Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be
  • Warnings of President Obama's Fast Tracking to Global Trade Zone
  • Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying
  • Has our species become insane?
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Listen to my interview with Greg Palast,  Greg Palast; Summers, Obama, Rubin-- The Bankster Monsters From Hell,   discussing Obama's connection to the banksters, including Penny Pritzker and you'll  understand why he's fast tracking the TPP Trans Pacific Partnership. Think Trojan Horse. Obama is the banking industry's Trojan Horse, and malignant exploitation of the middle class and all the assets of the US has been the goal. 
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Daily Headlines

Warnings of President Obama's Fast Tracking to Global Trade Zone
=Under fast-track authority, there is no provision for Congress to modify the agreement by submitting amendments. Fast-track authority also treats the FTA as if it were trade legislation being negotiated by the executive branch, not as a treaty that would require a two-thirds vote from the Senate. The purpose is to assure foreign partners that the FTA, once signed, will not be changed during the legislative process.
By David Swanson
Lying About Syria, and the Lying Liars Who Lie About the Lying
The more Obama explains why it would be wrong and illegal and stupid and immoral to attack Syria, the more you can be sure he's about to do just that.
Article about the insanity of many of our leaders' policies decisions

What is Rankism? What is dignitarianism? The answers show us a future we must strive for.

By Eugene Elander
It is 2015 -- Hello from Camp FEMA!
A tongue-in-cheek tale from a future FEMS detention camp for malcontents -- no, it is not really funny, it is a terribly sad time for America.
Thirteen Things the Government is Trying to Keep Secret from You | Common Dreams

By Lawrence Davidson
Taking Sides In Egypt
The people naively believed the assurances of the military leader, Abdel Fattah el Sisi, that after Morsi was done away with, the military would bring them "real" democracy (an idealistic 33-point liberal constitution was produced but never implemented). In this way the secular democratic groups who helped bring down one dictatorship provided cover for the return of the same sort of dictatorship with different faces.

Dead dolphins continue to wash up along the East Coast, cause is undetermined.

Daily Kos: Underneath the Tip of the NSA's "Iceberg" (Part I of II): WSJ Confirms Whistleblowers' Reports

Morales rose to prominence as a leader of the Movement for Socialism (MSM) after he was popularly elected the country's first President of indigenous descent in 2005. He played a key role in national protests against the privatization of water supplies in Cochabamba in 2000 and similarly against the privatization of the country's robust gas resources in 2003.

Just like parasites, colonialists need to establish a symbiotic relation with their intended hosts in order to survive and/or succeed.

"Men are still thinking in the old ways, but women's values have evolved."

Monsanto: Corporate Rap Sheet - by Corporate Research Project
.Identified more closely than any other company with the effort to introduce genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the food supply, Monsanto has been the target of ongoing campaigns for more than 20 years.Despite been labeled "Mutanto" and a purveyor of Frankenfoods, Monsanto has not backed down. It has made aggressive use not only of marketing and public relations, but also the courts, where it has frequently brought suits against farmers it claimed were not following the company's strict rules on how its products can and cannot be used. Some of those cases have gone all the way to the Supreme Court, which in 2013 strongly affirmed Monsanto's patent rights. The company also has friends in Congress, which passed what critics call a Monsanto Protection Act limiting the ability of federal courts to halt the sale of genetically engineered seeds deemed to pose a health risk.
Santa Monica College coach who may have set record on Pacific Crest Trail credits his vegan diet for being able to chew up the miles.

On the Fiftieth Anniversary Commemoration of the Dream that keeps on dreaming . . .

By Ethan Indigo Smith
The Matrix of Four in Peace and War
An article about the lies and the ;iars that tell them, a thought or two on Fukushima, how it can unite people, how it must.

The answer to "Who am I?" at the dawn of the age of smart machines is that, for the time being, we ourselves are the best model-building machines extant.

Perhaps one of the most defining features of humanity is our capacity for empathy -- the ability to put ourselves in others' shoes. A new study strongly suggests that we are hardwired to empathize because we closely associate people who are close to us -- friends, spouses, lovers -- with our very selves.

By Uri Avnery
Cry, Beloved Country
The generals sacrificed Mubarak, who was one of them, in order to protect themselves. They became the darling of the people, especially the young, secular, liberal people. "The army and the people are one!" -- How nice. How naïve. How utterly inane. All military juntas like to pose, in the beginning, as the saviors of democracy.

Why would Syria's Assad invite United Nations chemical weapons inspectors to Syria, then launch a chemical weapons attack against women and children on the very day they arrive, just miles from where they are staying?

Leftwingers and libertarians have had to work together. Snowden himself once supported Ron Paul. And the mainstream is afraid to bring the issue up. Gross would probably write off Amash as a Tea Party Republican and Snowden as a Ron Paul libertarian, when the actual narrowness is hers.

Social Security, the most prudently managed and economically sound retirement program the country has ever seen, and with the very lowest costs, is preventing the 1 percent from piling up even more money in their bank accounts. Financiers desperately wish to get their mitts on American retirements so they can charge all sorts of outrageous fees.

The Dodgers just announced that Vin Scully will return to the radio booth for a 65th season in 2014. Vin is to radio what Shakespeare was to literature: simply the best there ever has been.

By earl ofari hutchinson
Civil Rights Leaders face Bigger Challenges than King Faced Fifty Years Ago
The fiftieth anniversary of the monumental 1963 March on Washington was accompanied by the wave of commemorative events that tried hard to recapture the energy and the spirit of the 1963 March. This was a tall order. The original march punctuated by Dr. Martin Luther King's towering "I Have a Dream" speech acted as a powerful wrecking ball that crumbled the walls of legal segregation and ushered in an era of unbridled opportun
By Pepe Escobar
The Fall of the House of Bo
The -- micromanaged -- show must go on. All signs point to a (conviction) endgame before the third plenum of the 18th Central Committee (possibly to be held in October), which will crystallize the next Chinese economic drive. Framed or not, The Man Who Would be President won't be in the picture.

Black Agenda TV-Glen Ford/Bruce Dixon: Discuss urgent issues of the day that will be truncated at the 50th anniversary March on Washington

Latest Articles

Run Snowden Run!
Do you think Edward Snowden is a hero or a traitor?
Longer-term improvements in the economy
Any improvement in the education and development activities must help improve the economy (in terms of investment, tourism, and even simple daily economic activity).
The credibility of the international actors in the Muslim world is already at stake for their unethical preemptive wars and renditions. Hypocrisy and double standards of western policymakers have always deceived us on the claim for democracy and human rights. Therefore, it is better for the Muslims to take the matter in their own hands now.

(Unable to attend the huge Fiftieth Anniversary commemoration rally and march today, I offer instead a report on the fortieth anniversary counterpart, a much smaller event that nonetheless packed a wallop.)

Best News Links from the Web

Gail Collins: Where Credit is Due
The great thing about Equality Day is that it works in two ways. We can mull both how far we’ve come and how far we have to go. The one thought feeds the other. The idea of having 50 women in the U.S. Senate, or 250 female C.E.O.’s in the Fortune 500 seems less far-reaching if you contemplate the fact that in the 1960s, a spokesman for NASA said “talk of an American spacewoman makes me sick to my stomach.” Now, one of the two American astronauts on the International Space Station is a woman, and that is so routine that we’re not even aware of her name. (It’s Karen Nyberg.)
Plutocrats' New Pitch: Let Us Rob You Now So You Can Plan Ahead for Poverty
Social Security, the most prudently managed and economically sound retirement program the country has ever seen, and with the very lowest costs, is preventing you from piling up even more money in your bank accounts.Trust me,I really do understand how you feel:Financiers desperately wish to get their mitts on American retirements so they can charge all sorts of outrageous fees.And you hate the prospect of having to pay higher taxes in the future if you don’t “fix” Social Security.I know how diligently you've tried to privatize America's best-loved program in order to get this show going.You must be bone tired!And I also fully get that as rich people interested far more in the size of your bank accounts than anything so trifling as,say,the strength and health of your country,you hate paying taxes of any kind.You deeply resent such citizen responsibilities,and so you want to
As I watch the diverse,passionate crowds of thousands(“as high as 200,000″ per MSNBC) of caring, patriotic Americans who understand what justice is and should be– who see Republicans doing everything they can to turn back the clock and snatch democracy away from us as their last desperate attempt to win elections, who are ready to fight for voting rights, civil rights, gay rights, women’s rights, equal rights– my eyes well up with tears.We have to win this once and for all. We have no choice.Without the right to vote, free and easy access to the polls, the ability to use our voices, we are not free and there is no democratic America.Listen to those at the podium.Watch the historical clips as well as the current ones.Read.Inform yourselves.And just as important, inform others.Don’t let ignorance and bigotry destroy what so many have sacrificed for. That’s why we’re here.

America's Outsourcers to be Reclassified as Manufacturer. Don't like the trade deficit, low GDP and the public outrage over the offshore outsourcing? Change the accounting method to make it go away! Such is the agenda of government statisticians it appears. How they are going to incorporate statistical lies into national accounts is shocking. Production location no longer matters, the thing that will count is ownership of the final product. We have a new definition, Factoryless manufacturing. Did you know we can have U.S. manufacturing without actually making any goods in the United States? That's the plan to count corporations and their products who are located in the U.S. but offshore outsource their manufacturing abroad as part of the U.S. manufacturing base. Get that?

Starship Congress Day 1 part 1 video, schedule and abstracts. First part of a 4-day event on creating a faster-than-light starship to eventually travel to other planets, colonization, etc. Videos of presentations included. Links to later days included in comment.

You would think Americans would be too smart to fall for the made-up outrages, dishonest reporting and relentless non-stop lies as found on Fox News.

What in the world was the state thinking? -
Diane Ravitch, who was deeply involved in writing the "No Child Left Behind" law with its testing component as an member of the federal department of education, said that she realized in 2004 that the high-stakes reliance on testing was bad for education. This article shows why. From the first moment that experienced teacher and test creator, Howard Schwach looked at some practice tests for the recentEnglish Language Arts he knew that the kids and their teachers were in trouble. The source article was written nearly 100 years ago, and contained some archaic language and syntax that would have been confusing to today's adults, nonetheless eleven-year-olds; the kids were at a disadvantage right away, trying to figure out the words they had never seen before, working them out through context. "The chapter is a chilling and uncanny allegory for the data-driven,
Akinori Ito of the Blest Corporation invents a machine that recycles plastics back into oil, which can be refines for use as gasoline. It's small - the only machine of its kind that can be transported easily on a plane. File under "hope for the future."

Bolivian President Evo Morales says he's returning his ambassadors to Spain, France, Italy and Portugal after the European nations apologized for refusing to let his his plane fly over amid apparent suspicions U.S. leaker Edward Snowden was aboard. Morales told reporters Wednesday he's not fully satisfied with the apologies but maintaining respectful relations is important.

Beyond the obvious, what do a far-right Italian politician, the president of the John Birch Society and former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul have in common? In early September, the men are all scheduled to speak -- along with a lengthy list of archconservative clergy, lawyers and academics -- at a conference in Canada sponsored by the Fatima Center, part of the "radical traditionalist Catholic" movement, perhaps the single largest group of hard-core anti-Semites in North America.