Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 8 August 2011

*** Japan Times E-mail News Service ***
__________ Tuesday, August 9, 2011 ________________


G-7 vows action over global market jitters
Financial chiefs from the Group of Seven industrialized economies pledge to take joint action to ensure the stability of global financial markets amid global debt woes.
[MORE] ->


Trade in rice futures back, halts from get-go
Japan restarts rice futures trading for the first time in 72 years only to see the bourse halt trading amid massive buy orders triggered by fears of tighter supply.
[MORE] ->


Stop claiming food is safe, ministry told
Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto has committed an about-face on policy by telling his ministry to refrain from vouching for the safety of Japanese food.
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Yahoo map shows real-time radiation levels

Unit 3 MOX likely melted through

Hague campaigners doubt Japan's sincerity

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Nuke plant hires not overexposed

Newspaper show looks to get kids hooked on dailies

Raccoons turn city's streets mean

Emperor, Empress visit evacuees

Kan cagey over U.N. nuke safety trip

Kan reaffirms readiness to quit

Obituary: Joe Yamanaka

Osaka tries to find out who dressed statues

Biomass power plants proposed to dispose of debris from disaster

Deaf composer pens Hiroshima opus

Backup batteries for home on radar


Current account surplus sank 50% in June

Disaster bankruptcies climb again

Japan ready to sell more yen, official warns

JAL weighing Air France venture

Orix to invest $1 billion in China for water, renewable energy quest

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Citizens measuring radiation

Betrayal of child-rearing principle

Going beyond indefensible national interests

'Financial repression' and other remedies

Threat from the antidemocrats

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Scant legal justification for unpaid overtime

Decent man Kan dealing with LDP's fallout

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Upcoming legal reforms: a plus for children or plus ca change?

The evolution of menswear, Matobu, denim, Harajuku style and TGC

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【 The Japan Times 通訳・翻訳キャリアガイド 2012】
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Lincecum deals as Giants avoid sweep

Nakata leads Fighters past Eagles

Nani lifts United in curtain-raiser

'Nadeshiko' prepare for qualifiers

Eagles' Reid not focused on troubled receivers

Tiger's former bagman helps Scott hold off Ishikawa

National team remembers Matsuda

Hawks to be sold, will stay in Atlanta

Death, injury mars NYC triathlon

Challenging 'road of death' easier on current Tigers than past squads

Amputee Pistorius to race in worlds

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Refugees United Brasil

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 01:46 PM PDT
Fonte: ACNUR Brasil

Alto comissário António Guterres conversa com refugiados de várias nacionalidades em um centro cultural em Brasília (Foto: L. F. Godinho/ ACNUR)
O governo brasileiro se comprometeu a aumentar os fundos para as iniciativas da sociedade civil dedicadas à integração dos refugiados no país e reafirmou seu apoio às operações do ACNUR em todo o mundo.
Na semana passada, o Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Antonio Patriota, após encontrar-se em Brasília com o Alto Comissário das Nações Unidas para  Refugiados, António Guterres, disse que o ACNUR tem uma ”agenda importante que lida com um problema crescente”. Ele acrescentou que o país “quer participar neste esforço de assistência humanitária.”
Autoridades brasileiras também disseram a Guterres que em breve o governo apresentará um projeto de lei sobre apatridia e iniciará o processo de ratificação da Convenção das Nações Unidas de 1990 sobre a Proteção dos Direitos de Todos os Trabalhadores Migrantes e Membros das suas Famílias, que beneficiaria a refugiados e solicitantes de refúgio.
Luiz Paulo Barreto, Secretário-Executivo da Justiça, entregou a Guterres uma cópia do projeto de lei para a implementação no Brasil da Convenção das Nações Unidas de 1954 Relativa ao Estatuto dos Apátridas. De acordo com o projeto, as pessoas apátridas registradas receberão carteira de identidade brasileira e  serão elegíveis para um visto permanente após terem residido durante quatro anos no país.
“Esta é uma ótima notícia”, disse Guterres após as reuniões em Brasília. Ele acrescentou que iniciativas como o projeto de lei sobre apatridia  e a ratificação da Convenção para Migrantes “irá completar um importante quadro jurídico para a proteção de estrangeiros, em geral, e dos refugiados em particular.”
Durante sua estada de três dias, o Alto Comissário  se reuniu também com  refugiados, homens e mulheres, que vivem no Brasil, país que abriga mais de 4,4 mil refugiados de 77 nacionalidades diferentes. O Brasil também é um dos poucos países no mundo que oferece vagas de reassentamento para refugiados.
Os refugiados, originários da Ásia, América do Sul, África e Caribe, contaram ao seu visitante sobre os desafios de integração que enfrentam no Brasil, os quais incluem a busca por trabalho, auto-suficiência e moradia digna, além do acesso à educação.
“Suas histórias deixam claro que o Brasil possui algumas das mais avançadas legislações de refugiados no mundo, em termos de proteção e direitos. Mas problemas de integração complexos persistem dentro da sociedade brasileira”, observou Guterres.
Ele acrescentou que o ACNUR saudou a decisão do governo brasileiro de aumentar o orçamento para as iniciativas de integração local, dizendo que isso tornaria a integração dos refugiados na sociedade brasileira ”mais harmoniosa”.
Guterres também participou da Conferência Nansen, na Universidade de Brasília, onde pediu “uma mobilização social contra a xenofobia, o racismo e a intolerância”, que segundo ele são as principais ameaças à proteção dos refugiados em uma escala global.
Segundo Barreto, que também preside o Comitê Nacional para Refugiados (CONARE), a persistência das crises mundiais de deslocamento forçado “confirma a necessidade de se ter um  ACNUR forte e ordenamentos jurídicos domésticos para a concessão da proteção internacional”.

Filed under: Notícias
Posted: 08 Aug 2011 09:31 AM PDT
Fonte: Correio do Brasil
Por Rui Martins

Filme mostra tratamento desumano aos imigrantes.
A Suíça é o único país da Europa que, para deportar imigrantes de avião, usa o método do entrave, ou seja, eles ficam com os pés e as mãos algemados e uma corrente impede que possam ficar de pé. Durante o vôo, que pode durar mais de dez horas, o imigrante expulso não pode ir ao banheiro e é obrigado a ir fazendo nas calças suas necessidades. Três imigrantes já morreram durante esses vôos e tinham sido presos sem qualquer delito cometido.
O método suíço é bárbaro, indigno e vergonhoso e foi regulamentado durante a presença, na junta de sete ministros que governa o país, do ministro do Partido do Povo, Christoph Blocher, líder da extrema-direita, chamada de populista mas com comportamento de partido neo-nazista.
Esse Partido, com quase 30% de votos nas eleições legislatives, é o maior da Suíça. Costuma promover campanhas contra imigrantes, propor votações populares com o objetivo de transformar os estrangeiros em bodes expiatórios de todos os males suíços, política semelhante à usada por Hitler contra os judeus.
Uma nova lei do Ministério da Justiça no departamento de emigração, inclui a obrigação dos diretores de escolas denunciarem as crianças de imigrantes sem papéis. Essa proposta adicional ao arsenal de medidas deixada pelo ex-ministro do Partido do Povo, se deve à nova ministra que é do Partido Socialista. Lei semelhante não existe nos outros países europeus, mas tinha sido criada, em 1935, na Alemanha nazista, e consistia na obrigação dos professores denunciarem os alunos judeus, ciganos ou filhos de comunistas.
Essas revelações foram feitas no decurso do encontro com a imprensa do cineasta Fernand Melgar, depois da exibição do seu filme Vôo Especial, concorrendo ao Leopardo de Ouro. Melgar já fez outro filme, há poucos anos, Forteresse , sobre os campos de refugiados, onde ficam presos os estrangeiros enquanto aguardam os julgamentos de seus pedidos de refúgio.
O novo filme de Fernand Melgar foi autorizado a documentar o lugar onde ficam presos os “sem papéis”, alguns deles já tendo família na Suíça onde vivem há mais de dez anos e mesmo vinte anos, como um kosovar em fase de expulsão, que saiu do Kosovo na época da guerra e não tem mais nenhuma ligação com seu país de origem, tendo se integrado à Suíça.
Fernand Melgar fará um terceiro filme sobre os imigrantes, mostrando como vivem no país de origem os imigrantes expulsos.
Na prisão de filmagem, localizada no lado suíço-francês, conta Melgar, o tratamento por parte dos responsáveis é correto, mas do lado suíço-alemão os imigrantes chegam a ficar em células isoladas, sem terem cometido qualquer crime ou delito, razão pela qual ocorrem suicídios.
Fernand Melgar deixa claro haver uma responsabilidade coletiva do povo suíço nessas medidas desumanas e discricionárias, pois foi o povo suíço quem votou e autorizou essas ações contra os imigrantes.
Rui Martins, de Locarno, convidado pelo Festival de Cinema

Filed under: Notícias
Posted: 08 Aug 2011 09:22 AM PDT
Fonte: ONU Brasil

As Nações Unidas declararam uma epidemia de fome nas regiões de Bakool do Sul e Baixa Shabelle, no sul da Somália, em 20 de julho. Duas semanas depois, mais três regiões já haviam sido afetadas: Shabelle Central, Corredor de Afgoye e a capital, Mogadíscio. Outras áreas do país podem ser atingidas pela crise nos próximos dois meses se não houver uma ampla intervenção humanitária. Para isto, são necessários 2,481 bilhões de dólares e, até o momento, os doadores disponibilizaram 1,034 bilhão. Dezenas de milhares de pessoas morreram e mais vidas estão em risco. Quase metade da população – 3,7 milhões de pessoas – precisa de assistência humanitária. Isto representa um aumento de 35% desde o início do ano, quando havia 2,4 milhões de necessitados.
A pior seca dos últimos 60 anos agrava o sofrimento de um povo atingido também por conflitos. Os preços dos cereais alcançaram o nível mais elevado da história e algumas commodities subiram até 270%. No sul do país, o custo da cesta básica aumentou 50%. Cerca de 12,4 milhões de pessoas carecem de ajuda em todo o Chifre da África e este número pode aumentar 25% em três ou quatro meses. Djibuti e Quênia também estão entre os países atingidos. Apesar de o maior número de necessitados estar na Etiópia – 4,7 milhões – a situação é especialmente difícil na Somália.

As Nações Unidas declaram epidemia de fome quando pelo menos 20% das famílias enfrentam escassez extrema de alimentos com limitada capacidade de reverter o quadro, as taxas de desnutrição aguda entre as crianças excedem 30% e mais de duas em 10 mil crianças morrem por dia. No sul da Somália, há 2,8 milhões de desnutridos, dos quais 1,25 milhão são crianças. Em áreas agropastoris, até 20 a cada 10 mil crianças com menos de 5 anos morrem diariamente e o índice de desnutrição infantil aguda chega a 50%.
Cresce o número de deslocados e refugiados
A Somália tem aproximadamente 1,875 milhão de deslocados internos e refugiados. Nos últimos dois meses, mais de 100 mil chegaram à Mogadíscio em busca de assistência. Apesar dos conflitos armados que assolam a região, já há 470 mil pessoas em cem acampamentos que surgiram espontaneamente. Cerca de 800 mil pessoas fugiram para Quênia (423 mil), Iêmen (188 mil) e Etiópia (140 mil), além de Djibuti, Egito, Eritréia, Tanzânia e Uganda.
De acordo com o Escritório das Nações Unidas de Coordenação de Assuntos Humanitários (OCHA), o influxo de refugiados somalis na Etiópia e no Quênia continua. Diariamente, cerca de 2,3 mil pessoas chegam exaustas aos acampamentos.

La Terra un tempo aveva due lune ?

La collisione del nostro satellite con una luna più piccola potrebbe offrire una spiegazione delle diffrenze fra le sue facce, in alternativa al modello delle maree gravitazionali

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Una mutazione che non piace alla scientifica

Identificato il gene responsabile dell'assenza di solchi e creste su polpastrelli e palme e piante di mani e piedi, una condizione estremamente rara

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Ottenuti spermatozoi dalle cellule staminali

Partendo da cellule staminali embrionali di topo un gruppo di ricercatori ha ottenuto precursori degli spermatozoi, che hanno prodotto spermatozoi funzionali e sani
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Stress idrico: servono nuove tecnologie per i dissalatori

I processi per dissalare l'acqua di mare richiedono una quantità minima di energia che non può essere ridotta, e la tecnologia attuale si sta avvicinando a quel limite
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Colpa di La Niña la siccità in Africa orientale

Uno studio conferma che la correlazione fra le temperature delle acque superficiali del Pacifico e le precipitazioni in Africa orientale susstiste da almeno 21.000 anni
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Creata una batteria nanoscopica

I dispositivi mostrano buona capacità, ma si cercano nuovi materiali che consentano di aumentare il numero di cicli di carica e scarica utili
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Una nuova alternativa alla sperimentazione animale in cosmetica

La legislazione europea limita la sperimentazione sugli animali in campo cosmetico e le aziende sono alla ricerca di sistemi alternativi per garantire la sicurezza dei prodotti

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La perfetta normalità dei dinosauri polari

La fisiologia che ha permesso ai dinosauri di sfruttare con successo per milioni di anni una ampia gamma di condizioni ambientali deve essersi evoluta fin dall'inizio o addirittura nei loro antenati
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Enchiladas and Burritos

Enchiladas are just as delicious when made with beans and veggies instead of meat. Or, try this vegetarian portabella enchilada recipe. For an easy and customizable vegetarian dinner, try vegetarian burritos. You can sautee a veggie filling for a bean and veggie burritos, for the kids, make a simple rice, beans and cheese vegetarian burrito.

Vegetarian pasta dishes
When it comes to pasta, the vegetarian options are endless, and just about everyone loves pasta. Some familiar favorites are vegetable marinara, spaghetti with veggie meatballs, macaroni and cheese, and pesto pasta. Load up the veggies or use whole wheat noodles to get the most nutrition out a pasta dish for your vegetarian dinner. Pictured: Southwestern macaroni and cheese

Vegetarian lasagna
Everyone likes lasagna! Whether you're looking for a traditional Italian main dish or want to experiment with something new, there's a vegetarian lasagna recipe here that will surely do the trick. Pictured: Tofu and spinach lasagna

More simple dinner ideas
Fresh out of dinner ideas? Scroll through this list of ten simple meatless meal ideas that everyone will enjoy. And, if you're really out of ideas (or energy!), there's nothing wrong with grabbing a veggie burger for dinner once in a while! Pictured: Pasta and bean casserole

RFE/RL Headlines
8/8/2011 10:51:11 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

RFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at


Tymoshenko Protests Continue In Ukraine, As Interested Moscow Looks On Tymoshenko Protests Continue In Ukraine, As Interested Moscow Looks On
Protests continue as Ukraine's ex-prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, returns to face trial for abuse of office after being jailed on contempt charges. The case has raised hackles in Moscow, where officials have voiced support for Tymoshenko, who is accused of forging a damaging gas deal with Russia. More
Picking Up The Pieces In Kandahar Picking Up The Pieces In Kandahar
Residents of Kandahar, southern Afghanistan's Pashtun capital, are filled with uncertainty following the recent assassinations of key political figures. Many Kandaharis are looking to Kabul to quickly fill the regional leadership vacuum before tribal competition and strongman rivalry invites a Taliban victory. More
From Our Bureaus

Exiled Ex-President Returns To Baku Exiled Ex-President Returns To Baku
Former Azerbaijani President Ayaz Mutallibov has returned to Baku after 19 years living in Moscow More
Madrasahs Closed In Northern Tajikistan Madrasahs Closed In Northern Tajikistan
Tajik authorities have suspended teaching at four higher education Islamic schools in the northern part of the country. More
Kyrgyz Protesters Block Highway Kyrgyz Protesters Block Highway
Some 200 people blocked a highway today in a northern part of the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek, to demand infrastructure and their registration as residents. More
Kazakh Lawyer Gets 6-Year Jail Term Kazakh Lawyer Gets 6-Year Jail Term
A lawyer for striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan has been sentenced to six years in jail for "igniting social unrest. More
Taliban 'Razes' Pakistan Villages Taliban 'Razes' Pakistan Villages
Local residents say Taliban militants have burned three villages in northwestern Pakistan near the border with Afghanistan. More
Free Hepatitis C Treatment In Pakistan Free Hepatitis C Treatment In Pakistan
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'Nearly 1,000' Killed In Karachi In 2011 'Nearly 1,000' Killed In Karachi In 2011
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Belarusian Seeks Asylum In Lithuania Belarusian Seeks Asylum In Lithuania
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Kazakh Journalist 'Ignited Ethnic Hatred' Kazakh Journalist 'Ignited Ethnic Hatred'
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Police To Monitor Belarusian Journalist Police To Monitor Belarusian Journalist
The wife of Andrey Sannikau, the former Belarusian presidential candidate now in prison, has registered with police as a condition of her suspended two-year jail sentence. More

Did The KGB Kill Albert Camus? Did The KGB Kill Albert Camus?
When French writer and philosopher Albert Camus died in a car crash in 1960 at 46 years of age, it seemed like nothing more than a freak, tragic accident. Now, however, an Italian academic has suggested that darker forces might have been at work. More
Tangled Web

Blackberry: The London Rioters' Tool Of Choice Blackberry: The London Rioters' Tool Of Choice
To own a Blackberry was once like being publicly branded by your corporate IT department. But after riots have engulfed parts of London in recent days, the Blackberry is being seen not as a tool of subservience to the man, but of subversion. More

What The Deadly U.S. Helicopter Crash Tells Us About Afghanistan What The Deadly U.S. Helicopter Crash Tells Us About Afghanistan
As the U.S. military and civilian leadership came to grips with the loss and await the results of an investigation into the downing of a U.S. helicopter that killed 38 people, most of them elite American soldiers, there is a short list of potential lessons already emerging. More
Video Archive

A Glass Of Wine With Enemy Soldiers A Glass Of Wine With Enemy Soldiers
When war broke out between Georgia and Russia on August 8, 2008, two Georgian pensioners -- Leyla, a former dancer, and her husband Kolya -- found themselves at the center of the action. In this video, Leyla tells RFE/RL about their experiences as Russian soldiers moved in to the village of Nikozi. More
Journalists in Trouble

New Shots Fired in the Cyberwar New Shots Fired in the Cyberwar
Iran has announced the first phase of its plan to establish a "National Internet," which critics believe will intensify censorship and further isolate the country, while Radio Farda reports that the regime is mimicking its Facebook page. More

Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
August 08, 2011

"As through this world I've wandered I've seen lots of funny men, Some will rob you with a six gun and some with a fountain pen."  -- Woody Guthrie


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor." -  Mark Twain


Take The Pledge

"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.,

with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate

machine by occupying Freedom Plaza until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."


Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:   4,792

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,662


Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


Saudi Arabia's Message to Syria, Decoded

By Brian Whitaker

It is Iranian influence, not the killing of civilians, that Saudi Arabia is concerned about as it recalls its ambassador in Syria.


Coming Full-Circle in Tahrir Square

By Abdul Wahid

Two crucial factors suggest Islam is in a stronger position now than it was even sixty years ago, to emerge as the victor in this debate .


Cultivating Violence
Israel and its "right-wing Zionists"

By Prof Lawrence Davidson

Many of Israel's "far-right Zionists" quickly recognized their alliance with Anders Behring Breivik in exact proportion to their feeling that Norway was an ally of the Palestinians.


They Died in Vain; Deal With It

By Ray McGovern

Many of those preaching at American church services Sunday extolled as "heroes" the 30 American and 8 Afghan troops killed Saturday west of Kabul.


What Can We Do About The Great American Lie?

By Michael Lewis

What do we do in the face of a government corrupt to the core, a government that professes to be Of the People, by the People and for the People.


It's Time to put the Euro out of its Misery

By Mike Whitney

The problem is that the monetary union, unlike the EU itself, is an unambiguously right-wing project.


The Jobs Crisis Demands Attention

By Shamus Cooke

The labor movement must demand a massive, federal public works program, at the expense of the wealthy and corporations.


50 more killed by Syrian military:

A Ramadan military offensive to crush Syria's popular uprising escalated further yesterday when security forces backed by tanks killed more than 50 people in the desert city of Deir Ezzor and in villages close to Homs.


Gulf nations call for Syrian reforms:

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain recall ambassadors from Damascus, as President Assad replaces his defence minister.


Syria, Saudi Arabia and the coming regional sectarian war:

Inter­pret­ing the King's words, it is now offi­cial that Saudi Ara­bia joined action with Turkey to take a posi­tion from Syria, that will pro­vide an Arab cover for any action decided by the Secu­rity Coun­cil in a later stage


Freed ex-Bahraini MPs tortured in prison:

Jawad Fairouz and Matar Matar were among the prisoners that gained freedom on Sunday. They told British media that they were beaten up several times during more than two months in custody.


Gunman killed near Saudi prince's palace:

Officers kill a man who opened fire at a checkpoint near interior minister's palace in Jeddah.


Fighting rages on several Libyan fronts:

At least three Libyan opposition fighters have been killed in clashes near the northern town of Zlitan, just 160km from Tripoli, the capital, as government troops fought rebel forces for control of the town.


Libyan "rebel" leader sacks cabinet after general's death:

The NTC has come under heavy fire for its role in events leading up to Yunis's death, as well as its handling of the aftermath.


Shifting loyalties among Libya's Islamists:

 The shifting battle lines of the anti-Gaddafi struggle have seen old Libyan Islamist fighters regroup and reconfigure their agendas to join the rebel ranks of the current uprising. But who controls yesterday's foes


U.S. convinces Saleh not to return to Yemen: report:

They told Asharq al-Awsat that Saleh had been greatly influenced by the spectacle of toppled Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak, who faced charges from within a black cage in a Cairo court last week.


Afghanistan: Nato occupation forces kill 2 civilians, sparks protest against ISAF:

NATO-led troops killed the village imam, who was also a schoolteacher, along with another local. Five other residents were taken away by the troops, Naeem added.


Karzai orders probe into NATO killing of 8 civilians:

Local officials say eight civilians including women and children were killed in a NATO strike in the southern province of Helmand on Saturday.


Juan Cole: 50 US & NATO Occupation Force Troops Killed in Afghanistan in Past Week:

Another US helicopter got into trouble on Sunday, and had to make a hard landing in the eastern Paktia province, though no one aboard was hurt. It may have been forced down by Taliban fire.


Taliban claim new weapon after US helicopter shot down:

"That night the Americans wanted to attack our mujahideen, and we targeted the helicopter with a weapon that is similar to an RPG [rocket-propelled grenade]," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said. "And we are trying to get more of this weapon."


US helicopter shot down in Taliban trap: Afghan official:

"The Taliban knew which route the helicopter would take," he added.


British occupation force soldier 'sliced off fingers of dead Taliban fighters as souvenirs':

The Royal Military Police's Special Investigation Branch (SIB) has started an inquiry into allegations that he kept them as "macabre souvenirs" during the regiment's last tour of Helmand Province between September 2010 and April.


Gunmen torch 16 NATO tankers in Pakistan:

Unknown gunmen in Pakistan's north-western region torched 16 tankers carrying fuel supplies for NATO occupation force troops in Afghanistan, local security officials said on Sunday, DPA reported.


U.S. military trainers could be targets:

 Iraq's Sadr: Iraq's fiercely anti-U.S. occupation cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has warned that U.S. military trainers will be targets if they stay in the country beyond a year-end deadline for American troops to leave.


UN calls rights situation in Iraq 'fragile':

"Widespread poverty, economic stagnation, lack of opportunities, environmental degradation and an absence of basic services constitute 'silent' human rights violations that affect large sectors of the population," it said.


Israel Protests: Over 250,000 join biggest anti-govt rally in Tel Aviv :


Al-Shabab rebels withdraw from Somali capital:

Ali Mohamed Rage, an al-Shabab spokesman, told a local radio station that the withdrawal was aimed to enable a counter-attack, saying there would be no pull out from other regions of southern Somalia.


US Government Informant Helped Sinaloa Narcos Stay Out of Jail:

Mexican Lawyer Who Was Trusted Associate of "Chapo" Guzman Allegedly Paid Off Corrupt Mexican Officials, All Under the Watch of US Agencies


Police shooting sparks London riots :

Clashes broke out between police and crowds angry at the shooting dead of a local resident by officers.


YouTube film of police clash with girl, 16, that 'sparked riot':

In the video, demonstrators can be heard shouting at police to leave the girl alone and accusing them of attacking her.


Enfield riots; Police baton charge on video:

Video shot of riots in Enfield on Sunday evening shows a line of riot police mounting a baton charge against a mob of rioters throwing rocks.


New violent attacks break out in Hackney, London:

Fresh violence has broken out on the streets of London this afternoon between police and youths in Hackney.



Spending cuts, police lay behind UK riot, locals say:

Anger at high unemployment and cuts in public services, coupled with resentment of the police, contributed to an explosion of violence and looting in a deprived London neighborhood, residents said Sunday.


Dow Falls 635 Points, Every Single Stock in S&P 500 Falls:

It was the kind of day when the only way to be happy was to sit in a dark room on top of a pile of gold. Virtually no other assets were safe


43,000 strike telecommunications giant Verizon in Northeast US:

43,000 telecommunication workers in the Northeast of the United States went on strike Sunday morning against massive concessions demanded by Verizon including cuts to pensions, wages and health care and the ending of all job security provisions.


A National Debt Of $14 Trillion? Try $211 Trillion:

"If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That's the fiscal gap," he says. "That's our true indebtedness."


Moody's cautious about U.S. deficit cuts plan:

Ratings agency Moody's Investors Service on Monday warned it might also downgrade the U.S. government's credit rating if its planned measures to reduce its budget deficit turned out to be not "credible" after all.


S&P's Rampage Continues:

Berkshire Hathaway's Outlook Cut To Negative From Stable


S&P cuts Israeli bonds guaranteed by U.S. to 'AA+':

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services on Monday lowered the ratings on U.S.-guaranteed bonds issued by the Israeli government to AA+ from AAA.


Congresswomen urge federal funding for homecare of Shoah survivors in US:

Holocaust survivors living in the United States would receive federal funds designed to help them age at home, rather than having to move to an institution, according to a new bill drafted by the Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her Republican counterpart Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.


August 07, 2011


30 US Soldiers From Bin Laden Death Squad Unit Killed In Afghanistan:

Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 30 Americans, most of them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said


None Of The Navy SEALS killed in Afghanistan were part of team that killed Osama bin Laden, but belonged to same elite unit:

None of the 22 SEAL personnel killed in the crash were part of the team that killed bin Laden in a May raid in Pakistan, but they belonged to the same unit. Their deployment in the raid in which the helicopter crashed would suggest that the target was a high-ranking insurgent figure.


4 NATO occupation force soldiers killed in Afghan attacks:

Four soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) were killed on Sunday in two separate insurgent attacks in eastern and southern Afghanistan, NATO reported.


Iraqi Civilians Killed By US Occupation Force Raid:

 For the second time in a week, a joint Iraqi-American raid aiming at insurgents resulted in the killing of civilians.


Abu Ghraib abuse ringleader released:

Charles Graner Jr set free after serving six and a half years of a 10-year sentence.


In this grave crisis, the world's leaders are terrifyingly out of their depth:

Certain years have gone down in history as great global turning points, after which nothing was remotely the same: 1914, 1929, 1939, 1989. Now it looks horribly plausible that 2011 will join their number.


S&P AA+ rating on U.S. Sovereign Debt not Low Enough -- Peter Schiff :


Asia Braces for Fallout From Downgrade:

An adviser to the central bank of China, the largest U.S. creditor, said the downgrade would damage the U.S. dollar in currency markets


Saudi stock market first to plunge on S&P downgrade:

Saudi Arabia's stock market dropped 5.46pc on Saturday as it became the first exchange to react to the historic US credit downgrade.


Tel Aviv Stock Exchange opens to 6% losses as global crisis felt in Israel:

Losses come as international markets are left reeling by Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. credit rating for first time in history.


A day after 300,000 march for social justice, Netanyahu government pledges change:

Israel's finance minister says the government will take swift action to reduce the soaring cost of living, looking to ease tensions a day after 300,000 people demonstrated across the country.


"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley