| Robert L. Hanafin AGENT ORANGE: Okinawa This
article focuses on who has not been asked about sea lane cargo shipping
and unloading of the Rainbow colored toxic chemical agents on Guam and
Okinawa to include the US Merchant Marines, civilian contracted US Navy
cargo ships, and the smaller fleet of Army contracted cargo vessels. »» |
| Veterans Today Declaration of Ownership FOR
CENTURIES, nations have waged war over land ownership and territory
boundaries. After America's triumphant victory in the Revolutionary War,
the United States Government appreciatively awarded personal land
ownership to those who sacrificed on behalf of our new Nation. »» |
Eileen Fleming The Third Rail and Forcing Obama to Earn his Nobel Today
at the United Nations President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud
Abbas formally requested full United Nations membership and stated, "I
don't believe anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our
application for full admission in the United Nations." Citizens of
conscience can help force President Obama to earn his Nobel Peace
Prize... »» |