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27 ottobre 2011Il comandamento di Assisi: "Purificare la propria fede"È la via affinché "il vero Dio diventi accessibile". Il discorso di papa Joseph Ratzinger ai trecento "pellegrini della verità" convocati nella città di san FrancescoThe Commandment of Assisi: "Purify your own faith"This is the way "so that the true God becomes accessible." The speech of pope Joseph Ratzinger to the "pilgrims of truth" gathered in the city of Saint FrancisLe commandement d'Assise: "Purifier sa propre foi"C'est la voie à suivre "afin que le vrai Dieu devienne accessible". Le discours du pape Joseph Ratzinger aux trois cents "pèlerins de la vérité" convoqués dans la ville de saint FrançoisEl mandamiento de Asís: "Purificar su propia fe" |

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
for my writings ============> http://robertoscaruffi.blogspot.com
for something on religions ===> http://scaruffi1.blogspot.com