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Latest News Sep 23, 2011
Palestinian Bid for Statehood Creates Diplomatic Crisis
There are diplomatic and legal consequences for admitting Palestinians to the U.N. with full-member status or even with non-member status.
There are diplomatic and legal consequences for admitting Palestinians to the U.N. with full-member status or even with non-member status.
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Palestinians Protest Over Obama's UN Speech
Around 1,000 Palestinians gathered in the West Bank city of Ramallah on September 22 to protest against U.S. President Barack Obama's speech to the UN. ...
Around 1,000 Palestinians gathered in the West Bank city of Ramallah on September 22 to protest against U.S. President Barack Obama's speech to the UN. ...
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Ahmadinejad Speech Triggers Western Walkout
Diplomats from the US and Europe walked out of the U.N. General Assembly amid a strident address by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Diplomats from the US and Europe walked out of the U.N. General Assembly amid a strident address by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
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Full Text of Ahmadinejad UN Speech: Islamic awakening is evident more than any other time
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that today more than any other time the world is witnessing vast awakening in Muslim countries throughout Asia, Europe and America. ...
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that today more than any other time the world is witnessing vast awakening in Muslim countries throughout Asia, Europe and America. ...
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U.S. Military Chief Says Pakistan 'Exporting Violence' To Afghanistan
US military's outgoing chief Admiral Mike Mullen has accused Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence of actively supporting Haqqani network.
US military's outgoing chief Admiral Mike Mullen has accused Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence of actively supporting Haqqani network.
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Panetta Cites Progress, Challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan
The US and Iraq are in talks to chart military assistance Iraq needs after the pull-out of U.S. troops at the end of the year, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said. ...
The US and Iraq are in talks to chart military assistance Iraq needs after the pull-out of U.S. troops at the end of the year, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said. ...
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The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said conditions in Afghanistan are steadily improving, and that American troops should remain in Iraq to help train the military there. ...
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China Condemns Proposed US-Taiwan Arms Sale
China strongly condemned the latest U.S. plan to sell arms to Taiwan, and is calling on Washington to revoke what it is calling an erroneous decision. ...
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Obama at the United Nations:
The Arrogant Voice of Imperialism
By Bill Van Auken
URL of this article: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=26721
Global Research, September 22, 2011
Obama delivered an empty and arrogant sermon to the United Nations
Wednesday, laced with platitudes about “peace” that were designed to
mask Washington’s predatory policies.
American president received a tepid response from the assembled heads
of state, foreign ministers and UN delegates. Not a single line in his
speech evoked applause. The novelty of two years ago, when Obama made
his first appearance before the body posing as the champion of
multilateral-ism in contrast to Bush, has long since worn off. As the
world quickly learned, changing the occupant of the White House did
little to shift the direction of American foreign policy or curb the
spread of American militarism.
immediate purpose of Obama’s 47-minute address was to supplement a
behind-the-scenes campaign of bullying and intimidation aimed at forcing
the Palestinian Authority to drop its plan to seek a UN Security
Council vote on recognition of Palestine as a sovereign member state.
has vowed to veto any bid for Palestinian statehood if it comes to the
Security Council, a move that would only underscore the real character
of US imperialist policy in the Middle East and the hypocrisy of its
claims to identify with the revolutionary upheavals of the Arab masses.
speech and Obama’s defense of the veto threat served to accomplish the
same purpose, further diminishing the US president’s popularity in the
Arab world. According to a recent poll, his favorable rating in the
region has fallen from roughly 50 percent when he took office to barely
10 percent, even lower than George W. Bush in his second term.
rushed from the podium at the General Assembly hall to a meeting and
joint appearance with Benyamin Netanyahu. The Israeli prime minister
praised Obama’s remarks and made it clear that the two are working on a
joint strategy to muscle Palestine Authority head Mahmoud Abbas into
dropping the statehood bid. It was reported Thursday that there were
efforts to get the Palestinian delegation to make an entirely symbolic
plea for recognition, while agreeing to postpone any vote until after
the resumption of US-brokered negotiations with Israel.
have been two decades of such talks, which have achieved nothing, while
Israel has relentlessly expanded Zionist settlements in the occupied
West Bank and Jerusalem. Since the onset of negotiations in 1991, the
number of settlers has more than doubled, while the West Bank has been
internally divided by settlements, security roads and checkpoints as
well as the apartheid security wall separating it from Israel.
remarks in the UN speech represented an even further accommodation to
Israel compared to his proposal in May for a resumption of talks, which
he then said should be based upon pre-1967 borders with “mutually agreed
swaps.” That statement, which implicitly supported Israel’s demand to
retain existing settlements, merely reiterated the official policy of
the US government since the Clinton administration. Nonetheless, the
mere reference to borders provoked a storm of criticism from Netanyahu,
the Israeli right, and the Republican Party.
his speech to the UN, Obama mentioned neither the 1967 borders nor any
proposal to halt the expansion of settlements on the West Bank. Instead,
he presented the basis for proposed negotiations as: “Israelis must
know that any agreement provides assurances for their security.
Palestinians deserve to know the territorial basis of their state.” As
the rest of the US president’s remarks made clear, both those conditions
are to be dictated by Israel.
behind the scenes US officials are reportedly threatening the
Palestinian Authority with cutting off all US aid if it goes ahead with
the request for recognition, in his speech Obama described a turn to the
UN as a “short cut” that would accomplish nothing.
the role of the institution that he had rhetorically praised at the
outset of his remarks, Obama said, “Peace will not come through
statements and resolutions at the UN—if it were that easy, it would have
been accomplished by now.” Indeed, scores of UN resolutions on the
plight of the Palestinians have been repudiated and ignored by both
Israel and Washington. The US has used its veto in the Security Council
to kill scores more.
responding to the right-wing criticism of Republican presidential
hopefuls, who have denounced him for “throwing Israel under the bus”
with his 1967 borders remark last May, Obama went out of his way to
dismiss the historical grievances of the Palestinian people, while
identifying unconditionally with Israel.
the Palestinians, he said only that they deserved a “sovereign state of
their own” and they “have seen that vision delayed for too long.”
was followed by a declaration that “America’s commitment to Israel’s
security is unshakable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and
enduring.” He continued by describing Israel as a country “surrounded by
neighbors that have waged repeated wars against it,” whose “citizens
have been killed by rockets fired at their houses and suicide bombs on
their buses.” He referred to Israel as a “small country” in a world
“where leaders of much larger nations threaten to wipe it off of the
map.” And he wound up by invoking the Holocaust.
facts cannot be denied,” he said. One would never guess from this
selection of “facts” that some 4 million Palestinians live under the
oppression and constant violence of Israeli occupation, and that another
5 million are refugees, driven from their homeland.
for that matter, would one have any inkling of the constant wars that
“little Israel,” with its elastic borders, has waged against its
neighbors. Among the more recent are the 2006 war against Lebanon, which
left 1,200 civilians dead and much of the country’s infrastructure in
ruins, and the 2008 “Operation Cast Lead,” against Gaza, which claimed
the lives of nearly 1,500 Palestinians, compared to 13 Israelis.
a tone of exasperation, Obama acknowledged that “for many in this
hall,” the Palestinian question was the issue that “stands as a test”
for Washington’s claims to champion human rights and democracy.
reality, however, the rest of the speech proved just as revealing in
terms of the hypocrisy and imperialist interests that pervade
Washington’s policies all over the world.
pretense laid out at the beginning of Obama’s speech was that the US
government is engaged in “the pursuit of peace in an imperfect world.”
The address included a trite refrain, repeated three times: “peace is
out this theme, Obama pointed to the partial troop withdrawals from the
eight-and-a-half-year-old war and occupation in Iraq and the decade-old
war in Afghanistan. He bragged that by the end of the year, only 90,000
US troops will be deployed in these wars.
aim, he said, was to forge an “equal partnership” with Iraq
“strengthened by our support for Iraq—for its government and its
security forces,” and an “enduring partnership” with “the people of
Afghanistan.” He claimed that these changes proved that “the tide of war
is receding.”
rhetoric about “partnership”, however, refers to the plans being
pursued by the White House and the Pentagon to keep US troops, CIA
operatives and American bases in both countries, long past the dates set
for US withdrawal. US imperialism is determined to continue pursuing
the goals that underlay the wars from the outset: hegemonic control over
the strategic energy reserves of the Caspian Basin and the Persian
then preceded to extol the “Arab Spring,” declaring: “One year ago, the
hopes of the people of Tunisia were suppressed... One year ago, Egypt
had known one president for nearly thirty years.”
to say, the American president made no reference as to whose support
had kept the dictators Ben Ali and Mubarak in power for so long, nor to
the current attempts by Washington to salvage the regimes they headed
and suppress the mass popular movements that forced their ouster.
there, he proceeded to praise the NATO war in Libya, declaring that, by
authorizing this imperialist intervention, “the United Nations lived up
to its charter.”
reality, the war represented a fundamental violation of the tenets of
this charter, which proclaimed the “sovereign equality” of all member
states, demanded that all disputes be settled peacefully and insisted
that member states “refrain in their international relations from the
threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political
independence of any state.”
the case of Libya, the US and its NATO allies, proclaiming the threat
of an imminent massacre in Benghazi, procured a resolution authorizing
“all necessary measures” to protect civilians. It utilized this
resolution as a cover for a war of regime change. The NATO powers
carried out thousands of air strikes and sent in special forces troops
to organize, train and arm a “rebel” force for a war that has claimed
the lives of tens of thousands of Libyans. The aim of this war, like
those in Afghanistan and Iraq before it, is domination of strategic
energy reserves—as well as inserting Western military power in the midst
of a region facing revolutionary turmoil.
is how the international community is supposed to work,” Obama declared
in relation to the Libyan operation, calling to mind Lenin’s
description of the League of Nations, the UN’s predecessor, as a
“thieves’ kitchen.”
to uncompleted business and potential imperialist interventions yet to
come, Obama condemned Iran for failing “to recognize the rights of its
own people” and calling for the UN impose new sanctions against Syria.
“Will we stand with the Syrian people, or with their oppressors?” he
the bloody events in Yemen, where over 100 civilians have been
massacred over the past three days, Obama could not completely ignore
the upheavals against US-backed regimes in the region. In Yemen,
however, there was no invocation to stand against oppressors, merely a
call to “seek a path that allows for a peaceful transition.”
more tepid was his reference to Bahrain, the headquarters of the US 5th
Fleet. “America is a close friend of Bahrain,” he declared. Here, where
thousands have been killed, tortured, imprisoned, beaten and fired from
their jobs for demanding democratic rights, he proposed merely a
“meaningful dialogue,” while justifying the repression by suggesting
that Bahrainis were confronting “sectarian forces that would tear them
rest of the speech consisted of a hollow and unconvincing recitation of
the usual platitudes. These included the elimination of nuclear
weapons—with Washington, sitting on the greatest nuclear arsenal in the
world and the only state ever to use such weapons lecturing North Korea
and Iran. He inveighed against poverty and disease and insisted on the
need “not to put off action that a changing climate demands.” Thrown in
were calls for the rights of women as well as gays and lesbians.
the decisive issue facing millions of working people in the US and
across the globe, Obama acknowledged that economic “recovery is
fragile”, that “too many people are out of work” and that “too many are
struggling to get by.” Referring to the multi-trillion-dollar bailout of
the banks, he boasted, “We acted together to avert a depression in
2009” and insisted that “We must take urgent and coordinated action once
as with all the other issues raised in the speech, the American
president had no “coordinated action,” no program, and no policy to
propose. In the final analysis, Obama’s empty rhetoric is a direct
expression of the profound crisis gripping American capitalism and its
ruling financial elite as it confronts economic collapse and the threat
of revolutionary upheaval.
23 settembre 2011
"La scottante domanda di Martin Lutero deve diventare di nuovo la nostra domanda"
Il papa alla Chiesa evangelica di Germania. L'ecumenismo vive e cade sulla questione di Dio e del male. La duplice sfida del protestantesimo "evangelical" e della secolarizzazione. Come ravvivare la fede senza annacquarla"The burning question of Martin Luther must once more become our question too"
The pope to the Evangelical Church of Germany. Ecumenism stands or falls on the question of God and of evil. The twofold challenge of "evangelical" Protestantism and of secularization. How to revive the faith without watering it down"La question brûlante de Martin Luther doit devenir de nouveau notre question"
Le pape à l'Église évangélique d'Allemagne. L'œcuménisme vit et tombe sur la question de Dieu et du mal. Le double défi du protestantisme "evangelical" et de la sécularisation. Comment raviver la foi sans la diluer"La pregunta candente de Martín Lutero debe convertirse otra vez en una pregunta nuestra"
El Papa a la Iglesia evangélica de Alemania. El ecumenismo vive y se plantea la cuestión de Dios y del mal. El doble desafío del protestantismo "evangélico" y de la secularización. Cómo revivir la fe sin diluirlaSTATEMENT
Mexico: Prosecution and Violence Against Twitter Users Must Stop
Freedom of the press in Mexico has dangerously deteriorated over the past year, with regular reports of journalists being killed, and often without proper investigations being conducted into their deaths. This climate of fear and distrust of the authorities has led many Mexican citizens to become increasingly reliant on social media as a source of news. Hashtags have become an important sorting mechanism, and are even considered to be ad hoc news services. Read more >LEGAL ANALYSIS
Cambodia: Draft Law on Access to Information
The Cambodian Draft Law on Access to Information (the "Draft Law") marks a positive step towards the comprehensive protection of the right to freedom of information in Cambodia. Read more >PRESS RELEASE
Pan-Africa: Landmark Regional Declaration Paves Way for Access to Information
ARTICLE 19 welcomes the recent adoption of the African Platform on Access to Information Declaration (APAI). The APAI was released at the inaugural Pan African Conference on Access to Information, held between 17 - 19th September 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa. The landmark declaration was drafted by nine African groups working on freedom of expression, access to information, and the media, including ARTICLE 19. Read more >UPDATE
Singapore: Adoption of Universal Periodic Review Working Group Report
The Working Group Report on Singapore's first Universal Periodic Review (UPR) was adopted on 22 Sept 2011 at the 18th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva. Singapore accepted 84 out of the 112 recommendations made by Member States. Braema Mathiaparanam of MARUAH, Singapore delivered the following oral statement on behalf of ARTICLE 19. Read more >PRESS RELEASE
Brazil: Open Governments Must Start at the National Level
As one of the founding partners of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), the Brazilian government recently co-launched a multilateral initiative aimed at supporting national efforts around the world to promote transparency, fight corruption, strengthen accountability and empower citizens. In sharp contrast however, the Brazilian government still has not implemented its own national right to information bill. Read more >PRESS RELEASE
Malaysia: Promises of Legal Reforms Raise Hope
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak last night announced the repeal of two draconian security laws and promised to amend the strict media law. ARTICLE 19 welcomes the repeal of these laws but holds reservations on the proposed model. We also call for the repeal rather than amendment of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. Read more >------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION CLARITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pope Benedict's Blunt New World It has been billed as Pope Benedict XVI's most difficult trip abroad to date. But so far in Germany, the pope has not sought to shy away from controversy. His bluntness has surprised many -- and could transform the visit into a rousing success. By SPIEGEL Staff http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,788054,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- The World From Berlin: 'The Pope Can't Neglect What's Happening in His Own Church' http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,788048,00.html#ref=nlint Photo Gallery: The Pope Heads to Thuringia http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-73223.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE WORLD FROM BERLIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'The Pope Can't Neglect What's Happening in His Own Church' The pope's highly anticipated speech in Germany's parliament Thursday was met with a standing ovation by politicians, who he warned not to abandon their principles for power. In Friday's newspapers, though, German commentators take the pope to task for not addressing contemporary problems within the Catholic Church in his speech. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,788048,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESCUING THE EURO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fatal Mistakes of Berlin's Bailout Strategy The German parliament is set to approve the expansion of the enormous euro rescue package next week. But this will be a fatal mistake. There is only one reasonable solution to Europe's debt crisis -- and it also happens to be much cheaper. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,788082,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'WE WON'T PAY' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greece's Middle Class Revolt against Austerity Small business owners in Greece have long been the backbone of the economy and reliable taxpayers in a country where tax evasion is rampant. That, though, is now changing. Self-employed workers like Angelos Belitsakos have had enough of rising taxes and have begun to revolt. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,787847,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A THIRD REICH PAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why I Cannot Answer Questions about My Grandfather Bestselling German crime author Ferdinand von Schirach is the grandson of Baldur von Schirach, who was head of the Hitler Youth. In an essay for SPIEGEL, he writes for the first time about his relationship to his grandfather and why he cannot explain his grandfather's deeds. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,784373,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIMATE PROTECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ German States Block Carbon Capture Law The German government had hoped to push through a new law allowing the testing of underground greenhouse gas storage, in hopes of slowing climate change. But on Friday the country's states blocked the plans by rejecting the proposed bill. Germany could now face action by the European Union. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,788110,00.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PREDATORS GOOD OR BAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Country Struggles with the Return of the Wolf For a decade now, wolves have been quietly advancing through eastern Germany and may be making inroads across the entire country. But people still haven't learned to live with the predator. Some glorify the wolves, others demonize them and many are simply afraid. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,787739,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: The Advance of the Wolves http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-73168.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHERE'S ADOLF? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tackling Germany's Nazi Past in a Children's Book A new German children's book tells the history of the last 100 years by showing how one street and its inhabitants changed over the decades. But depicting the Nazi era and the war without shocking children proved to be a challenge for the authors. http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,788117,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Photo Gallery: Addressing German History in 'The Street' http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-73113.html#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPINION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Will China's Rise Spoil the Trans-Atlantic Relationship? A new survey by the German Marshall Fund finds that China's rise is leading Americans to turn their attention away from Europe and to view China as more of a threat than Europeans do. But how much do these factors threaten the trans-Atlantic relationship, and how well can it adapt to changing circumstances? http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,788109,00.html#ref=nlint -------------------- Spiegel 360: Our Full Coverage of Trans-Atlantic Relations http://www.spiegel.de/international/topic/trans_atlantic_relations/#ref=nlint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PICTURE THIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Message, Modern Means http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,788123,00.html#ref=nlint
Messages In This Digest (21 Messages)
- 1.
- Almost All Small Nations Challenging U.S. Hit By Strikes, Sanctions From: Rick Rozoff
- 2.
- U.S. Think Tank: Coming EU Collapse To Re-energize NATO From: Rick Rozoff
- 3.
- Rasmussen: Chicago NATO Summit To Focus On Missile System From: Rick Rozoff
- 4.
- Russia To Counter NATO ABM With Sea-Based Missile Defense From: Rick Rozoff
- 5.
- Chinese Foreign Minister Urges U.S. To Revoke Taiwan Arms Sales From: Rick Rozoff
- 6.
- American Military Delegation Visits Lebanon-Israel Border From: Rick Rozoff
- 7.
- NATO Wraps Up Multinational Exercise In Indiana From: Rick Rozoff
- 8.
- European Union Global Military Operations Parallel NATO's From: Rick Rozoff
- 9.
- Russian UN Envoy Decries Double Standards On Conflicts From: Rick Rozoff
- 10.
- NATO To Stay In Libya For A Long Time From: Rick Rozoff
- 11.
- Libyan Air War Continues: 23,571 NATO Sorties, 8,829 Strike Missions From: Rick Rozoff
- 12.
- NATO Chief Names Chicago Summit Dates; "Won't Leave Afghanistan" From: Rick Rozoff
- 13.
- State Department Officials Headed To South Caucasus From: Rick Rozoff
- 14.
- EU To Finalize Plans For Trans-Caspian Pipeline From: Rick Rozoff
- 15.
- U.S.-Trained Georgian Troops Ready For More 'Newly Liberated Lands' From: Rick Rozoff
- 16.
- Saudi Arabia Calls For "Liberation" Of Nagorno-Karabakh From: Rick Rozoff
- 17.
- Belarus-Russia Drills Prelude To CSTO Air Defense System From: Rick Rozoff
- 18.
- NATO Loses Drone In Northwestern Afghanistan From: Rick Rozoff
- 19.
- Russia Warns Against Turkey-Cyprus Conflict From: Rick Rozoff
- 20.
- Why Are NATO Countries So Nervous About Iran? From: Rick Rozoff
- 21.
- Ahmadinejad Criticizes U.S. And NATO Policy Of Perpetrating Wars From: Rick Rozoff
From the Cartoonist Group.
RFE/RL Caucasus Report
9/23/2011 7:48:46 PM
A review of RFE/RL reporting and analysis about the countries of the South Caucasus and Russia's North Caucasus region.
For more stories on the Caucasus, please visit and bookmark our Caucasus page . |
Report Alleges Azerbaijan Seeking To Buy Olympic Boxing Gold In 2012
The boxing world is shaken when a BBC investigative report charges that Azerbaijan made millions in secret payments to international boxing organizers in an effort to guarantee two Azerbaijani fighters win Olympic gold at London in 2012. More The Armenian government is considering changes in its rules and procedures for international adoptions in an effort to stamp out alleged corrupt practices. More Three workers at the Hercules metallurgical plant in Georgia's western city of Kutaisi have been fired and some 100-150 more are under threat of dismissal following a protest strike. Why the Georgian authorities chose to take a tougher stance in the case is not clear. More With parliamentary elections due in eight months, the Armenian political landscape is again in flux. More |
RFE/RL Headlines
9/23/2011 7:49:51 PM
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio LibertyRFE/RL is looking for guest bloggers, preferably writing from and about our broadcast region. If you're interested, drop us a line at webteam@rferl.org. |
Features Under The Spotlight, Questions Raised About Haqqani Network Ties With Pakistan The villain responsible for the raft of violence against U.S. targets in Kabul has been identified -- and the finger points directly to a shadowy insurgent group and, by extension, to Pakistan's intelligence agency. More The boxing world is shaken when a BBC investigative report charges that Azerbaijan made millions in secret payments to international boxing organizers in an effort to guarantee two Azerbaijani fighters win Olympic gold at London in 2012. More The ruling United Russia has a long record of courting actors, musicians, dancers, and other prominent figures to highlight its popularity and color its own rather bland image. RFE/RL talked to some of them about why they joined the party and what it means to them. More EU OKs New Syria Sanctions The European Union today agreed a fresh round of sanctions on Syria. More The International Olympic Committee (IOC) says it will look into allegations that Azerbaijan was promised two gold medals at next year's London Olympics in exchange of cash. More Officials in Daghestan said gunmen today killed the deputy prisons chief of Russia's North Caucasus republic, his daughter, nephew, and driver. More Afghanistan mourned the death of Burhannudin Rabbani, the former president and main peace negotiator with the Taliban, in a funeral ceremony held in Kabul. Rabbani was assassinated earlier this week by a suicide bomber posing as a Taliban peace messenger. More The Palestinians are due to launch their bid for statehood at the United Nations today. More Afghanistan and its neighbors and allies, including the United States, have met to discuss reviving the ancient "silk road" across Central Asia. More Mass War Grave Found In Ukraine A mass grave dating from World War II has been found in the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk. More NATO peacekeepers are busy blocking "alternative" border crossings into Serbia set up by Kosovar Serbs as they continue to protest the presence of Kosovo police and customs officials on the border. More The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) held a memorial service on September 23 in Dushanbe for slain former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani. More The Kyrgyz parliament has overturned a presidential veto and converted the Channel 5 television company into a parliamentary TV channel. More American poets will read the works of dissident Turkmen poets on September 24 outside the Washington embassies of Turkmenistan, Myanmar, and Yemen to protest the censorship of poetry. More About a dozen residents of the western Russian city of Ulyanovsk have started a hunger strike to protest what they call unfair prison terms given to their relatives. More A Uyghur man from China's northwestern Xinjiang Province who has been jailed for entering Kazakhstan illegally is worried he will be deported to China. More Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian says economic growth has accelerated in recent months. More An Iraqi official says talks between the Iraqi government and U.S. officials on whether some U.S. forces might remain in Iraq beyond December have stalled. More More than 300 residents of a Baku district have staged a protest against the use of local cafes for soliciting by prostitutes. More The parents of Azerbaijani soldiers killed earlier this year in what the Defense Ministry called "a serious crime" say officials did not properly investigate the case. More Podcast: This One Goes Out To The Dictators Episode 37 of The Blender is dedicated to dictators. We find out from Alastair Smith, one of the authors of "The Dictator's Handbook," why bad behavior is almost always good politics. More Rabbani Killer: A Deadly Messenger With A Deadly Message A blood-soaked letter has been recovered from the pocket of the assassin who killed former Afghan President and peace council Chairman Burhanuddin Rabbani on September 20 More |
September 16, 2011 Briefs
- Egyptian Ambassador Yasser Rida summoned to Israel Foreign Ministry Friday · Jerusalem protested over repeated demands for amendments of the peace treaty heard from PM Issam Sherf and other senior Egyptian officials · Israel does not intend revising treaty although allowances were made for Cairo's request to deploy troops to Sinai ·
- An Israeli and a Palestinian injured in fight between Israeli hikers and villagers near Kufra, on the West Bank ·
- An Israeli accused a Palestinian of holding a knife to his throat following which the hikers shot a Palestinian in the foot ·
- The Palestinians say the Israeli shot first. They retaliated by setting fire to the Esh Kadosh settlement's vineyard ·
- Syrian troops kill 46 anti-Assad demonstrators in rallies across the country including Damascus ·
Abbas claims 1947 borders for future Palestinian state
DEBKAfile Special Report
16 Sept. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Friday, Sept. 16, in Ramallah that once the Palestinians had a state, a flag and recognition, they would be open to negotiating on all other issues with Israel. While citing the 1967 borders for a future Palestinian state in reference to his UN application, Abbas stressed that the true Palestinian borders were laid down by the UN in 1947. All other areas [meaning large parts of the state of Israel] are "occupied territory" which the Palestinians intend to claim.
The Palestinian leader sought to imply that the 126 governments which have told him they recognized the Palestinian right to a state had accepted this interpretation.
He emphasized the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem as state capital, pledged to work for the refugees' return and strive for national unity by healing the rift with Hamas.
Abbas issued a strict caution against violent demonstrations and protests, because he said this would play into Israel's hands. He then offered a long list of gripes against the obstacles Israel had planted on the road to Palestinian independence.
Mahmoud Abbas boasted about the democracy prevailing in the Palestinian Authority (West Bank). DEBKAfile: The last Palestinian elections took place in 2006. The president, the legislature and the municipal councils are no longer legally in office. Abbas and the Palestinian Authority rule on the guns of Palestinian armed security forces.
DEBKAfile Special Report
16 Sept. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas announced Friday, Sept. 16, in Ramallah that once the Palestinians had a state, a flag and recognition, they would be open to negotiating on all other issues with Israel. While citing the 1967 borders for a future Palestinian state in reference to his UN application, Abbas stressed that the true Palestinian borders were laid down by the UN in 1947. All other areas [meaning large parts of the state of Israel] are "occupied territory" which the Palestinians intend to claim.
The Palestinian leader sought to imply that the 126 governments which have told him they recognized the Palestinian right to a state had accepted this interpretation.
He emphasized the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem as state capital, pledged to work for the refugees' return and strive for national unity by healing the rift with Hamas.
Abbas issued a strict caution against violent demonstrations and protests, because he said this would play into Israel's hands. He then offered a long list of gripes against the obstacles Israel had planted on the road to Palestinian independence.
Mahmoud Abbas boasted about the democracy prevailing in the Palestinian Authority (West Bank). DEBKAfile: The last Palestinian elections took place in 2006. The president, the legislature and the municipal councils are no longer legally in office. Abbas and the Palestinian Authority rule on the guns of Palestinian armed security forces.
Israeli-Greek-Turkish military preparedness for first Cypriot gas drilling Monday
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
17 Sept.
Military tension is building up among Greece, Turkey and Israel as
Cyprus prepares to start exploratory drilling for gas Monday, Sept. 19
in the face of Turkish threats. All three have placed their air and sea
forces in a state of preparedness. Turkish warplanes and fighters kept
watch on the rig belonging to Houston-based Noble Energy as it moved
from Israel's offshore field Noa opposite Ashdod to Cyprus's Aphrodite
field. US Noble Energy and Israel's Delek are staked in both fields.
From Wednesday, Sept 14, Turkish warplanes and fighters kept watch on the Homer Ferrington rig belonging to Houston-based Noble Energy as it moved from Israel's offshore field Noa opposite Ashdod to Cyprus's Aphrodite (Block 12) field ready to start work.
Israeli missile ships and drones kept watch from afar on the Noble rig's movement and tracked Turkish surveillance. As the rig moved into position opposite Cyprus, so too did two Turkish frigates. Ankara questions the rights of Israel and Cyprus to drill for hydrocarbon reserves in the respective Exclusive Economic Zones marked out in an accord last year they concluded last year.
The UN-approved Law of the Sea authorizes nations to mark out their Exclusive Economic Zones for the exploration of natural resources to a distance of 200 miles outside their territorial waters. Cyprus's Block 12 where drilling starts Monday borders on the huge Leviathan field Israel is developing in the eastern Mediterranean, whose proven gas reserves have been calculated as 8.5 trillion cubic feet. This would supply the entire US economy's needs for a year.
From Wednesday, Sept 14, Turkish warplanes and fighters kept watch on the Homer Ferrington rig belonging to Houston-based Noble Energy as it moved from Israel's offshore field Noa opposite Ashdod to Cyprus's Aphrodite (Block 12) field ready to start work.
Israeli missile ships and drones kept watch from afar on the Noble rig's movement and tracked Turkish surveillance. As the rig moved into position opposite Cyprus, so too did two Turkish frigates. Ankara questions the rights of Israel and Cyprus to drill for hydrocarbon reserves in the respective Exclusive Economic Zones marked out in an accord last year they concluded last year.
The UN-approved Law of the Sea authorizes nations to mark out their Exclusive Economic Zones for the exploration of natural resources to a distance of 200 miles outside their territorial waters. Cyprus's Block 12 where drilling starts Monday borders on the huge Leviathan field Israel is developing in the eastern Mediterranean, whose proven gas reserves have been calculated as 8.5 trillion cubic feet. This would supply the entire US economy's needs for a year.
September 18, 2011 Briefs
- Iranian FM Salehi: We hope Turkey can provide necessary justification for posting NATO missile radar on its soil ·
Two Turkish jets parachute food and supplies to Libyan Bani Walid where Qaddafi loyalists hold off rebel assaults · - Fresh Muslim outbreaks against Christian Copts in Egyptian Aswan region ·
- New flare-up of Shiite-led riots against Bahraini throne ·
Amid crisis with Israel, Turkey threatens to freeze ties with EU if Cyprus elected to presidency · - Al Ahram: Egypt's first post-revolution elections Nov. 21-Jan. 3 for lower house; Jan. 22-March 4 for upper house · No date set for presidential vote ·
September 19, 2011 Briefs
- Clinton warns Turkish FM Davutoglu to avoid actions that further strain ties with Israel · She urged Turkey to actively seek ways to repair its important relationship with Israel ·
- Bomb threat clears Berlin university hall ahead of Turkish President Abdullah Gul's appearance ·
- US Noble Energy starts drilling at Cyprus offshore Block 12 Monday in defiance of Turkish threats – as DEBKAfile anticipated ·
- Sunday Ankara called Nicosia's offshore gas, oil exploration "a provocation" and also threatened the adjacent Israeli Delek gas drilling ·
- Libyan rebels retreat again from Bani Walid, repelled by Qaddafi forces ·
- Qaddafi spokesman claims capture of foreign "mercenaries" French, British and Qatari in embattled Bani Walid · NATO denies alliance troops captured ·
Top US Intel official in Ankara bids to head off Mediterranean clash, bring Palestinians to talks
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
19 Sept. The US National Intelligence Director James Clapper began a surprise visit to Ankara Sunday Sept. 18, prompted by Turkish saber-rattling against key US interests: Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the information gathered by the US radar system planned for Turkey as part of the NATO missile-shield must not be shared with Israel – which would disable the entire system; Monday, US Noble Energy began drilling gas off Cyprus in defiance of Turkey; and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, egged on by Ankara, headed for the UN to bid for acceptance of a Palestinian state.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that Clapper was in Ankara for a last-ditch Obama administration bid to avert sea and air hostilities erupting between Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Israel in the eastern Mediterranean where tensions have been building up over Turkish threats inter alia against offshore gas exploration by Israel and Cyprus.
On the Palestinian issue, Intelligence reaching the Obama administration traced Mahmoud Abbas' obduracy to a quiet conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Cairo on Sept. 12 at which he received a Turkish promise to make up for the reduced flow of aid from the US and Israel – provided he stuck to his guns on the UN application.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
19 Sept. The US National Intelligence Director James Clapper began a surprise visit to Ankara Sunday Sept. 18, prompted by Turkish saber-rattling against key US interests: Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the information gathered by the US radar system planned for Turkey as part of the NATO missile-shield must not be shared with Israel – which would disable the entire system; Monday, US Noble Energy began drilling gas off Cyprus in defiance of Turkey; and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, egged on by Ankara, headed for the UN to bid for acceptance of a Palestinian state.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that Clapper was in Ankara for a last-ditch Obama administration bid to avert sea and air hostilities erupting between Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Israel in the eastern Mediterranean where tensions have been building up over Turkish threats inter alia against offshore gas exploration by Israel and Cyprus.
On the Palestinian issue, Intelligence reaching the Obama administration traced Mahmoud Abbas' obduracy to a quiet conversation with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Cairo on Sept. 12 at which he received a Turkish promise to make up for the reduced flow of aid from the US and Israel – provided he stuck to his guns on the UN application.
Turkey boasts successful Syrian policy as Assad terminally smashes protest
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
19 Sept.
"We sided with the Syrian people because regimes will go but the
people always stay," said Turkish foreign minister Ahmed Davutoglu
Sunday, Sept. 18 in a bid to vindicate the "zero conflict" doctrine
against its many critics. In fact, DEBKAfile reports, most of "the
Syrian people" had gone to their graves when Davutoglu made his remark:
Bashar Assad and his army had virtually smashed their six-month
protest, aided substantially by Turkey reneging on its pledge of
military backing for "the people."DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 20, 2011 Briefs
- Karzai cuts short UN visit after Afghan ex-President and leader of peace talks with Taliban Burhanuddin Rabbani killed in Kabul ·
- President Obama is sending US ambassador back to Tripoli this week ·
- Saudi Arabia to advance Palestinian Authority $200 to ease its financial crisis ·
- Egypt's military rulers ban radical Gamaa al Islamiya participation in November general elections · The group spearheaded assault on Israel embassy in Cairo 10 days ago ·
- Three dead, dozens wounded in car bomb explosion in central Ankara •
- Netanyahu to Abbas at UN Center: Let's sit down here and start talking now ·
- Abbas insists on first pushing forward with Palestinian UN membership bid ·
- Scores of Palestinians confronted Israeli soldiers at Gush Etzion, West Bank, stoned passing vehicles until soldiers dispersed them
Egypt resumes gas flow to Jordan – but not to Israel
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
20 Sept. Egyptian natural gas is flowing again to Jordan – but not to Israel, DEBKAfile reports, through the Sinai pipeline which was sabotaged five times since February. Cairo has broken off negotiations with Jerusalem on new prices - so making sure that supplies to Israel are cut off for good. As Egypt pulls away from peace ties with Israel, security is breaking down on their common border and the Israeli ambassador's return to Cairo has been indefinitely postponed.
And in a symbolic snub, the military junta banned the traditional export to Israel of palm fronds for the Four Species blessing on the Sukkot festival next month. Last year, Israel imported 650,000 palm fronds from northern Sinai.
The Prime Minister's Office and defense officials shy away from admitting that relations with the Supreme Military Council ruling Egypt are going from bad to worse. Since the terrorist attack from Sinai on the Eilat highway on Aug. 18, which left 8 Israelis dead, beefed up Egyptian forces have not carried out a single operation against the thousands of terrorists loose in the peninsula - even though a Palestinian Jihad Islami gang of 30 armed terrorists has been hanging about since Aug. 25 waiting for the right moment to cross over for a multiple attack inside Israel.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
20 Sept. Egyptian natural gas is flowing again to Jordan – but not to Israel, DEBKAfile reports, through the Sinai pipeline which was sabotaged five times since February. Cairo has broken off negotiations with Jerusalem on new prices - so making sure that supplies to Israel are cut off for good. As Egypt pulls away from peace ties with Israel, security is breaking down on their common border and the Israeli ambassador's return to Cairo has been indefinitely postponed.
And in a symbolic snub, the military junta banned the traditional export to Israel of palm fronds for the Four Species blessing on the Sukkot festival next month. Last year, Israel imported 650,000 palm fronds from northern Sinai.
The Prime Minister's Office and defense officials shy away from admitting that relations with the Supreme Military Council ruling Egypt are going from bad to worse. Since the terrorist attack from Sinai on the Eilat highway on Aug. 18, which left 8 Israelis dead, beefed up Egyptian forces have not carried out a single operation against the thousands of terrorists loose in the peninsula - even though a Palestinian Jihad Islami gang of 30 armed terrorists has been hanging about since Aug. 25 waiting for the right moment to cross over for a multiple attack inside Israel.
September 21, 2011 Briefs
Obama said there are no short cuts to peace. It can only be achieved through negotiations - not statements and resolutions at the United Nations ·- In his address at the UN General Assembly opening Wednesday, the US president stressed: Ultimately it is up to Israel and the Palestinians to negotiate and agree on borders, security, refugees, Jerusalem ·
- Palestinians deserve a territorial base for their state, he said (No mention of 1967 borders) ·
- But they must acknowledge the very real security concerns Israel faces every day including the aim of far bigger nations to wipe it off the map · Peace depends on compromise ·
- The US president stressed that US is unshakably committed to Israeli security ·
- Ahead of Obama's meeting with Abbas, Palestinian officials bitterly slammed his speech as taking Israel's side and aimed at the American Jewish voter ·
- Palestinians lobbed rocks and firebombs at passing Israel cars on West Bank roads, one injuring an Israeli baby ·
At the Kalandia checkpoint into Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers broke up a clash with rubber bullets. Four Palestinians were wounded · - The turnout in Palestinian towns in support of the UN state bid was sparser than expected ·
- Iran release US hikers Josh Fattaal and Shane Bauer into care of Omani official Wednesday ·
Turkey and Turkish Cyprus sign an agreement in New York Wednesday marking out undersea gas exploration boundaries in the E. Mediterranean as Turkish warships lurk in the region.
Israeli forces on high alert for Hamas-led anti-US riots in Jerusalem and West Bank
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
21 Sept. Israel's military, security service and police went on elevated preparedness for trouble Wednesday night, Sept. 21, after receiving information that the Palestinian Hamas and other radical groups were preparing to stage violent confrontations against Israel on the West Bank, exploiting the anti-US mood sweeping Palestinian areas following President Barack Obama's support for Israel's case in his UN address.
Palestinian Holy Places Minister ordered all the imams of Jerusalem mosques to switch on their loudspeakers at full volume after Friday prayers and shout Allah is Great!
The call would also go up from al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount. Directives went out to Palestinian extremist cells to break into Jewish settlements and ransack and torch homes, taking their model from the mass storming of the Israeli embassy in Cairo on Sept. 10 and ram the checkpoints guarding Jerusalem.
At UN Center, Palestinian determination to go through with their application for UN acceptance as a state shows its first crack. They now agree to postpone a vote at the Security Council.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
21 Sept. Israel's military, security service and police went on elevated preparedness for trouble Wednesday night, Sept. 21, after receiving information that the Palestinian Hamas and other radical groups were preparing to stage violent confrontations against Israel on the West Bank, exploiting the anti-US mood sweeping Palestinian areas following President Barack Obama's support for Israel's case in his UN address.
Palestinian Holy Places Minister ordered all the imams of Jerusalem mosques to switch on their loudspeakers at full volume after Friday prayers and shout Allah is Great!
The call would also go up from al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount. Directives went out to Palestinian extremist cells to break into Jewish settlements and ransack and torch homes, taking their model from the mass storming of the Israeli embassy in Cairo on Sept. 10 and ram the checkpoints guarding Jerusalem.
At UN Center, Palestinian determination to go through with their application for UN acceptance as a state shows its first crack. They now agree to postpone a vote at the Security Council.
No big UN showdown on Palestinian state this week
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
21 Sept.
Accounts of the big diplomatic showdown at the United Nations over the
Palestinian bid for statehood to be filed Friday, Sept. 23 are
premature. Neither the Security Council nor the UN General Assembly will
be making decisions this week. DEBKAfile: The Palestinian
application is likely to be put on hold for weeks if not months, during
which Palestinian independence celebrations could turn violent.
The Middle East Quartet failed to reach a decision this week on how to deal with the diplomatic crisis posed by the Palestinian bid. Composed of representatives from the US, Russia, the European Union and the UN, the Quartet used to be the supreme body for shaping international consensus on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Now, the US and Europe are beginning to pay for their involvement in the Libyan conflict: The Russians are doing their best to slow the momentum of Middle East diplomacy and block sanctions against Syria in protest for US and European participation in the conquest of Libya.
The Middle East Quartet failed to reach a decision this week on how to deal with the diplomatic crisis posed by the Palestinian bid. Composed of representatives from the US, Russia, the European Union and the UN, the Quartet used to be the supreme body for shaping international consensus on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Now, the US and Europe are beginning to pay for their involvement in the Libyan conflict: The Russians are doing their best to slow the momentum of Middle East diplomacy and block sanctions against Syria in protest for US and European participation in the conquest of Libya.
September 22, 2011 Briefs
- US, UK and other delegations walk out of UN General Assembly when Iranian president attacks Israel in his speech and calls 9/11 a mystery ·
- Netanyahu and Abbas address UN General Assembly Friday ·
- Israel police mobilize 22,000 officers, declares elevated preparedness in all parts of country, including Green Line ·
- Hamas cells get set for attacks on settlements and checkpoints, riots in Jerusalem ·
- Turkey closes its airspace to planes carrying military equipment to Syria from Russia and Iran.
- Israel's Labor elects MK Sheli Yechimovitch as its new leader. A new face, she defeated veteran Amir Peretz in the runoff vote.
- The Palestinians to file application for UN membership Friday as planned but not push for an immediate vote because it lacks Security Council majority ·
Qaddafi enlists 12,000-strong army, all Tuareg tribal fighters
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
22 Sept. Muammar Qaddafi and his sons have assembled a new army of 12,000 soldiers - all desert warfare-trained fighters of the loyal Tuareg tribes, DEBKAfile’s military sources report. Last week, the Tuareg tribal council met in Niger and declared Qaddafi, his sons, military chiefs and members of the ousted regime still loyal under the tribes’ protection. The council declared members of the rebel National Transitional Council enemies of the tribes.
Thursday, Sept. 22, the NTC claimed the capture of the southern Libyan desert town of Sabha, even though they only reached its outskirts. NATO approved the extension of its naval and air operations in Libya by another 90 days to help the rebels dislodge Qaddafi's loyalists from the cities in Libya they are still holding.
VT Supports Palestinian Statehood to Increase US Security Veteranstoday.com, urges President Obama to end the cycle of endangering US security through continued 'blank check' support for Israel. Read More »» |
Bulletin électronique Mondialisation.ca
URL de cet article: http://www.mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=26747
La destruction du niveau de vie d'un pays:
Ce que la Libye avait accompli, ce qui a été détruit
par Michel Chossudovsky
Le 23 septembre 2011
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« Il n'y a pas de lendemain » dans le cadre d'une rébellion d'Al-Qaïda financée par l'OTAN.
Alors qu'un gouvernement rebelle « prodémocratique » a été établi, le pays a été détruit.
Avec la
propagande de guerre en toile de fond, les réussites économiques et
sociales de la Libye des trente dernières années ont été brutalement
Jamahiriya arabe libyenne a un niveau de vie élevé et un solide apport
calorique quotidien de 3144 par habitant. Le pays a fait des progrès sur
le plan de la santé publique et depuis 1980, le taux de mortalité
infantile a chuté de 70 à 19 sur mille naissances vivantes. L'espérance
de vie est passée de 61 à 74 ans durant la même période. (FAO, Rome, Libya, Country Profile)
des secteurs de la « gauche progressiste » ayant endossé le mandat de la
responsabilité de protéger de l'OTAN, « l'ambiance en Libye,
particulièrement à Tripoli, est celui d'un sentiment d'euphorie, partout. Les gens sont incroyablement excités à l'idée de repartir à zéro. Il y a vraiment une sensation de renaissance, une impression que leurs vie recommencent. (DemocracyNow.org, 14, septembre 2011. C’est l’auteur qui souligne.)
On présente simplement les rebelles comme des « libérateurs ». Le rôle principal des terroristes affiliés à Al-Qaïda dans les rangs des rebelles n'est pas mentionné.
« Recommencer
à zéro » dans la foulée de la destruction? La peur et le désespoir
social, les innombrables décès et les atrocités sont amplement
documentés dans les médias indépendants.
Il n'y a
pas d'euphorie. Il s'est produit un renversement historique dans le
développement économique et social du pays. Les réalisations ont été
et l'occupation de l'OTAN signalent la « renaissance » désastreuse du
niveau de vie libyen. Voici la vérité interdite et inexprimée : un pays
entier a été déstabilisé et détruit, son peuple a été mené à une extrême
Dès le
départ, le but des bombardements de l'OTAN consistait à anéantir le
niveau de vie, les infrastructures sanitaires, les écoles, les hôpitaux
et le réseau de distribution d'eau du pays, pour ensuite
« reconstruire » avec l'aide des donateurs et créanciers gouvernés par
le FMI et la Banque mondiale.
Les diktats du « marché libre » sont une condition préalable à l'instauration d'une « dictature démocratique » à l'occidentale.
Il y a
eu environ 9 mille sorties de frappe, des dizaines de milliers de
frappes sur des cibles civiles, incluant des zones résidentielles, des
édifices gouvernementaux, des installations électrogènes et
d'approvisionnement d'eau. (Voir Communiqué de l’OTAN, 5 septembre 2011. 8140 sorties de frappe du 31 mars au 5 septembre 2011.)
Un pays en entier a été bombardé avec l'artillerie la plus sophistiquée qui soit, y compris des munitions à revêtement d'uranium. Déjà en août, l'UNICEF annonçait que le bombardement intensif des infrastructures hydrauliques libyennes par l'OTAN « pourrait se transformer en une crise sanitaire sans précédent ». (Christian Balslev-Olesen du bureau de l’UNICEF en Libye, août 2011.)
les investisseurs et donateurs se sont positionnés. « La guerre, c'est
bon pour les affaires. » L'OTAN, le Pentagone et les institutions
financières internationales (IFI) établies à Washington collaborent
étroitement. Ce qui a été détruit par l'OTAN sera reconstruit et financé
par les créanciers externes de la Libye, chapeautés par le « consensus
de Washington » :
« On a spécifiquement demandé à la Banque [mondiale] d'examiner les besoins de réparation et de restauration des services dans les secteurs de l'eau, de l'énergie et du transport
[bombardés par l'OTAN] et, en coopération avec le Fonds monétaire
international, d'appuyer la préparation du budget [mesures d'austérité]
et d'aider à remettre le secteur bancaire sur pied [la banque centrale
libyenne a été l'un des premiers édifices gouvernementaux à être
bombardés]. La création d'emplois pour les jeunes Libyens a été ajoutée
aux besoins urgents auxquels le pays est confronté. » (Aide de la Banque mondiale à la Libye en vue de sa reconstruction et de la fourniture de services essentiels à ses citoyens C’est l’auteur qui souligne.)
Les réussites de la Libye sur le plan du développement
importe l'opinion que l'on peut avoir de Mouammar Kadhafi, le
gouvernement libyen postcolonial a joué un rôle clé dans l'élimination
de la pauvreté et le développement des infrastructures sanitaires et
d'enseignement. Selon la journaliste italienne Yvonne de Vito :
« Contrairement
aux autres pays ayant connu une révolution, la Libye est considérée
comme la Suisse du continent africain. Elle est très riche et
l'éducation est gratuite, les soins de santé sont gratuits et les
conditions pour les femmes sont bien meilleures que dans d'autres pays
arabes. » (Russia Today, 25 août 2011.)
développements contrastent drastiquement avec ce que la plupart des pays
du tiers-monde ont été en mesure d'« accomplir » dans le cadre d'une
« démocratie » et d'une « gouvernance » à l'occidentale, et le contexte
d'un traditionnel programme d'ajustement culturel (PAS) du FMI et de la
Banque mondiale.
Système de santé public
l'« intervention humanitaire » de l'OTAN, le système de santé public en
Libye était le meilleur d'Afrique. « Tous les citoyens ont [avaient]
accès gratuitement aux soins de santé publics. En Afrique du nord, le
pays affiche les plus hauts taux d'alphabétisation et d'inscriptions aux
collèges et universités. Le gouvernement augmente [augmentait]
substantiellement le budget du développement pour les services de santé.
(WHO Libya Country Brief).
des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a confirmé
que la dénutrition était en-deçà de 5 % avec un apport calorique
quotidien de 3144. (Les données de la FAO relatives à l’apport calorique
indiquent la disponibilité plutôt que la consommation.)
Jamahiriya arabe libyenne fournissait à ses citoyens ce qui est refusé à
bien des Étasuniens : des services de santé gratuits et une éducation
gratuite, comme le confirment les données de l’Organisation mondiale de
la Santé (OMS) et de l’UNESCO.
Selon l’OMS, l’espérance de vie à la naissance était de 72,3 ans (2009), l’une des plus élevées des pays en développement.
Le taux
de mortalité infantile des moins de 5 ans pour 1000 naissances vivantes
a chuté, passant de 71 en 1991 à 14 en 2009. (WHO Libya Country Brief).
Source: UNESCO. Profil de la Libye
Jamahiriya arabe libyenne (2009)
Espérance de vie générale à la naissance (années) 72.3
Espérance de vie à la naissance chez les hommes (années) 70.2 Espérance de vie à la naissance chez les femmes (années) 74.9 Nouveaux nés ayant un faible poids à la naissance (%) 4.0 Enfants d’un poids insuffisant (%) 4.8 Taux de mortalité périnatale pour 1000 naissances totales 19 Taux de mortalité néonatale 11.0 Taux de mortalité infantile (pour 1000 naissances vivantes) 14.0 Mortalité infantile chez les moins de 5 ans (pour 1000 naissances vivantes) 20.1 Ratio de mortalité maternelle (pour 1000 naissances vivantes) 23 Source OMS http://www.emro.who.int/emrinfo/index.aspx?Ctry=liy
Le taux
d’alphabétisme était de 89 % en 2009, (94 % chez les hommes et 83 %
chez les femmes) et 99,9 % des jeunes sont alphabètes. (UNESCO données
de 2009. Voir UNESCO, Profil de la Libye)
Le ratio brut d’effectifs scolarisés au primaire était de 97 % pour les garçons et les filles. (Voir les tableaux de l’UNESCO)
ratio de professeurs stagiaires dans les écoles primaires libyennes
était de 17 et 74 % des enfants graduant de l’école primaire étaient
inscrits à l’école secondaire (données de 1983 de l’UNESCO).
des données plus récentes, lesquelles confirment une nette augmentation
des effectifs scolarisés, le taux brut de scolarisation (TBS) dans les
écoles secondaires était de l’ordre de 108 % en 2002. « Pour un niveau
d'éducation donné, le TBS représente le nombre d'enfants scolarisés,
quel que soit leur âge, exprimé en pourcentage du groupe d'âge pour ce
niveau » (Ibid).
En ce
qui a trait aux effectifs scolarisés au niveau supérieur
(postsecondaire, collège et université), le TBS était de 54 % en 2002
(52 chez les hommes et 57 chez les femmes). (Pour plus de détails voir Profil éducation (tous les niveaux) - Jamahiriya arabe libyenne)
Droits des femmes
Relativement aux droits des femmes, la Banque mondiale cite des performances significatives.
« Au
cours d’une période relativement courte, la Libye a réussi à offrir un
accès universel à l’éducation primaire avec 98 % d’effectifs scolarisés
au secondaire et 46 % au niveau supérieur. Dans la dernière décennie,
les effectifs féminins ont augmenté de 12 % à tous les niveaux
d’éducation. Aux niveaux primaire et secondaire, les filles ont dépassé les garçons de 10 %. » (World Bank Libya Country Brief. C’est l’auteur qui souligne.)
Contrôle des prix des produits alimentaires de première nécessité
Dans la
plupart des pays en développement les prix des denrées alimentaires
essentielles ont monté en flèche en raison de la déréglementation des
marchés, la levée du contrôle des prix et l’élimination des subventions,
suivant les conseils de la Banque mondiale et du FMI favorisant le
« marché libre ».
dernières années, les prix du carburant et des denrées alimentaires
essentielles ont augmenté drastiquement à la suite de transactions
spéculatives sur les grandes bourses de marchandises.
Libye a été l’un des rares pays en développement à maintenir un système
de contrôle des prix sur les denrées alimentaires de première nécessité.
président de la Banque mondiale Robert Zoellick a reconnu dans une
déclaration d’avril 2011 que le prix des denrées alimentaires
essentielles avait grimpé de 36 % au cours de la dernière année. (Voir Robert Zoellick, World Bank.)
Jamahiriya arabe libyenne avait instauré un système de contrôle de prix
sur ces denrées, lequel était toujours en vigueur au début de la guerre
menée par l’OTAN.
que l’augmentation des prix des aliments dans les pays voisins comme la
Tunisie et l’Égypte ont déclenché des troubles sociaux et une dissidence
politique, le système de subventions alimentaires en Libye a été
Ces faits sont confirmés par plusieurs agences spécialisées de l’ONU.
« La diplomatie des missiles » et « le marché libre »
La guerre et la mondialisation sont intrinsèquement liées. Le FMI et l’OTAN travaillent en tandem, en lien avec les cercles de réflexion de Washington.
pays peu disposés à accepter les remèdes enrobés de sucre de la
« médecine économique » du FMI feront tôt ou tard l’objet d’une
opération humanitaire de l’OTAN en vertu de sa responsabilité de
Vu? Sous le règne de l’Empire britannique, « la diplomatie canonnière »
était une façon d’imposer le « libre-échange ». Le 5 octobre 1850,
l’envoyé britannique au Siam, Sir James Brooke, avait recommandé au
gouvernement de Sa Majesté que :
« [S]i
ces exigences équitables [d’imposer le libre-échange] étaient refusées,
la présence d’une force serait immédiatement requise pour les faire
respecter par la destruction rapide des défenses du fleuve [Chao Praya]
[…] Le Siam devrait avoir la leçon qu’il mérite depuis longtemps : son
gouvernement devrait être remodelé, un roi plus favorable mis sur le trône et une influence devrait être acquise dans le pays, le rendant ainsi important pour l’Angleterre sur le plan commercial. (The Mission of Sir James Brooke, cité dans M.L. Manich Jumsai, King Mongkut et Sir John Bowring, Chalermit, Bangkok, 1970, p. 23)
nous appelons cette tactique « changement de régime » et « diplomatie
de missile », laquelle prend invariablement la forme d’une « zone
d’exclusion aérienne » sous l’égide de l’ONU. Son but est d’imposer la
« médecine économique » fatale du FMI, faite de mesures d’austérité et
de privatisation.
Les programmes de « reconstruction » des pays déchirés par la guerre et financés par la Banque mondiale sont en coordination avec la planification militaire des États-Unis et de l’OTAN. Ils sont toujours formulés avant l’offensive militaire.
La confiscation des avoirs financiers libyens
Les avoirs financiers étrangers bloqués de la Libye sont estimés à 150 milliards de dollars, les pays de l’OTAN en détenant plus 100 milliards.
la guerre, la Libye n’avait pas de dettes. Au contraire. C’était un pays
créancier investissant dans les pays africains voisins.
L’intervention militaire en vertu de la « responsabilité de protéger » vise à pousser la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne dans le carcan d’un pays en développement endetté, sous la supervision des institutions de Bretton Woods établies à Washington. Ironie amère du sort, après avoir volé la richesse pétrolière libyenne et confisqué ses avoirs financiers à l’étranger, la « communauté de donateurs » s’est engagée à prêter cet argent (volé) pour financer la « reconstruction » d’après-guerre en Libye. La Libye doit joindre les rangs des pays africains endettés que le FMI et la Banque mondiale ont menés à la pauvreté depuis l’offensive de la crise de la dette au début des années 1980.
Le FMI a promis
35 milliards de dollars de financement [prêts] supplémentaire aux pays
affectés par les soulèvements du printemps arabe et a reconnu
formellement le conseil intérimaire libyen comme autorité légitime, ouvrant ainsi l’accès à une myriade de prêteurs internationaux alors que le pays envisage de se reconstruire après une guerre de six mois. […]
La reconnaissance du FMI est significative pour les dirigeants intérimaires de la Libye puisque
cela signifie que les banques internationales de développement et les
donateurs tels que la Banque mondiale peuvent maintenant offrir du
Les pourparlers de Marseille ont eu lieu quelques jours après que les dirigeants mondiaux se furent entendus pour dégeler des milliards de dollars d’avoirs [d’argent volé] pour aider [par des prêts] les dirigeants intérimaires libyens à restaurer des services fondamentaux et à reconstruire après un conflit ayant mis fin à 42 ans de dictature.
de financement par les grandes puissances économiques du Groupe des 7
et de la Russie vise à appuyer les efforts de réforme [ajustement
structurel sous l’égide du FMI] dans la foulée des révoltes en Afrique
du Nord et au Moyen-Orient.
Le financement vient principalement sous forme de prêts plutôt que de subventions. La moitié provient du G8 et des pays arabes, et le reste de divers prêteurs ainsi que de banques de développement. (Financial Post, 10 septembre 2011. C’est l’auteur qui souligne.)
TABLEAU (Traduction)
Estimation des fonds libyens investis à l’étranger par la Libyan Investment Authority (Autorité libyenne d’investissements) 150 milliards.
États-Unis 34 milliards
Grande-Bretagne 19,2 milliards
France 10,56 milliards
Belgique 19 milliards
Italie 9,73 milliards
Pays-Bas 4,17 milliards
Canada 2,4 milliards
totalité des fonds détenus par l’alliance envahisseuse de l’OTAN est de
99,9 milliards de dollars. Il se trouve que près des 2/3 des
investissements libyens à l’étranger sont détenus dans des pays
constituant les forces envahisseuses de l’OTAN!
L’Allemagne possède 9,73 milliards de plus!
Article original en anglais : Destroying a Country's Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed, publié le 23 septembre 2011. Traduction par Julie Lévesque pour Mondialisation.ca. |
*** Japan Times E-mail News Service *** __________ Saturday, September 24, 2011 ________________ TODAY'S TOP STORIES ========================= [NATIONAL NEWS] G-20 shows no interest in high yen Finance Minister Jun Azumi says he raised concerns about the negative impact of the yen's appreciation on Japan's economy at this week's Group of 20 financial meeting, but other participants didn't care to discuss the issue. [MORE] -> http://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110924a1.html --- [NATIONAL NEWS] U.S. man charged in Sony hacking A man in Arizona is arrested and charged in connection with the breach of computers at Sony Pictures Entertainment early this summer in which more than 37,000 users had their information stolen. 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Ricardo Gama
- Ao vivo no blog a partir das 22:30 horas, participe, mandando idéias, sugestões e denúncias
- Sérgio Cabral e Júlio Lopes sabiam que pessoas poderiam morrer nos bondes de Santa Teresa, e aí ?
- Se depender de ìndio da Costa o partido do Kassab não arruma nada no Rio nas eleições de 2012
- Deputados covardes e fouxos, batem no Júlio Lopes mas na hora do "vamos ver" pedem para sair
- Secretário Jpsé Mariano Beltrame apela e pede para Chico Buarque fazer música sobre a UPP
- Blog do Ricardo Gama ao vivo 22-09-2011
Top Story
Bulgaria Says No to New EU TaxesBulgaria has taken a stand against a European Commission proposal for the introduction of new taxes across the European Union, including a financial-transaction levy and a new value added tax.
"Bulgaria doesn't support the introduction of new taxes because it will impose an extra burden on EU citizens and companies," it said in a statement.
"The introduction of the financial transactions tax on an EU level will put in danger the competitiveness of financial hubs in the EU because there is yet no agreement to introduce it on a global level."
According to the ministry the idea for a new EU value added tax will practically take over the functions of the separate nations in imposing the levy.
Bulgaria will insist on raising funds for the Cohesion policy and extending its scope in a bid to avoid a two-speed Europe.
Investments in roads, highways, sewage plants are key to Bulgaria, according to the finance ministry.
The country will also demand more funds to increase the control of external borders and illegal migration.
The European Commission is expected to propose next week a sweeping new EU tax that would apply to "all types of financial instruments" used by European investors.
The levy is said to be imposed on all trades in derivatives, bonds and shares, as well as a limited number of currency transactions.
Finland's Top Politician: Helsinki Had No Reason to Stop Bulgaria, Romania
Paavo Vayrynen, the Finnish Center party's future presidential candidate, has described as "an ill-considered move" Finland's decision to join the Netherlands in blocking Bulgaria and Romania accession to the EU's Schengen passport-free zone.
"Finland had no particular reason to stop Bulgaria and Romania from joining Schengen," Väyrynen wrote in a blog entry on Friday.
"We could have blocked [accession] together with countries like Germany and France but it was unwise to oppose it with the Netherlands alone."
According to Väyrynen in its EU Policy Finland should focus on the essential issues of national interest.
Finland and the Netherlands vetoed the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the visa-free Schengen area at the meeting of the EU Interior Ministers on Saturday in Brussels.
The Dutch and Finnish vetoes are an expected development in spite of Bulgaria and Romania's hopes and the outstanding efforts of the Polish EU Presidency that the two countries should be granted at least "partial" or "two-phased" Schengen accession - i.e. accession with respect to sea and air travel only for the time being.
Their opposition to the expansion of the 25-member Schengen Agreement is largely based on pressure from their parliaments.
Presidental & Local Elections 2011
Presidential, Local Elections Campaigns Officially Underway in Bulgaria
Even though the electoral campaigns aiming to gather votes for the upcoming presidential and local elections in Bulgaria have started since months now, they officially open in Thursday. | read | |
Office Rental Prices in Sofia Hit 'Unseen Lows'
Despite expectations that upbeat sentiments among office occupiers will fuel this sector of the real estate market in the capital Sofia, prices have hit unprecedented lows, a survey shows. | read | |
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Greece Denies Plans for Euro Zone Membership Referendum
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Bulgaria Welcomes Autumn 2011
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Mild Quake Shakes Southwestern Bulgaria
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Eco Min Urges Bulgarians to Chill Out over Chevron's Shale Gas Drilling
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Bulgarian Presidential Hopeful Alarmed over Foreign Ministry Budget Cuts
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Bulgaria Excited to Throw Weight Behind Container Block Trains
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Bulgarian Railways Set for Mass Strike as WB Loan Falls Through
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Bulgarian EconMin Sets on Caspian Energy Diversification Tour
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Bulgaria's Museum of Socialist Art Welcomes First Visitors
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WSJ: Bulgaria, Romania Schengen Negotiations to Remain Blocked*
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WP: A 'Promise Broken'; Romania, Bulgaria Denied Entry into Schengen
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Asian Cuisine Day kicks start cultural events in Bulgaria
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Was 9/11 the Catalyst for America's Decline or Was It Inevitable?
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