Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 2 September 2011

Global Defence Technology Magazine

Global Defence Technology - Out Now
In this issue we take a look at the technology and driving forces behind NATO's missile defence shield project. We also investigate innovations in ammunition and fuses, look behind the scenes on the flight deck, and find out how new operational requirements are shaping the future of naval communications.

> Click here to read your free copy
Industry Research

Sustainability Management in the Defense Industry 2010-12
ICD Research's latest report, 'Sustainability Management in the Defense Industry 2010-12', identified that only a minority of defence ministries consider carbon emissions as a selection criterion for sustainable procurement, a viewpoint that is shared by 78% of military and civil defence contractors and consultancy, IT and other service providers.
White Papers

Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Foreign Countries: Issues for Congress
This paper claims that the US has, through domestic laws as well as foreign policies, ensured that ostensibly peaceful nuclear commerce does not aid nuclear weapons programmes.

The nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and economic sanctions still continue to play a role in stemming nuclear proliferation.

This report begins with a brief overview of the global nuclear power industry, including the possessors of enrichment and reprocessing technology and then describes the state of the US nuclear industry, particularly its dependence on both international trade and foreign suppliers.

Press Releases


IVECO Light Multirole Vehicle, Bolzano, Italy
The IVECO Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV) is a flagship product of the IVECO manufacturing facility in Bolzano, Italy. It is a four-wheel-drive purpose-built military vehicle in service with various countries.

Tomorrow's world for the front line soldier
The soldier of the future can expect to be equipped with the latest in surveillance, protection and life-saving technology. uncovers some of the advancements being made as armies worldwide prepare for their prospective future soldier programmes.