Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: If one wants to fight terror, first one needs to create terror...

Monday, 12 September 2011

If one wants to fight terror,
first one needs to create terror...


Sept 11 ArchiveThe Day The Bush War on Terror Began
Ed. Note /by Debbie Menon, James Wall identifies the distortion and deception completely...

vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - September 12, 2011
nurseryVeterans Today
Veterans Greenhouse and Gardens Program
killers run freeGordon Duff
Savagery: 9/11's Legacy of Crime
auschwitzTrowbridge Ford
Background To Norwegian Massacre: Auschwitz Entrance Sign Theft
department of veterans affairsRobert Rosebrock
VA Tortures Homeless Veterans
This painting (circa 1872) by John Gast called American Progress, is an allegorical representation of the modernization of the new west. Here Columbia, a personification of the United States, leads civilization westward with American settlers, stringing telegraph wire as she sweeps west; she holds a school book. The different stages of economic activity of the pioneers are highlighted and, especially, the changing forms of transportation. Native Americans and animals flee in terror.Veterans Today
Manifest Destiny to PNAC
plus-johnson2Ed Mattson
Suicide: The War on Poverty...Poverty won!
911 Ten Years After
Palestinian-Statehood1Stephen Lendman
Palestinian Statehood: Now's the Time
911-bushJohnny Punish
9/11: The Day After the 10 Year Anniversary
Veterans News Now : 9/11 Memorial Plaza in NYC Opens to Public
Veterans News Now : Al-Qa'ida, and the Myth Behind the War on Terrorism
Chuck Palazzo : Agent Orange and Our Legacy of Chemical Warfare
Veterans News Now : Rick Perry Pulls Post-Confab Surprise for Attendees at God's Event
Veterans News Now : Supercommittee Members Plan Corporate Fundraisers Amid Public Sector Cuts
Veterans News Now : Huge truck bomb injures 77 Americans at base in Afghanistan
Veterans News Now : Justice for Women Veterans
Veterans News Now : US anti-war veterans in their own words
Glenn McBride : Americas Finest Heroes and Americas Foulest Swine
Economy Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World ZPicks
Veterans Today
Canadians Seek to Arrest George W. Bush Oct. 20
An upcoming planned speaking engagement in Canada by former President George W. Bush is again generating a wave of protest. Bush is reportedly scheduled to speak on October 20th at a gathering in Surrey, British Columbia hosted by Surrey Mayor Diane Watts. »»
Veterans Today
Spy Comedy: CIA/Israeli Funded Group Creates Phony Terror Website - Germans Bust Them As Al Qaeda
Wannabe jihadists were supported by the SITE Intelligence Group, run by Rita Katz an Israeli analyst and former soldier of the IDF. SITE offers "breaking news, articles and analysis of the jihadist threat" and is famous of providing Al-Qaeda videos of dubious provenance. »»
Jim W. Dean
It is Midnight - Another 9-11 Day is Over
A betrayed country goes to sleep once again »»
AFIO_911_Jim W Dean
moral victory
Michael Farrell
Tiocfaidh ár lá--The Moral Victory
Normally, I hate moral victories. But this is a weird day and a weird week and a weird time. I'm still struggling to make enough sense out of what I think about current affairs let alone recent history to write intelligibly. But, Ireland, ranked 6 in the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand, beat the US today 22-10. However, the Green are probably wondering a little bit... »»
Sherwood Ross
Was President Bush Complicit In 9/11?
Was President George W. Bush complicit in the 9/11 attacks? That's a question that will not go away on this 10th anniversary of those terrible events. »»
Desecration of the American Veteran
Robert Rosebrock
Homeless Female Veteran Outside West LA VA
It's 9-11 weekend and we're honoring our Troops and Veterans who served over the past decade. BS! What a disgrace our government has become, particularly the Department of Veterans Affairs. »»
Tom Valentine
Col. Fletcher Prouty, Witness to Power, History, and Corruption
Radio Free America broadcasts were a Smorgasbord for anyone sick and tired of fascist chicanery in our government, and I was lucky to have guests with first hand experience most of the time. »»
Col. Fletcher Prouty
Russians Recalculate MidEast Moves
Jim W. Dean
Russians Rethinking Shifting Sands in the Mid East
Eric Walberg has a treasure trove of Russian geo-political archive material with a great piece below. »»
Gordon Duff
Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War
The total destruction of Israel, something used by the Zionist lobby to bilk the US out of billions for years, is no longer a dream, it is inevitable. The only question is "when?" With it a limited world war may emerge with some surprises in store. »»
American Mythology, "Cover and Deception"
Gordon Duff
9/11: Cover and Deception, the Phony Hijackers
Ten years after 9/11, with the Pentagon missile proven, with the controlled demolition of Building 7 proven, the media, as instructed, is following a "cover and deception" story that began long ago, the mythology about the 9/11 "hijackers." »»

Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won't Find On CNN
September 11, 2011

Who Will You Trust For Your News and Information?
ICH is Dedicated to Promoting Peace Through Awareness    

Each One Teach One 
I believe it is the responsibility and duty of every person to assist in the relief and eradication of physical suffering whether created by sickness, hunger, war, ignorance or greed. 

I ask your assistance in achieving this through educating and informing the general public and promoting rationality, compassion and respect for others.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Meade ~   

Please help - Act now! Click the link below
Please provide whatever you can- $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100- To Use your debit/credit card or check click here:  

or if you prefer to send a check or money order, Information Clearing House, PO Box 365 Imperial Beach, CA 91933. USA.  

Low income readers: DON'T send money, just encourage others to subscribe.

To all who have assisted in the past. Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Peace and Joy. Tom Feeley

"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell


Take The Pledge
"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,792

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,711


Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001


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Explosive Wikileaks US Cable:
Al Jazeera Deletes Content that Disturb US Government
By Guest Post
A confidential US cables from US embassy in Doha, reveals that Al Jazeera Managing Director Wadah Khanfar has agreed to US government request to delete and altar website content that "disturb" the US government.


The Predicament of the Syrian Opposition
By Mostafa Zein
Now that Medvedev announced he was standing alongside the regime and accused the opposition of being involved in terrorism, the latter must seek an alternative for foreign intervention.


9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.


Does 9/11 Truth Have A Chance?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The emotional needs of the population produced by government propaganda overwhelms science, evidence, and facts.


The Truth About 9/11 Truthers
By Ted Rall
I know that most 9/11 Truther narratives don't make sense.


The Terrorism Issue that Wasn't Discussed
By Gareth Porter
Absent from the torrent of opinion and analysis was any mention of how the U.S. military occupation of Muslim lands and wars that continue to kill Muslim civilians fuel jihadist sentiment that will keep the threat of terrorism high for many years to come.


A Date in Common Between Chile and USA "911".
Description of the 'fall"of Chile's government in the '70s.


One-Eyed Men In The World Of The Blind
By Professor Lawrence Davidson
There is an interesting phenomenon which we can call "the political retiree's confession."


White Hats
Americans' Incapacity for Self-reflection Bodes Ill For The World
By Daniel Patrick Welch
Libya is the latest ticket punch on America's Trip to Hell on the Installment Plan.


World Markets Tumble as Clouds gather over Eurozone
By Mike Whitney
3 years after Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, the global economy is now facing a second and more lethal financial crisis that threatens to tear-apart the battered eurozone and drag the world economy back into recession.


Where from Here?
Mushrooms - keep 'em in the dark and feed them crap...
By Mark Braund
Since education was made accessible to the masses - in theory a good thing - it's purpose has been to 'socialise' people: to teach them certain life skills, but not encourage them to think too deeply about society and its inherent injustices.


Yahoo Warns Against Information Clearing House Newsletter
America's Moment in the Sun Has Come and Gone
By ICH Reader
The American People are no longer interested in anyone other than themselves.


Government loyalists forces kill 15 rebels at Libya oil refinery:
Libyan government forces attacked an oil refinery, killing 15 rebel guards, on Monday, in an apparent attempt to disrupt a drive by Libya's new rulers to seize the ousted leader's last bastions and revive the oil-based economy.


Despite NATO Bombing Libyan Government Troops Stall Rebel Attack: :
The protracted battle over the loyalist bastions of Bani Walid and Sirte, Gadhafi's hometown, has dashed hopes of a speedy "declaration of liberation" .


Gadaffi: 'Imperialists cannot conquer Libya':
Gaddafi's message, which was read on Syria's al-Rai TV on Monday, accused revolutionary fighters of surrendering the oil-rich country to foreign occupiers.


Tension rises between rebel and civilian leaders in Libya:
The dispute over a plan to bring rebel fighters under civilian authority involves Mahmoud Jibril, who serves as a kind of interim prime minister, and rebel commander Abdel-Hakim Belhaj.


Torture - inflicted at the hands of the rebels:
Tortured prisoners are a familiar sight in Libyan jails but the captive at Jdeibah prison in Tripoli was no victim of Colonel Gaddafi's regime, but a prisoner of those who now control the Libyan capital.


What a load of bull:
US puts 4 troops on ground in Libya:
The Defense Department says it has four troops in Libya - only the second time since the U.S. became involved there that it has acknowledged having any military personnel on the ground.

The UN Was An Accomplice To Nato Aggression On Libya:
At the behest of the Western powers, led by America, the UN has jettisoned its own aims and principles as these powers sought to dominate the rest of the world in pursuit of their hegemonic and predatory ambitions.


10 killed northern province of Syria: :
'At least ten people were killed in Jabal al Zawiya in the Idlib province,' Omar Idlibi, the spokesman for the Local Coordination Committees (LCC), told the German Press Agency dpa. The LCC is an umbrella group that helps organize and document protests across Syria.


Assad aide says 1,400 killed in Syria violence:
Some 1,400 people, including 700 army and security officials, have been killed in the violence in Syria, a top aide to President Bashar al-Assad said Monday.


Medvedev tells Cameron to go slow on Syria:
 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told British Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday it would be a mistake to put more pressure on Syria's regime for its crackdown on the opposition.


Syria may buy more Russian air defense systems:
Syria has shown interest in buying a whole range of advanced Russian air defense systems, a source in the Russian defense industry told RIA Novosti on Monday.


US Kills Another 5 People In Pakistan:
Five persons were killed and some others sustained injuries in a US drone attack on a house and a vehicle at Hasukhel village in Mir Ali subdivision in North Waziristan on Sunday, tribal sources said.


A killing machine called CIA: .
The CIA's drone attacks in Pakistan have killed a lot more innocent people than it does in more mundane day-to-day butchery, but the plain fact is that it has always been in the business of killing, and always will be.


US May Have Benefited From Pakistani Journalist's Torture / Murder:
The reporter's beating and murder (allegedly at the hands of Pakistan's army intelligence service, the ISI) could have produced information that led to the death of Al Qaeda leader Ilyas Kashmiri in a drone strike four days after Shahzad's body was found:


9/11 gave US a chance to achieve goals in region: Afghan Official:
"The US has no plan to eliminate Al Qaeda and Taliban, liberate Afghanistan or establish a democracy here," he said. Afghanistan's crucial geographical location makes it strategically important to the US. Manli said it was the time for Afghans to take advantage of the situation.


Five dead in southeast Turkey after Kurdish attacks:
Kurdish rebels attacked a police station and a paramilitary police headquarters near Turkey's border with Iraq, killing five people, including three civilians, the region's governor said Monday.


Report: US considers basing Predators in Turkey: -
The U.S. and Turkey are discussing how to continue cooperation against terrorist targets in northern Iraq after U.S. forces leave Iraq in December, including the possibility of basing Predator drones in Turkey, a U.S. official said Sunday.


5 Killed in Mogadishu Bombing, Soldier Shoots Famine Victims:
At least 5 people were killed Friday in Mogadishu, two days after 7 civilians were killed by Somali government soldiers opened fire at a food aid distribution center, Radio Garowe reports.


2 Yemeni soldiers killed by roadside bomb :
Two Yemeni soldiers were killed and four wounded Sunday by a roadside bomb blast in southern Yemen


Yemen's president authorizes deputy to sign power transfer but retains right to reject deal:
Yemen's president has delegated his vice president to negotiate with the opposition over a long-standing power transfer deal, apparently stalling again in the face of international pressure on him to step aside.


War criminal says:
 'Iran poses biggest threat to US':
Chairwoman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) Frances Townsend says Iran represents the biggest strategic threat to the US.


Russia ready to help Iran build N-plants:
Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko says Russia will continue its nuclear cooperation with the Iranian government and is ready to assist Tehran in the construction of other nuclear power plants, Press TV reports.


Iran tells UN it will hit back at any attack:
Iran warned it would "not hesitate" to hit back following a foreign strike on its soil in a formal complaint to the United Nations over a warning from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


War criminal says:
Decade after 9/11, Iran must not get nukes:
Israel's prime minister says a decade after the Sept. 11 attacks, Iran's nuclear program must be stopped and that the possibility of extremists getting atomic weapons is a real threat.


Israel pre-empts Obama:
Jewish Dems tout PM's gratitude to Obama:
Netanyahu thanks US president for loyalty in opposing PA statehood bid at the United Nations, military, economic, security cooperation.


Poll: EU's leading countries support Palestinian statehood bid in UN:
Survey conducted on behalf of Avaaz political web movement shows significant majority of citizens supports recognition of future Palestinian state in Germany, France, and U.K.


Guantanamo: Global Symbol of State Terror:
Guantanamo Bay prison has become a universal symbol of unlawful detention, daily abuse, and fatal torture.


Euro exit could cost €45,000 for each family:
THE cost of Ireland leaving the euro could be as much as €45,000 per family in the first year, according to research report for clients of giant Swiss investment bank UBS.

Bank of America to slash 30,000 jobs:
Bank of America has announced that it will cut some 30,000 jobs, roughly 10% of its total workforce, as part of a broader plan to reduce its expenses.


The Four Horsemen:
Understanding we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 thinkers, advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how the world really works.


'Culturomics' Predicted The Arab Revolutions-And Now It Predicts Global Unrest:
Through a computerized analysis of news reports, researchers claim they can forecast major human events


The More Americans That Go On Food Stamps The More Money JP Morgan Makes:
JP Morgan has contracted to provide food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. JP Morgan is paid for each case that it handles, so that means that the more Americans that go on food stamps, the more profits JP Morgan makes.

"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley

RFE/RL Headlines
9/12/2011 7:17:03 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

RFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at


For Some Returning U.S. Veterans, It's A Hard Road Back For Some Returning U.S. Veterans, It's A Hard Road Back
America has now been at war for the longest period in its history; nearly 11 years in Afghanistan and more than eight years in Iraq. More
Turkey Moves To Reconcile With Non-Muslim Minorities Turkey Moves To Reconcile With Non-Muslim Minorities
Turkey's government vows to restitute hundreds of properties to members of its non-Muslim minorities. The decades-old seizures are a poignant symbol of the troubles facing those groups, and the decision is being seen as ground-breaking. More

U.K. PM: Litvinenko Case No Barrier To Russia Ties U.K. PM: Litvinenko Case No Barrier To Russia Ties
British Prime Minister David Cameron has acknowledged "difficulties" in relations between London and Moscow but says the two can overcome their differences. More
From Our Bureaus

Afghan Children Being Sold Into Forced Labor Afghan Children Being Sold Into Forced Labor
Endemic poverty in parts of Afghanistan is forcing many poor families to sell their children in order to survive. More
Chechnya Unveils State Symphony Orchestra Chechnya Unveils State Symphony Orchestra
The new Chechen State Symphony Orchestra has performed its first concert in Grozny after an absence of some 15 years. More
Thousands Attend Armenian Church Mass In Turkey Thousands Attend Armenian Church Mass In Turkey
Thousands of ethnic Armenians attended a Mass held in a medieval Armenian cathedral in southeastern Turkey for the second time since its renovation in 2007. More
Oldest Moscow Mosque Razed Oldest Moscow Mosque Razed
Moscow authorities have demolished the Central Mosque, the Russian capital's oldest. More
Ukrainian President In Turkmenistan To Promote Economic Ties Ukrainian President In Turkmenistan To Promote Economic Ties
Ukrainian experts say the purpose of President Viktor Yanukovych's two-day visit to Turkmenistan is to boost bilateral economic ties centered on natural-gas deliveries. More
Turkmen Officials Ban Students From Studies In Tajikistan Turkmen Officials Ban Students From Studies In Tajikistan
Hundreds of Turkmen students enrolled at universities in Tajikistan have been barred by Turkmenistan's Migration Service from returning to resume their studies. More
Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress Obama Sends Jobs Bill To Congress
U.S. President Barack Obama has sent Congress a bill that he says will create thousands of American jobs through a mix of tax cuts, public works projects, and aid to state and local governments. More
Kyrgyz Ex-Leader 'Provoked Clashes' Kyrgyz Ex-Leader 'Provoked Clashes'
Bishkek Mayor Isa Omurkulov has said in court that people associated with former President Kurmanbek Bakiev distributed weapons to antigovernment protesters last year in order to "provoke deadly clashes." More
Belarus Urged To Release Activist Belarus Urged To Release Activist
Lawyers representing jailed Belarusian youth activist Zmitser Dashkevich have urged the Interior Ministry to approve his "conditional release." More
Presidential Hopefuls Fail Kyrgyz Test Presidential Hopefuls Fail Kyrgyz Test
Four would-be Kyrgyz presidential candidates have failed the mandatory Kyrgyz-language test since testing began last week. More
Kyrgyz Parents Plan HIV Protest Kyrgyz Parents Plan HIV Protest
The parents of some 40 Kyrgyz children infected with HIV through tainted blood transfusions are planning a mass protest. More
Caucasus Report

Armenian Election Commission Chairman Dies Armenian Election Commission Chairman Dies
Armenian Central Election Commission Chairman Garegin Azarian died of a heart attack on September 9 at the age of 50, just days after the publication by WikiLeaks of diplomatic correspondence alleging that the results of the February 2008 presidential ballot were falsified. More

Yanukovych's Selective Use Of Justice Yanukovych's Selective Use Of Justice
Barring an unlikely reprieve, it now looks certain former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko can expect a lengthy prison sentence. Yet prison bars will not silence her or those campaigning for freedom and democracy in Ukraine; a realization that is now dawning on authoritarian President Viktor Yanukovych. More


'We Did Exactly What Al-Qaida Wanted Us to Do'
Former FBI agent Ali Soufan successfully interrogated captured Islamist
terrorists after 9/11 without resorting to "enhanced' techniques. In a
SPIEGEL interview, he revealed how he got jihadists to talk using tea
and trucker magazines and explained how 9/11 could have been prevented.,1518,785558,00.html#ref=nlint


'Germans Will Have to Pay'
In a SPIEGEL interview, former German finance minister Peer Steinbrück,
64, now a prominent member of the opposition Social Democratic Party,
argues for a complete overhaul of Europe's currency union -- one that
would include euro bonds, strict rules and harsh sanctions.,1518,785704,00.html#ref=nlint


Germany Plans for Possible Greek Default
The rest of the euro zone is losing patience with Greece. German Finance
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is no longer convinced that Athens can be
saved from bankruptcy. His experts at the Finance Ministry have been
working on scenarios exploring what would happen if Greece left the euro
zone. By SPIEGEL Staff.,1518,785690,00.html#ref=nlint


Jürgen Stark's Resignation Is Setback for Merkel
The chief economist of the European Central Bank, Jürgen Stark, resigned
on Friday, apparently over his opposition to the ECB's bond-buying
program. The loss is embarrassing for Chancellor Angela Merkel, coming
just months after the resignation of Axel Weber as Bundesbank president.,1518,785668,00.html#ref=nlint


Germans 'Irresponsible' to Think Aloud About Greek Default
Greece outlined fresh budget cuts this weekend, but some members of the
German government in Berlin are nonetheless speaking openly about the
possibility of a Greek default and the country's departure from the
euro. German media commentators say doubts about Athens' reform pledges
are justified, but that an insolvency is far riskier than
providing loans.,1518,785743,00.html#ref=nlint


Israel Fears Complete Isolation
Israel's relations with Turkey are ruined, the Palestinians plan to seek
UN recognition for their own state, the embassy in Cairo was stormed:
Jerusalem is under massive pressure. Even hard-line Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu is starting to sound conciliatory.,1518,785845,00.html#ref=nlint


German Minister Urges Government to Quit Facebook
Germany's minister for consumer protection has urged her cabinet
colleagues to shun Facebook amid data protection fears. She warned of
"justified legal doubts" about the social networking site.,1518,785712,00.html#ref=nlint


Governor Perry's Death Mission
In Texas, Steven Michael Woods is slated for execution on Tuesday,
despite considerable doubts about his guilt. The inmate is fighting to
have his sentence commuted, but his chances are diminishing. State
Governor Rick Perry is considered a champion of the death penalty.,1518,785821,00.html#ref=nlint


Alleged Connections to Afghanistan
Police arrested two terror suspects in Berlin last week on the
suspicion they might be planning an attack. Now SPIEGEL has learned that
the two men reportedly had ties to a Berlin group that supports militant
groups in Afghanistan. One may have received training at a terror camp.,1518,785806,00.html#ref=nlint


Weathering the Storm,1518,785844,00.html#ref=nlint

RFE/RL Central Asia Report
9/12/2011 4:41:00 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the five countries of Central Asia.

For more stories on Central Asia, please visit and bookmark our Central Asia page .

Kyrgyz Ex-Leader 'Provoked Clashes' Kyrgyz Ex-Leader 'Provoked Clashes'
Bishkek Mayor Isa Omurkulov has said in court that people associated with former President Kurmanbek Bakiev distributed weapons to antigovernment protesters last year in order to "provoke deadly clashes." More
Presidential Hopefuls Fail Kyrgyz Test Presidential Hopefuls Fail Kyrgyz Test
Four would-be Kyrgyz presidential candidates have failed the mandatory Kyrgyz-language test since testing began last week. More
Southern Kyrgyz Village To Judge Criminals Southern Kyrgyz Village To Judge Criminals
People in a southern Kyrgyz village say they will handle criminal cases by themselves after being frustrated by local police and courts. More
Almaty Demo Supports Oil Workers
Around a dozen activists in Kazakhstan’s largest city Almaty have expressed their solidarity with striking oil workers and mourned two deaths in the western region of Manghystau. More
As Tajikistan Celebrates Its Independence, Let's Recall What The President Won't As Tajikistan Celebrates Its Independence, Let's Recall What The President Won't
The five Central Asian states are marking 20 years of independence this year. The leaders of the five will use their independence days to speak of the great accomplishments they've made since the collapse of the Soviet Union -- some genuine and some exaggerated. More
Striking Oil Workers' Activist In West Kazakhstan Detained Striking Oil Workers' Activist In West Kazakhstan Detained
An activist for striking oil workers in western Kazakhstan is reported to have been detained today. More
Bishkek Protesters Block Central Street Bishkek Protesters Block Central Street
Some 50 inhabitants of a settlement near Bishkek have blocked a central street in the Kyrgyz capital, in the latest such protest demanding utilities for settlements on the fringes of the city. More
New Uniforms For Kazakh Prisoners New Uniforms For Kazakh Prisoners
Kazakh authorities have introduced new color-coded uniforms for prison inmates which they say will make it easier to catch escaped convicts. More
Turkmen Children Must Give Family Info Turkmen Children Must Give Family Info
School children in Turkmenistan are being required to fill out a form that gives information on immediate family members going back three generations. More
Reputed Kyrgyz Crime Boss Said Freed From U.A.E. Detention Reputed Kyrgyz Crime Boss Said Freed From U.A.E. Detention
The lawyer for a Kyrgyz national on a U.S. list of global drug kingpins says his client has been released from a detention center in the United Arab Emirates. More
Kyrgyz Politician Testifies That Bakiev Knew About Deadly Shootings Kyrgyz Politician Testifies That Bakiev Knew About Deadly Shootings
A Kyrgyz political leader said in court on September 6 that former President Kurmanbek Bakiev was "aware" of the deadly shootings during clashes between protesters and security forces in 2010. More
Tajikistan Under The Russian Security Umbrella Tajikistan Under The Russian Security Umbrella
The deal is done. Russia's military presence in Tajikistan is there to stay -- at least for another 49 years. Now the question is what Dushanbe can get for allowing Moscow to extend leases on its bases on Tajik soil. More
Khodorkovsky, Tymoshenko Revive Old Tradition Of Prison Correspondence Khodorkovsky, Tymoshenko Revive Old Tradition Of Prison Correspondence
The recent publications of letters and columns by high-profile prisoners Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Yulia Tymoshenko have resurrected interest in the importance of prison correspondence. Methods of communication have become more sophisticated since the Soviet era, when political prisoners' writings were closely scrutinized and rarely published. But even with the growing reach of Facebook and Twitter, the impact of the printed word in traditional media is still proving surprisingly powerful. More
Bishkek Protesters Demand Property Legalization, Utilities Bishkek Protesters Demand Property Legalization, Utilities
Some 100 people picketed the Kyrgyz government building on September 6 to demand infrastructure for a settlement near Bishkek where they live. More
Kyrgyz Presidential Hopefuls To Take Language Tests Kyrgyz Presidential Hopefuls To Take Language Tests
The Kyrgyz Central Election Commission (BSK) says mandatory Kyrgyz-language tests for potential presidential candidates will begin on September 7. More
Kazakh Prison Death 'Due To Beatings' Kazakh Prison Death 'Due To Beatings'
Another inmate has died suspiciously at a notorious penitentiary in central Kazakhstan where rights activists say prisoners are abused. More
New Kyrgyz Liberal Party Established New Kyrgyz Liberal Party Established
A Kyrgyz political group led by foreign-educated activists has announced the formation of the Kyrgyz Liberal Democratic Party. More
Uzbeks Deport Retired Tajik Journalist Uzbeks Deport Retired Tajik Journalist
A retired Tajik journalist says he has been deported from Uzbekistan on spurious grounds. More
Tajik Border Guards Dogged By Animal Neglect Allegations Tajik Border Guards Dogged By Animal Neglect Allegations
Did Tajik border guards screw the pooch when it comes to the war on drugs? The suggestion that sniffer dogs provided by the United States may have been sold off certainly has Tajik officials on the defensive. More
Tajik Journalist Forgives Assailants Tajik Journalist Forgives Assailants
A Tajik newspaper editor who was attacked on his way to an end of Ramadan celebration says that he has met and forgiven his assailants. More
Turkmen Get New 'Spiritual Guidebook' Turkmen Get New 'Spiritual Guidebook'
Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov will soon release a new "spiritual guidebook" for the country that will replace the long-used "Rukhnama" (Book of the Soul) of his predecessor. More
Bakiev Nephews Caught On Border Bakiev Nephews Caught On Border
Former Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiev's nephew has been arrested and charged with using forged documents while trying to leave Kyrgyzstan More
Kyrgyz Demand Belarus Free Activist Kyrgyz Demand Belarus Free Activist
Dozens of Kyrgyz activists have picketed the Belarusian Embassy in Bishkek to demand the release of a prominent Belarusian rights activist jailed in Minsk last month. More
Father's Death In Kyrgyz Custody Compounds Tragedy, Sparks Outrage Father's Death In Kyrgyz Custody Compounds Tragedy, Sparks Outrage
Mamataziz Bizrukov, 63, an ethnic Uzbek, was detained two months ago and charged with murder and robbery during the violent clashes between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz in Osh and Jalal-Abad in June 2010. More

Libya Occupied From: Rick Rozoff
Unending "9/11s": "A Sad Kind of Freedom"� From: Rick Rozoff
Daalder: 9/11 "NATO's Finest Hour," Genesis Of Global Expansion From: Rick Rozoff
Gulf Cooperation Council: Arab World's Eight Monarchies To Unite From: Rick Rozoff
Pakistan: 51 Drone Strikes Kill 455 People In 2011 From: Rick Rozoff
United Nations Accomplice To NATO's Aggression Against Libya From: Rick Rozoff
Afghan Official: U.S. Used 9/11 To Penetrate South And Central Asia From: Rick Rozoff
Report: U.S. To Provide Turkey Drones For Deadly Attacks Inside Iraq From: Rick Rozoff
Pakistan: New Target Of U.S.-NATO South Asian War From: Rick Rozoff
Re: 9/11 And Perpetual War From: pml060912
United Armed Forces Could Make EU Superpower: Polish Party Leader From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Chief, North Atlantic Council To Visit Georgia From: Rick Rozoff
Endless "War On Terror" Or How America Exposed Itself From: Rick Rozoff
Southern Corridor: EU Negotiates Caspian Gas Pipeline Treaty From: Rick Rozoff
Russian Military Chief Warns Of Libya-Syria Scenario In Central Asia From: Rick Rozoff
Pentagon Chief Panetta Brands BRICS National Security Threat From: Rick Rozoff
Cambodia: U.S., Australia To Conduct Trilateral Exercise From: Rick Rozoff
178-Day Air War: 22,342 NATO Sorties, 8,390 Combat Missions From: Rick Rozoff