Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Germans. Just arrogance for masking their prostitution to the UK-USA-NATO. The German government is part of the UK-USA-NATO terrorist system!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Germans. Just arrogance for masking their prostitution to the UK-USA-NATO. The German government is part of the UK-USA-NATO terrorist system!


What Some Europeans See When They Look at Germany

Following World War II, a German return to dominance in Europe seemed an impossibility. But the euro crisis has transformed the country into a reluctant hegemon and comparisons with the Nazis have become rampant. Are they fair? By SPIEGEL Staff


Study Sheds New Light on Forced Greek Loans

Is Germany liable to Athens for loans the Nazis forced the Greek central bank to provide during World War II? A new study in Greece could increase the pressure on Berlin to pay up.