Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 25 September 2011

bush-at-barksdale-on-9-111Classified:The Wanta Chronicles, the Covert Economic War
Among the documents and extensive narrative here is the story of the most classified operations since World War II.
goldbergvsmeasheimerGilad Atzmon
Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer
perryVeterans Today
"Obama's Performance Was Pathetic," But How Does President Perry Sound To You?
timesupVeterans Today
Time's Up! Palestinian State and Very Soon
Agnostic the question 2E. Paul Newell
The Agnostic
Jakob-Rosenfeld-jew-friend-of-Mao-Chinese-CommunistBob Johnson
Obama Secretly Sold Bunker Buster Bombs to Israel - And Red China?
psc-kedassiaGilad Atzmon
PSC Has Made It
gilad-atzmon-interviewGilad Atzmon
Eric Walberg: Atzmon on Jewishness- Jezebel's Legacy
american-jobs-actStephen Lendman
Obama-Style Deficit Reduction
union jackTom Valentine
Divide and Conquer Using Beliefs
war-criminalsVeterans Today
George W. Bush Visits Canada Panel Discussion
Veterans News Now : Study links Gulf War vets' illnesses to area of service
Anthony Hardie : Gulf War Illness Funding Program Hit in Senate
Michael Leon : Voter ID Wars
Veterans News Now : International Law Is Dead
Tom Dillman : Like With Herman Cain, Class Always Rises to The Top
Veterans News Now : Wall Street Mocks Demonstrators, Mass Arrests for Peaceful 1st Amend Exercise in Video
Veterans News Now : Camp Lejeune Historic Drinking Water Info Here
Veterans News Now : Bill Maher, Michael Moore Defend Tony Bennett for Saying U.S. Policy Helped Cause 9/11
Veterans News Now : Entrepreneurs Applaud America Invents Act, Say It Will Create More Jobs
Veterans News Now : Weekly Address: Strengthening the American Education System
Veterans News Now : Gold Star Mother's, Family's Day Marked for Second Year
Economy Editors Picks Health Living Military Politics Vet News WarZone World
Veterans Today
Canadian Politician Says Dick Cheney Must NOT Be Alllowed to Enter Canada
Finally, an elected Canadian politician has the balls to take on Dick. In a calm and measured voice, Vancouver Kingsway MP Don Davies today (September 23) declared that former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney should be barred from entering Canada. »»
Robert L. Hanafin
This article focuses on who has not been asked about sea lane cargo shipping and unloading of the Rainbow colored toxic chemical agents on Guam and Okinawa to include the US Merchant Marines, civilian contracted US Navy cargo ships, and the smaller fleet of Army contracted cargo vessels. »»
Debbie Menon
Open Letter to President Barack Obama from U.S. Ambassador on Palestinian Statehood
The Reagan administration launched an international information campaign under the slogan "Let Poland be Poland." It's time we let Palestine be Palestine. »»
Veterans Today
Declaration of Ownership
FOR CENTURIES, nations have waged war over land ownership and territory boundaries. After America's triumphant victory in the Revolutionary War, the United States Government appreciatively awarded personal land ownership to those who sacrificed on behalf of our new Nation. »»
Eileen Fleming
The Third Rail and Forcing Obama to Earn his Nobel
Today at the United Nations President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas formally requested full United Nations membership and stated, "I don't believe anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for full admission in the United Nations." Citizens of conscience can help force President Obama to earn his Nobel Peace Prize... »»
Trowbridge Ford
Unnatural Disasters - Something in the Air
One of the few unifying forces is scientific truthfulness »»
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
Recognition of Israel Necessitates Recognizing Palestine First
You simply can't ask an entity, which what Palestine is regarded now at the United Nations, to recognize the state of Israel. This is legally and logically unacceptable. »»
Ed Mattson
Life Doesn't Have To Be Hell For Military Veterans
The challenges the veteran faces re-integrating into society can be far greater than the challenges of war »»
Veterans Today
Injured Veterans Wrap Up Sports Clinic
The fourth-annual National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic that drew 100 injured military veterans, including three active-duty Marines, concludes today in San Diego. »»
sports clinic
nakba camp
Stephen Lendman
Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When?
After 63 years, including 44 under occupation, 85% of Palestinians want statehood now, not later or perhaps never. »»