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Flashback: What Neocons Told Us about Iraq
Gay Men and the Presidents Who Loved Them
The Man Who Warned The West About The Holocaust, At A Time When No One Would Listen
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by HNN Staff
What the statistics show about his use of executive orders.
by Juan Cole
Al-Maliki rather outrageously accused those who called for him to step down in favor of a government of national unity of de facto allying with ISIS and the Baath Party.
All across the world LGBT people are celebrating. Here's the background you need if you want to understand what it's all about.
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2,600 African-Americans took part in the project - some famous, and some who would become famous.

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by James Kirchick
American presidents have long had gay friends and advisers, many of whom have occupied positions not so stereotypically swish as White House decorator.
Wall Street Journal editors from around the world have selected 100 legacies from World War I that still shape our lives today.
"This is going to be a two month war, not an eight year war."
by Brenna Miller
On June 28, 1914, one hundred years ago, one event changed the world.
by Louis René Beres
The world system has been anarchic since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, but anarchy is not the same as chaos.
by Julian Zelizer
The history of military involvement shows that many operations that start small end big.
by Bruce Herschensohn
What an online school teaches students about the Vietnam War.
by Peter Coy
The powder kegs are in place, waiting for a Gavrilo Princip to light the fuse.
by TNR Staff
Troops were encouraged by their superiors to form close “buddy” relationships, and these bonds were often cemented through horseplay.

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The court ruled unanimously that President Obama had violated the Constitution in 2012 by appointing officials to the National Labor Relations Board during a short break in the Senate’s work when the chamber was convening every three days in pro forma sessions.
The Senate bill comes after the House unanimously passed its own bipartisan FOIA reform bill.
The ingredients included aloe, gentian, rhubarb, Spanish saffron, Zedoary (white turmeric), and one part water to three parts alcohol.
The Savannah Historic Newspapers Archive provides online access to three newspaper titles published in Savannah from 1809 to 1880.
The House of One, as it is being called, will be a synagogue, a church and a mosque under one roof.
The necklace, called a lunala, was worn by the early kings of Ireland.
The sculptor's family has vowed to stop the online auction, which concludes on June 18, saying it is illegal.
The feds recovered four of the five boxes of art, but the fifth, the bronze Degas, is still missing.
The cutting-edge diving suit, essentially still in an experimental stage, will be worn by U.S. divers who will be able to remain deep underwater for extended periods of time, enabling them to conduct excavations and handle the fragile ancient objects with due care.
The Green Collection, according to the Green Scholars Initiative website, “is among the world’s largest private collection of rare biblical texts and artifacts."
Jan Karski, an eyewitness to the Holocaust whose daring wartime attempts to call attention to the slaughter of Polish Jews were largely ignored by the United States and Britain.