Kislev 22, 5771 · November 29, 2010
Gone were the memories of all my mother's happy years of
Chanukahs celebrated together as a growing family, and they were now
permanently replaced by the one indelible memory of her first Chanukah
in England, alone, torn from her parents and sisters, while the Nazi
inferno raged in Europe . . .
By Ann Goldberg
From Chanukah to the Present
In a world that a person is worth something only after he
proves himself, my child was nothing but a cute 6.5 pound mass. But in a
world that views a new baby as the very future of a nation, the key to
our continuance, my child was a star...
By Rivka Zahava
Everything You Could Ever Want to Cook for Chanukah!
Cook (and fry) up a traditional Chanukah storm: latkes to applesauce, jelly doughnuts and more recipes for all tastes.
I am having a very hard time, as the holidays approach, with
teaching my children the beauty of Chanukah and not having them see it
as a Jewish x-mas. I know it has become somewhat of a tradition to give
children gifts during Chanukah, but is this really a Jewish custom?
My very own roommate, Jen, the Japanese-American, looked at me
and said, loud and clear, "Bad Jew. off to the showers with you!"
By Sara Esther Crispe
A Chanukah Lesson
The Jewish people-men and women-defied every Greek law with
enormous self-sacrifice, yet it was largely by and for the sake of
Jewish women that the Maccabees were led to declare war . . .
By Chana Kroll
Healthy Chanukah Cooking
Learn how to enjoy Chanukah through delicious foods that are as good for you as they are to eat!
By Zakah Glaser
Making beeswax candles is the perfect easy craft to do with kids and prepare your home for Chanukah...
By Chaiya Jankovic