Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

The Truth Behind Traditional Chinese Kung Fu (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Chris Chappell. ...


MH17 Crash It Was Not A Boeing 777 Proven Now! (video)

MH17 Crash It Was Not A Boeing 777 Proven Now!CONTRIBUTOR: TAT\'S 2 MIN NEWS REVOLUTION TO ABOLISH CORPORATE GOVERNMENT. MH17 engines wrong size for Boeing 777 - 93000lbs / 46 ton engines fell from 33k feet? MH17 Plane engines completely the wrong size – Comparison pictures reveal the truth! ( YOUR OPINION PLEASE ) ? posted on July 20, 2014 Smoking gun? Intercepted calls point finger at...


Congressmen Shocked By New 9/11 Document (video)


The Untold Story: The Ruthless Obama Policies That Are Really Driving The Border Crisis (Video) (video)

CURATOR: Josey Wales. By Josey Wales Understand the flood of illegal immigrant children, piling up like human debris on the US border, won’t stop until conservatives learn about the obscure Obama administration policy that’s deliberately driving it and reverse it. This policy issued in August of 2013, the policy is...


End Times Jewish Holocaust Begins! Barack Obama Stopping Jews From Returning To Israel, and Jews Being Forced Out of France Right Now! (Shocking Video!) (video)

End Times Jewish Holocaust Begins! Barack Obama Stopping Jews From Returning To Israel, and Jews Being Forced Out of France Right Now! (Shocking Video!)CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. YouTube Commentary: Shocking news: Jews trying to return home to Israel are unable to wire money to Israeli banks, apparently a measure that Obama has signed. And Jews are being forced out of France reminiscent to Nazi Germany! Obama is trying to keep the Jewish people here...


NASA Image Of Christ Just Released!!! (Video) (video)

NASA Image Of Christ Just Released!!! (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: The Apostolate. SATELLITE CAPTURES IMAGE OF CHRIST CONTROLLING THE SUN As headlines around the world attest, space scientists are baffled by the sun suddenly going quite! On July 21st, 2014 (today), the NASA LASCO C3 Satellite captured unmistakable images of CHRIST MANIPULATING THE SUN!!!...


It's "Bad And Getting Worse" - IPPNW Report (video)

It's CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America. By Susan Duclos The United Nations has been busted for a study that contained critical flaws, major discrepancies, omitted critical information, downplayed events, misrepresented data, making inept comparisons and completely unwarranted conclusions, in order to hide information from the public. All of the aforementioned details were released in...


US State Dept Destroys Itself! MH17 Credibility Lost As Russia Comes Clean While US Govt Flounders (video)

US State Dept Destroys Itself! MH17 Credibility Lost As Russia Comes Clean While US Govt FloundersCONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die. Story by Live Free Or Die - Unabashedly Unhinged The spokesperson for Barack Obama's Department of State, Marie Harf, completely destroys any remaining sliver of credibility that the US government once held while responding to questions about Kiev's downing of MH17 in the newly released video report below....


Border Patrol Agents Reveal The UN Is In Control Of The Border!

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of labeling the thousands of illegal immigrants as refugees. Indeed, the United Nations is now categorizing the present wave of immigrants as refugees from political...


Woman Who Lost Brother On MH370 Loses Stepdaughter On MH17 - Connect The Dots (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) An Australian woman who lost her brother on MH370 has now learned she has lost her stepdaughter on MH17! Is this a mere coincidence or is it another clue to what might have happened to both planes? The mystery of these 2 planes is growing daily, along...



CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish

CONTRIBUTOR: Judy Byington

CONTRIBUTOR: Live Free or Die


CONTRIBUTOR: Wake up America


CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Blaze