Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 6 June 2016

Cryptic Message: Obama Tells Americans to Prepare For Disaster! Does He Know Something We Don't?? (video)

Cryptic Message: Obama Tells Americans to Prepare For Disaster! Does He Know Something We Don't?? CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven Interesting news reports are surfacing all across the country as our commander and chief, President Barack Obama, addressed FEMA’s National Response Coordination Center in Washington DC on Tuesday, May 31st warning that Americans must prepare for a national emergency and/or disaster in preparation for the hurricane season....


Full Interview: Donald Trump Interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, State of the Union! (video)

Full Interview: Donald Trump Interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, State of the Union!  CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Friday vociferously -- and repeatedly -- defended his claims that a judge overseeing a lawsuit against Trump University is biased because of his Mexican heritage, pushing back against criticism that his objections are racist. Trump, pressed by CNN's Jake Tapper more than 20 times on whether...


The European Parliament Is On the Verge of Legalizing Pedophilia

The European Parliament Is On the Verge of Legalizing Pedophilia CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Sometimes, good things come in small packages, although there is not much good that can come this subject. This article is brief and very much to the point. There is very little offered in contextual background with almost no dots to connect. I view the following as the most important...


Veterans Are Dying Everywhere; VA Wants To Perform Sex-Change Operations (video)

Veterans Are Dying Everywhere; VA Wants To Perform Sex-Change OperationsCONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. Given the fact that Tuberculosis is one of the most lethal infectious diseases in history, the fact that virtually no one is talking about how 1/3 of Obama’s refugees in Vermont are suffering from the disease is a bit troubling to say the least, but frankly it’s par for the...


America's Fate Has Been Officially Sealed-USA Just Bought a One Way Ticket to Hell and It's Downright Scary! (Video) (video)

America's Fate Has Been Officially Sealed-USA Just Bought a One Way Ticket to Hell and It's Downright Scary! (Video)CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. FEMA, United Nations, the Pope, Barack Obama, earthquakes, strange weather patterns, UFO sightings, CERN, the economy and more... Were you aware that mainstream just stated that by next year, all Americans will receive a microchip implant? where is America headed? Where is the world headed? What does it all mean?...


Illuminati 2017: Predictions!! We Must Reach Mass Awareness! Watch Now! (video)

Illuminati 2017: Predictions!! We Must Reach Mass Awareness! Watch Now! CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Illuminati Card Game Predictions Coming True, What’s Next? Is the Illuminati Card Game just an innocent game created in 1994 by Steve Jackson, or an ominous and eerie predictor of future events? Either way, the mystery, and yet at the same time the openness of the game has caused millions...


Muhammad Ali: Here's Why There Is Such a Worldwide Outpouring of Praise and Respect

Muhammad Ali: Here's Why There Is Such a Worldwide Outpouring of Praise and RespectCONTRIBUTOR: MILLENNIUM Reporter. THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today C O U R A G E ! State of the Nation HuffPo Headlines Here’s a guy who literally failed his U.S. Army IQ test when they went to draft him for Vietnam. _ His response: “I said...


Illuminati Family the Rothschild's Hold $100,000 a Plate Hillary Fundraiser (Videos) (video)

Illuminati Family the Rothschild's Hold $100,000 a Plate Hillary Fundraiser (Videos)CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. It is entirely possible that like her old boss, Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton has told so many lies that she is no longer capable differentiating truth from fiction without assistance. As evidence, I submit to you Hillary’s ability to tell the American people she’s a real “salt of the...


Swedenborg Revealed The Big Secret - How To Reach Heaven....

Swedenborg Revealed The Big Secret - How To Reach Heaven....CONTRIBUTOR: climbhome. Polymath Emanuel Swedenborg Reveals All For this story and many more, please visit(ad-free website): Emanuel Swedenborg – Universal Genius Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish prodigy and a noble man born in 1688. He was the son of a famous Swedish Bishop and Professor who could communicate with spirits and...


"61 MEN" from Adam to Christ & 9/11/5761 Paradox EXPLAINED (Video) (video)

CONTRIBUTOR: Enterthe5t4rz. 19 men are counted from Adam to Abraham in the bloodline of Jesus (above). When we add in the book of Matthew geneology from Abraham to Christ, (14, 14 and 14 generations=42) we get a total of 61 generations. Now, there has been some debate about this number, since the...


CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason


CONTRIBUTOR: Alton Parrish

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson

CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense

CONTRIBUTOR: Hang the Bankers

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense


CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence