'To see ourselves as others see us, would from many a blunder free us,' - Robbie Burns
"O liberty! O liberty! What crimes are committed in thy name!" - -- Madame Jeanne-Marie Roland
- (1754-1793) - Source: November 8, 1793, her last words before being
executed on the guillotine, quoted in Alphonse de Lamartine's Histoire
des Girondins
Take The Pledge
"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries
remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation
goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in
Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately
following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our
Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will
NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza
until our resources are invested in human needs and environmental
protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We
will be the beginning." http://october2011.org/welcome
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,792 www.icasualties.org/oif/
Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 2,718
=  =
Who Will Blink First: Islamabad or Washington?
By Salman Masood
"You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan," Hina Rabbani Khar, the
Pakistani foreign minister, said in New York. - "If they are choosing
to do so, it will be at their own cost," Ms Khar said, adding that
"anything which is said about an ally, about a partner, publicly to
recriminate it, to humiliate it, is not acceptable". http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29204.htm
Goodbye to International Law
By Lawrence Davidson
Netanyahu Proved Israel Doesn't Want Peace
By Gideon Levy
Obama Throws Palestine Under the Bus
By Jim Lobe
I'm sure that President Obama believes that his financial support
from the Jewish community is heavily contingent on his backing for
Netanyahu," according to Rosenberg. "And right now, everything he does
is motivated by his desire for a second term." http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29210.htm
US on Wrong Side of History over Palestine
By Aijaz Zaka Syed - Dubai
WikiLeaks Cable Exposes: Secret U.S./Israel Bunker Buster Bombs Deal
By Ali Gharib
Reality? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Reality
By John Atcheson
With the mainstream media playing the part of a mute stenographer,
the Democrats trembling at the first sign of opposition and coughing up
our lunch money like a pre-pubic nerd trapped in the bathroom, and
Citizen's United turning our elections into a bidding war, we're about
out of stinkin' reality. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29209.htm
Welcome To The USA Occupy Wall Street: 80 Peaceful Protesters Arrested
Occupy Wall Street Rediscovers the Radical Imagination
By David Graeber
Inequalistan: Debunking the "top 10% pay 70% of all income taxes" baloney
By Xeni Jardin
Over 40 killed in Yemen gun battles :
At least 40 people, among them dissident soldiers, were killed in
violence that rocked Yemen's capital on Saturday, an activist from the
protest organising committee said. http://bit.ly/qXGG6E
Yemeni forces fire on protest in Sana'a:
Twenty-four killed in wave of Iraq bombings: -
A total of 24 people were killed Sunday in a wave of bombings in two Iraqi cities, according to police and medical sources. http://bit.ly/nyDAkS
Five Turkish police officers killed by rebels:
US to deploy drones in Turkey: Erdogan:
Hezbollah Leader, May Get Military Trial In U.S.:
At least 18 people killed in demonstrations across Syria:
Pakistan: 15 insurgents killed in clashes:
US Kills 8 People in Pakistan: Eight killed in US drone attack in Pakistan :
U.S. senator says 'all options on table' on Pakistan:
The United States will have to consider all options "including
defending our troops" in confronting Pakistani support for militant
networks fighting U.S. soldiers in the region, a U.S. senator said on
Sunday. http://reut.rs/p87rSS
US in 'disarray' in Afghanistan: Pakistani PM:
Pak steps up the ante against America;
PM Gilani recalls Foreign Minister Khar: Pakistan's Prime Minister
Yousuf Raza Gilani today asked Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar to
cut short a visit to the US and return to Pakistan even as the army's
top commanders held a special meeting against the backdrop of mounting
tensions with the US over ISI's links with terror groups. http://bit.ly/p5ZMdu
Afghanistan: Six "Insurgents" Killed in Balkh:
Bomb blasts kill 2 NATO occupation force troops in eastern Afghanistan:
US Army private gets 7 years for murder of unarmed Afghan teen:
British soldiers in Afghanistan shown 'war snuff movies':
Disturbing footage of Apache attack helicopters killing people in
Afghanistan is being shown to frontline British soldiers in "Kill TV
nights" designed to boost morale, a television documentary will reveal. http://ind.pn/noSHAH
AQ Khan on Pakistan: They first used us and now playing dirty games with us:
Pakistan's nuclear architect A Q Khan has seriously implicated the
Pakistani military and the Chinese government in proliferation of
nuclear technology and material, and instructed her to take a "tough
stand" if Pakistani establishment "plays any mischief with me." http://bit.ly/pvyFf7
NATO supported Libyan fighters pull back from Sirte:
NATO supported Libyan rebels quit Bani Walid front:
Many revolutionary fighters are abandoning one of the main fronts
in the battle to rout Moammar Gadhafi's loyalists, saying they're not
afraid of dying in the face of heavy resistance but are tired of the
disorganization and lack of ammunition among their own ranks. http://bit.ly/p9QOi0
Arms depot explodes in Tripoli, heavy smoke covering city:
Terror: Somalia, Libya may be sign of US military action to come, expert says :
Dubbed "offshore balancing," the strategy has been used for years
in Somalia in the wake of the US withdrawal from the African country
after the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu when 19 US and UN troops died during
a disastrous humanitarian mission. http://bit.ly/qXILjt
War criminal: Tony Blair's six secret visits to Col Gaddafi:
Tony Blair's close relationship to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has come
under fresh scrutiny after it emerged he had six private meetings with
the dictator in the three years after he left Downing Street. http://tgr.ph/p6BKj9
Abbas receives rousing reception in Ramallah :
Foreign fighters support Israel's settlements:
Netanyahu expresses 'disappointment' with Abbas' UN speech:
In an interview with NBC's 'Meet the Press', Netanyahu talks about
Mahmoud Abbas' consistent refusal to 'accept Israel's existence', the
'insatiable crocodile' of Islamism, and America's continual support for
Israel. http://bit.ly/qVBAvf
Hamas calls Netanyahu's defense of Gaza blockade 'criminal':
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh slams PM over UN address in
which he said militant Islam has taken over Gaza, and that Hamas kicked
the PA out of the Strip. http://bit.ly/nLw4ob
Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer by Gilad Atzmon:
Saudi women to be given right to vote:
The king said in an annual speech today before his advisory
assembly, or Shura Council, that Saudi women will be able to run and
cast ballots in the 2015 municipal elections. http://ind.pn/pSCpXV
Kremlin hit squad 'assassinate Chechen Islamist in Istanbul':
The relatives of three Chechen men gunned down in Istanbul last
Friday have accused a Russian secret service hit squad of executing
them on the Kremlin's orders. http://tgr.ph/pBugO1
In Scramble for Land, Group Says, Company Pushed Ugandans Out:
According to a report released by the aid group Oxfam on Wednesday,
more than 20,000 people say they were evicted from their homes here in
recent years to make way for a tree plantation run by a British
forestry company, emblematic of a global scramble for arable land. http://nyti.ms/pxnplR
Wikileaks: Canada paid ransom to free diplomats: leaked U.S. diplomatic cable:
A newly leaked U.S. diplomatic cable accuses Canada of paying
ransom to free hostages and thereby putting other countries' citizens
at risk of abduction. http://bit.ly/nvkthi
New Evidence of Anti-Islam Bias Underscores Deep Challenges for FBI's Reform Pledge:
Sarah Palin is offered $1million if she passes lie detector test over claims in new book:
In Joe McGinniss's book the former Governor of Alaska is accused of
cheating on her husband Todd Palin, with his ex-business partner. http://bit.ly/pxoDTb
VIDEO: First GOP applauds death, boos U.S. soldier, now cheers Rick Scott's unemployment "success":
Scott's reminder that he laid of thousands of Floridians drew big
applause from the conservative crowd. At least 600,000 government
workers have lost their jobs since the recession began, but Republicans
nevertheless keep scapegoating public employees who have shouldered
more than their fair share of economic pain. http://bit.ly/qZJ3Rn
IMF Resources May Not Suffice If Crisis Worsens:
The International Monetary Fund's $384 billion lending chest may
not be enough to meet all loan requests if the global economy worsens,
Managing Director Christine Lagarde said. http://bloom.bg/qKlxk5
Meltdown fears for euro as G20 makes plans for Athens to default on debt:
Finance Minister signals Greece may opt for 50 per cent writedown
on bonds as top economist warns Spain and Italy could be forced out of
single currency http://ind.pn/oSSInK
EU given six weeks to protect itself against 'inevitable Greek default':
Greek despair over further cuts sees suicide and crime rates on the rise:
Inequalistan: Chris Hayes debunks "top 10% pay 70% of all income taxes" baloney: Video:
Regulators order closure of banks in Virginia, California:
'Occupy Wall Street' Protests Turn Violent; Video Shows Police Macing Women:
Video posted by the group Occupy Wall St from the eighth day of
protests against corporations show police using Tasers and mace to
control the crowd, which the group says has only made it more committed
to keep up the demonstrations in lower Manhattan for the long haul. http://abcn.ws/p5SOPH
Police crack down on 'Occupy Wall Street' protests: Video and text:
Michael Moore calls for support of Occupy Wall Street protest:
Michael Moore, filmmaker, activist and author of "Here Comes
Trouble," calls on people all over the country to bring the Occupy Wall
Street movement to their communities http://bit.ly/nTqeg9
Welcome to Your Hungarian Internet:
"Let us be peace and joy"
Tom Feeley