Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Adar I 24, 5771 · February 28, 2011
This Week's Features
We were very upset. Our mother had reserved that plot at the time of our father's death, and had constantly reminded us that this was where she wanted to be buried-no matter where she was when she died. We felt terrible. We had failed her. But what could we do-it was out of our hands...

By Ann Goldberg
The Jewish Wedding
This destruction of the Temple was a significant event in Jewish history, but it doesn't seem to have any personal relevance to me. What does a destroyed building have to do with my wedding?

By Aron Moss
Motherhood & Childrearing
The Importance of Individuality in Children
It seems that my daughter is expected to appear in school each day with a ponytail, which is taken as a sign that she has a good mother. And I have foolishly allowed her to choose how she wishes to wear her hair . . .

By Robyn Cuspin
Could others see the countless tiny strands of their separate anxieties silently knitting them together? Did anyone notice how, though they sat on separate chairs not touching, they sat as close as two people could without touching?

By Jay Litvin
Pictures with a Purpose
Brooklyn, NY
Know from where you came, where you are going

By Michoel Ogince