Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 20 June 2011
Sivan 18, 5771 · June 20, 2011
This Week's Features Printable Magazine
By Miriam Karp
Sitting and bemoaning my loss, after the initial grief period, isn't going to get me anywhere. It's time to move on, I know...

By S.L. Weinstock
In a state of shock immediately following the crash, I did not remember being pregnant, having two other children who were in the car, or being married. I felt like I was sixteen, without any responsibility to anyone but myself . . .

By Doreen Winter

By Faigie Goodman

By Yamin Benchimol
Here is a top-10 pre-summer checklist to help families get ready for vacationing...

What We Can Learn from the Athletes
At times they would just wobble, catching themselves and recorrecting. Other times they flat out fell, skidding across the ice until they could stabilize. But no matter how hard the fall, the same thing would always happen. They would get right back up...

By Sara Esther Crispe