Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: BfV-BND-MAD-GermanGovernment deliria. They have the monopoly of terrorism! No independent terrorism, as well as no independent mafia, is technically possible. It is everything State/governmentNATO-created and -managed. They have nothing to do, so they even use hundreds of officers and thousands of irregulars in pure-persecution/structuralAntisemitic programs...

Thursday, 2 June 2016

BfV-BND-MAD-GermanGovernment deliria. They have the monopoly of terrorism! No independent terrorism, as well as no independent mafia, is technically possible. It is everything State/governmentNATO-created and -managed. They have nothing to do, so they even use hundreds of officers and thousands of irregulars in pure-persecution/structuralAntisemitic programs...

Geplanter Anschlag: Mutmaßliche IS-Terrorzelle in Deutschland ausgehoben

Geplanter Anschlag

Mutmaßliche IS-Terrorzelle in Deutschland ausgehoben

Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen sollten vier Männer aus Syrien im Auftrag des "Islamischen Staates" einen Terroranschlag in Deutschland begehen. Drei von ihnen wurden heute festgenommen. Von Fidelius Schmid mehr...
