Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday, 23 June 2012

VA News - Jobs - Education - VA Loans - Benefits        June 22, 2012
Ground Zero for these two:  AmericaPutin in Tel Aviv, Sharpening the Knife
Putin loves them both equally but is forced to visit Israel so as not to appear to be, well, deeply involved in a plot against the United States involving Israel, the Soviet Union and Syria. 
Class_of_1980[1]Gordon Duff
Press TV - West Point Caught Teaching Genocide Classes...for 12 Years
parkinson's diseaseVeterans Today
Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Offers Improvements in Symptoms Over Three Years
Trans+Secretary+Ray+LaHood+Discusses+Cash+Jx_HxR08cPwlVeterans Today
U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces Assistance for Veterans Seeking Jobs in Transportation
DOD-CONTRACTS2Veterans Today
U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for June 21, 2012
PTSDVeterans Today
VA Continues PTSD Outreach with AboutFace Campaign
gulf warDenise Nichols
Ill Gulf War Veterans Demand Action from US Senate
military-veterans-jobsVeterans Today
DOD Supports Job, Homeowner Proposals for Military, Veterans
Stand-up-and-be-countedEd Mattson
Oh, What a Mess It Is!
Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientistKourosh Ziabari
Iran: Terrorists Arrested, Hopes Renewed
City-of-London-Guildhall-Statue-MagogPreston James, Ph.D
Hijacking and Take-Down of The American Republic
Veteran News Now    Editor
Watergate Lies Multiplied
Veteran News Now    Editor
Billboard campaign to end US aid to Israel hits LA - thanks to CBS
Veteran News Now    Editor
VA Claims Backlog Caused by High Error Rate, and Lack of Foresight by War Planners
Veteran News Now    Editor
America: Drugged Up, Dumbed Down and Crazy Dangerous
Veteran News Now    Editor
Jobs Now
Veteran News Now    Denise Nichols
Gulf War Veterans 90-91 Ill But Fighting Back Exposing Abandonment by VA and Elected Officials in DC- Part 2 of Report
Veteran News Now    Editor
Hundreds of Employers Offering Thousands of Jobs at Detroit Veteran Hiring Fair
Veteran News Now    Editor
Wisconsin labor movement on the offense
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
Veterans Attending Detroit VA for Vets Hiring Fair Can Instantly Access Records with eBenefits
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
VA Announces Aggressive National Recruitment Effort to Hire Mental Health Professionals
Military Veteran Job News    Liz Reed
Veterans Hiring Fair at the Detroit COBO Center, June 26-28.
VA Home Loan News    Charles G. Fawkes
VA Participates in Settlement with Mortgage Banks
VA Home Loan News    Charles G. Fawkes
Does a VA Loan Limit, Limit you?

9/11 - Economy - Editors Picks - Health - Living - Military -Politics - Vet News - WarZone - World -
Stephen Lendman
Putin/Obama Talks..
Since reelected in March, Putin and Obama met for the first time on Monday at the Los Cabos, Mexico G20 meeting. »»
putin and obama
Veterans Today
Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today's News - June 20, 2012
June is PTSD Awareness Month, and we've put together information and resources to help Veterans receive the mental health care they've earned. »»
Veterans Today
VA to Host VetHiring Fair at the National Vet Small Business Conference..
The Department of Veterans Affairs Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) will host its largest hiring fair to date at Detroit's Cobo Center, June 26-28, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. »»
DOD jobs
Veterans Today
VA to Increase Mental Health Care Access Consultations in 2012
In a continuing effort to increase Veterans' access to mental health care, the Department of Veterans Affairs has set a goal to conduct more than 200,000 clinic-based, telemental health consultations for all mental health specialties in fiscal year 2012. »»
John Vogel
MSNBC Interview Discussing VA Loans and Pressing Loan Issues ..
President and Founder of VA Loan Captain, Grant Moon discusses the serious issues of VA Loans during an interview with MSNBC. During the interview they touch base on unemployment which is creating housing issues amongst veterans, and why you should be careful when seeking a VA loan. »»
Green House
John Vogel
CaptionCall Continues Helping Veterans With Hearing Loss
Thousands of veterans benefit from the use of hearing aids in a variety of listening situations. Hearing aid consumers rate using the telephone as one of the top 3 most critical hearing situations. »»
John Vogel
Hardest Hit by Proposed Food Stamp Cuts? Veterans and Active Military..
In a report issued on Monday, the Huffington Post found that Congress' push to cut spending on supportive programs like food stamps would have a disastrous effect on veterans and active duty service members. »»
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
Egypt braces for confrontation with military and Israel calls up reserves
"Israeli defense forces have called up reserves and Egypt second field army is on high alert" »»
Immigration Hurts American Employment..
Facts mean very little in any debate about immigration north of the Rio Grande. One such example comes from a bastion of journalism, the Daily Beast. Arian Campo-Flores in an article, Why Americans Think (Wrongly) That Illegal Immigrants Hurt the Economy, cites an economist, Gordon Hanson in a 2005 paper. »»
Gordon Duff
Disclosure - Time Games
It would be so convenient if this were a book or movie, it could move in a wonderfully linear fashion with the appropriate car chases and gun battles. Our real dead die of mysterious cancers, inexplicable suicides where no Inspector Morse is there to magically ask the right questions. »»