by Lawrence S. Wittner
The lucrative nature of these positions appears to have had little to do with the intellectual distinction of the universities.
by James D. Robenalt
An axiom among lawyers is that people who are lying radiate strong clues, if one is trained to spot them.
by Paul E. Ceruzzi
Historians have been remiss in placing the Snowden story in historical context in part because of the curious way that the history of computing as a discipline evolved.
by Daniel Pipes
Until now, Islamist rule has implied violence and dictatorship; can it evolve into something decent?
by Juliane Fuerst
Acknowledgement of imperfect pasts on both sides of Ukraine might generate a bit more understanding for the complexity of individual motivations.
by Dr. Joe Renouard
How human rights and democracy have become elements of conflict in Sino-American relations.
by Geoffrey Roberts
“We must be gardeners and not mechanics in our approach to world affairs” -- George F. Kennan
by Jonathan Husband
"Had there been no World War II I would not be here to tell my story..."
by Michael H. Ebner
Moses Fleetwood Walker should not be regarded as a trivial footnote.
by Jason McGraw
Juan Valdez is mad as hell and he’s not going to take it anymore.
by Ron Briley
Rather than simply focusing upon the excesses of the movement which degenerated into the Rolling Stones Altamont concert and the bloody murders of the Manson family, Smith chooses to emphasize the positive legacy of the counterculture’s interest in Native American history and culture.
by Murray Polner
Dancis and many in his like-minded allies once believed they could bring about permanent, serious and nonviolent change.
by Bruce Chadwick
The play is a marvelous, foot stomping look at the history of the rock music business through the eyes of Gordy, who wrote the book of the play based on his autobiography.
by Bruce Chadwick
The play is, in its finest moments, underwhelming.
This week's broad sampling of opinion pieces found on the Internet, as selected by the editors of HNN.