
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
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Saturday, 31 August 2013
Saudi Arabia is just a US-British proxy:
"In fact, the evidence that exists indicates that the chemical attack originated with the rebels and may have been an accident caused by "rebels" transporting chemical weapons given to them by the Saudis but without instruction to correct handling. The reporter, Dale Gavlak, who spoke with the rebels, who were themselves harmed by the weapons, is a Middle East expert from the University of Chicago who has reported for the Associated Press, National Public Radio, and the BBC."
Saudi Arabia is just a US-British proxy:
"In fact, the evidence that exists indicates that the chemical attack originated with the rebels and may have been an accident caused by "rebels" transporting chemical weapons given to them by the Saudis but without instruction to correct handling. The reporter, Dale Gavlak, who spoke with the rebels, who were themselves harmed by the weapons, is a Middle East expert from the University of Chicago who has reported for the Associated Press, National Public Radio, and the BBC."
Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
Obama appears to be entering uncharted, perilous waters. Interesting discussions of his forays here. If you have a problem reading this email, please click here to see the web page version You received this email because you signed up for it at OpEdNews. Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of this email. ![]() ![]()
repeatedly declared that the use of chemical weapons requires a
military response from the US, what will Obama and Kerry do when it
comes clear that the "rebels," not Assad, are responsible for the
chemical weapons? Will Obama and Kerry attack the "rebels"? Will Obama
and Kerry attack Saudi Arabia for giving the chemical weapons to the
"rebels"? Don't hold your breath.
analyst Phyllis Bennis points out the obvious: Strike with bombs and
missiles, and, whatever your intent, civilians with no involvement in
the conflict -- including children and the elderly -- will be harmed. We
need "all the forces on the two sides coming together to talk," she
says, "rather than fighting to the last Syrian child, to resolve these
By michael payne
A U.S. President Defies Congress, the Constitution and the Will of the People; Will Impeachment Follow? ![]()
vast majority of the American people are solidly against this president
launching an attack on Syria. If this president dismisses the will of
the people and violates articles of the Constitution that grant specific
authority to initiate war solely to the U.S. Congress, then the
question is, will impeachment follow?
one-third of Louisiana Republicans believe the slow response by FEMA
and the effects of Katrina were because of Barack Obama. One-third of
Louisiana Republicans don't have functioning brain cells.
world is not going to bail out Washington, now universally hated, with
currency swaps, more loans, and foreign aid. Americans are going to pay
heavily for their negligence, their inattention, their unconcern, and
their ignorant belief that nothing can go wrong for them and that
anything that does is temporary. God help the moron and the unfortunate
country that the fool represents.
one had put forth any military or security reason for the rush to
attack; no one claimed that speed was essential or even relevant to
saving any lives. Rather, it now seems, the urge to shoot first and ask
questions later was driven by the need to carry out this illegal attack
before the public, and their representatives in national and
international bodies, could weigh in.
George W. Bush misled the world on Iraq's WMD, but Bush's bogus case
for war at least had details that could be checked, unlike what the
Obama administration released Friday on Syria's alleged chemical attacks
-- no direct quotes, no photographic evidence, no named sources,
nothing but "trust us."
progressive groups and members of Congress have focused on urging that
Congress get to vote -- or at least play a role -- in the decision on
whether to bomb Syria. But we should not imply that we'll be satisfied
as long as the matter comes to a congressional vote. Time is very short;
we should cut through the preliminaries and get to the point: No attack
on Syria!
possible U.S. attack on Syria is in the news, and on people's minds
today. Here is what Congressman Alan Grayson had to say about it, in an
interview on national radio this morning.
Morales, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, is reputed to
have almost superhuman energy -- Is it because his favorite food is
quinoa (KEEN-wah) soup, made with the mysterious sacred grain of the
Incas? 2013 is the United Nations' International Year of Quinoa, a food
that can help stamp out hunger and malnutrition.
By Carl Dix
50 Years After Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech--Amerikkka Is Still A Goddamn Nightmare! 3 Points and a Chal Carl Dix debunks Obama's Aug 28 speech at the Lincoln Memorial - 3 Points and a Challenge in Response to Obama's Speech!
By Richard Girard
Libertarianism in Its Destructive Phase: Or Why Responsibility for Yourself Just Isn't Enough, Part 1 ![]()
is the first of two parts explaining why--like its left-wing
counterpart, Marxism--Libertarianism is a Utopian idea that cannot
possibly work in the real world, unless that world was populated by
James Madison's angels (Federalist No.51). But like Marxism, it does
have some good ideas that we should not ignore. the difficulty is
separating the wheat from the chaff.
By Daily kos
Daily Kos: Fox News ignores elephant in the room: Wonders what's happening to Florida's beaches ![]()
Fox News ignores elephant in the room: Wonders what's happening to Florida's beaches
all political pundits have weighed in with their own opinions on
whether the U.S. should take military action against Bashar al-Assad's
Syrian regime, but those who have, have done it loudly. In many cases,
this debate boils down to the same partisanship that drives much of
cable news media. The Obama Administration appears to be leaning
strongly towards a strike, so conservative commentators are against it.
But it doesn't always break down so simply.
Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) tracks news
reports and codes them for 58 fields, from where an incident took place
to what sort of event it was (these maps look at protests, violence, and
changes in military and police posture) to ethnic and religious
affiliations, among other categories. The dataset has recorded nearly
250 million events since 1979, according to its website, and is updated
genius boy whose IQ is higher than Albert Einstein is on his way to
possibly winning a Nobel Prize after being set free of special education
programs in public schools. His mother made the decision to take him
out of the programs, even after having doctors diagnose him with ADD and
say that her son Jacob Barnett would never even learn to tie his shoes.
Hydrogen fuel from sunlight: Researchers make unique semiconductor/catalyst construct
Researchers have developed a way to interface a molecular hydrogen-producing catalyst with a visible light absorbing semiconductor. With this approach, hydrogen fuel can be produced off a photocathode using sunlight.
Makana speaks. His music speaks to all of us regarding a world of the 100%, by the 100% and for the 100%.
The Corporate Media Propagandists remain silent as Scott Walker's police state tightens their grip on innocent bystanders.
By Jim Kavanagh
At the Syrian Threshold: "al-Qaeda's Air Force" Prepares for Battle The political and strategic purpose of American military intervention -- previously clandestine and now overt -- on behalf of the "rebellion" is to destroy the Syrian nation as a coherent political and military entity in the region. As the US already has done to Iraq and Libya. It's the same war.
By Joel Joseph
Assad Should Be Arrested and Charged with Crimes Against Humanity Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria, Should be Tried by the International Criminal Court for Crimes Against Humanity
By J.T. Cassidy
Considering Everything Unsubstantiated news claims set the stage for bombing Syria. "It's like deja vu all over again."
Dear President Obama:
percent of Americans surveyed for the latest NBC News Poll say that
President Obama should seek congressional approval before taking any
military action. According to NBC: "nearly seven-in-10 Democrats and 90
percent of Republicans say the president should be required to receive
congressional approval before taking any action."
intelligence services carried out 231 offensive cyber-operations in
2011, the leading edge of a clandestine campaign that embraces the
Internet as a theater of spying, sabotage and war, according to
top-secret documents obtained by The Washington Post. That disclosure,
in a classified intelligence budget provided by NSA leaker Edward
Snowden, provides new evidence that the Obama administration's growing
ranks of cyberwarriors infiltrate and disrupt foreign computer networks.
This article discusses the reduction in the standard of living of fast-food employees from a unique and original perspective.
by most commentators, there has been growing convergence of thinking by
conservative and liberal activists. Common sense is overcoming dogma to
the extent that even the mainstream media and Congress are not immune.
Foundation president and former Senator Jim DeMint suggested to a town
hall audience in Wilmington, Delaware, Thursday that health care
programs like Medicare and Medicaid are "un-American" and built on the
principles of "socialism and collectivism."
contends that Assad was warned that use of chemical weapons was a red
line not be be crossed. but he did os anyway. We warn President Obama
that rogue executive action to launch an attack is an equally clear red
line, and he dare not cross it, and we WILL call for accountability and
shame on us if we don't.
this time of crisis, it is worth remembering another time, 30 years ago
in October, 1983 when U.S. warships bombarded Lebanon, the country
located next to Syria. Within weeks, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut
was blown up by a massive truck bomb that killed 241 American
servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers.
No Suicide for Breakup (Women Power)
Never die for a man who does not deserve your love and your worth.
Israel's diamond-funded occupation and brutal subjugation of Palestine
continues unchecked, leading jewellers from around the world attended a
diamond fair in Tel Aviv. Diamonds that are a major source of funding
for the Israeli military are being sold by jewellers worldwide who
deceitfully claim they are conflict-free.
the debate be about the content and context of the leaked
information? Isn't that what should ultimately be important? There are
some who would have you believe the means with which a leaker leaks is
more important than all of that and oh, by the way, the leak itself?
Clean up on aisle 7 !
Subsequent Rotation
A continuation on the theme introduced in "Rotation", a poem by this author.
Two recent events, while not of any great significance in themselves, reveal much about the state of Canadian foreign policy.
Cruise Missile Law Enforcement
The White House is treating the Syrian government like a potential drone strike victim.
the world is prepared to flush international law, arrest orders for the
War Criminal will have to come from the Hague. Obama will have to be
handed over and put on trial. He will have no more leg to stand on than
did the Nazis. The evil neocons are telling Obama that he must prove
that he is a man and go it alone. If Obama does, he will prove that he
is a War Criminal.
growing GDP is considered a bellwether of a healthy economy, but these
statistics are actually meaningless and should not be used for setting
public policy. Inflation is being measured, not the quality of life or
material output. The flawed assumptions highlight the failures of how
economics is understood and practiced.
members of Parliament have shown the rest of the world what abject,
worthless, useless cowards the majority and the leadership of congress
probably are.
Obama is apparently wobbling on the edge of committing an impeachable
offense, specifically a military attack on Syria without the
authorization of Congress, without the approval of the United Nations
Security Council, and without any imminent threat to the United States.
Martin Dempsey, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, has spoken soberly
about the dangers from any military strike on Syria, but press reports
indicate President Obama is still set on launching cruise missiles in
the coming days, an action that former U.S. intelligence professionals
say should prompt Dempsey's resignation.
the international press reported earlier this year that it was the
Syrian opposition blocking peace talks, that reality has disappeared in
recent U.S. articles which blame lack of negotiations on President
Bashar al-Assad, all the better to build a propaganda framework for a
wider war.
to achieve a "coalition of the willing" w/ the British Parliament
yesterday nixing Prime Minister David Cameron's plea for Britain to join
the U.S. in attacking Syria, the White House now says, "Obama can act
alone". Mind you, there's no legal basis for the president to do this
just simply he can do it. What else is there? Nothing.
President Obama Lays down Gauntlet Again to Congress with Gun Control Executive Orders
The NRA and key GOP congressional leader's response to President Obama's new round of unilateral executive orders on gun control was as predictable as the sun rising in the Sahara Desert in August. The NRA thundered that they are useless, unconstitutional, and won't do a thing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. The response from GOP congressional leaders was just as predictable: stone silence.
This Solomon has no wisdom - but he has plenty of hate to go around. And that suits him just fine.
Obama couldn't launch even one cruise missile before multiple U.S.
officials began undermining the intelligence report that was to form the
basis for confidence in military action against the Syrian government.
The Triumph of Evil in Syria
The three-year humanitarian crisis in Syria, now culminating in a documented poison gas attack on innocent civilians, requires appropriate actions at once. To continue to do little or nothing would indeed be the triumph of evil.
is what writers do when something happens to them.I felt like I was
doing something useful.I totally felt that he was supporting the project
-he was so into learning everything he could about everything that I
felt him cheering me on.And also, just selfishly,he was a piece of work.
So doing the book gave me an excuse to spend an extra year with him
-going through photos, his projects and piles of things. It was fun!
is no good reason to make a bad situation worse. It's likely to get
worse all on its own, and unimaginably worse if the government starts to
Pentagon could always go for Plan B. A single Tomahawk costs at least
US$1.5 million. Multiply that for 384. That's not a great bang for your
buck -- because even if they all go humanitarian, the Bashar al-Assad
government would still remain in place.
counterrevolution and Syria's civil war could herald the arrival of a
new superpower coalition, an unlikely alliance between Israel and Saudi
Arabia, one with great political clout and the other with vast financial
wealth, together flexing their muscles across the Middle East.
incorporated business owners realize no benefit when corporations have
inherent constitutional rights. In fact, these rights harm small
businesses. Learn why and what you can do about it.
hypocrisy over US outrage over the use of chemical weapons by Syria's
Assade regime aside, our leaders in Washington persist in their
purported moral authority to strike a nation which has not taken any
provocative action against us. And this time, they're not even bothering
with the UN Security Council.
Obama plots a trumped-up "humanitarian" war in Syria worthy of George
W. Bush, it's time for progressives--by which I mean America's genuine
political Left--to stand up and say we've had enough. We urgently need
to declare a war of own against Obama and his style of DINO (Democrat In
Name Only) Democrats. In fact, as I argue in this article, the very
survival of America's genuine Left may depend on it.
New York Post Endorsement of Joe Lhota More Harmful Than Helpful
Panning the New York Post's Lhota endoresement.
article treats climate-change policy as a puzzle with five easy pieces
but solutions that are out of reach given the powerful forces arrayed
against projects aimed at environmental protection in the US (not to
mention the BRICs)...
after their threats, paranoia and persecution fantasies have been
aired, most gun extremists settle on these five, shopworn arguments that
a fourth-grader could refute.
who have wealth and power and privilege don't want equal opportunity.
It's too threatening to them.They'll pretend equal opportunity already
exists, and that anyone who doesn't make it in America must be lazy or
stupid or otherwise undeserving.
new scooter will be available by the end of the year with a proprietary
electric drive system that has only one moving part. Unlike modern
internal combustion engines, it has no gears, clutches, spark plugs,
filters, belts, or oil and it doesn't need tune-ups.
The Soul of our Nation - War
An attack on Syria will at the least expend lots of Tomahawk cruise missiles. We've become a killer nation. We have to have endless war, like a drunk needs a drink at the bar, in order for American workers to put food on the tables for their families. What does this say about the soul of our nation?
Opposition to Iraq War May Save Syria
Evidence of "weapons of mass destruction" is "no slam dunk," U.S. officials are saying this time around, reversing the claim made about Iraq by then-CIA director George Tenet. ![]()
chemical weapons inspectors, in Syria to probe an alleged poison gas
attack that killed hundreds, have left Damascus for Beirut, having
completed four days of site visits and evidence-gathering, witnesses and
officials say. UN officials say it may take weeks to analyze the
samples gathered and to present conclusions, and UN spokesperson Martin
Nesirky said that the inspectors would return to the country to
investigate several other alleged chemical weapons attacks that have
taken place during the country's two-and-a-half year uprising against
President Bashar al-Assad.
government took more than three weeks to act on authoritative
information about the whereabouts of a collection of secret intelligence
data leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, despite now claiming
the information risks "grave damage" to the security of British
intelligence and armed forces, the Guardian said on Friday. Guardian
News and Media's editor-in-chief, Alan Rusbridger, hit back at Downing
Street's claims made in the high court that it "urgently" needed to
access leaked intelligence data seized at Heathrow this month from the
partner of Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist reporting on US and
UK mass digital surveillance programs.
Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., called Friday for a strong U.S. response to
last week's use of chemical weapons outside Damascus, urging multiple
missile strikes aimed at destroying Syrian President Bashar Assad's
major military assets and rendering him largely powerless.
journalist's partner who was detained carrying thousands of British
intelligence documents through Heathrow airport was also holding the
password to an encrypted file written on a piece of paper, the
government has disclosed. In a written statement handed to the High
Court in London, a senior Cabinet Office security adviser said it showed
"very poor judgment" by David Miranda and other people associated with
him. Senior judges agreed to issue a court order which allows Scotland
Yard to continue to examine data from nine electronic devices seized
from Mr Miranda on August 18.
a time when 27 million U.S. workers are unemployed or underemployed and
severe cuts in social programs are being implemented under the
sequestration, the Obama administration is focused instead on finalizing
plans to unleash a bombing attack on Syria. We strongly believe that
labor and our community partners should vehemently oppose such an
If the British Can Stop Their Government From Waging War in Syria, Why Can\'t We? | Joseph A. Palermo
The British parliament's vote against going along with the United States' attack on Syria is a direct result of that country's attempts to come to terms with the lies of the Iraq War.
A fascinating look at how medical diagnoses can have consequential gender bias - from the L.A. Times.
don't we learn from financial crises? As Asian currencies fall and
crisis strikes, we seem to be making the same mistakes made in the '90s.
Even if we are spared the spectacle of yet another region plunged into
depression, the fact remains that the people who congratulated
themselves for saving the world in 1999 were actually setting the world
up for a far worse crisis, just a few years later.
What Emerging Knowledge Economy? | Robert D. Atkinson, Ph.D.
"...even using percentage growth, of the top ten fastest growing occupations in percentage terms, only two require a college degree, and one of these is event planners. (The other is the only real STEM occupation, on the list, biomedical engineers). The fastest growing occupation is actually home health aides, which require someone to have gone to high school, but not completed it. What we need is an "All STEM for Some" strategy that creates a great educational environment (like more specialty math and science high schools) for the students who are really interested in STEM.For the other fast growing jobs that pay so little, it's time to consider policies for them, such as an increase in the minimum wage, policies to help companies implement high-performance work systems that can support higher wages, and active policies to figure out how to automate some of these low wage jobs.
The fire and police departments are both excellent examples of Democratic Socialism in America.
to a big new announcement from the IRS and the Treasury Department, if
you're a legally married gay couple, the federal government will
recognize your marriage -- even if you live in a state where your
marriage isn't legal. The statement, released by the Treasury Department
Thursday, says that department and the IRS will use a "place of
celebration" rule in recognizing same-sex unions (recognition that was
illegal before the Supreme Court struck down part of the Defense of
Marriage Act last month). That means that the U.S. government recognizes
a marriage if the union was legally recognized in the place where it
occurred, where it was celebrated. That's true even if the married
couple then lives in a state where gay marriage is illegal.
company is a local subsidiary of New Jersey-based Genie Energy Ltd. The
Strategic Advisory Board of another subsidiary, Genie Oil and Gas,
includes former Vice President Dick Cheney, media magnate Rupert
Murdoch, and former Republican Rep. Jim Courter." "The granting of the
licence by Israel's Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, which was
initially reported by Dow Jones Thursday, comes amidst continuing civil
war in Syria, which has demanded the return of the Heights since Israel
took them in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War."
Golden Rice: Fool's gold or golden opportunity? | Grist
Sure, Big Ag might use the controversial genetically engineered rice as a stalking horse -- but if it's able to help save hundreds of thousands of lives, maybe it deserves a chance.
$52.6 billion "black budget" for fiscal 2013, obtained by The
Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps
a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to
public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its
overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged
how it uses those funds or how it performs against the goals set by the
president and Congress.
Rand Paul (R-KY) cautioned against U.S. military action in Syria
Wednesday morning during an appearance on Chris Stigall's
Philadephia-based radio show. He said "questions" remain on which side
of the Syrian conflict used chemical weapons, saying, "there is a great
incentive for this to actually have been launched by rebels, not the
Syrian army."
Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading an unpopular campaign to encourage
Republicans not to vote for any resolution that funds Obamacare. As the
White House has already stated that funding the president's signature
legislative accomplishment is non-negotiable, this strategy would likely
lead to a government shutdown that would delay soldiers' paychecks as
we wind down the Afghanistan war and possibly begin a new conflict in
Syria. Speaker John Boehner stated that any raising of the limit would
require the president to agree to cuts in "mandatory"
spending--Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, government pensions and
Obama administration on Thursday said it will not stand in the way of
Colorado, Washington and other states where voters have supported
legalizing marijuana either for medical or recreational use, as long as
those states maintain strict rules involving distribution of the drug.
In a memo sent Thursday to U.S. attorneys in all 50 states, deputy
attorney general James M. Cole detailed the administration's new stance,
even as he reiterated that marijuana remains illegal under federal law.
the rolling green hills of Kentucky, the Sisters of Loretto are leading
a grassroots movement against the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline. (with
Wealth Distribution in America, Graphically Shown
The distribution of wealth in America. If you thought you knew what it was, or wanted to know, you'll find this short video rather astounding.
have found that the deficiency of a protein called RbAp48 in the
hippocampus is a significant contributor to age-related memory loss and
that this form of memory loss is reversible. The study, conducted in
postmortem human brain cells and in mice, also offers the strongest
causal evidence that age-related memory loss and Alzheimer's disease are
distinct conditions.
scientists brings bad news to the western United States, where
firefighters are currently battling dozens of fires in at least 11
Surveillance drone helps firefighters battle Calif. blaze
Surveillance drone helps firefighters battle Calif. blaze...finally something good about a bad thing that's not so bad after all.
liars can't help themselves even when they sound ridiculous.
Washington, London and Paris are telling the world that they are
preparing a "carefully calibrated" blitz on Syria to "save civilians"
and not aimed at "regime change." Just like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,
and Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Mali where the West is conducting
"humanitarian work." The lunatics are indeed in charge of the asylum.
well preserved, Iron Age tunic and Neolithic arrows and bow fragments
are among the discoveries found under melting snow on Norwegian
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