The European Union Times |
- Egypt finally gets a new president, a former army chief
- Our Galaxy may have 100 million life-sustaining planets
- Saudi Arabia MERS death toll raises to 282
- Thousands rally in Chile hoping to legalize marijuana
- Obama Kills Top Philly Mob Boss Linked To JFK Assassination
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 03:56 PM PDT
The election commission said on Tuesday evening that Sisi won the polls by 96.1 percent of the votes. It put the turnout at 47.5 percent of the country’s 53 million eligible voters during the three-day vote. Some opposition movements, however, have put the voter turnout at about 11 percent. Sisi’s close supporter, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, was the first world leader who congratulated him. Sisi won the election over his only rival Hamdeen Sabahi who has criticized the vote, saying it lacked credibility. In a statement released on May 28, Sabahi’s campaign declared that it was withdrawing its election observers because they were arrested or attacked. “In the past 48 hours we were subjected to a wide range of abuses, assaults and violations. These include preventing campaign delegates from entering the polling stations, and assaulting and arresting them,” the statement said. Egypt’s polls closed on May 28 after voting was extended to a third day following a low turnout. Observers have criticized the extension, arguing that the move raises questions about the neutrality of the government and the integrity of the electoral process. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood movement and pro-democracy groups boycotted the election, a move that apparently led to a lower turnout than the election that brought ousted President Mohamed Morsi to power. Sisi’s presidency places Egypt back in the hands of a top military official just three years after a popular uprising against Mubarak, an air force officer who ruled the North African country for nearly three decades. Source |
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 03:53 PM PDT
Forget close encounters of a third kind. Imagine galactic encounters with millions of planets in the Milky Way galaxy, each of them overflowing with complex life forms. A new study says it’s a possibility. Although researchers are nearly unanimous in the belief that some other life forms exist in the great expanse of outer space, the worlds that any intelligent life forms inhabit are probably too distant for any human-alien meetings in the near future. “On the one hand, it seems highly unlikely that we are alone,” said Louis Irwin, professor emeritus at the University of Texas at El Paso and lead author of the study published in Challenges journal. “On the other hand, we are likely so far away from life at our level of complexity, that a meeting with such alien forms is extremely improbable for the foreseeable future.” The team of researchers arrived at their conclusions after examining more than 1,000 exoplanets for particular characteristics like age, chemistry, density, temperature and distance from the parent star. From the available information, the team arrived at a “biological complexity index” (BCI) that ranges between 0 and 1.0. The index is determined by “the number and degree of characteristics assumed to be important for supporting multiple forms of multicellular life.” “Planets with the highest BCI values tend to be larger, warmer, and older than Earth,” added Irwin, “so any search for complex or intelligent life that is restricted just to Earth-like planets, or to life as we know it on Earth, will probably be too restrictive.” The team gave, by way of example, Europa, a moon of Jupiter thought to have an ocean below its ice sheet. Irving’s team estimated that 1 percent to 2 percent of exoplanets would have conditions more conducive to life than Europa, which actually turns out to be a rather high percentage given the number of planets: There are some 10 billion stars in the Milky Way, averaging one planet a star, which means that about 100 million planets could sustain some form of complex life. “This constitutes the first quantitative estimate of the number of worlds in our galaxy that could harbor life above the microbial level, based on objective data,” Irwin said. The primary obstacle for astronomers in proving their theories is the vast distance between Earth and the next solar system. The closest is the Gliese 581 system, which is 20 light years away. One light year is the distance that a beam of light travels in one year. Since light travels at 186,000 miles per second (or about 671 million miles per hour), this provides some perspective on the unfathomable distances being discussed. The researchers, while unanimous in the belief that some kind of alien life form exists somewhere in our Milky Way galaxy, admit that these life forms are most likely wildly different from our own. “Other planets could harbor forms of life unknown to us, or forms quite extremophilic in relation to life on Earth, under conditions and on planetary bodies very different from Earth.” Source |
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 03:48 PM PDT
In a Tuesday statement, the figure, which earlier stood at 190, rose to 282 following “a comprehensive revision” going back to 2012. The number of the infected also rose from 575 to 688 people, the statement added. Saudi Health Ministry spokesman Tariq Madani said the number of those contracting the disease was shrinking despite the revised figures. “Though the review showed confirmed cases that needed to be added, we are still witnessing a decline in the number of newly registered cases in the past few weeks,” Madani said. MERS is a cousin of SARS. The virus first emerged in the Middle East, and was discovered in September 2012 in a Qatari man who had traveled to Saudi Arabia. The virus, which causes coughing, fever and pneumonia, does not appear to be as contagious as SARS, which killed some 800 people in a 2003 epidemic. In addition to Saudi Arabia, MERS has been reported in the Persian Gulf countries, France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and Britain. While no travel restrictions have been announced, the World Health Orginization has urged health authorities across the world to maintain vigilance. Source |
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 03:09 PM PDT
A march in support of marijuana legalization united thousands of Chileans, who walked through downtown Santiago on Sunday. The capital saw people openly smoking joints, citing the example of neighbor Uruguay, which officially legalized pot in May. The demonstrators demanded the legalization of marijuana, decriminalization of consumption, including the right to grow marijuana for personal use. The marijuana activists were drumming, dancing and playing music. Some of them were carrying flags with marijuana leaves, pictures of Rastafarians smoking marijuana, and banners such as “Cultivate your rights – No more damage”, and “Why drink and drive, if you can smoke and fly”- as seen on APTN video footage. Many of the ralliers smoked pot-filled bongs, and giant joint were passed passed around. One of the activists, Gustavo, said: “We are marching for a new drug policy so consumers are not criminalized, and drug traffickers are criminalized.” An activist named Laura told APTN that marijuana could be used as an alternative treatment for pain and illness. “I’m marching because I want an old age without pain, I want to have a quiet old age and I believe that marijuana is an alternative (remedy) for pain and illness,” she said. Source |
Posted: 03 Jun 2014 10:10 AM PDT
A new report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) circulating in the Kremlin today states that Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) was “stunned” this past week after the Obama regime killed Jewish billionaire philanthropistLewis Katz [photo top right] in a fiery plane crash due to his plans to “release explosive materials” relating to the 22 November 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. According to this report, the Federal Security Services (FSB) had long identified Lewis Katz as being one of the most powerful members of the Philadelphia mobster organization linked to the Chicago Mafia many Russian intelligence experts had previously linked to the killing of President Kennedy and his accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. In the 1960’s, FSB reports say, Lewis Katz worked as a “leg man” for the famous columnist Drew Pearson, helping him do the digging that led to the censure in 1967 of Senator Thomas J. Dodd of Connecticut over the personal use of campaign funds. Pearson was best man at Katz’s wedding, and Katz named a son after him so close was their relationship. Pearson, FSB reports further note, was one of the best-known American columnists of his day, noted for his syndicated newspaper column “Washington Merry-Go-Round,” in which he attacked various public persons, and was personal friends with Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren who headed the JKF assassination investigation known as the Warren Commission, and which, according to the GRU, Lewis Katz was preparing to expose. The Philadelphia mobster organization Lewis Katz was controlling at the time of his death, this GRU report says it’s important to note, was co-headed by his “close friend” the American billionaire media oligarch H. F. “Gerry” Lenfest, who aside from being the Chairman of the Board of the powerful TelVue Corporation, last week, with Katz, become the sole owners ofInterstate General Media LLC which also operates the Philidadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News and the news website, all which were being prepared to “release” the “explosive” materials relating to JFK’s assassination. Katz’s mob partner Lenfest, FSB files further illuminate, was the “heir apparent” to the long time Philadelphia mob boss and top political operative Walter Annenberg (1908-2002), who aside from being President Richard Nixon’s Ambassador to Great Britain, owned the Philadelphia Inquirer and was identified by Katz’s mentor Pearson in his posthumous publication Drew Pearson’s Diaries, 1949–1959 as being one of the two top mob bosses in America, the other being Chicago billionaire Henry Crown (1896-1990). FSB files also note that Walter Annenberg and his “mob boss” father, Moses Annenberg (1877-1942), were indicted by the US Government in 1939 on income tax invasion which culminated on 4 April 1940 when Moses Annenberg plead guilty to the 1936 income tax evasion count in the indictment which charged him with evading $1,217,296 in taxes thus sparing his son Walter from being prosecuted. Judge James Herbert Wilkerson, the same judge who previously sentenced Chicago mob bossAlphonse (Al) Capone, sentenced Annenberg to three years in prison and a fine of $8,000,000 “the largest single tax fraud penalty in history” at the time, the place where he ultimately died in 1942. With Katz and Lenfest vowing to fund in-depth journalism to return the Philadelphia Inquirer to its former glory last week, Katz visited the home of the well known American Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin this past Saturday where, according to this GRU report, he “highly detailed” his planned exposure of the JFK assassination and its cover-up using private documents he “received” from Pearson in the 1960’s but had never released. Katz, however, this GRU report says, was unable to accomplish his mission due to his Gulfstream IV exploded on takeoff at 9:40 p.m. as it was departing Hanscom Field, about 20 miles northwest of Boston, barely an hour after his leaving Goodwin’s home. This GRU report further speculates that the Obama regime “had the most to gain” in the killing of Katz due to the facts that an exposure of the true events surrounding JFK’s assassination and subsequent cover-up would expose the “real” powers who put President Obama into office in the first place. With Obama’s “criminal regime” appearing near collapse, this GRU report concludes, the apparent “true participants” in the deadly and titanic political struggle now ongoing in America appear to be the powerful mobster forces linked to Katz and Lenfest being against the US intelligence services, and who may or may not be supporting Obama. After all, this GRU grimly warns, the last time these two powerful forces fought against each other, it should not be forgotten that President Kennedy became one of its main casualties…but not its only one, as will surely be the case this time around too. Source |