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David Swanson analyzes the FOIA request caused release of the justifications for drone kills of Americans in his article So That's Why They Kept the Drone Kill Memo Secret
The first part of my interview with Lawrences Wilkerson is kick ass, in my opinion. He talks like a socialist but he's a Republican. Imagine if his thinking started catching on instead of the tea party. Lawrence Wilkerson Interview Transcript part 1 Predatory Capitalism, Oligarch Parties
And Joan Brunwasser is equally psyched about her interview on restorative justice-- Bob Koehler on Justice with Healing at Its Core
We have a new article from within Ukraine, from George Eliason-- Ukraine: Notes from the Southeast
And who woulda thunk it-- pesticide exposure in the third trimester raises the risk of Autism. Anyone thinking of Monsanto? Anyone thinking that maybe the bogus claims about vaccines causing autism were planted as disinformation by Monsanto? Just conjecture of course, but why not think the worse of the the corporation more people consider the most evil. Pesticide exposure in pregnancy linked to autism risk in kids
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He talks about Predatory capitalism, Dual Oligarchic parties, blood on the streets, socialism in capitalism, death of unions, secession of California, New England, southern parasite states, climate change, destabilizing mass migrations north, population explosion, the "Scramble" scenario,
Now that the U.S. government has released parts of its We-Can-Kill-People-With-Drones memo, it's hard to miss why it was kept secret until now.
By William K. Black, J.D., Ph.D.
The EU Center-Right and Ultra-Right's Continuing War on the People of the EU
The New York Times has provided us with an invaluable column about the interactions of the EU's rightist and ultra-rightest parties. It is invaluable because it is (unintentionally) so revealing about the EU's right and ultra-right parties and the NYT's inability to understand either the EU economic or political crises.
Pregnant women who live within a mile of spaces where commercial pesticides are applied appear to have an increased risk of having a child with autism, a new study suggests.
We are being kept in the dark about the number of these targeted attacks and the determining factors at to who is considered an "imminent threat." We deserve to know who is being killed -- in our name -- and why. We need to know, Mr. President and, to borrow a phrase: Are you with us, or against us?
How America's premier news weekly presents the new Ukrainian president, brought to power after a US backed coup.
Restorative Justice begins with the notion that justice is about healing rather than punishment. It is a worldwide movement that has been slowly growing, but it comes from the indigenous tradition of sitting in a circle and communing about matters of significance to the community. A circle is non-hierarchical; everyone in it is equal and everyone's presence is vital to the whole. I call this a state of "vibrant equality."
What is happening in Ukraine right now and where it is going. A glimpse into the situation locally and what it could mean for you in America.
By Roshan Bliss
Teachers, Unions, Students Building N. American Movement Against Neoliberal Education
Education activists gathered in Chicago this May for the 11th Trinational Conference In Defense of Public Education where teachers, students, and community supporters from Mexico, Canada, and the US continued to build a trinational movement against harmful neoliberal education reform policies.
Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice. In the police state being erected around us, the police and other government agents can probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts.
On Friday afternoon, a young American in Tübingen had to be rescued by 22 firefighters after getting trapped inside a giant sculpture of a vagina. The Chacán-Pi (Making Love) artwork by the Peruvian artist Fernando de la Jara has been outside Tübingen University's institute for microbiology and virology since 2001 and had previously mainly attracted juvenile sniggers rather than adventurous explorers.
By Herbert Calhoun
Meritocracy or Racistocracy? A review of Christopher Hayes' book: Twilight of the Elites: American after Meritocracy, with further insights and commentary by the reviewer.
Sand, cement, wood, and steel are China's weapons of choice as it asserts its claim over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Brunei have sparred for decades over ownership of the 100 islands and reefs, which measure less than 1,300 acres in total but stretch across an area about the size of Iraq. In recent months, vessels belonging to the People's Republic have been spotted ferrying construction materials to build new islands in the sea. Pasi Abdulpata, a Filipino fishing contractor who in October was plying the waters near Parola Island in the northern Spratlys, says he came across "this huge Chinese ship sucking sand and rocks from one end of the ocean and blasting it to the other using a tube."
Those who get the biggest share of funding--them that's got, as Billie Holiday put it--pay lip-service to fairness for those who get crumbs--them that's not. But lip-service is generally the only currency they are willing to shell out. This is playing out in San Francisco right now.
A testament to the change investigative reporting can bring to the world, often at great risk to those on the front lines.
WATCH: John Oliver's Latest Epic Rant Hilariously Nails Dr. Oz and the Supplement Industry
Look, even John Oliver can admit that Dr. Oz is a terrifically good-looking man. "Any seat Dr. Oz is in is the hot seat," Oliver cracked about the TV huckster's turn being grilled last week in a Senate hearing about the dietary supplement industry.
A man with almost no hair on his body has grown a full head of it after a novel treatment. There is currently no cure or long-term treatment for alopecia universalis, the disease that left the 25-year-old patient bare of hair. This is the first reported case of a successful targeted treatment for the rare, highly visible disease. [Though the treatment was for a specific condition, alopecia universalis, not general baldness, it naturally attracted my attention.]
Pregnant women who lived in close proximity to fields and farms where chemical pesticides were applied experienced a two-thirds increased risk of having a child with autism spectrum disorder or other developmental delay, a study by researchers has found. The study examined associations between specific classes of pesticides, including organophosphates, pyrethroids and carbamates, applied during the study participants' pregnancies and later diagnoses of autism and developmental delay in their offspring.
Sisi regime deals a final blow to democratic rule in Egypt with sentencing of Al Jazeera journalists. The decision issued on June 23 in Egypt is a further erosion of that accountability. In fact, it is the last nail in the coffin for democracy in Egypt. The three Al Jazeera journalists who have been detained in inhuman and degrading conditions in Egypt have been convicted and sentenced to serve at least seven years in detention on charges of aiding terrorists and endangering national security. The conditions under which they were tried were a flagrant denial of justice and demonstrate the military regime's iron rule.
President Obama has shied away from confronting Washington's neocons who continue to exercise undue influence at think tanks, on op-ed pages and even inside Obama's administration. With the new Iraq crisis, Obama's timidity is coming back to haunt him, writes Robert Parry.
Pope Francis has issued the strongest condemnation of organised crime groups by a pontiff in two decades, accusing them of practising "the adoration of evil" and saying that mafiosi were excommunicated. It was the first time a pope had used the word excommunication -- a total cutoff from the church -- in direct reference to members of organised crime. "Those who in their lives follow this path of evil, as mafiosi do, are not in communion with God. They are excommunicated," he said in impromptu comments at a mass before hundreds of thousands of people in one of Italy's most crime-ridden areas.
By Samuel Vargo
Police brutality? Watch this YouTube video -- It's not meant for those with weak stomachs
The Long Beach, Calif., police are justifying the severe beating of a man, saying there's more to the story than meets the eye. But after watching this YouTube torture for five minutes, most would click off the video after less than a minute of this sadistic bludgeoning.
Two years after he took refuge at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says he fears for the safety of his family. Speaking at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, Assange said unspecified individuals had made threats against his children and his mother. He complained that he has been unable to see them in four years.
The latest sign of Detroit's decline came from the city's water department, when it said in March it would begin shutting off water for up to 3,000 homes and businesses a week in an attempt to stop the utility from sliding even further into debt. The announcement sparked outrage among activists groups, who say the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) is going after the city's most vulnerable citizens to shore up its bottom line.
Israel launched multiple air strikes across Syria on Sunday in response to an attack on an Israeli defense contractor's vehicle in the Israel-occupied Golan Heights on the Syria border.
By Franklin Lamb
Will ISIS Create al-Sham Caliphate & Liberate Palestine? Time will reveal if DAASH achieves one or both of its objectives. Many believe if they eject the Zionist regime from Palestine, the expanding Islamist group will set in motion historic currents that in all likelihood will be rather different from the Ehud Omert-Condeleeza Rice fantasy of "a New Middle East."
Brand, best known for his work as an actor, comedian, television personality and self-effacing Messiah, has become a high-profile poster boy for the disaffected with his anti-system rants and calls for revolution. When asked if he still wanted a revolution to take place, Brand, who has predicted a "peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution," said, "Yes."
By Eric Malone
Got a Match? I Think My Gas Tank Is Empty... Eric Malone reviews our recent history in Iraq in light of the horrifying events of the past few weeks and President Obama's decision to deploy "military advisers" in-country.
By Tom Engelhardt
Michael Schwartz, The New Oil Wars in Iraq Imagine the president, speaking on Iraq from the White House Press Briefing Room last Thursday, as the proverbial deer in the headlights -- and it's not difficult to guess just what those headlights were. Think of them as Benghazi on steroids.
During an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the new House Majority Leader, showed that he is just another GOP mouthpiece that likes to talk smack about President Obama, but when pressed for any ideas or strategies himself, has nothing to offer. Like his predecessor Eric Cantor, McCarthy offers up no ideas, no plans, no anything. It appears that he knows how to criticize the President and Democrats and that is about it.