Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

This painting (circa 1872) by John Gast called American Progress, is an allegorical representation of the modernization of the new west. Here Columbia, a personification of the United States, leads civilization westward with American settlers, stringing telegraph wire as she sweeps west; she holds a school book. The different stages of economic activity of the pioneers are highlighted and, especially, the changing forms of transportation. Native Americans and animals flee in terror.Manifest Destiny to PNAC
It is a well recognized fact that the USA achieved its independence from Great Britain in 1776.
worldtrade centerEileen Fleming
Candidate for Congress Calls for Deeper Investigation into Events of 9/11
gilad-atzmon-new1Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: And What About Our Spring?
kabul-attack-Zabi Rashidi
Taliban Attacks Kabul, Rockets Fired at US Embassy
US President Barack Obama meets with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey (L) in the Oval Office at the White House in washington December 7, 2009.Veterans Today
Turkish Premier to Refer Legality of Israel's Gaza Blockade to The Hague
vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - September 13, 2011
usa-rescueJohnny Punish
Federal Mafia Traps Us Like Man Stuck Under Burning Car
911-False-flag-vHarold Saive
Active Military Look for 9/11 Truth at Veterans For Peace Rally in Daytona Beach
hitler_and_mussolini_june_1940Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel
Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
Occupied-PalestineStuart Littlewood
Palestine's Future - Its Students - Must Be Set FREE
Aleksandr LitvinenkoTrowbridge Ford
Why Alexander Litvinenko Assassination Haunts Anglo-Russian Relations
Anthony Hardie : Haley Study finds chronic abnormal brain blood flow in Gulf War veterans
Veterans News Now : Report: Japan trying to stop citizens from taking their own radiation measurements
Veterans News Now : Feds Focus on Foreclosure Fall Guys
Veterans News Now : American Jobs Act Is a Must
Economy Editor's Picks Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World
Veterans Today
The Guardian: How World Changed After 9/11
We have to do something. Even if that something is simply to Google 'Cass Sunstein' and start from there. Begin your own cognitive infiltration. Google 'Vigilant Guardian' or 'Able Danger'. Crosscheck 'Abdel Hakim Belhadj' and 'Al-Qaida'. Begin digging. Begin thinking. And stop believing. »»
Sami Jadallah
September 11th, What Went Wrong and Why?
America that is much beloved by people and the world is of the past. Since Ronald Reagan took over and his alliance with the Christian fundamentalist rights and the American Zionist Jews all that changed. America changed inside and outside. »»
Veterans Today
Ex-FBI Interrogator 'Gagged' over 9/11 Backstory
A former FBI agent who worked at the heart of America's battle against al-Qaeda has told the BBC he is being prevented from telling the truth as he challenges the back story of 9/11 and what has happened since. »»
Veterans Today
U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for Sept. 12, 2011
Grace Pacific Corp., Honolulu, Hawaii (N62478-11-D-4036); Jas W. Glover, Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii (N62478-11-D-4037); Road and Highway Builders, L.L.C., Sparks, Nev »»
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
9/11 Is History Now
"Believe it or not 9/11 belongs to history now and this fact is in itself even scarier than what we know happened on that awful day, or what we did not know for that matter." »»
Stephen Lendman
Anti-Israeli Rage in Egypt
On August 18, Israel aggressively entered Sinai, killing five Egyptian security force members and injuring seven others. »»
Stephen Lendman
Another Century of War
Post-9/11, new millennium Bush and Obama policies eroded democracy, institutionalized state repression, accelerated economic decline, launched multiple imperial wars, and headed America for tyranny and ruin. »»
century of war
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - September 12, 2011
This month, Dr. Kathryn Magruder, a VA researcher at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., begins a nine-month Fulbright Scholarship in Ankara, Turkey. »»
Veterans Today
Veterans Greenhouse and Gardens Program
Beyond wheelchairs, waiting rooms and wards is a healing center not afraid of a little dirt, especially if it helps heal the wounds of combat Veterans. »»
His Killers Run Free, His Killers Run America
Gordon Duff
Savagery: 9/11's Legacy of Crime
Never have I been as sickened and ashamed of being an American as yesterday. In more than 6 decades of life, I have seen America ignore mass murder, put vicious dictators in office, sold its history of heroism and sacrifice to a pack of international bankers and thieves. »»