eventos, Riotur (órgão da prefeitura responsável pelo turismo na capital), Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer do Estado, COL, Fifa e Empresa Olímpica Municipal (órgão que coordena obras da prefeitura para a Copa e os Jogos de 2016). Entretanto, todos eles se negaram a apresentar as informações.

O R7 obteve as chamadas notas de empenho – documentos por meio dos quais a despesa é contabilizada – do governo e da prefeitura do Rio. Nesses documentos, tanto a prefeitura quanto o governo estadual justificam terem descartado a convocação de licitação [concorrência entre empresas] a partir do artigo 25 da lei 8.666, que estipula as regras para licitação.

Esse artigo permite a contratação sem concorrência desde que a empresa seja a única capaz de realizar o serviço. Entretanto, tanto a empresa quanto a prefeitura e o governo não informam quais foram os trabalhos prestados. O R7 procurou empresas brasileiras com experiência em organização de eventos nacionais e internacionais que disseram ser capazes de realizar o sorteio das eliminatórias tanto quanto a Geo Eventos.

A assessoria da CBF (Confederação Brasileira de Futebol) e do COL não souberam informar quais foram as exigências para o sorteio da Copa 2014. Até a noite de quinta-feira (4), a Fifa também não havia se manifestado sobre os serviços prestados.

No dia 2 de agosto, notas de empenho da Riotur e da Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer do Rio informam pagamento de R$ 21 milhões para a Geo Eventos. Ainda restam R$ 9 milhões a serem pagos para a empresa.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 06:30 AM PDT
Só um comentário, o PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores "na teta" do Governo Sérgio Cabral se calou, se omitiu, e foi conivente com todas as denúnicas de roubalheira, corrupção, e falcatruas nesse governo atual.

E aí PT, o que tem a dizer ?

Reprodução do Globo on line

RIO - A aliança estratégica do PT com o PMDB não deverá sobreviver no Estado do Rio até 2014. O senador Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ) anunciou nesta sexta-feira, no encontro da Executiva Nacional de seu partido, que pretende disputar a sucessão do governador Sérgio Cabral, ainda que seja para enfrentar um candidato peemedebista.
A declaração foi dada no dia seguinte a um jantar em que o mesmo PT selou acordo com o prefeito Eduardo Paes, no PMDB , para indicar um nome para vice de sua chapa nas eleições municipais de 2012 na cidade.
Lindbergh disse que o acordo municipal, que deverá se repetir em outras cidades fluminenses, não impedirá que o PT desembarque da aliança estratégica com o PMDB e lance candidato próprio ao governo do estado dois anos depois:
- Em 2014, vamos encerrar o ciclo Sérgio Cabral. É natural que o PT apresente o seu próprio candidato - afirmou.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 06:15 AM PDT

Violação a liberdade de expressão, ou realmente o ator Rafinha Bastos teria cometido apologia ao crime ?

Deixe o seu comentário leitor.

Reprodução do UOL Notí

Marcado para esta sexta-feira (5), o depoimento do humorista Rafinha Bastos, integrante do programa 'CQC', da TV Bandeirantes, foi adiado para a semana que vem.
Segundo o delegado Ricardo Cestari, titular do 14º Distrito Policial (Pinheiros), a advogada do artista ligou cancelando a intimação, alegando outros compromissos.
O ator é suspeito pelos crimes de incitação e apologia ao crime. Em forma de piada, ele supostamente teria elogiado estupradores que violentam mulheres "feias". O pedido de investigação partiu do Ministério Público (MP).
A promotora de Justiça Valéria Diez Scarance Fernandes, coordenadora do Núcleo de Combate à Violência Doméstica e Familiar da Capital, encaminhou no dia 7 de julho um ofício ao delegado diretor do Departamento de Polícia Judiciária de Capital (Decap), Carlos José Paschoal de Toledo, requisitando abertura de inquérito policial contra o humorista.
As supostas infrações de Rafinha foram registradas em apresentações no Clube de Comédia e em entrevista publicada na revista Rolling Stone, na edição de maio/2011.

No ofício, a promotora destaca que o humorista comparou publicamente o estupro a “uma oportunidade” para determinadas mulheres. Ele ainda teria dito que o estuprador é digno de “um abraço”.
“O estupro é um crime. O estuprador é um criminoso que deve ser punido e não publicamente incentivado”, assinalou a promotora. “Dessa forma, imperiosa a instauração de inquérito policial para a apuração dos fatos", afirmou.
Procurado pela reportagem, o humorista disse que confirmava as informações da polícia. Ele também lembrou que foi tema de uma reportagem do jornal norte-americano New York Times --e questionou se esse assunto não interessaria mais do que o caso policial. Logo após, desligou a chamada.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 06:10 AM PDT

Uma nova tragédia pode acontecer, e o que o Governo está fazendo ?

E as autoridades ?

Reprodução do site

A Região Serrana, onde mais 900 pessoas morreram após as chuvas de janeiro, pode ter uma nova tragédia dentro de 2 a 3 meses, segundo relatório divulgado nesta sexta-feira (5) pelo Conselho Regional de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia do Rio de Janeiro (Crea-RJ).
O presidente do Crea, Agostinho Guerreiro, afirmou que as cidades atingidas receberam um documento logo após a catástrofe, com o diagnóstico e as indicações de obras a serem realizadas. Seis meses depois, as prefeituras, segundo ele, ainda não resolveram os problemas registrados.
"Além de os problemas não estarem resolvidos, o período de seca está terminando. Resolvemos fazer um alerta porque há chances de uma nova tragédia dentro de 2 a 3 meses naquela região", disse.
Equipes do Crea fizeram novas inspeções na serra na quarta-feira (3). Para o conselho, caso ocorram novas chuvas intensas na região - o que pode acontecer a partir de outubro, segundo o texto - as áreas atingidas poderão sofrer uma tragédia ainda maior, já que os solos se encontram mais frágeis do que antes, após sofrerem deslizamentos de encostas e perderem a cobertura florestal.

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:57 AM PDT

Sérgio Cabral paga R$ 60 mil reais por um Gol 1.6 da PM, e não é para comprar, e sim alugar.

Roubalheira ?

Na Bahia muitos executivos da Júlio Simões foram parar na cadeia, motivo, locação superfaturada de carros da PM.

E aqui no Rio de Janeiro, por que nada acontece ?

Vamos aguardar as investigações do MP ?

Reprodução do site R7

Clique e veja o vídeo da TV REcord

O Ministério Público está investigando uma suspeita de superfaturamento nos gastos de manutenção dos carros da Polícia Militar do Rio. O Governo do Estado aluga de empresas particulares os veículos da corporação.
No contrato de locação dos carros foi estabelecido que o governo pagaria mensalmente R$ 2.689 para manutenção de um veículo modelo Gol 1.6. Em um contrato de 30 meses, isso significa que o carro custaria R$ 80.670. Segundo um levantamento da Rede Record o mesmo veículo, 0 km, custa aproximadamente R$ 30 mil. O consultor técnico Mauro Camanho, de uma das concessionárias que faz a manutenção do carros novos da PM, admite que o valor do contrato é elevado, principalmente porque é fixo, independente do que for necessário fazer no veículo. Ele disse que ainda não atendeu um carro que gastasse isso com manutenção periódica.
O comandante Carlos Eduardo Milagres, da PM, defende o contrato, lembrando que além da manutenção básica, o carros também estão expostos a tiros na lataria e no motor.
Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:50 AM PDT

O caso do menino Juan é um mistério, uma prova da INCOMPETÊNCIA da política de segurança pública do Rio de Janeiro.

Agora a justiça determinou a exumação do corpo, motivo, há dúvidas se realmente é o menino Juan que foi enterrado.

O pior, é que a Defensoria Pública quer que o exame de DNA seja feito em São Paulo, por que ?

Falta de confiança nas instituições do Rio de Janeiro ?

Com certeza que sim, todos sabem que o Governo Sérgio Cabral tinha interesse em abafar e acabar com caso Juan, eu não duvido nada que algo tenha sido forjado.

Vamos aguardar.

Reprodução do site R7

O defensor público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Antônio Carlos de Oliveira quer que o exame de DNA do corpo do menino Juan seja feito em um laboratório em São Paulo, segundo entrevista na sede da Defensoria Pública na tarde desta sexta-feira (5). Oliveira é responsável pela defesa dos policiais acusados de matar a criança.
Juan de Moraes, de 11 anos, desapareceu após um tiroteio na comunidade Danom, no dia 20 de junho, em Nova Iguaçu, na Baixada Fluminense. O defensor solicitou a exumação do corpo do menino – que deve ser feita na próxima semana - por ainda ter dúvidas de como foi resolvido o caso. Segundo ele, fatos como ausência de marca de tiro no pescoço, pele branca e divergência nas informações levam a defensoria a um novo questionamento.

Oliveira questiona o material usado para análise do DNA. Ele quer saber o motivo pelo qual não foi utilizado o material recolhido em Nova Iguaçu, pela perita que realizou a primeira análise.
- O laudo preliminar que foi feito em Nova Iguaçu pela perita está muito bem feito, com riqueza de detalhes. Mas houve a determinação para trazer o corpo para a sede do IML (Instituto Médico Legal) e ele foi enviado com o laudo e o material genético recolhido. Chegando lá o corpo foi necropsiado. E o material colhido em Nova Iguaçu foi descartado. E foi feita uma nova coleta.
- Diante das circunstâncias vamos fazer a exumação. Aí vamos resolver de vez está questão. Vai ser coletado um novo material por novos peritos e o material será levado para um laboratório em São Paulo, conveniado com a Defensoria Pública.
Segundo o defensor, o caso ainda pode sofrer uma reviravolta, pois o local do crime e as possíveis provas foram comprometidos.
- O perito diz que encontraram cinco cápsulas, mas elas foram entregues por moradores. Quem me garante que oito dias depois o local não tinha sido alterado? E outras mães já tiveram filhos mortos por traficantes naquela região, e nunca mais foram encontrados. Essa também é uma possibilidade.

Les Bourses asiatiques chutent fortement
Lundi midi, Tokyo perdait 2,13%, Séoul 6,3%, Hong Kong 4,04%, et Shanghai a creusé ses pertes de plus de 4% dans la matinée.>>

Finance mondiale : la peur de l’engrenage
La dégradation de la note américaine par Standard & Poor’s alimente la crainte d’un krach sur les places boursières. Et un effet domino sur la crise de la dette des Etats.>>

EDITORIAL Dans l’instant de chaos et donc de vérité qu’est une crise, il faut remonter aux idées fondatrices. Qu’est-ce que la démocratie ? Un...>>

Mobilisation fébrile pour éviter une nouvelle crise financière mondiale
Les dirigeants mondiaux doivent trouver une réponse concertée face à la crise avant l'ouverture des principales bourses mondiales lundi.>>

La fin du triple A américain: quelles conséquences?
blog Pour analyser la situation, il faut s’intéresser aux principaux prêteurs de l’économie américaine: la Chine, le Japon, la réserve fédérale, et les épargnants américains.>>

La BCE critique les agences de notation
Les trois grandes agences de notation mondiales sont «sujettes à des conflits d’intérêts flagrants» pour un haut responsable espagnol de la Banque centrale européenne.>>

Afghanistan: deux soldats français tués lors d'un accrochage
Quatre militaires de l’Otan au total ont été tués dans deux attaques distinctes d’insurgés dans le sud et l’est du pays.>>

Françaises tuées en Argentine: avancée décisive de l'enquête
La police a inculpé 4 personnes et saisi samedi l’arme avec laquelle ont été assassinées les deux touristes. Les familles des victimes sont rentrées en France.>>

Nouveaux incidents et pillages dans plusieurs quartiers de Londres
Les premiers troubles avaient éclaté dans la foulée d'une manifestation samedi soir après la mort d'un homme de 29 ans.>>

Etats-Unis: un tireur tue sept personnes dans l'Ohio
La fusillade, apparemment déclenchée par une dispute familiale, a tué une fillette de 11 ans. Le tireur a été abattu par la police.>>

Mort du plus ancien détenu de France en Martinique
Il avait passé 48 ans derrière les barreaux pour meurtres et ne croyait plus à une possible libération.>>

Israël: la contestation sociale est sans précédent
Selon les médias, avec 300 000 personnes dans la rue, c'est un «nouveau pays». Benjamin Netanyahou a promis des changements.>>

Hugo Chavez de nouveau à Cuba pour des soins
Il a débuté un deuxième traitement de chimiothérapie contre le cancer dont il avait été opéré en juin sur l’île, selon un communiqué officiel.>>

Corse: main tendue des indépendantistes aux nationalistes modérés
Les indépendantistes du parti Corsica Libera tendent la main aux nationalistes modérés pour prendre le pouvoir dans l’île aux élections territoriales de 2014.>>

Un fidèle tente de s'immoler par le feu dans une mosquée de Toulouse
Selon la préfecture, l'affaire est dénuée de toute connotation xénophobe et a pour seule origine les troubles mentaux de l’individu.>>

 L'Asie boursière plonge après la dégradation des États-Unis

L'Asie boursière plonge après la dégradation des États-Unis<br/>

La mobilisation des dirigeants européens parvient à contenir une débâcle boursière. Les Bourses asiatiques, les premières à ouvrir, perdent toutefois entre 3 et 5%. Tokyo clôture en baisse de 2,18%.
» L'or crève le plafond des 1700 dollars
» Standard & Poor's retire la note «AAA» des États-Unis

Le Cac 40 devrait ouvrir
sur une onzième baisse

Les réunions du week-end entre dirigeants politiques devraient permettre à la place parisienne d'éviter une panique boursière. Mais les inquiétudes sur les finances des pays industrialisés devraient encore monopoliser les esprits.
» L'Asie boursière plonge après la dégradation des États-Unis
» Les conséquences de l'abaissement de la note américaine

Paris et Berlin se mobilisent
pour contrer la crise

La France et l'Allemagne ont appelé à l'adoption avant fin septembre du plan de sauvetage de la Grèce du 21 juillet. La Banque centrale européenne a décidé dimanche d'intervenir "activement" face à l'escalade de la crise de la dette.
» La Maison-Blanche appelle les partis à s'unir pour l'économie du pays
» INTERVIEW - «La dégradation américaine met une pression énorme sur l'Europe»

Barack Obama est
de plus en plus affaibli

Au-delà de la confiance, qui fait de plus en plus défaut, sa marge de manoeuvre est de plus en plus étroite.

Nouvelle nuit de violences à Londres

Nouvelle nuit de violences à Londres<br/>

Au lendemain des émeutes qui ont fait 29 blessés dans le quartier de Tottenham, des incidents ont éclaté à Enfield, dans le nord de la capitale. Un quartier touristique de la ville a également été touché.
» EN IMAGES - Violentes émeutes dans la banlieue de Londres

À Tottenham, le souvenir du policier lynché par la foule en 1985

Il y a plus de 25 ans, de violentes émeutes à Tottenham avaient suscité l'émoi de toute la nation.

Françaises tuées en Argentine :
deux suspects auraient avoué

En tout, sept personnes sont soupçonnées d'être impliquées dans les meurtres des deux Françaises. Houria Moumni et Cassandre Bouvier pourraient avoir été victimes d'un vol qui a mal tourné.

L'avenir radieux de la France

LE BONHEUR D'ÊTRE FRANÇAIS - Malgré les critiques malveillantes, notre pays dispose des atouts qui devraient nous rendre confiants et optimistes.
» Les précédents épisodes
» Abonnez-vous à Mon Figaro Select pour consulter cet article

Somalie : le retrait
des Chebab crée un espoir

Somalie : le retrait <br/>des Chebab crée un

REPORTAGE - Les islamistes radicaux, qui entravaient l'aide humanitaire, ont déserté la plupart de leurs positions dans Mogadiscio. 

La Syrie endure un début
de ramadan sanglant

Au moins 50 Syriens ont été tués dans de nouvelles attaques de l'armée. La Ligue arabe est sortie de son silence pour appeler le régime «à cesser immédiatement» les violences. L'Arabie saoudite a rappelé son ambassadeur à Damas.

Deux nouveaux militaires français
ont été tués en Afghanistan

Ces deux légionnaires participaient à la fouille d'une position fortifiée afghane. Samedi, 38 soldats, dont 30 Américains, ont péri dans le crash d'un hélicoptère. Avec une vidéo iTélé
» Afghanistan : 30 soldats américains tués dans un crash

Timochenko: l'UE dénonce l'incarcération

À Kiev, les partisans de l'ex-premier ministre, jugée pour abus de pouvoir, se sont mobilisés. Son procès doit reprendre lundi matin. 

Israël : Benyamin Nétanyahou
menacé par la fronde sociale

Face à l'ampleur de la contestation, le premier ministre israélien change de ton et promet des solutions. 

Fraude aux allocations :
bientôt un fichier central

Recensant tous les allocataires, il permettrait de repérer les doublons et les fraudeurs. Le projet est soutenu par le ministre du Travail Xavier Betrand qui souhaiterait le voir entrer en service avant la fin de l'année.

Jean-Louis Borloo : «Mes quatre propositions pour sortir de la crise»

Jean-Louis Borloo : «Mes quatre propositions pour sortir de la crise» <br/>

INTERVIEW - Le président du Parti radical réclame une «convocation urgente» du G20 et un débat «le plus tôt possible» au Parlement français. 

Le plus ancien détenu français
retrouvé mort dans sa cellule

Incarcéré en Martinique, Pierre-Just Marny s'est a priori suicidé dimanche. Âgé de 68 ans, il a passé 48 années derrière les barreaux.

Médiation religieuse d'urgence
en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Quatre jeunes ont été tués par balle samedi, sur fond de blocage d'un aérodrome. Lundi, les barrages routiers sur l'île de Maré ont été levés.

Champignons : afflux de patients
aux urgences du Sud-Ouest

De nombreux patients, surtout des touristes, sont pris de diarrhées et de nausées après avoir voulu profiter de la prolifération exceptionnellement précoce des champignons.

Alain Le Roy abandonne sa casquette
de patron des Casques bleus

Ban Ki-moon salue la «vision, le courage et la dévotion exceptionnelle» de celui qui fut son secrétaire général adjoint. 

Sangliers : la piste
des algues se confirme

La préfecture des Côtes-d'Armor pense que les algues vertes sont la cause «la plus probable» de la mort de 36 sangliers en juillet. Les analyses seront publiées lundi.

Rennes corrige Dijon et prend la tête de la Ligue 1

FOOTBALL - Le Stade Rennais a infligé une leçon d'efficacité à des Dijonnais malchanceux (1-5). Sans être brillants, les Bretons prennent les commandes de la Ligue 1. L'apprentissage de l'élite a été rude pour Dijon...
» Toute l'actualité de la Ligue 1
» La 1ère journée en images

Le Canada bien décidé
à ne pas perdre son Grand Nord

INFOGRAPHIE - Ottawa a engagé une vaste opération militaire en Arctique, nouvelle terre promise. 

Dans les loges de maquillage,
confidences devant un miroir

LIEUX DE POUVOIR - Journalistes, dirigeants de l'audiovisuel et hommes politiques se croisent dans les coulisses de la télé. 

Le bonheur est dans les Marches

Le bonheur est dans les Marches

Entre l'Ombrie, les Abruzzes et l'Émilie-Romagne, les Marches dominent l'Adriatique. Cette région d'Italie, que l'on appelle aussi l'autre Toscane, est le décor rêvé de Casa Olivi, une ferme du XVIIIe siècle transformée en épure de pierre et de bois.
» EN IMAGES - Invitation au farniente et idées déco

David Bowie célébré
au «Live»

LE LIVE - Les deux premiers invités de l'émission du Figaro, Aaron et Raphaël, avaient choisi de reprendre une chanson de la star. 

Bien manger pour mieux vivre

Régime crétois, régime Okinawa, restriction alimentaire... L'assiette recèle de surprenantes pilules de jouvence. Voici comment nourrir votre jeunesse.
» Rester jeune
» 12 méthodes de rajeunissement au banc d'essai (en PDF)

Leurs jobs d'été

Brancardier, caissière chez Casto, ouvreuse, préposé à la machine à café... Ce n'est pas parce qu'ils sont connus et reconnus qu'Angelin Preljocaj, les Brigitte, Matali Crasset ou Bruno Putzulu ne sont jamais passés par la case « petits boulots ». Ils s'en souviennent.

Le goût des autres :
le Maroc

S'il fallait une preuve du talent de la cuisine marocaine, ce serait peut-être d'avoir installé son fameux couscous au menu idéal des Français. Cinquième épisode de cette série gastronomique vue par le petit bout de la fourchette française.
» Toutes nos fiches recettes spécial Maroc

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