Rearranging the Captains' Chairs
The latest census figures reveal that millions of Americans are struggling to get by, write Neera Tanden, Heather Boushey, and Melissa Boteach. They should be a wake-up call for Congress to act quickly.More: Census Data Underscore the Urgency of Enacting Job-Creation Measures

- 1.
- U.S. Missiles, Hundreds More Troops Slated For Romania From: Rick Rozoff
- 2.
- Poland: U.S. Air Force In Exercise As Air Base Massively Expanded From: Rick Rozoff
- 3.
- Africa's Shame: NATO-Serving Uncle Toms From: Rick Rozoff
- 4.
- NATO-Conducts 12-Nation Combat Exercise In Indiana From: Rick Rozoff
- 5.
- Video: Ten Years On, NATO At War In Afghan Capital From: Rick Rozoff
- 6.
- Afghan Official Hints At American Bases In Country From: Rick Rozoff
- 7.
- Ex-NATO Envoy: State Department Applauds Turkey's War Against Kurds From: Rick Rozoff
- 8.
- Canadian Firms, NATO Allies Reap Fruit Of Libyan Bombardment From: Rick Rozoff
- 9.
- South Africa To Host African Union Meeting On Libya From: Rick Rozoff
- 10.
- U.S. Envoy Not Pleased With Brazil, India, South Africa On UNSC From: Rick Rozoff
- 11.
- Libya: 22,578 NATO Air Missions, 8,471 Combat Sorties From: Rick Rozoff
- 12.
- U.S., Turkey Sign Agreement On Interceptor Missile Radar Deployment From: Rick Rozoff
- 13.
- U.S./NATO Missiles In Romania: Countdown To New Arms Race? From: Rick Rozoff
- 14.
- Leading Russian MP: START Treaty At Risk From: Rick Rozoff
- 15.
- 2012 Decisive Year For NATO Integration: Georgian Foreign Ministry From: Rick Rozoff
- 16.
- NATO Welcomes Deployment Of Interceptor Missiles In Romania From: Rick Rozoff
- 17.
- Russia Opposes Militarization Of Arctic, "Mini-NATO" In North From: Rick Rozoff
------------------------------------------------------------------------ BERLIN RIFT ON DEBT CRISIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Merkel Muzzling Coalition Critics to Gain Time German Chancellor Angela Merkel has tried to bring her coalition partners back in line following rogue comments on a possible Greek bankruptcy and exit from the euro zone. She is desperate to restore calm in her ranks to avoid exacerbating the crisis and to gain time to prepare for worst-case scenarios.,1518,786164,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEIJING AS THE EURO'S SAVIOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Europe and China Bound by Mutual Fears While a hard-up America can only admonish those involved in the euro crisis, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is offering to be the savior. Beijing's price: more political credit and economic power. The EU must not be intimidated, however -- its bargaining position is better than it may seem at first.,1518,786287,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A SLOW FAREWELL TO FOSSIL FUELS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Electric Car Revolution Remains a Distant Prospect The Frankfurt Motor Show is devoting an entire exhibition hall to electric mobility this year -- but truly marketable electric vehicles are conspicuous by their absence. The technology is being developed more slowly than expected. It will be a long time before the world can bid farewell to the combustion engine.,1518,786060,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Cars of the Future Unveiled at Frankfurt Show Frankfurt Motor Show: Confident German Carmakers Flex Their Muscles,1518,786221,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANKFURT MOTOR SHOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Confident German Carmakers Flex Their Muscles Some 100 new car models are being unveiled at the Frankfurt International Motor Show, where Germany's carmakers in particular are brimming with confidence thanks to booming global sales. The focus is on small vehicles, electric and hybrid technology and prototypes for new 'microcars.',1518,786221,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE NEW FACE OF DEUTSCHE BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anshu Jain Mixes Success and Controversy Anshu Jain, the future CEO of Deutsche Bank, represents both the bank's greatest successes and its biggest excesses. In the United States, the German institution is viewed as one of the main culprits behind the financial crisis -- one of the reasons the Indian-born financier must first prove to many at the bank that he is the right choice.,1518,785834,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ERDOGAN'S 'DANGEROUS MACHO POSTURING' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EU Politicians Slam Turkey's Anti-Israel Course Turkey's prime minister is keen to position himself as a leader in efforts to rebuild the Arab world. At the same time, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has grown aggressive in his verbal attacks on Israel. European Union politicians are now criticizing the Turkish leader, calling for a more moderate tone.,1518,786204,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Merkel's Coalition 'Is a Pure Marriage of Convenience' Chancellor Merkel's junior coalition partners, the unpopular Free Democrats, have taken to openly defying her, refusing to quiet discussion of a possible Greek default. On Wednesday, German commentators speculate that the rebellion is a ploy by FDP leader Philipp Rösler to regain voter support.,1518,786229,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WWII REPARATIONS CASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'Germany Doesn't Feel Obliged to Pay More' This week The Hague addresses a dispute over whether Italian courts can skirt German sovereignty in demanding reparations for Nazi war crimes. In an interview with SPIEGEL Online, victims' lawyer Martin Klingner discusses the implications of the case for his clients and future international war reparations.,1518,786216,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAUCY SCHNAPPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firm Wins Battle to Register F-Word as Trademark A German company has won its court battle to register the F-word as a trademark. The brand name of its "Ficken" schnapps will now enjoy legal protection. The term may be in poor taste, but it may soon be used to market spirits and other drinks.,1518,786190,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soldiering On,1518,786286,00.html#ref=nlint