Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

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Tuesday, Mar 1 '11, Adar 25, 5771
Today`s Email Stories:
Libya Faces Western Intervention
Iranian Threats over 'Zion' Logo
Meet US Puah Fertility Institute
US Jews Bring Purim Cheer to IDF
Three Israelis Dead in NZ Quake
Top Designer's Anti-Semitic Rant
Iran: Okay in Mediterranean Sea
  More Website News:
Rabbi: We Are Not the Enemy
British Poll Alarms Left
Protest Movement Hits Oman
'Bibi Choose – Barak or Likud'
Oscar for Israeli School Film
  MP3 Radio Website News Briefs:
Talk: Axing the Axis
Natural Law or Revealed Law?
Music: Rav Hillel Palei
galim zeirim

1. Netanyahu Says Nationalists ‘Do Not Live in This World’
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu 
Netanyahu against Nationalists

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, far from apologizing for police brutality, made a far-reaching statement which implies a possible stop to Jewish life in Judea and Samaria while defending police destruction of Jewish homes at the privately owned Gilad Farm (Chavat Gilad) in Samaria Monday morning. 

Following the police violence against Chavat Gilad residents, who threw stones at the police firing at them with rubber bullets, the Prime Minister told his Likud party officials, "People do not understand where they live. If you do not live in the real world, it is possible to disregard everything, and I suggest that they start being wary in order to protect the existing construction. What is at stake is the new and existing construction,” referring  to major Jewish population centers in Judea and Samaria. 

"There is construction in Judea and Samaria," Netanyahu said. "It's true that in some places there are no tenders and that is being checked, but we are currently making efforts to maintain the existing construction." 

Prime Minister Netanyahu added, "We are in a very difficult international situation; the U.S. veto in the UN Security Council was achieved with great effort. We could ignore everything and say 'no problem,' but as the prime minister who bears esponsibility for this country, I have to be responsible." 

The recent American veto at the United Nations Security Council prevented passage of a Lebanese-sponsored resolution condemning Israel for building homes for Jews in Judea and Samaria. 

Likud Minister Dan Meridor, whose political stand places him on the far left flank of the Likud party, was more explicit than the Prime Minister. 

Speaking on Voice of Israel government radio Tuesday morning, he stated that the government needs to concern itself with holding on to the “consensus” that would allow Israel to retain major Jewish population centers in Judea and Samaria. 

However, that “consensus” may be history. George W, Bush, when he was president of the United States, wrote a letter to the Israeli government promising that areas such as  Maaleh Adumim, a city east of Jerusalem, and the Gush Etzion communities south of the capital would remain in Israel under a future agreement with the Palestinian Authority. 

U.S. President Barack Obama has said he is not bound by the promise, arguing that it is not legally binding, putting America in the position of a government not standing up to a previous government's committments. 

The Obama administration seems to agree with the Palestinian Authority position that it should have sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria, but it thinks that the issue can only be resolved in face-to-face discussions and not through resolutions at the United Nations. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has refused to talk with Israel without a commitment to meet all of its demands, including the surrender of the Old City, including the Western Wall and Temple Mount, and other areas of the capital where more than 250,000 Jews live. He has stated that the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Judea and Samaria would have to leave, making it Judenrein. 

"We all want to strengthen the settlements and therefore we ought not ignore reality,” Prime Minister Netanyahu continued as he explained his comments to the Likud audience. "We are a few weeks after one Quartet decision, after the U.S. veto, before another Quartet decision, and therefore we must consider the reality in which we live. When there is a changing world order in the Middle East, there are those who seek an easy but irresponsible solution, and we won't help them with that."

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2. UK, US Weigh Military Intervention in Libya
by Maayana Miskin 
Libya Faces Western Intervention

British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi that his country is weighing military action to prevent the slaughter of anti-regime protesters. Britain may create a no-fly zone over Libya and send weapons to protesters, he said.

Cameron suggested that Britain may even send troops to Libya as a peacekeeping force.

United States officials made a similar announcement, saying Monday that “all options” are open, including the creation of a no-fly zone. The U.S. military is moving naval and air forces closer to Libya, making it easier for President Barack Obama to order intervention.

A no-fly zone would prevent Qaddafi from turning the Libyan Air Force on rebels. Two Libyan pilots fled the country several days ago and asked for asylum, saying they had been ordered to bomb protesters.

Senior U.S. officials have also put financial pressure on Qaddafi, freezing $30 billion in assets held by his family in America. In addition, officials have been in contact with anti-regime fighters in Libya.

Obama remained cautious when riots broke out last week in Libya, failing to condemn Qaddafi even as more than 1,000 protesters has been killed. However, he has since come out strongly against Qaddafi, and called Saturday for him to step down from power immediately.

In Libya, Qaddafi continues to insist that he will fight to the end. A video has surfaced showing Qaddafi's son Saif Al-Islam brandishing a gun and urging supporters to fight “until the last bullet.” Al-Islam has previously attempted to portray himself as a moderate who favors democratic reforms.

According to reports in the international media, Qaddafi's troops tried and failed Monday to retake the city of Zawiya, 30 miles west of Tripoli, which had fallen to rebel forces days earlier.

3. Iran Threatens Olympics Boycott over 'Zion' Logo
by Maayana Miskin 
Iranian Threats over 'Zion' Logo

Iran has threatened to boycott the 2012 Olympics in London over the logo for the event, which it claims secretly spells out the word “Zion.” Iranian leaders have called for the logo to be redesigned, and for the designers of the current logo to be “confronted.”

They cited “Internet documents” as proof that the logo, when rearranged, spells “Zion.”

Several videos have been posted to YouTube purporting to show that the logo, a jagged “2012,” actually spells “Zion.” One anti-Semitic video, with more than 50,000 views, claims the logo was designed by “the men who rule the world from the shadows,” and that “the shadow government of Zionists will be coming out of the closet in 2012” to rule the world.

Other claims abound as well, with some comparing the 2012 logo to a swastika, while others say it looks like the Waffen SS logo, and still others say it secretly depicts a sexual act. In Britain the logo was controversial primarily due to its cost – approximately $800,000.

Olympics officials said in response to the Iranian threat, “The London 2012 logo represents the figure 2012, nothing else.”

Officials noted that the logo was revealed to the public in 2007, and said they were “surprised” at the timing of the Iranian complaint.

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4. Interview: Bringing More Jews into the World-Kosher Style
by Fern Sidman, INN NY Correspondent 
Meet US Puah Fertility Institute


"What a wonderful feeling it is to be part of an organization that helps bring more Jewish souls into the world", declared Lea Davidson, executive director of the Machon Puah (Puah Institute) branch in New York.  

Founded in 1990 in Jerusalem at the behest of the late Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, ZT"L, (former chief rabbi of Israel), Puah Institute is an Israel-based, international organization that assists Jewish couples with problems relating to infertility and serves a vital role in bridging the gap between fertility treatment and halacha (Jewish law). 


"Rav Eliyahu was deluged with questions pertaining to infertility and halacha and he believed that more concrete research was necessary. He then appointed Rabbi Menachem Burstein to go to the labs and to speak to medical professionals to ascertain whether infertility reproductive medicine could be reconciled with Jewish law", said Mrs. Davidson. Equipped with a background of specialization in research concerning the interface between Torah and science, Rabbi Burstein  then established Puah Institute. 


"In any field of science there is always the possibility of human error, of mix ups, and because halacha takes the concept of verifiable lineage very seriously, the majority of orthodox rabbis have ruled that Jewish law requires an outside supervisor present to monitor the procedure and storage of the genetic material" added Mrs. Davidson.   


In Puah, an orthodox man or women must oversee all aspects of the (IVF) in vitro fertilization process, including sample washing, centrifugation, freezing and loading of pipettes. The lab will have a dedicated incubator or storage tanks for the Puah-supervised couples. That particular incubator, unlike those containing the reproductive material of non-supervised couples, is locked with a latch and key. The Puah supervisor is the only person with a key. 


If the clinic cannot spare an incubator, an alternative is a stainless steel case with dime sized holes in it, known as a Puanite box. The material is placed inside the container, which is then locked with a plastic or metal tie embossed seal with the supervising organization's insignia and placed on one of the incubator shelves. The case can only be opened by snipping the tie. 


“Just like rabbis supervise the production of kosher food, we supervise the fertility process,” explained Bracha Friedman, a New York-based supervisor with Puah. “...this is the only way this process is halachically sound.”  


Davidson adds, however, that not all infertile couples will have to take the in-vitro fertilization route. "One out of every six people will experience fertility problems, but 95 percent of these people can find alternative solutions that don't require these kind of procedures", she said. Puah assists these people in acquiring the appropriate method for each individual case. 


Davidson described Puah's holistic approach to halakhic fertility solutions. The institute has an educational department ,and is licensed in the field of continuing medical education.  Courses educate medical professionals to better understand the religious lifestyle and restrictions of the Orthodox Jewish patient and also educate rabbis about the medical challenges and options confronting their congregants. There are classes for brides and grooms, community rabbis and their wives. 


In addition to supervision and counseling, Puah also provides a veritable plethora of resources and endless patience to help allay the stress that couples often endure during the fertility process. 


"I first got involved in Puah when I lived in Israel and then when I moved to New York years ago, I found that there was nothing in the way of an organization that deals with the complex nature of Jewish infertility," she continued.  She is proud to add that, "When Puah first opened its doors here in the United States we only had one supervisor and now we have 30 supervisors.  


The supervisors are very observant, married women who are totally dedicated to the couples that they work with. "For example, last year on Purim we had two couples in two different labs and when genetic material is being feeded supervisors need to spend the whole day there. Rather than spending the day with their families, our supervisors gladly spent Purim with the couples in need," she said. 


Mrs. Davidson said that today, "99.9 percent of all fertility clinics in Israel have Puah sponsored supervision. In the United States, the organization works with 50 cooperating labs. 


"Puah is a unique organization in that it works with all Jews from diverse backgrounds and levels of religious observance. That is what I love most about it. About 20 percent of those Jews who seek our help are non-religious but want to follow the halachic mandates. For our religious clientele, we don't 'poskin' [make halakhic decisions, ed.]  for them, but with them. If they follow a certain rabbi, we respect that and work closely with their rabbis. Because we are a non-political organization, every Jew is treated with the utmost of respect and that is the greatest kiddush Hashem [sanctification of G-d's Name, ed]," said Mrs. Davidson. 


Besides Israel and the United States, Puah Institute also provides supervision and counseling services in Europe, Australia, South America, and Canada. 


With joy, Mrs. Davidson relates the narrative of two couples who sought out the help of Puah. "Recently, we had two sets of triplets born to two couples. One couple lived on the west coast and one lived on the east coast and they were helped by the same doctor!  Both sets consisted of two girls and a boy and one set was born on a Monday and the other set were born on Tuesday. It was quite miraculous. 


"Every year, we hold an international conference in Jerusalem that draws over 1500 people and it always takes place on the Wednesday before Parshas Shemos. We chose that time of the year, when we begin reading Sefer Shemos as representative of our namesake, Puah, who, as we know was Miriam, the sister of Moshe Rabbenu and the most loving and compassionate mid-wife", said Mrs. Davidson. 


Those wishing to contact the Puah Institute in New York can access their web site at , visit their offices at 1709 Kings Highway in Brooklyn or by calling 718-336-0603. 


Besides information for those seeking its help, upcoming Puah events on the website include a raffle to be drawn within the next few days, special musical Saturday night event  [melava malka] to take place at the synagogue in Bal Harbour, Florida on March 12th and the  annual dinner in New York which will be held on April 5th at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue.  

5. US Jews Bring Purim Cheer to IDF Soldiers
by Maayana Miskin 
US Jews Bring Purim Cheer to IDF

As the holiday of Purim approaches, the Zionist Organization of America's Brooklyn branch is gearing up to bring Purim cheer to Israel for the eleventh year. The group plans to distribute thousands of mishloach manot packages to IDF soldiers.

Last year the group sent almost 6,000 gift packages to soldiers, and another 500 to children in southern Israel. This year's gift packages for soldiers will include something new: special water backpacks known in Israel as “shlukerim” that help keep water cool in the field while giving soldiers added mobility.

In addition, ZOA will be hosting a free concert for soldiers. The concert is to take place in the Samaria city of Ariel, which was the target of a cultural boycott earlier in the year. 

"We come to thank the IDF soldiers because they are guarding the country not only for the country itself, which is in itself a tremendous achievement, but also for Jews all over the world," explained project organizer Rubin Margules, head of the Brooklyn branch of ZOA.

This year, as before, many ZOA members will be delivering the gifts in person. The IDF's Sar-El program plans to provide transport, bringing the volunteers and their gifts to IDF bases.

The volunteers will also meet with political leaders, and will visit Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria.

6. New Zealand: Searchers Find Bodies of Missing Israelis
by Maayana Miskin 
Three Israelis Dead in NZ Quake

Searchers in the New Zealand city of Christchurch have found the bodies of two Israeli men who were visiting the area when it was hit by a deadly earthquake last week. The two were identified as Ofer Levi and Gabi Ingel, both of Rehovot.

The two, both 22 years old, had been in New Zealand since December, and were planning to work on a farm near Christchurch.

They were found in the rubble of a building in the city center. A relative had helped New Zealand search crews with the effort.

A total of three Israelis have now been confirmed dead in the quake. The body of Ofer Mizrachi, of Kibbutz Magal, was found earlier in the week.

Three others remain missing. Their names have been released: Chen Ben Hemo, Roi Vaknin, and Shlomo Avitan, all of Dimona. The three went on a trek prior to the quake and have not been heard from since.

A total of more than 150 people have been confirmed killed in the quake. Authorities fear the final death toll could be as high as 240.

New Zealand observed two minutes of silence Tuesday in memory of the victims.

7. House of Dior: Swift Response to Designer's Anti-Semitic Rant
by Maayana Miskin 
Top Designer's Anti-Semitic Rant

John Galliano, one of the world's top fashion designers, has been suspended from his job with the Christian Dior label over alleged anti-Semitic and racist verbal assaults. A video is circulating online in which Galliano tells two women, “I love Hitler.”

The story began with a confrontation between Galliano and a man and woman at the La Perle restaurant in Paris. During the fight he told the woman, “Dirty Jew, you should be dead,” and said to the man, “Asian *******, I'm going to kill you.” The incident led to a police investigation.

The Dior company responded quickly, announcing Galliano's suspension just hours later. “The House of Dior confirms, with the greatest firmness, its policy of zero tolerance for any anti-Semitic or racist comments.”

Galliano's lawyer termed the suspension “totally disproportionate,” claiming that Galliano “never made an anti-Semitic remark in more than 10 years at Dior” and had simply been responding to insults. However, since then more allegations have surfaced, including a video in which Galliano is shown telling two women, “I love Hitler,” adding, “People like you ought to be dead, your mothers, your forefathers would all be ****ing gassed.” The video was shot at the La Perle restaurant by a friend of the women.

A fourth woman has alleged anti-Semitic abuse as well. None of the four women is Jewish, however, it is believed that Galliano thought they were.

Controversy at the Oscars

Galliano's anti-Semitism created controversy at the Oscars, where some actresses wore Dior gowns despite the controversy, while others did not. Israeli-born Jewish-American actress Natalie Portman did not wear Dior, despite having recently signed on as the face of Dior's Miss Dior Cherie perfume.

Portman, who won the coveted “Best Actress” award, did not immediately respond to questions about her choice of gown. However, she later went on record as “deeply shocked and disgusted” by Galliano's remarks.

“In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way,” she continued. “I hope at the very least, these terrible comments remind us to reflect and act upon combating these still-existing prejudices that are the opposite of all that is beautiful.”

8. Iran: We Have the Right to be in the Mediterranean
by Chana Ya'ar 
Iran: Okay in Mediterranean Sea

Iran contends that its military vessels are legally entitled to sail in the Mediterranean Sea under international law. 

The Islamic Republic's Navy Commander, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, praised the flotilla of two vessels to Iranian naval personnel in the Syrian port of Lazeqiyya Sunday night. 

Sayyari claimed the Khark and the Alvand were on a mission to convey a message of “peace and friendship” to Islamic and regional states and strengthen ties among countries, according to the state-run FARS news agency. 

The Khark carries a crew of 250 and three helicopters. The Alvand is armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, the news agency reported. 

Both Israel and the United States have expressed grave concerns about the Iranian vessels and their presence in the Mediterranean.   

Iran has said the two ships will be docked at the Syrian port for a year-long training program.


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