Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 5 December 2011

U.S. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Likely A Target for Israeli LobbyRon Paul Assassination Hoax: Is It an Israeli Threat?
Reliable sources tell VT that the real threat is one concocted by the Gingrich camp and their Israeli backers, based on Newt's private promise of a full scale invasion of Iran. 
military womenVeterans Today
New Videos Feature Military Service Stories of Women Veterans
vt-top-101Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - December 05, 2011
vanunuEileen Fleming
"Israel Is Only A Democracy If You Are A Jew."-Mordechai Vanunu
bibi-barackGordon Duff
Netanyahu's Israel v. American Jews
disability benefitsJere Beery
Veteran's Disability Benefits Under Attack Again!
dylan-ratiganDebbie Menon
Right on! Dylan Ratigan, Get The Money Out Of Politics
The Evil that is Democratic Thought
Arundhati RoyVeterans Today
Arundhati Roy: 'The People Who Created The Crisis Will Not Be The Ones That Come Up With A Solution'
third-world-americaStephen Lendman
America's Weak Jobs Report
starship_enterprise_2Jim W. Dean
VT Movie Night - Jim Dean Vimeo Picks
Veterans News Now  - GOP Deception Highlights Lie on Voter Suppression Laws
Veterans News Now  - George Orwell on the Evil Iranian Menace Nonsense
Veterans News Now  - Traumatic Injury Benefits Now Payable for Genitourinary Injuries
Veterans News Now  - Thought U.S. Military Would Protect Individual?s from In Rank Bigotry and Injustice
Veterans News Now  - DoD Reflects on 40 Years of Diversity Training
Veterans News Now  - New Members Appointed to VA Committee on Women Veterans
Veterans News Now  - Mitt Romney, Jahb Creator? Try Job Destroyer
Veterans News Now  - Liars and Impostors: How Facebook and Go Daddy Shield Scott Walker's Online Guerillas
Veterans News Now  - Vietnam Vet Tells Corporate Industry to Back off Support of Net Troll, Righthaven
Veterans News Now  - Man Arrested in Wisconsin for Defacing Recall Petitions
9/11 Economy Editors Picks Health Living MilitaryPolitics Vet News WarZone World
Gordon Duff
UXB Koblenz: Unexploded Bomb Disrupts Holiday Shopping
Koblenz, the ancient and partially walled city at the confluence of the Mosel and Rhein rivers was evacuated yesterday because a largish British leftover from World War 2 made its presence known. »»
Koblenz "Ground Zero"
Veterans Today
International Tribunals, A Review
The book opens with a discussion and definition of 'natural law', which is law that prohibits any act which has obvious evil consequences to society. »»
Gordon Duff
Lessons on "Who-less" Ranting, Duff on Ratigan
However, as is always the case, what is "not said" is always most important. Sometimes "not saying" is the loudest rant of all. For those who have not heard "the rant," here it is:»»
swedish flag
Zabi Rashidi
Sweden to remain till 2029 in Afghanistan: ambassador
Sweden will remain in Afghanistan 15 years beyond 2014, Swedish ambassador in development affairs, Henrik Landerholm said. »»
Robert O'Dowd
The People versus San Francisco's Wall Street Bull
The San Francisco Labor Council attracted several hundred protesters to march from the Federal Building on Mission Street to the financial district. »»
San Francisco Protest March
Mitt or Newt
Veterans Today
How Iran Could Be The Next Neocon Target
If Obama fails in his reelection effort, what could follow would not be a fictional horror story. It will be Iran: the Sequel, coming to a military recruitment office near you in January, 2013. »»
Paul J. Balles
An America That's Never Wrong
Americans won't like this. Practically everyone else will: Americans simply can never admit they were wrong... »»
Arrogance Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney
blue-arab spring
Allen L Roland
Arab Spring Moves From Streets To Ballot Box - OWS Take Note
Nothing can stop this global revolution for it is already too big to fail and most certainly too strong to cave under the military repression of any country or state. The people have tasted the water of freedom but it has not quenched their thirst ~ they want to drink directly from that well. »»
Eileen Fleming
Veterans and Children: NOT Just Homeless at the Holidays
Republican Governor Rick Scott was also photographed passing out Thanksgiving dinners in an East Naples, Florida shelter, which fed 7,000 families during the holiday week. Scott said "I care completely about all these programs," but reality is that his budget cuts "slashed funding to some veteran and farm surplus programs that helped the homeless."»»
Jim W. Dean
Greedy Bastards - MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Nails American Leadership Corruption
Are We Burning Our House Down Around Us? »»