Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday 1 March 2011
Adar I 24, 5771 · February 28, 2011
While they might not be ready to join the army just yet, Rabbi Mordechai Lichy's class of fifth grade boys is still trying to be all that they can be. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Guy Vilner, 23, was making eggs Tuesday when the whole house started to shake. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
With the war in Afghanistan firmly in its 10th year, the approximately 10,000 Jewish soldiers in the armed forces increasingly rely on chaplains and lay leaders for spiritual guidance and moral support in the midst of a warzone. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
The completion of the first Torah scroll inked from beginning to end in South Africa has stirred massive pride, a fierce sense of excitement and unprecedented joy for dwindling Jewish communities once thought forsaken. Post CommentPost Comment  |  Read Story
Talk of the Planet
Food for the Soul to Accompany Purim Gift Baskets
Looking for a little spiritual heft to accompany your Purim gift basket this year?
Vegas' First Chasidic Bride Makes Nevada History
A young couple made history at the Venetian Las Vegas Hotel last week when Rabbi Levy Wilhelm of Brooklyn, N.Y., married Chayala Harlig, a Chasidic woman who has called the neon oasis home since she was a baby.
Bagels and Torah on the Menu at Queens Eatery
Queens, N.Y., residents looking for a dose of Torah with their bagel can now find it at Bagels and Co., a new kosher store that opened across the street from Chabad-Lubavitch of Northeast Queens.
Swampscott Welcomes New Rabbi
Chabad-Lubavitch of Swampscott, Mass., welcomed a young couple to its management team, Rabbi Shmaya and Aliza Friedman, who will help run several activities, including the local Camp Gan Israel, Jew Crew youth club, Hebrew school and holiday programming.
In the Media
Eyewitness account from Christchurch
J-Wire - New Zealand
Why is this prospect different from other prospects?