Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: A cooperation between the anti-semitic Belgian Crown and government, and the Israeli government? The zionist Israeli government wants to annihilate the world's jewry living outside Israel [the US puppet] and outside the USA.

Monday, 26 May 2014

A cooperation between the anti-semitic Belgian Crown and government, and the Israeli government? The zionist Israeli government wants to annihilate the world's jewry living outside Israel [the US puppet] and outside the USA.

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Massacre au Musée juif à Bruxelles. Vidéos
Une affaire Merah bruxelloise? Selon l'expert antiterroriste Claude Moniquet, basé à Bruxelles, c'est en tout cas, le "modèle de Toulouse" qui prévaut, dans le scénario-cauchemar du Musée Juif de Bruxelles. Selon certaines sources, un(...) Lire l'article entier